is there anything redeemable about Supergirl's new outfit?
Is there anything redeemable about Supergirl's new outfit?
what's even the issue
It looks pretty comfortable.
And rather more dignified than her former cheerleader outfit.
I like the hair
It gets cold up in Leafland
No, there's not. Looks lazy
>using cheerleader as a pejorative
She looked like a goddess in this thing
It looks like a discount Halloween shop costume. The only improvement is the dye job on her hair to make it looks actually blonde this time.
The pantyhose looks fucking stupid. Always did.
>Them thighs though
Bad, bad, bad color balancing. The same problem most Superman redesigns run into when they try to ditch the red trunks. Way too much blue.
Her necc is still visible so I have no problems
It will definitely appeal to conservative middle-eastern audiences. Sure, the hair is unkempt and slutty, but you expect a certain level of sexual display in the cape genre.
Bangs look stupid. Don't care about the costume. So glad I stopped watching at some point in season 2.
How's her ass look in it?
Sadly no shots of her behind without the cape
came in this thread looking for this
Thoroughly insulated.
Should have just colored the crotch/panty part red to simulate a trunks look, it's not like it's a Earth suit with Earth standards
Yellow on her wrists could also work
>I came in this thread looking at this
Satan is right, the end is near
Ugly ass baggy pants like captain Marvel
The worst Superman costume now wore by Supergirl.
The new Flash suit looks nice
She's thoroughly protected from the Male Gaze now!
What Benoist needs is better scripts more than anything. She's so perfect as Supergirl and this show could be so great with good writing.
It's shit that could so easily be turned to gold. :-(
>Suit made for comfort and warmth filming in the boonies of Canada
>Has awkward stirrups running between the ring and pinkie finger for some reason
>The pantyhose looks fucking stupid. Always did.
They were a fair compromise compared to this shit.
Nice ass shots maybe?
Poor Andy.
>tfw no kinky super gf
it's got Melissa Benoist inside it
What? No veil? Disgusting.
what she NEEDS is to be my wife.
I like it. I think it shows her growth to a more respectable hero rather than the skirt. I mean I can’t fucking masturbate to it anymore so that sucks
The fact it makes no effort not to be anything more than "Clark's suit with thigh boots" like every other piece of fan art that does a """progressive""" redesign.
I'm not even mad it's not a skirt, I just wished they would have tried even a little on making it unique to her.
Lame captain marvel ripoff
Honestly her hair bothers me more. I'm not a fan of the bangs.
Is this even the same actress or a stunt double? (Haven't watched since season 1)
>Covering up skin = Respectable
Based Ahmed
Baggy, ugly suit
What happening with DC?
Same actress
Damn I miss Carter's curves. Gadot just can't compete.
She looks like a she's gonna be the biggest file on a website for celebrity panty shots
>Boring and basically a clone of a male costume = respectable
I fucking hate modern society.
but what does the new suit smell like?
What would you prefer, and give a real answer
w2c that shirt
the neck is still exposed
What’s the context for this? CW forced her to be an e-sports commentator or something?
THIS is what Supergirl should look like
Too much exposed skin for today's progressive viewership. Now if she packed on about 300lbs then they would have 0 issues with this look...but as it stands this outfit is extremely problematic.
>too much skin
Am I fucking missing something???
What kills me is that people look at that one FANART of the upcoming Star Girl series, and think she won't be every bit as covered as Supergirl (more so because of a mask).
I want to kiss her tummy.
gimme the fake big breast expansion edits and then we'll talk
They're not called the regressive left for nothing.
I don't give a shit about superheroine costumes being sexy or these live action soap operas but I hate how all of these Superman/Supergirl redesigns get rid of the red on the lower body in favor of a bland sea of blue. It looks awful.
She looked like a whore in that costume.
I vastly prefer the spandex and red skirt combo from the comics.
Pushing all sexual shit aside, there isn't anything fundamentally wrong with removing the skirt.
Problem is the suit is just a generic Superman Suit. Nothing special about it and it doesnt' even have the red trunks. Its boring
>tfw no enji gf
Skirt should be blue. Red skirt is a shit fucking bitch
best Supergirl look?
>tanktop and skirt
>like a whore
Superman is based off strongmen. Supergirl is based off cheerleaders.
It looks like Supermans new 52 design
So its shite
The transformation is complete Kara is officially just Superman now. They really just ripped all of his rogues gallery for her and made her the symbol of hope while Clark fucked off to his homeworld.
>Superman is based off strongmen.
How many strongmen wear full body spandex?
Shouldn't he be wearing nothing but a speedo or a leotard?
>Superman is based off strongmen
It's not the 80's anymore.
Superman and Supergirl both have these drab yet still somehow overwrought pleather things that have no historical basis whatsoever, and a cape. The only difference now is that Supes still has foam muscle-inserts and her's does not.
Why is it so hard to have a live action superman? Did zach snyder destroy the man of steel for the silver screen?
Something that was "serious" but still feminine? Maybe give her a sort of loincloth/dress over the pants to retain the color balance, like this suspiciously similar fanart. Just ANYTHING that isn't as dull as this suit actually is.
Not him but it's the trunks that were from strongmen. I guess in the golden age they didnt want a man jumping around in naught but his trunks.
I know I'm in the extreme minority here, but I actually liked her "New 52" look. Leotard+Cape looks great, love the yellow trim on it, and putting the shield on her crotch is nice too. Only thing I'd change is get rid of the long sleeves, having all that bare leg but with covered up arms looks sort of weird. Or turn the sleeves into really, really long gloves, to match her really long boots, that would work too.
the worst thing is the mom hair
A lot of them wore full body costumes, actually, just not spandex. Superman has it half/half by having the spandex while maintaining the trunks, body shape and hair style.
And I think it's a good look for him. All these attempts to give him a high tech suit miss that simple mark.
Are you calling the traditional Superman costume overwrought? Are you fucking retarded? It's spandex, boots, trunks and a cape.
Supergirl's is similarly simple, yet sporty. Tanktop/tshirt, decent length skirt, black hairband and a cape. Simple but sporty.
It's not but most normies don't want classic hopeful Superman. They want quippy and Superman is not really a memester.
Man of Steel was actually a great movie aside from Pa Kent. With just a little more of Superman being a symbol for hope the movie would have been perfect. People shit on that movie for the wrong reasons. BvS was just dumb because they doubled down on the grimdark, Justice League end was how to do Superman the most right. But all of this is moot because Warner Bros are morons and don't generally do tv shows when they are planning to do movies of characters. It is why Batman hasn't been on tv in forever, Gotham doesn't count since it was supposed to focus on Gordon and the city.
>Only thing I'd change is get rid of the long sleeves, having all that bare leg but with covered up arms looks sort of weird.
No, it doesn't. It's much better than the tanktop jumpsuit so many fan redesigns love defaulting to.
bad tailoring. that's a very low crotch for a woman's suit.
The episode of Justice League that turned me on to Superman was Hereafter. It was so cool seeing that Superman was a legit resourceful badass even without his powers.
I think more people would like Superman if there was a good depowered arc in a movie instead of focusing on overblown spectacle.
Show us this Superman on the big screen. Make it a triumphant moment when get gets his powers back.
That's the kind of stilted thinking that almost got us Justice League: Mortal.
I think zach snyder was more about muh power levels muh jesus with superman. my idea of superman is a normal guy who does the right thing and has incredible powers.
I liked the last scene of JL when he was gonna race the flash and thats about it that I liked in JL
>showcasing that Clark is more than just his powers in a cool ass solo adventure fantasy movie is stilted thinking
>that jiggle
>talking shit about skirts
It is pretty reductive thinking. I mean, I can understand the idea, but it kind of plays into the idea that you can't truly do a decent superhero movie unless you take all the bombast out of the character.
You need to get people on board the ship before you can sail, user. I'd love a huge movie about Superman righteously fighting dudes to protect his new home, without any of the Snyder grimdark. But audiences by and large don't like Superman because "oh muh overpowered".
Once you've seen Clark go from fighting for his life with mutated wolves you can better appreciate him smashing Zod through a building.
The colors look more vibrant.
Good taste but for me it is Matrix with the miniskirt
Matrix or Peej
Imagine the smell hahaha
Loose weight.
no, it looks like complete horseshit. any cosplayer can create a better costume, it looks worse than amateur fan-material.
It looks like the superhero equivalent of an 80's power suit and just as misguided and ugly. This fad of de-feminizing a character's look is the absolute blandest of the bland. You might as well say we just don't think our character is strong enough on her own so we need to cover her up and pad her over to make her look more manly and butch. It's just weak and lazy really.
>“I’ve kind of grown with this character,” says Benoist of portraying Kara Danvers on Supergirl. “It took me a long time to actually feel that strength [of being a superhero]. I feel like if you don’t feel it from the inside out, it’s not going to translate.”
>On Monday, the Supergirl star revealed the Girl of Steel’s brand new season 5 super-suit. The biggest change? The skirt is no more and has been replaced by actual pants, which is something both Benoist and the showrunners have been wanting to do for a long time.
>“We’ve been talking about pants since season 1,” Benoist tells EW. “Every time a writer from the show has come up, and it’s freezing cold in Vancouver, I’m like, ‘Guys, please can I not wear tights?’ I love [Kara’s old costume]. I haven’t changed it because it so works, and I think it is very Kara. I’ve always felt that — until recently, I’m like, ‘Something’s gotta give.'”
>Showrunners Jessica Queller and Robert Rovner echoed that sentiment as well. “A lot of us were passionate about getting Supergirl into pants and out of the short skirt, and we felt like that would be a powerful move, and Melissa is really excited about it,” says Queller. “So we just had to find the right moment to design the suit and in between seasons gave us a chance. But this is something we’ve been thinking about for a while.”
I like the new gold accents around the cape and shoulders.
i wouldn't mind pants if they didn't lose the skirt. she could've worn a skirt over pants or something to keep it feminine or distinct like pink power rangers. new one is so boring and the exact same as superman's who she has to compete with for the "best ass" now and we all know she's not going to win that. also she is now competing with all the other female superheroes wearing bodysuits and it all gets so boring when they all look the same. female superheroes going butch isn't anything new or innovative at this point. just feels like a cliche manufactured "power move" now.
Why couldn't they keep the cut of the Overgirl suit? That was fucking perfect.
it would be better if she had red trunks
ah, literally nothing then
Just curious, did you also enjoy the FOX-Men outfits?
waiting for the hijab to top it all off
All I can come up with is them emphasizing her more as woman now than simply just a girl. Pants+bangs have her looking about 10 years older now.
which ones?
Apart from the unnecessary shoulder thing it's fine
Stargirl usually is more covered than Supergirl
Supergirl's original design showed that better. I like the tank top and mini skirt because I Jack off to it but it's a ridiculous outfit and always has been and
Is Lena Kara's Lois?
>hating on skirts
When did it all turn wrong?
Why wasn't she just her Lex anyway? Because fags?
Ok, let me be specific then. The fanart of the actress as Stargirl is a fantasy; she will not be exposing midriff or wearing shorts. Star Girl's midriff look is roughly the equivalent of Batman's cape for her visual look. She'll end up as a slightly younger looking Supergirl from the OP's pic, with more stars and a staff.
>Star Girl's midriff look is roughly the equivalent of Batman's cape for her visual look
fucking autists
>being sexy is undignified
No one could compete with that. Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened at all.
They could have hired someone better. Gadot has the curves of a stick.
Why didn’t they use the new 52 design? No skirt there
Exposing legs is haram in America now.
Everyone hates that design.
You're just a lying cunt. Fuck off.
Stargirls actress is also not at all scared of showing off her delicious tummy.
The fuck is wrong with you? The rest of civilized humanity agrees that abortion of a costume should have been burnt at the concept table.
>>using cheerleader as a pejorative
Totally sensible use if referring to subject as vapid and juvenile.
I think she had a rhinoplasty
Mortal was a really excellent script. The costume designs they were testing looked like absolute garbage though.
Yeah I don't give a fuck about the suit, the bangs make her look middle-aged.
Shame they didn't go with Miller, given his track record and his visual eye he could have made something special out of it. Likely better than the JL movie we eventually ended up with.
WHAT would his sister up in heaven with baby jesus think of this lewd display of power?
It's probably not forever.
>being a DCAUfag
This is Supergirl, not Gwen Stacy
>It's probably not forever.
And thank god for that. I'd say the show has 2 more seasons at best. They should pull this stain from the air before they do the Supergirl movie that's been rumored.
Why is a skirt considered silly for a fictional character called Supergirl, but a kilt is considered badass for real warriors? Please give a serious answer.
Why is a skirt considered silly for a fictional character called Supergirl, but a kilt is considered badass for a real warrior? Please give a serious answer.
When will Power Girl appear?
i love the yellow on the cape
just imagine johns is fucking stargirl actress and thinking about his dead sister... hahahaha... that would be weird
>The rest of civilized humanity agrees
Fuck off with your hyperbole.
>never ever
he sacrified himself for the giggle
what a lad
I always thought the best option was Bar Refaeli to play Wonder Woman
Lynda Carter face, nice tits and ass
she has it all
What about this
Still had the S at least, classic red + blue, has a cape
Could be worse
If there going to ditch the skirt they could at least keep the bare legs and Leotard
Her costume in the new Jay & Silent Bob movie looks better
she cute
We love a cute super heroine. No, really she's perfect. PERFECT!
well, looks decent
needs more red to balance out all the blue
That smear effect on the promo image looks like shit.
>And rather more dignified than her former cheerleader outfit.
You're a shill, aren't you.
Burqa when?
hay retard are you lost ?
Best suit.
it's cheap
>putting Supergirl into pants would be a powerful move...
LMAO @ this utter dribble. it's acceleration of puritanism to the extreme. There is absolutely nothing "powerful" about replacing the skirts of an nearly invincible woman with a pair of pants. Nothing.
>Actress gives a very practical reason for the costume change.
>Showrunners try to make it a "thing"
Benoist is 2qt for this trash
I wish pre-flashpoint DC was still a thing.
Wow, shit taste m8.