Tony snaps the gauntlet and dusts thanos whole army

>Tony snaps the gauntlet and dusts thanos whole army
>he sits down and makes this face

What was Thanos thinking in this scene?

What was his facial expression meant to convey

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Everything he worked for amounted to Dust

>Why didn’t I use the stones to make infinite resources?



Live by the sword and all that.


>Wow this sucks.

Anyone else thought it was a waste of to use a snap just to kill Thanos' army? Especially when it feels like all those heroes really should have been able to handle them.

>wait! did...did he just say he's iron m-m-man!? ah shit! oh fuck! I fucked up good! D:

It felt really contrived that he was close to winning (even though Scarlet Witch/Captain Marvel/Doctor Strange are on the other side), but I guess they needed a reason for the sacrifice

Rogers: Hey captain marvel. You know, you could use the gauntlet to create infinite resources before we send it back to its proper time, you’re so powerful you could snap it without it hurting you that bad.

Carol: Are you trying to mansplain to me?

Rogers: fuck it, this is why I like women from half a century ago

The idea is that if grabbing the stones and preventing Thanos from getting them wasn't an issue, the Avengers would win the fight eventually.

>*record scratch*
>yeah that's me, about to disintegrate into nothingness
>you're probably wondering how i got myself into this
>well it all started when i...

I mean, weren’t the avengers winning the battle at wakanda before thanos arrived anyway? All of the black order were dead, so only the Chitauri were left, and they beat them in 2012 with a freaking nuke. I’m sure wakanda has some crazy shit that would’ve fucked them up without needing such brute force

Why was his army suddenly so OP despite there being twice as many heroes on the field?

I know what it's like to lose.

Dread it, run from it...destiny still arrives.

Epic YouTube comment bro

Attached: thanos-endgame-vanished-snap-14044913.webm (640x338, 1.79M)

Thanks is supremely confident until his certainty crumbled away from him:

Horror = Wanda beating the shit out of him
Disbelief = Carol destroying his ship
Shock = Tony stealing the gauntlet from him
Sadness = Accepting everything he worked for was for nought


Horror = Wanda beating the shit out of him

He was in pain but at no point was he expressing horror

Nigga was like “I don’t eve know who you are”

>the fuck is an iron......

>tfw no qt death gf

>wait, this is what i did to half the universe?
>man... i deserve th...

>what a bunch of sore losers

>I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here. Or should I say, I am.

He had his own shit turned back on him. He knew he was righteous, he knew he was meant to win, he'd worked SO HARD to get there...and in the end, he failed. Destiny arrived.

It was actually a pretty great moment amid all the fanservice: Thanos taking a moment to do the opposite of what he'd done in the last film. Sitting down and staring at the horizon as a total failure.


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You know, I rewatched Infinity War today and a lot of people give Quill shit for punching Thanos and making Mantis lose control of him, but Stark has a nano suit that can make anything and he couldn't make something to get the Gauntlet off in the literal 90 seconds he had when getting the Gauntlet off was his plan from the start?

Somebody once told me

The second scene with little Gamora was edited out by Feige because he wanted the film to felt conclusive enough and not open to cliffhangers

he should have aimed for the head

He recognized he lost. Instead of struggling pointlessly he gave in.

It should have been nebula.


Attached: 1562258546751.gif (181x223, 31K)

Same as Tony here.

Attached: tony-stark.jpg (1920x1080, 178K)

"Guess I'll die"

Came here to say this. Like "Oh FUCK I could have done this, instead. Welp..."

Calm defeat

He truly didn't think he'd ever fail or lose. It's a face of complete disbelief.

At first its like utter shock that he just lost. Then it turns into acceptance. He fought, he lost and now he rests.

>wait, they used wooden do-

Thanos was thinking, "hang on, where did The Other go? He said something about having to check his milk."

Attached: 1556167128756 (1).jpg (743x447, 20K)

So THAT is what that reference is in Le Fou's Quest

"Not great...not terrible."

Left the fucking oven on

I always more saw it as him accepting his defeat and in that moment, finding more respect for someone (Iron Man) than he has ever felt for anyone else in the universe
He always believed he was right because he was able to overcome any obstacles through sheer willpower (the hardest decisions, require the strongest wills, and all)
He knew he had already won and here he was, on a battlefield he believed he was destined to stand triumphant over against a foe who already fought and lost to him, yet he still lost
In that moment I think he realised that he, through his victory, had forged a man with a willpower that utterly thwarted his own
While he probably felt despair I think he probably, at the same time thought "maybe he can do better than me"
But that's just me I never really thought he looked sad in the traditional sense at least, more like he felt a huge weight lifted from his shoulders (the burden of saving the universe)

This tbqh, she deserved her moment after everything he'd done to her.

Rey > Tony.

Attached: 1563074011211.gif (498x206, 1.86M)

Yeah, Rey killed the entire Star Wars universe, Tony only got a tiny army

why didn't he just make everyone half the size so they all consume half the resources?

Because a world of manlets isn't a world worth preserving.
>Thanos snaps - Big lad, doesn't die and goes for a cheeky second snap before becoming a gardener
>Hulk snaps - Big lad, doesn't die, could snap again if he wanted to
>Tony snaps - Small fella, small snap, still dies

time travel is such bullshit, thanos won fair and square

excellent post user

This movie lost so much of its punch by not having the antagonist of the movie not be the same Thanos from Infinity War.

>Thanos died from the redpill

Attached: 1562950913187.jpg (933x753, 51K)

>time travel is such bullshit
I heard disney will use time travel in the next star wars movie.

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>feels a tingly sensation in his ass
Where's Ant Man?

How it should've ended.

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For me it looks like Thanos is trying to comprehend what dying feels like. He looks really confused and like hes trying to get his bearing when he sits down, kind of like how Spider-Man panicked when he started to disintegrate.

Why the fuck would Tony spare Gamora. He doesn't know her at all. In fact he doesn't even know she was there. And in the moment when the gauntlet is consuming your life you just think 'kill everyone except this alien who is with the asshole who ruined everything in the first place'? It's so fucking stupid.

I hated this. This Thanos wasn't the Thanos we needed to see lose. It's pretty much just some random guy.

> wait, wasnt my future self supposed to snap all these fuckers out? How can this be?

Why didn't Strange just use the time stone to heal Tony

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Felt like this to me, too. Thanos realised that he faced a rival of his own making and lost in that moment.
Would have been much better if this was the same Thanos that affectionately spared Tony io Titan and was impressed that he’d made him bleed, but the guy still kinda figured what future him had done.

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Attached: the redpill.jpg (877x391, 54K)

Man the digital version needs to hurry up and leak. FUCK.

>Why is my army evaporating? More importantly, who was that lady in red? She said I would find out but I still don-

Reversing Tony would undo the snap, and bring Thanos and his army back


i like to imagine that this was playing in his head

that's what he was planning to do once he resetted the universe so the loss never happened.

Only timeline where they win, bruh.

Did you hear that from RLM or another source? If you got it from elsewhere then I'm starting to think Mike's theory on episode 9 is right.

Attached: Episode 9 prediction.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

it was a verified brotherly while

he went through all the stages of grief up to acceptance.

Quick thinking makes a sacrifice play and decides to go out with his best line. I think it was just a moment that had to take a chance.

This is such bullshit, They deserve the Ba-

The sad thing is, you are right.

>I heard disney will use time travel in the next star wars movie.

They said the exact same about Episode 8. Guess what? It didn't happen.

>tfw they should have gone for my head

The whole ending kind of feels weaker because this isn't the Thanos from Infinity War, it's some guy who just barely knows what's going on that they met half an hour ago

This was my main problem with Endgame. It felt like we got an inferior version of Thanos as the main villain compared to the one in Infinity War. Endgame Thanos had less experience and never had to go on the journey of obtaining the gems.


Because Tony wanted to get rid Thanos and everyone working for him, Gamora already quit

Technically shouldn't all the Avengers be dusted too? They were working for Thanos by gathering the gems for him in the first place, as he said.


I don’t see why you would think this, other than direct damage to the user it’s not a monkeys paw


>I gave everything for this universe but that still wasn't enough, it's doomed to suffer.

Endgame sucked because they failed to understand why he did what he did to begin with and instead of trying to reason with him and coming up with a different solution to the problem he tried to fix they just outright kill him and call it a day.

Shitty, shitty ending to what could have been a good one.

inb4 HE COULD HAVE SNAPPED FOR MORE RESOURCES. Matter cannot be created or destroyed. Creating new matter was not an option. Turning the current matter to dust was.

Let me explain to you how nanobots work for a moment. Tony doesn't just think and then they form whatever he's thinking of. Every single configuration from the jet boosted legs, to the sonic cannons, and even that little blade he makes are all pretty thought of constructions programmed into the suit. The nanobots can only make the structures they were programmed to make and Tony being the insomniac that he is probably had hundreds of different variables in that suit, but that doesn't mean he can just make something up on the fly using them.

>last movie situated in the mcu is a hulk movie
>is a "the end" adaptation
>hulk last line is "thanos was right..."

Attached: Last-Man-Hulk-The-End2-580x525.jpg (580x525, 76K)

The glove changes reality and controls time

Bullshit is it restricted from creating matter.