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He hasn't written anything worth reading since 2006. Only fanboys care about him anymore. No one will even notice his absence.

I thought he was dead

He wasn't already retired?

Good riddance communist fuck

Author: I'm retired now.
Author: [Gets idea]
Author: I'm coming out of retirement.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

I forget he was still waiting league. It was pretty trash for the last umpteen volumes.

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I wasn't following anything past Black Dossier (which was pretty awful), but caught the storytime of his very last issue.
Nothing but pages and pages of "do you recognize this background character? Look it's the Beagle Boys for no raisin!" and a couple dozen pages getting to the point that Moon Amazons have frozen Moriarty sperm and thus win the Solar System. Which could have taken 3 pages if were weren't given a grand tour of references to literary locations, badly drawn.\
Everything past the second LoEG arc was pure self-indulgent twaddle.

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I love his pre-2000 stuff but has he made anything really worth reading for the last two decades?
Even by the mid-90's his stuff was getting a bit fucky.

That's our Alan.

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>Everything past the second LoEG arc was pure self-indulgent twaddle.
This. I would highly recommend just about everything he put out before that point but I can't think of anything even somewhat good from afterwards.

how much longer does he have left? I say 5 years max.

Moore will stay around more time than Stan Lee and then he'll leave this plain of existence for having a quarrell with Stan the man over the treatment of comic book authors

Providence is after that, isn't it? If so, then that.

Plenty of stuff. Just because it's more esoteric doesn't mean it isn't good.

I thought he was a full-time novelist already.

his worst books are better than your favorite author's best books

You have clearly never exposed yourself to his worst books.

Fanboys should be euthanized.

Seconding Providence.

Anarchist, mate. Not Communist.

Morrisonfans only

good fuck that pedophile

good, maybe now he can write something worth while that people will care about.

idk man pretty hard for Moore to top Pynchon

You mean besides all of the previous work that's practically worshipped? The dude's 65, he's probably just tired and he's certainly got nothing left to to prove.

people don't care about comics, they care about novels.

Yep. Hey, guess which was the only comic included on Time Magazine's List of the 100 Best Novels published in the English language between 1923 and 2010.

Yeah. Providence is actually fantastic. One of his best works and also one of the best Lovecraft adaptations in any medium.

He knows that comics are in good hands with Tom King taking his place.

He wrote Violator vs. Badrock.

Now this, gents, is some Grade-A premium-quality bait. You don't see this much anymore around here.

What's the last thing he even wrote? The only relatively recent work I even remember was the one with the rape fish getting a handy.

>Shits on Goobergaters on the way out.
How can one wizard be so based?

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Vertigo dies
Mad magazine dies
Alan Moore retires
what else is going to happen in the funny book world this year bros?

a new Heathcliff Omnibus becomes the NYT #1 Bestseller of 2019

So how was the LOEG finale?

The world isn't ready to accept Heathcliff's genius yet.

Meh, felt like Alan couldn't be bothered to cohere a story so he just went "world ends lol"

>Vertigo dies
>Mad magazine dies
To be fair, neither of these are entirely happening. The titles that would normally go under Vertigo are simply being published under a different umbrella after the rebranding. And Mad is still getting published as direct market specials.

His radioactive man was dope

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>rape fish getting a handy.
Yep that sounds like Alan alright. What book is that? I just want to confirm it isn't Providence before I decide to give it a chance.

Not even Yea Forums support comicsgate
The guy at the origin of it was a complete tool.

It's from Neonomicon. Providence is related to that series and also The Courtyard (they form kind of a loose Moore Lovecraftian trilogy), but you don't need to have read either.

Goobergates is for gamergate, not comicsgate.

Forget to add, do give Providence a chance if you have any interest at all in Lovecraft. It's a pretty dense and deep look at the man and his work.

Mad is going to be reprinted material from earlier issues. With the (((occasional))) new bit of work.
She be dead.

>Mad is going to be reprinted material from earlier issues. With the (((occasional))) new bit of work.
I think you are fusing together tow different infos.

>quits due to people he can easily ignore
What a baby

Well as much as modern Alan consistently disappoints me I guess I don't have any excuse not to read it now since I have read all of Lovecraft's stuff and I have seen it recommended quite a bit.

I would be okay with that at this point

The article I read said that the "regular" issues would be full of reprinted material, with occasional specials that would be a mix of old with a dash of new stuff. Perhaps I have heard wrong, but that's what I've heard.

No, they exist because of you.

>immortalizes retarded boomer grifters in his last comic ever
>95% of his audience has never heard of them before that
Wow, he really showed them.

Unsurprising, he's been way more interested in book projects for a long time now, and he's getting up there in years.

You sound personally stung by his comment. And he's not talking about Boomers, as you well know, not even by the popular Yea Forums misuse of the term.

I for one don't appreciate Moore's broad brushed smear, as an actual denizen of Oklahodahio!

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The whole ABC line, Providence

how many times has he retired now?

What's the fucking difference
They're both poor and retarded

It's not his fault there are so many post-apocalyptic fiction taking place in the future

Alan Moore definitely has more money than you.

That's bullshit, you have to read Neonomicon to get the conclusion of Providence.

That's pretty funny.

>poltard is a retard
like pottery

Well, he is the Miyazaki of comic books...

About fucking time.
His whole "I HATE THE MEDIA" while at the same time "b-but I need them to make money" gimmick was getting old

>I hate how controlling they are.
>I regret they let me write a Killing Joke and paralyze Babs

>everything I dislike is all the same thing.

>Only made great things in their first couple decades of work with the rest being mostly mediocre
>Is overly reliant on the same few themes
>Thinks of themselves as geniuses above their medium
You might be onto something there.

I'm a newfag when it comes to comics, so I've only read Moore's best. But does it really get that bad?

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>He took off his pants

>retires from comics
>devotes time to roaming the forests of the Pacific northwest

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I hate the artist, he's trash. Which is weird as fuck because I loved him on Marshall Law.


Its valid for most media jobs.

>Last movie/song/show
>Are bored, job was the hobby or need money
>I am back!

Thats not mandatory, but most will come back out of retirement if they were big at the end

>Comic fans are fat virgins and trolls online

Wow. Super duper hot take, Alan! Now with 100% extra "also they're racists too!" included!

it's not a bait retard, it's a joke

Nah this is a played out meme. Vol 3 wasn't perfect but Nemo and Tempest were excellent. Stick with Snyder or Johns or whatever.

i speak with alan on a daily basis in the ethereal plane
chill dude, he's retiring because he agreed to help the quadruple omnissiah to tackle on the emergent threat of the green king in the 5th emerald plane of conservation
i just wish he'd tone all of that demonic nonsense he keeps parroting around
yeah i get it, you have seen the army of satan and all of that, but you don't need to school everyone else on the dangers of demonic possession through hallucinogens

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So is this worth it for a mild Moore fan who's already used to reading really long books?

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If you've already read a bunch of Moore shit, this book won't offer anything new. But if you're okay with reading 1000+ page books, go for it.

You don't sound like someone who had read it. Or like an avid book reader at all.

No, it's just not a good enough book. It's got good parts, but desperately needs an editor.

>both think their medium of choice is a mistake

Why did GooberGoof get so under people's skin?

>Shits on Pringles in his last comic.
Based. Pringles are not real chips.

This is the third time this week he's retired

And nothing of value was lost

Why does everyone wank over killing joke? There are some neat panel compositions and the art is good but it's not that important

It's really good. Obviously the length is a deterrent and there are some parts that are a bit of a slog to get through, but the concept is great and there are a lot of really ambitious and well-executed portions.

The entirety of book 2 is awesome, one of the best "children fantasy adventure" books I've read. Books 1 and 3 are sort of anthologies of short stories set in North Hampton, some are great and some are not so great but its all well-written so if you're willing to get through the lesser stories I think its well worth a read.

His "best" books are pseudo intellectual garbage that are about as deep as a Sunday paper comic strip.

He's one of the GOATs, he'll be missed. Hopefully this means we get more novels from him, I quite enjoyed Jerusalem despite its length.

I have no idea why Yea Forums has this seething contrarian hatred for him, probably because he called out their infantile obsession with century old children's cartoon characters.

His newer work has a bad reputation for some reason even though Providence is some of his best and Nemo was a fun romp. Of course he has a few duds but he's never really markedly declined in quality like some his contemporaries. Even his lesser works have more ambition and creativity than most best-selling comic creators today.

He retired from writing comic books four years ago. There was a press conference.

I'm not surprised OP doesn't know that because four years ago OP would have been six, but I'm surprised at you, Joe Quesada.

The bigger problem is his preaching from a not so high highground.
Its a little bit preaching water while drinking wine. Combine that with his english humor and you get a perfect target for contrarians.

I didn't know rasputin was alive this whole time, damn..

he wrote a book where a nyphomaniac is kidnapped by a cult and gets raped by a aspient fish, then later gives it a handjob

>I have no idea why Yea Forums has this seething contrarian hatred for him, probably because he called out their infantile obsession with century old children's cartoon characters.

That's exactly what it is. Yea Forums cannot stand Moore taking a literal piss on the hobby that defines their immature lives.

And it's a great comic.

Moore's hatred of the industry never evolving is entirely valid and I've always agreed with his point of view. I find it strange that Yea Forums is mad about him calling out the industry when pretty much everyone on this site agrees that 90% of cape comics today are trash.

Having said that, it has always irked me that he complains about old unoriginal characters hogging the cultural spotlight while writing books that focus on even older unoriginal characters. LOEG, while great, is basically just the Victorian avengers and its always seemed a little hypocritical of him to rag on writers reusing old serialized characters and plots when he's doing exactly the same thing.

Was getting beat up by Eddie Brock the last straw for him?

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>Having said that, it has always irked me that he complains about old unoriginal characters hogging the cultural spotlight while writing books that focus on even older unoriginal characters. LOEG, while great, is basically just the Victorian avengers and its always seemed a little hypocritical of him to rag on writers reusing old serialized characters and plots when he's doing exactly the same thing.

If you read his criticisms, it's not that he's against reusing characters. His issue is that nothing original is being done with them. It's just endless rehashing of the same plots and tropes.

Whatever you think of LoEG, the stories in them are nothing at all like the stories of the original works the characters come from. Indeed, they're often an explicit criticism of the stories and society of that era.

I doubt he'd have a problem if someone did something actually new and different with a mainstream character like he did with Swamp Thing. The problem is hardly anybody ever does, and intentionally so. The Big Two constrain their creators in what they can do, and this causes stagnation.

>The bigger problem is his preaching from a not so high highground.
Its a little bit preaching water while drinking wine.

How so? If you mean doing things like LoEG, you're misunderstanding his point.

Imagine being this mad that Moore wrote the only cape books normies respect.

Good point. I also think he's a little frustrated that his own attempts at deconstruction of the superhero genre just got morphed into the new status quo. All the worst hack writers took all the worst lessons from Watchmen and now everything is overly edgy and serious without any real depth. It must be sort of embarrassing to be the primary inspiration for a generation of talentless hacks.


No one gives a shit about Watchmen outside of the movie, and even then it was a quickly passing fad.


keep saying that. you sound like a person that gets asked for advice and an opinion quite often.

He preaches that comics, especially capes, are so low and books are so good, while it is not the medium but who writes/draws the story, that counts for books and comics.
He helds th graphic novel so highly but many graphic novels are are so-so.
Than he criticise that capes stimulate the juvenile behaviour but believes in witchcraft and Chtulu stuff.
His opinion about rehashs in comics is very similar to his reoccuring stuff and he rarely can come up with new stuff too. Its mostly "What if x is y and does z". So far my knowledge is, his ABC line is most unique ideas but borrows from known concepts and are mostly co-written with other people.
So his critic is correct, but from his lips it will always be attackable.

What has he written that can actually top Immortal Hulk? Watchmen is overrated as fuck. It was so boring that I left the theatre halfway through.

Good post.
And with Yea Forums hating him is rooted in his bitterness, he just punches everyone aroundhim in his anger.
And, like i said, mix it with his english humor, not everyone can handle that or understand its just bitterness and over dramatisation from him.
I heard in personal conversation its much better.

Good addition to the conversation. Thats mostly his genius, he can write very well, pace the stories (dont know how big collabs with artists are?) and has a senes for new directions.
But what he also does and thats why i think is still valid is that his work is "what if x but the opposite" and "its about sex" is not that different than what he criticise.
You know what you get from him, but back than it was new but if you look back its not that special, but he had nuts to do it and not taking it back like death of superman.

I have to agree with you, they mostly took his surface level of shocks and stuff.
Took the 200s for some to follow his steps.

Based american education

This. Capeshitters don't have any nuance. They think Alan Moore writing Watchmen is the same as Doomsday Clock. Apparently using tropes from other characters, in order to deconstruct them is the same as writing a dumb money grabbing crossover.

Why do comic writers have such a poor perception of their fans? I'm not going to agree with them to get brownie points and convince them "I'm not like most of those fans" kind of deal. It's stupid. Most of the comic fans that I know of lean Left or are apolitical. That's stupid and I'm not going to act obsequious in accordance to how they should believe I should act.

If he's trying to say only a small portion of his fanbase are thise, which he isn't, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, then it's still stupid to me to quit the industry, simply because he doesn't like the minority.

If he continues writing in another medium, it's certain he's still going to have a rapid fan base that doesn't agree with his political beliefs. And are probably against what he personally believes. That's what happens when you're a writer that can write perspectives in a convincing way that you don't agree with.

Left or right leaning, you got to agree that most comic fans are weirdos and have poor taste which has resulted in the current state of this industry.

Capeshitters everyone

Why do anons like to act Neonomicon was some sort of terrible book? It might be bad for Moore but even Moore's worst isn't that bad relative to comics in general. Not to mention Providence retroactively makes it better.

It had a unique characterization for the Joker but then shittier writers tried to copy them and created the edgy Joker we know today.

Abhay Khosla reviews the final issue of Tempest:

I enjoyed that final League series. The ending came out today (theoretically marking the end of Alan Moore’s career in comics)– the last issue was … Now that I can see the shape of it, the choice he made on the surface story makes sense to me, at least. Or I get the game of it– how it fits the game he’s been playing with the project all along. Plotwise, today’s last issue ends in an especially bezerk fashion, of classic LOEG “I barely have an idea what this is referring to” fashion. But the “Fun” bit is there’s a lot of Moore snorting at his critics, or just a whole mess of “one last thing– eat it, you chodes” sneering that’s immature and admirable, for me in equal quantities, but other people may not share that– you know, dullards.

He lands exactly zero of the emotional character moments in this one, for me. I don’t think that was true of earlier series. I can’t really tell how much that’s intentional. The first and last page of this one makes me suspect it’s very intentional. It’s… It’s a choice! I thought he’d end it more heart-on-his-sleeve with the Mina character in particular, but…

But I can very much see a logic to not doing that in my head. I just can’t imagine an audience less suited on God’s green earth to contemplating the phoniness of “emotional character moments” or being suspect towards them than the comic audience circa 2019 though… (Usually with comics, people end their last issues with like, a splash page of Luke Cage and Spiderman holding hands as they walk in front of a badly drawn sunrise with “only one thing is certain: tomorrow will be more exciting than ever” in there… usually people don’t end their big runs contemplating how many cartoonists blew their brains out, like this one does…).

There’s a sort of despair to the series and the last issue, but a very angry despair. Boy, I found it to be a very angry piece of work. (Perhaps understandably after the utterly shitty reception that last series got– I thought that last series Century was really interesting, but everybody put their Z-list critics to write about it and you just read some variation of “Alan Moore’s an old man who’s waving his fist into the air and doesn’t like Harry Potter and the bastard refuses to be in a parasocial friendship with me” over and over– just consistently bad writing and dull thinking).

But yeah: every issue starts with a text section describing a comic artist dying horribly or being buried under tragic gravestones, long forgotten…??? That bit never got old for me. A big part of the appeal of this last series was seeing someone putting all the toys away, when they maybe hated having spent so much time playing with them. The “this was all a mistake” of it all, that suffused this series, I found to be a pretty goddamn unique experience.

(I didn’t understand why they put in that increasingly incoherent superhero parody– I found that stuff fascinating on a craft level, the density and pacing of it in particular, but didn’t really get what he was up to there, much, why he felt he needed that bit, though I guess it was kinder than the earlier superhero scenes you’d find in League… And I can’t say I got much out of it on a pure entertainment level. I didn’t dwell on that stuff much…).

I keep circling the last page in my head (especially in how to me it really undermines the big stab-at-emotions speech that gets made a couple pages before it)– the last page ends more ambiguously than I expected, especially with respect to the series’ other big pleasure for me (I think the choice of bad guy felt thematically satisfying in our “current moment,” or whatever)– I wonder about his choice there. I just know that I never want anyone to interview Moore about it because based on that Chapo interview, he just sounds much happier talking about how he thinks space-time is a brick and his books.

I hope comic people leave him alone.

So can I read Providence without reading the fish porn book? Because I am not going to read the fish porn book.

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You're just proving Moore right that the genre is shit.

Has some legit great works, but praised so mindlessly by braindead normies that started with his works and stopped at them too, that his name itself become kinda cancerous? Yeah, sounds about right.

>It’s a choice! I thought he’d end it more heart-on-his-sleeve with the Mina character in particular, but…

Doesn't he sort of do that with the epilogue with Hyde's clone or descendent or whatever?

He's closer to Go Nagai though

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Just like Robert Smith and The Cure.
Every ten years or so...

Not really. Alan Moore thinks of himself as genius who tries to frame the obvious fetish stuff as metaphor or part of the narrative. Go just wants to write fun comics that sometimes cross over into fetish territory and rarely cross into territory smarter than robots hitting each other.

Lol, because of his lifestyle this is probably true.


He's no Stephen King.

Also loved the Courtyard for some reason...
He got the source. material.

The stuff he did with David J as spoken word performances were pretty good. The Moon & Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels kind of stuff. I rather liked those.

same period when Merkel is ruler of Germany no more. Coincidence?

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haha what

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>Being dumb enough to fall for obvious bait

>you got to agree that most comic fans are weirdos and have poor taste which has resulted in the current state of this industry.

Bullshit. Comic fans are not responsible for the comic industry being in the toilet. They have no fucking influence in the matter. Writers, editors and artists are the only people to blame. You know, the actual industry members.

I don't speak /pol/tard.
Do you mind translating how those things are at all related?


I still have those over-thick hard-covered small sized books of these. Great bathroom reading material for my guests. Same with Peanuts but Charles couldn't write for shit...

I like Alan Moore and wish him well.
He's like 80 or something and literally has more money than he knows what to do with, it's about time he retired anyway.

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Nagai mangas are full of political and social overtones but they're often ignored for the western reader. In any case, I think Nagai and Moore are very similar but different at the same time. They would mutually hate each other if they ever met. Probably have some hatefuck though

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Definitely Providence

Mad is going to remain in publication but in re-runs. That's their official story. The authors basically said that their medium had been taken over by stuff like late night TV comedy shows. and online stuff like the Onion, etc. They had a good run.


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He was pissed off at the time, so there's that. It's good but be prepared.

He's just retiring from comic books, he's still making stuff in film and writing.

You got that right. That's what's happening.

You gotta admire Alan Moore. He's one of those plucky underdogs who started all the way from the bottom, penniless and with no education, and made their way to the top of their trade with sheer talent and gumption. Kind of like Hitler. You should admire Alan Moore because he's very much like Adolf Hitler, practically the same person really.

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>lolololol so edgy xdxdxd

Besides, Moore is Rasputin

It was about a politician. That makes it /pol/ content dummy.

Except Moore is infinitely a better writer than Nagai, and probably a better artist if he gave that a shot beyond a couple pages.

>fans still not let him take a piss in peace among the bushes

Makes sense. He's a writer.

Yes there are social and political undertones in Devilman but outside of Devilman it is mostly scantily clad women or giant robots fighting ultra gory battles. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Plus Alan is more about artsy thematic stuff than sociopolitical shit anyway.

He's a magician. He blips in and out of existence every now and then.

Can only agree. Because if they are that dumb, it wouldnt be in this shape regarding money and the industries fight for new target groups.
And with that poor taste we wouldnt have image comics in the 90s, their transformation or graphic novels today.
We still would have the edgy 90s, because they would consume to surface firework.

>boo boo boo
shut the fuck up

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The reprints are only going until current subscriptions run out. After that, no more issues of Magazine. The trades are gonna stay in print and might see new material on a yearly basis.

One hit wonder.

Not that user, but thanks. I've been interested in this but am lazy when it comes to reading books (not newspapers or online stuff) but I've been wanting to partake in this book while it's still around and it's good to know what to expect. So, yeah, thanks.

Which was...?

Okay user. I just wanted some context for your faggy joke/conspiracy theory.

>If you read his criticisms, it's not that he's against reusing characters.

What he was ragging on was creator's intent. Like he never had any intent on Watchmen having a follow up and DC shat all over that. Yet, he writes porn with Dorothy from Oz when I fucking doubt that L. Frank Baum had any intent for having Dorothy get fucked by a lion.

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I liked it. And it was true to the inspiration.

Providence was worth the whole career desu.

Well, I mean, it's not like throws his typewriter into the sea. Of all the jobs to "come out of retirement" from, writing is probably the easiest. Cause you don't need to say anything until you've finished a book, and even if you don't it's an "unfinished manuscript" for people to obsess over after you die.


Lol. I loved those books. I got them from the Seattle library and had to wait weeks for them to come in but they got them for me. Totally worth it. The Arch-Duke scene was gnarly because you KNEW what was going to happen after that...

Also, Promethea was pretty cool as an introduction into magical thinking. What, with all the frames and interjected stuff on the sidelines.

That balding!
>i give no fucks, i am rasputin!
Is he the bald chad?

One of my core issues with Moore is the way he handles rape. Not that he includes rape, not that he portrays directly, nor that almost everything he's written as involved a rape or rape-attempt. My issue is that it's always the same rape. It always plays out precisely the same way regardless of how the characters are otherwise portrayed.. It's part of a larger problem with Moore where he has a habit of taking some scenes or events and replaying them in everything he's written without any attempt to mix it up or be clever about it. It's literary autism.

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Good point.
But isnt he more raging that DC fucked him with that contract and denied him his creation?
But you are right that he likes to make sequels of stuff he didnt invented.

This is what writer stockhold syndrome looks like. Digging for some subversive explanation for why the story was shit.


This was Abhay's review of LOEG Century:

I read that last round of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen books last night, after having had a couple drinks, the Century ones, since I wanted to see the wrap-up with the Tempest, which I think just started coming out, especially with that being a retirement work supposedly. You know: comic’s got good bits and bad bits. Sometimes Moore gets a little too clever, and sometimes it’d be nice if he was less cold or dispassionate. (Then again, people say that “too cold” stuff about Kubrick and the Coens, and I always think they’re straight-up gibbering morons when I hear them say it.) Sometimes the slow pacing seems interesting and compelling– sometimes it just seems plodding. Sometimes the references feel like even if I don’t understand them, they’re helping situate the characters in a rich world where there’s more going on than just whatever the characters are up to, just like how people generally live in messy worlds and take that messiness for granted, and I find it all very technically fascinating; other times, it’s just like “I have no idea what anyone is saying or why I had to be here to not understand this I went to public school.” There’s too many fucking musical numbers.

It’s a League book– they are what they are. But anyways, then I tried to read reviews this morning– boy, what an odd collection of writing.

he announced his retirement with one last league comic like 10 centuries ago, not his fault it took the comic this long to come out

The book ends with a female character from classic children’s literature getting summoned by the League to kill off an insane Harry Potter. Plus, there’s a scene of the cast going “people were poorer before– why do things feel worse now?”, with the response being “the culture now has become irrelevant to their lives.” So people writing about the book all seem to try to cast the work as being “reactionary”, variations of “aah, people who lived before aren’t as politically progressive as I am, and by celebrating their fiction over modern fiction, Moore is threatened by how culture now is by and for sexually-ambiguous minorities, which I understand far more, being evolved.”

But what’s interesting to me is how divorced that is from the book itself, which just seems soaked in Moore’s brand of feminism as is ordinary. (And yeah, perhaps Moore’s feminism is of an earlier era of feminism but I can’t claim to have any great knowledge of X-wave versus Y-wave feminism, and which is better, as my own politics is whatever politics allows me to consume massive quantities of low-grade Japanese pornography).

>There’s too many fucking musical numbers.

I'd never heard of Mack the Knife before reading League and now i see people reference it all the time like it's some common shit

The book starts the century off with a serial killer of women being set free by a horrifying English political system, set alongside an origin for a new Nemo character that’s a brown woman who goes ignored and is victimized getting violent revenge. There’s a gender-changing hero who spends the 60s as a woman, and when the team loses, turns into a man, goes crazy, and is immediately next seen committing war crimes. The terminus of bad culture is Potter as backwards-looking boy hero fiction. The book ends with two woman and a gender-ambiguous character defeating that backwards-looking boy hero fiction. Yes, they’re helped by a boy’s fiction hero of an earlier era– but the last page of the book is a splash page of that boy’s grave, as a group of women heroes walk off into the sunset and immortality.

Like, this shit’s not hard to read– it’s not like its themes are buried super-deep in there. So seeing person after person doing this little self-congratulatory dance about how the book doesn’t get how evolved we all are now and how it’s “reactionary”… Well, it’s interesting how much it confuses presentation with advocacy. Yeah, the book presents Allan Quartermain (or there’s that racist-looking kid’s character those guys always want to throw in, kinda stupidly), but to suggest the book’s advocating for more heroes like good ol’ Quartermain is absurd. The book ends with him a useless junkie who realizes his time has past. It’s not like this shit’s all that subtle about its points.

Could be.
It took a lot to kill him, after all.
>I give no fucks, I am Rasputin!
made me laugh... I went to Rasputin's record store yesterday and they had no more music, only DVD movies. I was pissed.

I mean, maybe it’s just that my dourness about the culture exceeds Moore’s so I’m less mortally offended when he says that the English don’t seem united behind any common, optimistic vision. (And sure, I remember the last time the English were united behind a common vision, and my people got it in the fucking neck when they were, the fucking assholes…). (But the lack of a common vision of the future– it’s not like this has gone unremarked upon by modern SF writers…? It’d be a stretch to call that any kind of Old Men Only Complaint, necessarily). But a lot of that last volume felt no less in celebratory-but-with-tongue-in-cheek mode to me than other League volumes– Moore & O’Neill nodding to 30 Rock gags in the background or whatever. Or it’s just funny to me how something this obvious in its themes is portrayed as backwards-looking given some of the dull nothings in comics that have gotten celebrated because they’ve briefly replaced the hero in their dull violence-fantasies with a minority character… I mean, give it a name– it just seems like it’s all part of comics’ ongoing desperation to characterize Moore as a crank since calling him a victim would require us to acknowledge our own complicity in that victimization.

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Interesting prospective. Honestly never thought about that aspect. The replaying of scenes brings up some thoughts. Makes one wonder.

He did an entire book written with David J with musical notation. Also, ADD, much?
Not you, but the person who wrote that article.

That author is quite right that LoeG isnt that deep since the first 2 books. I blame all these "i read those books and used this character" cameos.
And he is right that the feminist undertone is poluting LoeG since century and they become Mary Sue like characters that are not that deep anymore. They reelly feel like chess pieces to move the story and cram many cameos in it.
It feels more like these 70s indy mags storywise. Funny that the Nemo stories feel more like LoeG 1 and 2 than Century and Tempest. There he wrote a good strong female character.

Interesting. What would you recommend?
Honestly asking.

Even in context after reading the whole manga this part is still absolutely bonkers.

Three more levels and he'll be high eough to start casting Wish to extend his lifespan.

That's part of the review posted in that link.

Actually scratch that. With the proper context it's actually way more insane and convoluted than without context.

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>capefags rejoicing
Of course.

lost your AOC cheerleader user?

Missed that because I was reading too fast. Thanks. My fault.

Courtyard and Neonomicon were Lovecraftian madlibs trash if you've got any more exposure with Lovecraft than 'lol, he rasis' and 'Hello Cthuhlu'.

>Providence retroactively makes it better

I'd prefer if he'd just kept his crusty old beard out of cosmic horror. He's a failed british wizard who thinks he's clever for hating the very same American culture and audience who fed him. He should have stopped writing comics back when he realized he didn't actually like the comics culture, the audience, or the buisness.

Maybe he wouldn't have ended up so bitter if he'd somehow fully jumped ship to Bandes Dessinées sometime in the 90 (or even earlier.) However, it's entirely possible he just 'needs' to be upset about something all the time, gives him motivation through opposition. Some folks are like that.

At the very end, he's an hypocrital that hasn't really helped the medium that he seems to be so critical about.


>fully jumped ship to Bandes Dessinées sometime in the 90 (or even earlier.)
You mean move to non-English comics during his peak?

>called out their obsession with children’s characters.
One of his most popular works is a bunch of his favorite literary characters being in a shared universe and teaming up. His most recent works are also Lovecraft fanfics.

fuck off hun

Basically LOEG.

You can, but the ending will seem to come out of nowhere if you didn't read both the fish porn and The Coutryard first. It's not any less good, but something of the experience is lost.

He was. The Guardian republished an article from 2016 and it ended up trending.

You got trips so you deserve an answer. As far as comicsgate goes it's because certain mainstream comic writers could have easily ignored it or left it alone but didn't and made fucking fools out of themselves. The guy who started the ball rolling was literally just some weirdo making long-ass YouTube in his car ranting about liberal bias in comics or some shit. It would have been easy for someone like, for example, Mark Waid to just ignore this nut but they didn't and made it into a far bigger deal than they should've and unintentionally proved they were hypocrites. Honestly the whole thing's a bit of a circle-jerk, don't bother getting involved.

However Goofergrape probably refers to gamergate, a different bonkers controversy from years ago. It's over now but some people can't let go (shit it started nearly 5 years ago now, August 2014, and ended around somewhere around mid-2015 to early 2016 but some people on both sides are still fucking obsessed.) Controversy about either game journalism or feminism or both, I can't fucking remember anymore. Mostly big because of the way it started, the Zoe Quinn controversy. Basically if you were outside of the whole shitstorm it looked like definitive proof that there was a problem with misogyny and harassment in vidya, whereas if you were in the eye of the shitstorm, as this site and others were, it was clear that there was actually a bizarre problem with online feminism because what was being reported wasn't what was happening and the internet went weird for a while. Anyone looking into it found more and more bizarre shit but according to the press (read: blogging press not actual journalists) this was all misogyny. Honestly it's a clusterfuck and it'd take weeks to describe or understand it, besides it's over now and kinda best forgotten. Plus certain right-wing figures like Milo Yiannopolous from Breitbart news ended up joining GG and was in some ways the start of the rise and fall of both Milo and Breitbart.

>Why did GooberGoof get so under people's skin?

>Be Alan Moore
>get fucked over on creator rights, complain for decades
>some retarded jarhead boomer, who sincerely thinks the WildC.A.T.S run you made with Liefeld was your best work, effortlessly surpasses the progress made for creator-owned comics then you did for over 4 decades.

I'd be mad too

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future is now old man

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Alan Moore isn't some crazy old man screaming into the wind, I don't get why Yea Forums tries to portray him as a crusty old curmudgeon. Yeah, he got fucked over by comics multiple times but the most he's done about it is cut ties with the people that fucked him over, the only reason you ever hear his opinion on it nowadays because interviewers ask him those questions constantly.

Alan Moore is eternal.

>I'd prefer if he'd just kept his crusty old beard out of cosmic horror.
He can do cosmic horror pretty well though if Providence is any indication. Neonomicon and Courtyard were written more for a paycheck anyway.

>Providence is actually fantastic
It really, really isn't.

Kek you must not read a lot.


kill yourself faggot

Necronomicon and Providence were both worth reading

Moore's morality is never straightforward. He did see modern Britain as worse off than a century ago culturally, while still espousing feminist garbage
He's done this time and again. Rorschach is the most sympathetic character in Watchmen, but he obviously identifies with Viedt.
Even in Providence, the main character is making the world a more open, gay, sexually degenerate place, but the end of that path is a lovcraftian apocalypse.

>Rorschach is the most sympathetic character in Watchmen
Only if you are an edgy teenager who gets his worldview from the internet and alt-right radio.

>Rorschach is the most sympathetic character
>He obviously identifies with Veidt
Nigga what? Rorschach is shown to be a sociopath and Veidt a psychopath (or maybe the other way around) Dr Manhattan's so above it all that he views the whole thing as pointless, the Comedian's a degenerate rapist who only develops a conscience when he learns about Veidt's planned massacre... they're all pricks basically. That's the point.

He's an anti-comicsgate shitter? Good riddance. Hope he hasn't raped too many women or diddled too many kids when he's inevitably outed as being some kind of son of a bitch or another.

Uncompromising men are easy to admire.

Well at least with Providence, it may be playing to that Lovecraftian theme that no matter how good you are what you do, your efforts amount to nothing and have been decided by forces infinitely your greater long before you were born.

>oh no he disagreed with my meme """ politics """ he must be a child molester
Sounds like you're projecting, user.

Neonomicon was some cringe trash where Moore takes a cheap swipe at a dead writer and saying the Cthulu Mythos was rooted in Lovecraft being squeamish about sex, and then the "thinking man's comic writer" closed off his series with a fishmonster-on-nympho woman fuckfest.

Providence was a better outing because it wasn't so contemptuous of both the setting and the readers who are presumably Mythos fans, and almost touched on some self-awareness on Moore's part where he realizes both himself and Lovecraft are both introverts who reject current culture in preference for the zeitgeist of the past.

Seethe, Cope and Dilate

Yeah there's definitely a lot to blame on both sides.

>but some people on both sides are still fucking obsessed.
Because its their income source. They are like weapon manufacturer, they profit fromn this.

Because he is that grumpy. Gotta blame fans and reporters asking him always this questions. But the Century and tempest cemented that picture we have of him.
If you hear or read some normal interviews, you dont think he is crazy, just bitter with the industry.
I still wonder how he sees the literature industry, because its on par with comic industry.

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For me NiteOwl is the most sympathetic character. He represents the normi. But he is with Rorschach presented as the hero.
And that is what Moore doesnt understand he gives Rorschach that much space that people will favour him. He is ambitious, thats what gives him a deep character and tragedy. You could say he is a lunatic, but he is true to his morals and he doesnt kill people who doesnt deserve it. He wants to reveal the truth.
While Veidt is like an authoritan figure. He is smarter as everyone and thinks he has the right to push people to do like he wants them. He does this with lies and accept to kill millions most innocent to push his vision. You can say his vision is for the greater good, but its more like what Veidt thinks is good for the world and comes with innocent deaths.
And thats what Moore didnt understood when he wondered that Rorschach is accepted as grey hero.

That is kinda his tschick. He reduced most in "hihi its about sex and rape". I dont think its his fetish, but he knows that this is a good schock technic. Kinda "how to schock audience 101" like in horror movies they use darkness as horror atmesphere.

It was also quite fun during story time.

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Huh. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was still going? I thought that ended before the movie.

I still don't even know what Comicsgate is about.

Looked it up on WIkipedia and didn't understand a damn thing. What's this book about?

>Nothing but pages and pages of "do you recognize this background character?
Everybody loves Providence, but that's the main reason why I couldn't get into it. "Hey remember that lovecraft novel?"

>Do I fit in yet?

>fought with his buddy Aquaman against evil Disney marketologs and won
>literally and methaphorically kicked Alan Moore in balls out of comic business
Yeah, I am thinking Eddie is back

Thats moores strenght and his damokles sword.
His strenght is "do you know this character? But what if he is X"
Name one original character or setting he did or had success with? There is only Tom Strong and he is more like "This Pulp hero with interdimensional adventures" which can be pinpointed to a certain existing chatacter.

Unironically, /thread.


You clearly never read Astounding Weird Penises

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>no argument
>"U MAD!!!!"

fanboy detected

It's hard to know what Moore fully intended. When you read the pitch he had for the Charlton characters, he said he intended to make sure that The Question wasn't simply a right-wing strawman that a left-wing person would make. He may have changed it up because he was then allowed to do an all-new character instead of using The Question, but you can see in-story that the principle is there. He gave him a lot of bad traits but also added sympathy to him.

Also, remember that in the Charlton pitch that he disagreed with Ditko's beliefs but admired him for being a moral person.

fuck off bait nigger

this faggot retired because realized he could never match the prowess of Christine Chandler's masterworks.

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are you ready to paartaaay?

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We know at least in interviews thathe is astounded that people see Rorschach as a hero and admire his action. So we know he wanted rorschach to be a villian or at least be that repulsive.
He didnt understand what he wrote.
But with Jekyll he seems to feel it and cloned him in the end. The similarity between Rorschach and Jekyll is very strong in how vigilante and edgy they are.

Thank fucking god. Bitch should've quit earlier



he didn't want people to think of rorschach, or veidt, or manhattan or whoever as "the hero". they were all morally dubious at best

Hihi Cuck


Whatever. He tainted his own legacy with the amount of shit he has been pumping out. Fuck him.