I did a 360 degree turn and walked out of the theater right there.
I did a 360 degree turn and walked out of the theater right there.
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There aren't enough oldfags on Yea Forums to remember that movie.
>Nostalgia Critic joking about how Skeletor looks like John McCain in about 10 years (this was 2008/09)
>mfw he was right
You fucking cur the only time a movie that stayed as close to HE-Man as possible and you think you're above anyone with such taste?
Everything comes to he who waits. And I have waited a LONG TIME on Yea Forums for this moment.
Tell me the loneliness of this board Yea Forums. IS IT EQUAL to the loneliness of evil? EEEH?
>walking out on Frank Langella hamming it up
Here's your Evil Lynn millennials.
...I still would
180 not 360
lmao so you walked into the screen?
I actually kind of liked the movie.
The scene where man at arms tells teela the food's meet and kind of chuckles at her disgust while he keeps eating was good.
>those eyes
Is she a fucking White Walker from GOT?..
So would I.
Would smash.
Kino movie.
It truly is. Name a more kino villain monologue. The only one that can even register is the one Raul Julia's Bison had.
What ever happened to he-man anyways? Is it dead?
Mattel is relaunching the toy line later this year as announced today at SDCC. The live action movie from Sony is being stalled again of course. It's supposed to be out in 2021.
>turned 360 degrees and walked out
Well I guess skeletor looks kind of like Micheal Jackson.
Was this the closest we got to a live-action Dr Doom?
What, you didn't like trash bag hobo?
He was the best character.
If they try to do another He-Man series, I can't imagine it doing well. It's not gonna synergize with the She-Ra reboot on netflix and that audience isn't going to watch He-Man or MotU. Or whatever the name is.
And I can see the blue checkmarks complaining about any use of Hodrak.
At the moment, yes it is.
He truly was. Every line of his is utter gold. Every glance he gives is screen cap worthy.
They could say "fuck she-ra" and just make their own series without caring. Its not like the he-man audience will care about she-ra not being canon with it.
like Marvel and sony.
It can. They have so many more beyond just Hordak. It just depends on what angle they can go with it.
After the failure of He-man 2002 i doubt a relaunch can work anyways.
I dunno. The failure was two-fold. Mattel churned out only He-Mans and Skeletors near the end of it. Add that with Cartoon Network being their usual assholery of switching the schedule of the second season all over the place.
Streaming ala She-Ra might be the better idea.
Where did Skeletor get his Army from?
Get off the internet Granpa?
Netflix She-Ra can't even touch the rest of the He-Man universe thanks to rights issues and that Sony movie coming out in 2021. That cartoon is doing its own thing because it can't go in any real depth about the rest of the MOTU. It only referenced Eternia once, and that was Adora saying a rune written on a battle droid and had no understanding of what it meant.
Necroed the dead Eternian soldiers into his own?
Why is the movie the only version of He-man to add that?
This biggest shortcoming in MOTU is that Skeletor doesn't have his own army to be on equal footing with Eternia.
Some Skeletors only need a few minions given each generals of their own armies.
as a kid I thought this movie was a great and remembered it as a fever dream, I have yet to rewatch it.
My grandparents on my mothers side had the same exact piercing color. It's more terrifying in person.
Did you break your hip, gramps?
You should. The film is cheesy but damn good.
New fags, GET OUT!
Mah nigga!
You. YOU are a user of great taste as well!
Didn’t Langella say that he found the role DELICIOUS and didn’t regret taking the role even to this day? Mind you, I think that was from an interview from more than a decade ago, but still.
Yes. He just hammed it up to the 11th degree, it's probably refreshing as an actor to be able to play an unabashedly evil character with no need for subtlety or moral qualms. Skeletor knows he's evil and he fucking loves it
180 you fucking retard.
Fuck you I saw it and it was at a young age
>now i am the ocean master
bravo wan
>this faggot doesnt get the 360 degree meme
Lol stay mad faggot
Ant user have a gif of teela looking right into the camera and saying, "woman at arms!"?
she looks like she fucks concrete men
So you missed the climax? What a fag!