>gf found my Star vs folder in PC
>she's sad and angry, questioning me on whether I still love her or not, she yelled at me "IS THIS WHAT YOU LIKE? AM I NOT ENOUGH ANYMORE?"
>threw our promise ring on the floor and ran off with the car to her sister's
>niece calls me asking what is going on(she likes anime so she wasn't freaked out but worried about her aunt)
>and I'm sitting here lonely thinking about what went wrong
Just to clear things up I don't have porn, but I do have a lot of cutesy pics which could be weird for her, I feel bad, as if I was looking at another woman. What to do?
Gf found my Star vs folder in PC
Other urls found in this thread:
Star Vs. really does fucking suck.
Now you know how it feels to be Tom
Who the fuck actually does promise rings?
Just say you love her and are emotionally damaged so you to fiction for comfort
Stop being retarded, both of you.
yeah i'm sure that happened
ITT: shit that never happened
>she yelled at me "IS THIS WHAT YOU LIKE?
If you had pictures of stuff from S3/4 that'd probably be my reaction too
Buy a Star costume and wig and ask her to wear it. Cat is out of the bag, might as well just try it out.
Show folder size and screenshot
inb4 bullshit
Back when I had a GF I let her in on the fact that I absolutely am attracted to cartoons at an early stage in our relationship. Really glad I ripped that bandaid off early.
I swear I read this shit before, anyways my gut tells me Fake and Gay
I actually laughed
How did she take it?
do you seriously want good advice?
because i will give you some, but you must promise you will move forward on it.
They’re 10 seconds apart
"Oh haha that's not THAT weird, when I was a kid I was attracted to Tarzan and Robin Hood- Blah blah blah..."
If she likes you, she's willing to put up with a lot. I eased her into the idea by watching anime with her and when a normalfag-tier attractive girl came up I made a small comment, and from there I kept going until she just knew I was attracted to cartoons and it was OK.
Never stopped a samefag before. Two devices to fool the computer into thinking it's two users.
>t. newfag
why would i go through the effort just to call op fake, no obviously not a samefag
Whatever you say, Samey McSamerson.
Look ma, I'm in the screencap!
Even so, its a stretch having a boner on Simba as a kid and having a r34 folder of cartoons in your computer. I dont think any gf would take that well,no matter how aware she was
>promise ring
You're a fag and I hope she leaves you for good.
Damn, you got me this time.
Dubs confirm
I'm sorry that you have terrible tastes
On a serious note wrong board
It's a good thing I kept my weirder side of my fap folder hidden. She didn't care about most shit, even stuff you would think like girls who would be underage. Just be honest and be smart at her limits and you'd be surprised. She even roleplayed after a year or so of being together.
you forgot a >
Let me help(You)
Thanks bbros
Leaving aside whether or not this is real, why would anyone keep a folder of images related to only 1 character and not be porn?
SFW boards
huu huuuuuu
Cutefag/Daughteru cope. There are a lot of people who are attracted to underage characters who have to be in the closet to themselves about it so they cope by pretending they want to be their father or something.
ITT: the epic sequel to this
I like to save cute and wholesome images.
I just really like Dominator okay
Kiss her in a photobooth... a forbidden kiss
distinguishing between the two is asinine. all positivity towards others is basically the same. also towards animals.
>I'm sitting here lonely thinking about what went wrong
Assuming this isnt bullshit, you made the folder unencrypted you idiot.
But based on your description, I think you dodged a bullet.
My gf broke up with me after finding my Rozen Maiden folder (no porn). It happens.
Nothing. Ya dodged a bullet.
several years back on /mlp/ an user walked out of a one night stand with a girl who was RPing as Fluttershy the whole time
It could always be worse, user.
Is there a screencap?
I need more information
Don't ask where.
Doom Legion threads no shit
You cheated not only your waifu, but yourself.
You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You showed your power level and gained nothing. You may have dodged a bullet, but you experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad you don't know the difference.
Away with you lolicon shitter
If you are not a pseudo-lolicon and just like cute shit then it's kind of dumb of her since she should have sort of expected this if she knew you enough