Good evening owls,
the plot marches on
Good evening owls,
the plot marches on
the subway has been made so much more civilized by phones and headphones
I really enjoy the clever credits each issue, it's cute
> Bondage cover
Hello, Storyteller.
Something I find kind of interesting about Gen13 is that despite being a team book, Caitlin has always, from the beginning, been the designated main character. She's the clear protagonist, and it's the intent instead of writer favoritism like how that usually happens in team books.
She's a genuine top-notch waifu without being obnoxiously pushed, that's so rare
also, this is...legitimate character growth, lol
so what's good today?
Roxy, just dump him already, for fucks sake.
And this was before waifubaiting(in its modern form) became codified as a marketing tool. Generally, this series used old fashion fanservice to lure in the punters, rather than appeal to everyone's inner lonely otaku.
You think they'd lean into that hardcore if Gen13 ever came back?
LOEG had its finale today.
Surprisingly shmaltzy, but I've had a blast with this entire final I'm pretty fine with the ending as it is.
Jimmy Olsen was just fun.
Haven’t had time to read anything but seems like Age of X didn’t nail the landing and everyone is still dead?? Ooook
Anyway as always y’all keep making me think about catching up on Gen 13
Immortal hulk
Nothing else
All I read was Jimmy Olsen, which was great, as expected from my boy Steve
HI user
yeah, I need to get that
I dunno, maybe equal-opportunity fanservice, but I'd want it written/drawn with an "everyone is sexy and fun" approach which would be less Benes Talking Asses but still lots of tits
And like, probably less of this
it's okay if this is your kink, but it's not mine
Two o'clock in the fucking morning
That shit couldn't wait? FUCK YOU.
It's fine, she's actually a 1000 year old dragon who just LOOKS like she's 15
Tiny Fairchild is cute, CUTE I SAY.
yay finally home, how is everybody
just shows writers having good taste and knowing what the fans want
probably nothing, Hickman's preview
I haven't been following recent anime for a long time but I know people who say sorting the lolibait out has gotten harder and harder
based Moore, I enjoyed it too
Talking asses is a trope that can fuck off forever. Especially when it happens during what is supposed to be a serious moment.
Caitlin being drawn nice and muscular however, that's nice. Thank you, Moy.
This nurse is uncomfortably thirsty, and I suspect she is the result of Lobdell projecting some fantasies.
So this is in parallel with Casey's 2.0, I think
The Jack and Stan homage was adorable
that dig at Ellis is top-notch
A store clerk in Collasper was reading Staman #0. Specifically the page with David falling after getting shot.
Collasper was okay, but should have got moving a little faster for a miniseries
apparently there's a 1500 page Starman omni solicited
Yeah, but Banshee is in Hickman's House of X despite dying in Uncanny so something's up.
easy, hickman's ignoring everything else
random amulets! this can't be dangerous at all!
I know it's a meme but I'd like to recommend JoJo Part 2 to anyone who likes shit that's COMICS as fuck. I put it off for a long time because of the fanbase but it really feels like the type of silly crap that revels in being a comic that y'all like.
They also mentioned Opal City in Jimmy Olsen, as being a city known for "tall bicycles".
Which will ironically probably be cheaper than vol. 3 of the previous omnibus series
Fire Emblem got into some spicy territory because one of the romance options in the new game is a loli who is totally not a loli guys
Man, Part 2 is just a great ball of energy.
Hickman recently said in an interview he doesn't see the point in ignoring continuity.
Actually all of the games for a while have had an almost identical character who is literally a thousand year old dragon loli, who you can marry and have kids with.
stop sucking so much dick and being a homo
>literally a thousand year old dragon loli, who you can marry and have kids with
that's a lot of kinks in one package, damn
inverted speech bubbles: a good time will be had by all
You can also marry and have kids with the timetraveling kids of your own friends in a couple games
That fulfilled my kink for closed time loops
Also in DC fishing there’s a Baron Wally-Flash collection which rules but also what the fuck did Messer-Loebs do to DC!!!?!!
No Legion which is bullshit tho
I legitimately can't with JoJo. It's not even the obnoxious memes, or the fan base that refuses to shut the fuck up. No, it's the art style, it just looks hideous to me. And intentional silliness is poison to me in large doses, which is why I fucking hate One Piece. Well, that and Luffy being an obnoxious idiot.
Also, while I do think the concept of stands is cool, I feel like other works have done the whole guardian entity thing better.
what could be the biggest stories this weekend?
>During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Barry Allen--a.k.a. The Flash--made the ultimate sacrifice and gave his life to save millions. In his stead, the world welcomes the new Fastest Man Alive, as Wally West picks up his mentor's mantle.
>Collects The Flash issues #1-18 and Flash Annual #1.
WML started on the title with #15
Never. They won't even do a Giffen/JMD collection
is Johns too busy banging underage actresses to finish a script
the stargirl show seems to be his baby, so he's 100% focusing on that
He's too busy banging cereal boxes
Night of 1000 Bo Dukes is still great
When editorial gets over its hateboner for Bill. Seriously, did he accidentally run over someone's cat?
-insert the Awkward Zombie Nowi page here-
Hey OP.
Oh, Fairchild in chains again. I suppose we ought to act shocked a villain wants to bang her.
Not sure if that's a Simpsons reference or if we're supposed to believe high school geometry is impressive
It's not silly in that way, it's just that the author clearly just does whatever he thinks is cool, not too different from some of this early Image stuff. Nazi cyborgs, vampires that eat other vampires, Dhalsim-style "yoga" that just lets you do whatever you want, it's just really imaginative.
Art is subjective but so far in my reading I've found it to be really brilliant and stylized, very minutely detailed, and the roided up Adonis bad guys are charming in their garishness.
You know how when you read Silver Age Jerry Siegel Legion, you just have to laugh out loud at the nonsensical pseudo-science antics and ways they use their powers? That's the feeling I get from it, like the creator just did not give a fuck if people found it unrealistic or how it would translate to TV/movies. Whereas One Piece is more silly in a comedic, doesn't take itself seriously way, JoJo is so entertaining because it takes itself COMPLETELY seriously and has no shame about being stupid.
sorry, this is really hard to read, zoom in
But OP, prop,e used to have the greatest conversatìns on public transit with total strangers!
it probably won't ever be released
I could never quite get into the particular sort of zany inventiveness of One Piece, but the thing that really broke me on it was how inventive and grotesque the male characters get to be compared to the near uniform "willowy and tits" for the women.
I read the first two generations of Jojo and they weren’t great and I don’t wanna power through 3.
It just feels like playground “I have power X” “Well I have the power to counter power X” and so on
Plus I’ve got like half of one piece to some point return to. Been paused at the start of Fishman Island for years
>Seriously, did he accidentally run over someone's cat?
He's just not a big enough name to draw sales. He was on two bigger titles in the time that DC was doing those royalty reprint deals. Which would be great for him in his current situation, but that doesn't change the fact that he's not a big name.
If you tried to sell his Flash to someone, it would probably go
>William Messner- Loebs
>The guy who wrote Hush?
The way he draws all women the same might have at least been acceptable if any of the female characters got to actually do anything.
Like imagine if all the female characters here in Gen13 had really limited powers and didn't do anything except give and receive exposition.
That panel of Rainmaker waking up was definitely written for Benes but Our Boy Moy got it sufficiently lewd.
My favorite one piece character is Robin so maybe I don’t need to keep reading
Grunge, you were never good enough for Roxy and she was just too young and dumb to realize it, you cad.
Waaaaah, why are you drawing women sexy. Seriously. You people destroyed comics, you won’t destroy anime
His flash is at the bottom of the barrel. Much rather see his ww or fate runs
Caitlin doesn't deserve to suffer anymore bros, how do we make it stop?
I only had to wait enough time at the Hosptial to finish 30 pages of novel.
And my nephew was super into the Monster Society of Evil trade I got him for his birthday.
Odd because Part 2 was much more inventive in how the protag usually won through trickery despite kind of sucking at fighting compared to the others.
My understanding is that Part 3 is more of the "well I brought my dinosaur stand, who eats forcefield dog stand" but I suppose I'll see when the comics arrive in the mail.
Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.
Again, it's funny how because Caitlin is the protagonist, the book can actually bank on teasing her leaving the team forever. It's just so rare to see this in a team book.
Yeah, that certainly doesn't help. And what really doesn't help is that that universal female template is fairly unappealing. Like, it'd be one thing if the ladies of One Piece were at least kind of hot, but they just end up looking like poles with basketballs tied to them. It's trying be sexy and failing.
have a good night + next few days
thanks as always
this comic is... still fun
Thanks for reminding me jli is still uncollected, but Vados and jurgens run is
Sniff boobs
Not even then really.
Not a lot of stand fights are like that, a few are, but they're mostly inventive in their use or application in battles.
That said, Part 3 is maybe the most...smashy.
Wait cranky how can you hate JoJo but love Platinum/Kamiya games
I miss this cheesy series soooo much
that's connected to gerad jones being a pedophile and taking up all the JLE related issues
Hey, men can have talking asses too! It's what made Jim Carrey a star!
Dunno. JoJo just specifically does not appeal to me. Also, and I'm being brutally and embarrassingly honest here, JoJo doesn't have any waifus. Platinum games usually do.
Speaking of stand bullshit, Astral Chain looks fun.
I'm playing Awakening right now and Nowi is a crappy child character in personality too. Lowest of low tiers.
DC in the last couple weeks literally removed all of his Green Lantern, Justice League Europe, and Justice League International (vol 2) issues from comixology.
Pam doesn't want them to be affiliated with a child pornographer
Hello, nurse.
They did that AGAIN in Three Houses?
Part 2 actually had a great waifu, who unfortunately doesn't get to do anything and is totally wasted. My biggest disappointment.
me too :(
Maybe DC is racist against people with one arm?
There go my dreams of being the most fly chick in the hood...
>all that big bitch energy
Oh, I love her already.
>doesn't get to do anything
... Welp.
He never gives the chicks the same swagga except maybe Jolene
DC comics is racist but that's not the problem here, they are incredibly cheap and don't care about creators either
gone are the days of Kahn, Levitz, and Giordano, though they definitely had their faults
It's sad because she had a lot of thought put into her design and had a lot of potential, but it seemed like the author wanted to move onto the next part of the series.