disney on suicide watch
Disney on suicide watch
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm sure they'll be fine they seem to own a lot of stuff now
>Disney gets to make money from merch off of Spiderverse
>Spiderverse and Captain Underpants made less box office money than any Disney animated movie since 2010
>Lupin will get a limited theatrical release and not even be on Disney's radar
>star wars sucks now
>no one watches espn
>pixar films are bombing
>live-action remakes are flopping
>disneyland is losing more and more money each year
disney on suicide watch
>star wars sucks now
Hello, welcome to the last two decades.
the prequels had SOUL
We've had stylized CGI for over 10 years now why are people making a big deal about it now?
even the prequels weren't as bad as these new movies
the prequels still managed to sell merchandise
>the prequels had SAND
the comparison between the prequels and sequels is probably the best example of soul vs. soulless since it doesnt necessarily mean the prequels are great, but they still have more to appreciate creatively
You can go even further back and post Madagascar as an example.
Kelp telling yourself that kid, the prequels were shit the sequels are shit, the standalones are tolerable if only for old eu deepcuts
There problems are now starting at their bread and butter revenue streams.
>>live-action remakes are flopping
Critically, yes, but most of them have gotten strong box office returns which is the only thing Disney gives a fuck about. Lion King is probably gonna make a fortune too, no matter how bad the critical reception so far has been.
I literally cringed in the theaters when they showed the commercial for tlk before far from home
Remember when Don Bluth killed Disney? Remember when Dreamworks killed Disney?
>pixar films are bombing
>last two made over a billion
I'm surprised Don Bluth is still alive.
how long before disney make his first anime wannabe? the snow queen sisters looks already like from one.
I'd say The Incredibles was pretty damn stylized too.
Look I love Lupin and have watched a lot of it but it will never be popular in the US
god I just wanna huff the seat of her pants so bad
The man wont die until he gets the last laugh on Disney or finds a way to destroy all copies of Troll in central park.
Star wars is better than ever. They got rid of the problematic parts and the series improved 700%
>Jar Jar Binks
Take a moment and think on that
This is true, but it's more that it's becoming more prevalent these days. Spiderverse, Cap, Next Gen, Peanuts, Asterix, etc. All have a more auteur air to them than generic big eyed Disney face.
No, fuck you.
Remember when Disney tried to be Dreamworks and made a movie so bad they begged Pixar to stay with them?
>It's a no one remembers Rango, TinTin or Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs episode
>Incredibles 2 lost nearly every award to Spiderverse
>Toy Story 4 got the lowest Metacritic score in the franchise
>wahhh racist caricature wahhh
Have sex
>Lupin's glossy jacket
Not quite there...
Go back to Yea Forums.
I really liked the style they used in Spider-verse and hope to see more of it
>corny space opera based off corny space operas is in fact a corny space opera
Look mommy I get my opinions from the alcoholic Wisconsin retards on YouTube
>Pretending awards and Metacritic scores matter
Normies doesn't care about stylized CGI, they want the bland Disney shit. Lion King might be a critical flop but will still rake more money in than all those good looking things in the post combined
Big Hero 6
jarjar the muppets is still better than rose
>americans don't have taste
what else is new ?
>In the 40s, Disney was trying to perfect realistic 2D animation while every over studio was being cartoony
>Nowadays, Disney is trying to perfect realistic CG animation while every over studio is being cartoony
Sounds about right.
>Normies doesn't care about stylized CGI
unfortunately this.
I've seen more online posts about that photo-realistic cat in Toy Story 4 than any of the animation in Spider-Verse.
Is that why they're burning Japanese studios?
im so tired of everyone dick riding spiderverse like lowering the frame rate and adding photoshop screentones to every shot was innovative
the Yea Forumsntrarians have arrived !
those remakes, and the sequels, are done only to keep the rights. Anything else is extra
Do you have overwhelming nostalgia for them or something? The first two are unwatchable and the third one is only good once or twice and becomes grating to watch the full way through.
The girl was way hotter as a bimbo reporter
Oh wait you're serious...
>no one watches
is it no one watches or no one watch? should i use a singular even if it refers to a plurality of people?
Jar Jar is Soul Overload
Why'd it take so long for people to realize that 1960s Viewmaster is the aesthetic that CG cartoons should strive for?
>star wars sucks now
It sucked since the phantom menace released in 1999
>no one watches espn
Literally the only thing you've gotten right
>pixar films are bombing
Sorry what? Every sequel since Dory has made at least a billion and Toy Story 4 is well on its way to make that
>live-action remakes are flopping
Aladdin has 900 million and is still going
>Disneyland is losing more and more money each year
Still one of the most visited theme parks in the world.
Nigger I hate Disney too but I'm not gonna make bullshit up to make me feel better
And to top things off, they own the juggernaut known as Marvel
>not liking the prequels
The prequels didn't shit on the original making everything accomplished inconsequential and making the characters irremediable.
I would be fine with a sequel but make in the far future. Give the universe at least 100 years of peace FFS.
>Liking the prequels
Sorry I don't like shitty plots, bland characters, reused plots, and boring cinematography with an overbearing stench of overused CGI.
Shit it's almost like the prequels have just as much wrong with them that the Disney films do!
No it’s fucking not
"Me pick di corn em dere!" - Jar Jar Binks
The original 3 are still the best. Fuck the prequels and the sequels.
are you autistic? i know this is Yea Forums and the bar is low but you actually sound autistic
The prequels had the best characters of the franchise
>Having taste is autism
Now it's stylized CGI adaptations of older properties they are raving about
Nah, that's not the reason. Disney fucked with copyright laws so they don't in fact have to do anything to keep the rights. They have copyrights that extend to like, 75 years. And they'd just extend it again if and when they get close to expiration.
Even with less eyes. they still make monster profits with ESPN. Steven A. makes 11 Million a year.
Unfortunately that 11 million dollars didn’t stop KD and Kyrie from going to Brooklyn.
Disney was a glorious innovator back in they day but they have fallen from grace in a brutal way, the industry would he better off if Disney was disappeared tomorrow
More pics like this?
Which doesn't amount to shit without actual talent.
I guess if you mean having 3d cartoon characters do realistic movements and physics
Pixar use to be the techdemo of animation but lets make money off of it
>even the prequels weren't as bad as these new movies
Do people actually believe this shit when they type it?
>I..it was shit on purpose guys! Honest!
i think the star wars video games being shit these last couple generations has done a lot more to damage the brand than people think. star wars games were pretty tight in the 90's and 2000's.
The problematic aspect was the god awful dialogue , writing , retcons and generally being boring. Phantom Menace was like C-Span in space. Attack of the Clones was a badly written High School play with awful cgi added
>Not knowing people hated him for many more worse reasons than just being a rcial caricature
I hope you fucking die in a fire slowly and painfuly, casualfaggot.
Yes. It was how they got around the problem of not knowing how to make non-terrifying realistic(ish) people.
OT wasn't a corny space opera, prequels just had shitty writing and acting combined with George Lucas being a shitty creative that should never had sole control over the franchise.
it would be "no one watches" because you're saying "no ONE person watches ESPN," not "no people watch ESPN."
>OT wasn't a corny space opera
The prequels aren't as corny as Return of The Jedi.
Return of the Jedi is the worst of the OT but still better than anything from the prequels.
I agree it had soul but it still sucked.
>Sorry I don't like shitty plots, bland characters, reused plots, and boring cinematography
But you like OT? So, why lie?
dont worry bros
that train autist will destroy all anime
Jar Jar is pure cringe but there's a sncerity to the disconnected, unfunny dad-humour that you can tell thought kids would like him
Ok. I've thought about it. Still nothing wrong with Jar Jar except that George pussies out of the plan to make him a Sith. Better than garbage OT characters the fanbase worships like Boba Fett who couldn't even catch his own bounty, and then got killed by said bounty as he flailed around blindly like they were in a fucking Three Stooges sketch.
Think on this for a moment. Life is better when you have an actual personality and opinions instead of complying when told what to think by others.
It wasn't shit. You're just a jaded manchild whose worldview consists of regurgitated internet memes.
Because they dont actually care about animation at all and they saw a few memes about frozen sisters looking the same and decided that there was a widespread drought of original styles and content in the industry which at any and all points in time has been blatantly untrue, and will likely continue to be untrue until the AI takeover of creative media
Nigger actually watch the movies before you start mouthing off.
like clockwork
Dude, why bite such obvious bait, unless this is bait to get me to reply to you. Maybe this post is bait! Maybe it is all bait! Or it might just be we are all masturbating, so everything we do is baitin
you're deluded if you think the npc thing is to praise the prequels. Every normie you meet will say the same thing.
>they ruined my childhood!!
you could have posted peanuts wich was the first film to actually do what these fillms are doing but no, you straight up fucked up
don't get me wrong, cloudy 1 is fuckiing great, but it all started with peanuts from blue sky dude
these last two mainline movies have been nothing but retcons! just wait until 9
Yeah,People actually liked, and brought Clone Wars toys. Everyone hates Kylo Ren and stores were stuck with piles of unsold Kylo shit. Lmfao
I guess it's better, but it's still ugly and I hate it
they need to be trustbusted
yeah but it made me wanna vomit looking at most characters
not that one. though she does not expand dong
Captain Underpants was better than it had any right to be. They even had Weird Al make the theme song.
I don't care that much about lupin specifically as much as if the japs fund this attempt, maybe they can continue to stretch how cgi movies can look
I love his eyes desu
I mean it looks okay but it doesn't look like lupin. i appreciate the ovoid pupils but WHYY cant we just have black dot pupils? why is Horton Hears a Who the only movie allowed to skip the unnecessary irides? and why must everyone have light-colored eyes when brown is so much more common?
This is my first time seeing the 3D Lupin and it doesn't look nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
The Peanuts Movie was from 2015. Do you have brain damage?
So, do Star Wars Fans ACTUALLY like Star Wars?
lupin is half french half japanese so its not unlikely he'd have those chad blues
I think he looks like lupin enough, seeing as According to some canons, red jacket blue jacket and green jacket are seperate people
reminder that this was 20 years ago
>waaaah, funny character talk funny and that is raycis!!!!
given what was supposed to happen the potential for something interesting was there, if it wasn't for fucking crybabies.
It pushes his face into looking too mixed and it looks like his eyes are devoid of detail. Imagine the edit trying to deliver a dialogue juxtaposed to that realistic hair. Really think about it. It doesn't work. The Horton movie is far more cartoony you must remember.
bollocks, it looks instantly better.
also fuck individually-stranded hair. i dont need to see fucking skin cells and pores.
Geez, I thought I was the only one who find unsettling those irides.
I just can't fucking stand nips obssesion with overdetailed eyes.
It's an abstract design with realistic eyes, that's why It's weird. Also try to fix his hair, because those hairs are disgusting too.
>Disney hater in denial
I fucking hate the mouse, but let's cope it, they are not dying and they are not gonna die in a near future, not even a distant one.
I'm just glad that Japan finally figured out 3D anime
Screw you all I like seeing the realistic hair flap and bristle about, especially with how bushy Jigen and Goemon's hair is.
They figured it out 20 years ago to be honest
Also this. Star Wars games were the shit back in the day.
>Pixar movies flopping
Toy Story 4 made $700M on 17 days user, the opening wasn't on par with Disney's expectation and people seem to already forget about it but it'll make 1 billion soon
>a poor soulless imitation of 2D art
yeah, whoopee
Serious question how would Disney collapse and their movies start flopping? Keep in mind that they have RUINED Star Wars and the movies still don't flop. People bitch and whine about the eternal Live Action Remakes of their animated films and they still go see them anyway (durr I hate you, but I will STILL give you money anyway durr hurr).
What the fuck? How can a company like this even fail? Seriously is there a way for Disney to make bad movies that can flop? Because even Meh Shit like the incoming Onward movie looks like it's going to make 2 billion at the box office.
No. Star Wars is where people store their half remembered youth and their desire to regain a sense of wonder.
>the prequels had SOUL
The prequels were the results of an arrogant madman doing something he wanted, the sequels the result of a commitee milking a cow until it's dry.
I'd really love if both never existed.
>all these SEETHING gen xers
I didn't know it was dad hour
KOTOR was good, I don't know why they don't release new games anymore
Look at the bright side? The days of Star Wars being worshiped irrationally are over. The original trilogy fans will die out within the next decade or so and Disney completely failed to maintain interest in Star Wars especially with their toxic reputation for destroying anything they acquire so there is NO WAY parents who are fans will want to support any new Disney Star Wars. So yeah Star War's days of being worshiped are finished.
Maybe it will linger around like Godzilla or whatever, but no one will really give a shit anymore about it.
Because it's starting to look good.
Jar Jar needed to be the Sith lord.
most of em looked like shit.
Also the protagonist in that movie reminds me of the muppets, i've seen that approach in a lot of character designs for some time now, could that be the source of the shape for a nose design thing we've been seeing?
No, not really. All in all is just wasted potential of a franchise, what else can I tell you.
They were both still financial successes. That's literally all that Disney cares about.
>Pixar films are bombing.
TS4 will pass 1 billion which means that the last 3 Pixar movies all made 1 billion.
Cars 3 in 2017 kind of bombed but Cars is a 20 billion dollar franchise so who cares. It's all about merchandise.
Finding Dory was 2016, so 3 of the last 5 Pixar movies gross 1 billion, Coco and Cars 3 in 2017 being the < billion grossers.
lol fucking horrible. whats this garbage.
Fuck the awards and ratings, you said their films were bombing.
Because zoomers are a bunch of ADHD attention-seeking hyping lunatics.
They hate user because he tells the truth
My one fear in life is that I won't live to see Disney die, or better yet slowly because worse and worse, making less and less money and eventually being bought out by some other studio. It would be a fitting end.
sorry user they are getting worse and worse and making more and more money. Plus the streaming service is supposed to come out this year that has everything they own from themselves, marvel, starwars, and espn. The new lion king looks like dog shit but its gonna make a billion dollars because of nostalgia and beyonce so get ready for the rest of the remakes
Well Bob Iger will leave soon so im looking forward for future shitshow
Isn't the guy in line to replace Iger basically Iger 2.0?
Dare I say it, we need a new Eisner.
The didn’t lower the frame rate, they just animated the movie on twos
Frame rate is the same, number of images changes
And yeah, slipping illustrates panels in for large actions is not only revolutionary but also the best way to animate the sort of sound effects that comics are known for
But please, give me a reason you think it’s bad other than it’s popular
dang i was looking forward for Disney's downfall after Iger. Guess Pixar is gonna get the live action treatment then. Man i am sure excited for live action Cars
I have like, the barest exposure to Lupin, but I am fucking HYPED for the movie, the art design looks fuckin' great.
There is no SW movie greater than a 7/10, OT included of course.
Star wars is a trick white people use to trick the masses. They aren't anything special
>people actually trying to defend Jar Jar
what the fuck man, it used to be just accepted that Lucas made the scripts for the prequel movies. Gave it to someone to read and they said "its good but its pretty dark for a kid's film"
And thereafter Lucas overcompensated for the fact that the prequel trilogy is basically the story of the bad guys winning because the good guys were too busy nitpicking each other for not being dedicated enough to the force
why they do my mans lupin like that?