Half of the drama in this show wouldn't have happened if they just smoked a blunt/joint/bowl, man.
Half of the drama in this show wouldn't have happened if they just smoked a blunt/joint/bowl, man
Weedfags are the worst
Shut up straight edge
If Star or Marco had their personalities copied to the other, which would cause less drama?
This tbqh famm
They fucking did at the end of the series in the magic car carriage ride, and fuck if that wasn't the most progress their relationship ever made.
Would Steven Universe be a better show with the presence of the devil's lettuce?
Having two Marcos would be boring, though.
Having two marcos kissing each other won't be so bad.
Pot smokers are the vegans of drugs. No one gives a fuck that they smoke it but they HAVE to make sure you are aware they do.
Only young and inexperienced smokers believe shit like this. Just like the "weed makes you laugh" thing stops being true after a few years.
Also weed solved nothing for nobody, ever. Credentials: about 15 years of use.
I don't want to be that guy, but they did peyote laced hotdogs multiple times on the show. Drugs aren't good for you or your relationship, the only true escape from reality is vr. /g/fag out.
Now i want to see Star and Marco blazed while in college vegging out on the couch
She smoked millions
The new trend is vaping THC directly. I'm rockin 10 mg right now
Consider this: the only pot smokers you are aware of are the ones that feel the need to make everyone aware that they smoke pot. There are tons of other marijuana users who don't feel the need to let everyone know, but you don't know about them, because, well, they didn't let you know. I use, and prefer to be discrete about it. I blame a lot of the dude weed lmao stuff on prohibition, because it resulted in a rebellious counterculture.
I miss my old buddy who would actually cure his bud in honey. Shit was fucking like fuckin velvet in the lungs
I can just imagine Star and Marco in college high af one night randomly discussing philosophy
No one cares, tripfag namefag
This. The same goes to you. People who feel the need to let people know who they are when posting on fucking Yea Forums are just as bad as "DUDE HAVE I MENTIONED I SMOKED WEED TODAY?" stoners.
A very stoned Star would be cute
What if the show was just Janna and Jackie getting high and messing around
what if star was a boy?
What if you were a boy?
Then it would be good
We can still the "magical adventures with a weird girl and straight man" formula, using Janna and Jackie respectively
>gf found my Star vs folder in PC
>she's sad and angry, questioning me on whether I still love her or not, she yelled at me "IS THIS WHAT YOU LIKE? AM I NOT ENOUGH ANYMORE?"
>threw our promise ring on the floor and ran off with the car to her sister's
>niece calls me asking what is going on(she likes anime so she wasn't freaked out but worried about her aunt)
>and I'm sitting here lonely thinking about what went wrong
Just to clear things up I don't have porn, but I do have a lot of cutesy pics which could be weird for her, I feel bad, as if I was looking at another woman. What to do?
>what to do?
Get your car keys back (the car is yours, right?). Never let them have a set.
Who was in the wrong here?
Fucking tranny tripfag
Hey dude. Guess what.
Israel for taking away land from the people who lived there.
The Jews, obviously.
They're why you can't get a gf.
>hits blunt
>passes out
That scene was incredibly cute, one of the show's gems
Agreed. One of many.
Smoking pot hasn't been counterculture since the 90s though, it's the kind of shit society expects you to do at least once and only gives you trouble if you're still at it past 20