Featuring Hank Pym as Sixshot!
Transformers #9
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thanks user
Prowl time!
Headlock? Wasn't he one of the RiD original Decepticons?
The one who hung out with the gorilla Decepticon? That's what I'm reminded of here
Yup that’s him
Really amazed he’s in this.
I like the random characters popping in, no one ever thinks to expect
Best thing about these prequel/reboots is that small favorites have a shot at getting the spotlight. Like Barricade for example. I bet those few Barryfags are creaming themselves right now.
and that's it.
phone papes for you
Why'd they get the bad artist to do the combat scenes
Best issue yet
So this new TF series has been pretty boring but is anyone else turned on by this page
So is anything going on now?
Why is Froid here? I haven't been following the new series.
>Prowl personally getting his hands dirty
Oh my.
What. what. what.
He's been around since issue 3 being the bad cop to Prowl's badder cop.
>being the bad cop to Prowl's badder cop.
How is that possible.
>Prowl not being an abusive violent prick
I mean like, does he actually get physically brutal more often like the page above? Most of the time in the previous series he's plotting behind and getting others to do his dirty work.
From memory, he became the head of the Constructicons, figuratively and literally.
He also violently flipped a table. Twice
>became the head of the Constructicons, figuratively and literally.
Which was a great way to blow of steam, but it wasn't enough of himself with those other tagging along for the ride in his head? They kinda influence his judgement.
>He also violently flipped a table.
Can the table feel his brutality? I want to see more of Prowl getting up close and personal in all sorts of painful ways.
>Why is Froid here? I haven't been following the new series.
Basically, Froid is Quake's psychologist. He was being questioned by Chromia and Sideswipe after Quake killed a baby and disappeared when Cyclonus crashed into his office after being attacked by Flamewar and Shadow Striker.
>Quake killed a baby
>a baby
....I have more questions. Baby as in a new spark or alien baby?
New Cybertronian. First one born in a long time. Hadn't even picked his altmode yet.
He did kill an alien just before the baby, although we don't know it's age.
How is this series so far?
Good as furman or early mtmte?
Bad as final days idw
painfully average with only set up and exposition
above average and even exciting
Formerly Chuck's
kinda boring, but has potential
Any buddies here go to TFcon? How was it?
Wish we had gotten a better artist for that.
No Getaway, get...away?
This art feels like early 2000s-grade flash art, the kind of thing you'd find impressive on newgrounds back then.
I swear to fuck, if they kill those two off this early...
>when you realize they basically made Prowl sexy
I hope they don't edgify Nautica.
That Optimus has seen some shit. Probably this exact artwork.
What? The art is significantly better than majority of previous runs.
Somewhat, yes.
i doubt Windblade will die any time soon but man that'd be really gutsy if Ruckley did.
Some of the ships from Alex Milne’s Hot Motor Oil.
For those curious, here’s a list of all the pairs in the booklet: Perceptor x Brainstorm, Drift x Rodimus, Starscream x Windblade, Arcee x Aileron, Rodimus x Megatron, Starscream x Megatron, Soundwave x Megatron [opposing pages, no less!], Megatron x Optimus, Tailgate x Cyclonus, some tentacly chick x Bee, Elita x Optimus, Pharma x Ratchet, Anode x Lug, Chromedome x Rewind, Chromia x Ironhide, Starscream x Bee, Magnus x Megatron, Pharma x Tarn, Ratchet x Drift, Soundwave x Cosmos
To me, the only noticeable one missing is Rodimus x Magnus
>some tentacly chick x Bee,
Loved it. managed to get a Ectotron which was cool.
This girl.
ah right her.
it's no Kei Zama or Alex Milne that's for sure.
That just makes me more confused, why her and Bee?
>Elita x Optimus
I hope to god that's not IDW Elita.
>TF shipping
It always turns into shipping.
So how hard will Bee beat him up?
probably G1.
Transformers 001 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)
Transformers 002 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)
Transformers 003 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)
Transformers 004 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)
Transformers 005 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)
Transformers 006 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)
Transformers 007 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)
Transformers 008 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)
Transformers 009 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm).cbz
thank you!
Panel Summary:
We have placards people! The panel room is beginning to fill up. Today's panel will be moderated by David Mariotte with panelists Tyler Bleszinski, Sam Maggs, Michael Kelly, Erik Burnham, Livio Ramondelli and Brandon Easton.
The panel has officially begun. Panelists are introducing themselves.
The team of IDW Transformers is Brian Ruckley, Angel Hernandez, Anna Malkova, and Bethany McGuire-Smith. David is talking about the new direction for IDW Transformers.
Third arc will start in issue #13, premiering a few covers. "Lots of cop, drama action along with political intrigue."
Termagax is a new character they are going to be introducing today, along with a few others.
Building Cybertron has been really exciting for IDW. Michael Kelly speaking now.
Kelly says, "When we were rebooting the franchise through comics, I really wanted to start fresh and give these characters time to breathe."
Kelly adds, "Giving Cybertron a rebirth before the events that lead to the war was really important." He says, he really wanted the planet to feel like a character in its own right.
Transformers: Galaxies will begin in August.
First arc is by Tyler and Livio, who are speaking about Constructicons Rising.
Tyler, "I thought it would be cool to look at the origin stories of the Constructicons and how they became and learned what we know about them today."
Livio is talking about the art and how he got involved with Tyler.
Arcee & Greenlight will be written by Sam Maggs who is speaking now. (Issues will be #7-9).
Maggs "A lot of us can relate to the idea of being a young person and learning the process of making up your own mind." That's why Maggs says she was interested in developing a story from the perspective of a new Transformers.
Brandon Easton is writing an Ultra Magnus story (Issues #10-12)
Easton says, "I'm a child of the '80s so Ultra Magnus really impacted me." He adds, "Ultra Magnus needs a little more explanation as a character. Ultra Magnus could take on Prime."
Easton, "This is the story about an Autobot accepting what the world has become not what he wishes it was."
Transformers and GHOSTBUSTERS crossover?!
Burnham says he has been having a ton of fun writing the series.
Ectotron is a brand new Transformers and Ghostbusters crossover character. Burnham says creating the character was all about "making it fit the weird."
Q to Michael Kelly about the Transformers and Ghostbusters crossover, "If you grew up in the '80s like I did, how lucky were we? 35 years ago we had both Transformers and Ghostbusters. It was a huge, fun, story."
There's an exclusive toy available at SDCC available at the Hasbro booth.
To honor the 35th anniversary, Transformers '84 will weave the first Marvel and first Marvel UK story together.
Star Trek vs. Transformers is another crossover. SDCC exclusive cover by Derek Charm.
Transformers vs. G.I. JOE crossover also available.
A few other Hasbro properties are being announced including: ROM.
ROM: Dire Wraiths will be in October 2019. Dire wraiths will show up on the moon during the moon landing.
New G.I. Joe series coming in 9/2019 by Paul Allor and Chris Evenhuis.
Michael Kelly says, "We have a responsibility to these brands to evolve and tell new stories."
Kelly: "I was inspired by events in WWII where civilians were recruited to go behind enemy lines." He added, "It would be great to have heroes who are just like us. They don't have superpowers, but they have a superhuman ability to persevere against incredible odds."
G.I. Joe: Snake Hunt will feature EVERY living G.I. Joe by Larry Hama.
That's it for the panel presentation. Now we are moving onto Q & A.
Q: "How do you talk to one another as writers?"
A: From David (Editor at IDW), "It's just making sure that people like me are keeping track of what's going on so we can work with all of our writers' to ensure uniformity."
Easton says, "All these characters have a thematic infrastructure in place." Which he says helps make it easier to write established characters.
Q: To Easton, about the comic and the Transformers TV show he is working on for Netflix. "Is it two different stories?"
A: Easton says "No. Everything is smooth."
Easton, "Make sure you've read all of Galaxies, in fact read all the Transformers stuff!"
Another question from the audience about continuity.
Editor at IDW David M. says there's some continuity but there are some one-offs and their own series (like what Erik Burnham is working on).
Panel is winding down now, looks like there is just one more question from the audience.
Q: In the original G.I. Joe storyline Rocky Balboa was once featured and you said every G.I. Joe...
A: Michael Kelly said, "That's not gunna happen."
The panel has now concluded! Thanks for journeying along with us!
Are... they going to cement Furman's bullshit?
i don't want another do-over of that.
>A: Easton says "No. Everything is smooth."
meaning everything will be fire.
>Arcee & Greenlight will be written by Sam Maggs who is speaking now. (Issues will be #7-9)
No. Stop cucking Lancer.
cliff notes on Maggs?
>Hot Rod
Jesus Christ, just throw Hot Shot and Side-Burn in there, go all the fucking way
Looking cute Arcee!
Why does she have a tiny green eye and a huge purple eye?
She's winking and the purple is the shadow being cast by her helmet
Opps. In my defense, I can't see shit with my glasses.
Maggs is trans. I haven't read her work so I really shouldn't speak to its quality, but I haven't heard good things. And from what I hear she can veer towards SJW bullshit.
I'm actually a bit surprised IDW is hiring Maggs and Leth after their respective bouts of pure bullshit. I figured IDW was trying to get away from that fracas. Jokes on me I guess.
My worry is that Maggs may try to take Furman's idiocy and turn it from autistic sci-fi bullshit into some Very Important Lesson and sort of solidify it into the meta story around Arcee as a character.
Well damn. At least in the final IDW issue they gave Arcee a decent reason for being 'trans'. But here, isn't gender dictated by the spark itself?
didn't she do that Visionaries comic that sucked?
No that was Mags Vissagio or something like that.
ah my mistake. Though she should rename her last name to avoid confusion.
Wait, Maggs and Mags are different people? Disregard every thing I typed here . I appear to be a legendary dumbfuck confusing separate people.
Thanks for the acclaration.
i feel bad too.
Eh it's ok. We all make mistakes.
>swerve is the only minibot with no love interest
Swerve ending up alone at the end of Lost Light was dumb, like he couldn't have had a partner or a friend who stuck with him after the journey ended.
really Roberts?
Velocity was yours!
Roberts confirmed she wasn't.
So close. I'm sure Roberts went full after 2016.
I wonder if she'll show up again, I thought she was neat but super underutilized
Based Milne.
Because she and Bee had an adventure together in her introductionary miniseries.
Bump because this issue is good for once.
It never ends.
What is Robert's problem with heterosexual couples? Is he a poof himself?
I thought Six-shot was supposed to be a really strong character. He couldn't even kill two fembots.
redpill me on previous IDW Six-shots, were they still ninja consultants?
not that i know of.
He's always been a powerhouse having 6 forms and all. He can glass a whole planet by himself pretty much
He's off his meds, I presume.
yet he died offscreen in the old continuity
That never ceases to irk me.
why did they do that?
How are these new comics? Are they new-reader friendly?
It didn't even have to be someone from the main comic. He could of made up someone to be his partner in the end. There was a tweet that I now can't find where a fan asked if Swerve would ever find love and the response they got back was basically "he's only destined to have lots of friends."
Yes, it's a completely new continuity.
yeah you can go into issue 1 of the new ongoing and start reading.
jesus christ is IDW really just letting any shitty fanartist draw for them so long as they're popular enough?
Looking at the comics main artist? Yeah, they want to save money.
but coralus does good art
Only because she heavily uses references to the point you can recognize where she's getting them from because she ends up emulating the other person's art style (markerguru is the main person she does this to) and traced in her older art. There's a NSFW gif of Rung she made that's literally traced over an animation mikeinel made.
I miss Milne and Zama when they got to be regulars.
I miss them too. Underrated.
who's the hottest male TF
knock out
wonder how much time till he appears in the reboot.
Soon, I'm sure.
jesus fucking christ can the art be any worse?
Remember Herat of Darkness.
i thought the Prowl vs. Headlock part of the issue looked good.
they need to promote that artist.
Heart of Darkness was at least funny-bad.
Absurdly bad. Like what was going up with that?
Dull surprise to the max
cringe gays
No. It's fine. It's over.