Questionable Content

I appreciate Winslow's panic about the scorpions, I had them coming out of my ceiling one time.

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Stop spamming this tranny comic.

Why does Hanner's head look so big?

The man discovered the cure for OCD. Show some respect.

Based Terrible poster.

This comic is terrible.

What the hell is Marigold supposed to be doing in the first panel?

That fucking hand in the first panel.

>When will real AI get to the point it can draw what we ask it to. Or better yet, animate.

I have some kinda good news for you then, there were/are algorythm generated and animated videos, they are made by Neural network AI and were found from Youtube. Just search for something along the lines of "Elsa potty training kids nursery rymes" and you may still find some.

They caused a bit of a moral panic a year ago.

Attached: Sketch (82).png (770x237, 143K)

perhaps a better picture.

These were pumped out in hundreds per a day for a solid year.

Attached: Sketch (83).png (763x189, 129K)

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>that dump truck of an ass on nerd girl
It's been rawed, right? By a robot? Because it seems that robots are the key to anyone getting any on this comic.

This is not a real tranny comic.

Do I have to post *ASSIGNED MALE* for you?

I feel like I'm being brainwashed by communist propaganda or something.

Attached: Geordi_brainwashing.jpg (1440x1080, 1021K)

oh please do

When the fuck did Winslow get a human body? Its been so fucking long I completely forgot all about it. Hell, I forgot Hanners left to find herself till Jeffo randomly brought her back.

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Great, so now Hannelore is the sane one and Winslow is the raging neurotic. I am too sober for this right now.

Did Winslow just have a "Centipedes? In my vagina?" moment?

>File: 4050
I want a pink twink fuckbot thank you

Not really. Lots of critters in the wild like to just bunk down where its warm and dry. If you're ever camping out any place where scorpions are you must ALWAYS ALWAYS check your shoes before you put them on, unless you like being stung under the toenail.

Still waiting for the damn tanlines reveal.

Aww, the scorpions just wanted to cuddle.

I forgot winslow got the germ and turned into a twink

typical of rich white girls coming back from travelling the world. their heads get big

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Because he gets as many clicks whether art is consistent or not.

Reading Questionable Content repels scorpions.

Why to these tranny / lesbian style comics always seem like everyone is super anxious and constantly consoling each other? They just exude psychological and physical discomfort.

Including and especially Steven Universe. Everyone seems unhealthy and dumpy and wallowing in unhealthy emotions and all like they're all feeding and enabling each others' unwellness. Partly by pretending to help each other but really they're over-emphasizing their issues and thus dwelling on and perpetuating it.

Because the people who make them are super anxious and they constantly console people in real life...well, online anyway.

>no tan lines
>hanners spent more time naked than clothed
Told you she was getting miles of bbc

>doesn't hug marygold

>post yfw the scorpions were a local biker gang
poor robo-twink

It was right before Hanners left.

I think you mean lucky.

Winslow forgot to mention something...

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Keep being the reason I continue to look for these threads user.

>ywn go balls deep so hard in Winslow you dislodge the scorpions nesting on his processor

Yeah, I'm aware of those, just wondering when it'll be something an end user can easily configure to output what they want.

>Tannelore is back
Is Marigold ever gonna make a gyaru comment or what?

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Because you need drama and conflict, no matter how minor, to actually tell an interesting story, and emotional drama is piss easy to write and resolve.

Steven Universe is one of the worst examples, as it's primary underlying message is that you need to actually work on your shit.

holy fucking yum

>tanned hannelore
I can only be so erect.

>gyaru Hanners
>gyaruo Winslow
>sukeban Claire
>visual kei Marten
>kogal Marigold and Momo
>OL May
>EGL Brun

Something Jeph does predictably well is ironically projecting negative attributes of said special interests but in a way that doesn't draw scrutiny. These skittish characters are a reflection of "trigger warning" Twitter/Tumblr culture, millennials pushing 40, still being taken care of by their parents, and never working real jobs. This entire universe serves to house these entities, human and robot, that are incapable of coping in a real environment. It's probably why the more reasonable and grounded characters (e.g. Steve, Angus, Penelope, Raven, and, until recently, Sven) have been gradually written out, leaving just the "40 going on 14" crowd.

Most everyone in the strip is in their mid-20s. Pretty much all of the even slightly older characters are shown to have "real jobs."

They aren't though. They're a bunch of people in their late 30s pretending to be in their mid-20s. That's basically the point.

They literally just said that Hannelore and the other CoD employees are 20 somethings, which might include Dora herself.

>trusting the author

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Is this man a teenager? The writers and producers say so. Does that make it true?

Attached: fellowkids.jpg (900x720, 87K)

Need more GothLoli.

>author states characters are 20somethings
>comics states characters are 20somethings
>characters are drawn as 20somethings
>user on Bavarian square dancing forum has a fit and declares everyone to be in their 40s
Shit dude, QC is stereotypical "disaffected young adult" bullshit. Does anyone have a QC-themed, "Oh no, it's retarded" image macro?

your comic is terrible and you should feel terrible

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Thanks! I’ll be on or the rest the day if I think up something to sketch up

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Are you sure it's not you throwing a fit?

I remember that sketch. You cleaned it up good.
Reminds me of something Van drew for a Neurotically Yours thread with Germaine and a bull. He called it "Germaine's $10,000 video".

This isn't new, is it?

It’s a cleaned up version of an older sketch that I made when hanners called and revealed tat she was yak farming or something. I often go back and revisit or even redraw old stuff to work the kinks out.

why are their laptops wearing clothing

Nah, I made that one waaaaaay back when tilly went away.

Because secretly they all wanted to fuck their laptops so they forced them to cover up their most fuckable bits

Get it? Bits?


It's weird to think that I used to read this a decade ago when everybody was straight and cis and the little robot was in every other strip.

Are Diesel Sweeties and WIGU still going on too?

>Diesel Sweeties
No, but the guy still draws comics in that style.

Is this leading up to Winslow having the strong embodiment like Roko used to

Just because all those complaints don't seem like something that would really bother an AI, except for the malware. But he should really be careful which usb dongles he sucks on.