Jonhs started writing the shazam sequel just for movie sinergy, now the comic is also getting delayed becuase he is lazy, why do johnsfags keep defending him?
Jonhs started writing the shazam sequel just for movie sinergy...
Motherfuckers, at this rate we won't be getting #12 until Christmas.
Ooh Christmas
Fug XD
Because they still buy in to the "Johns was gonna fix everything with Rebirth until Didio ruined it" narrative, even though Johns was just as knee deep in false promises as Didio was and hadn't planned anything with Rebirth beyond the introduction.
>"this comic is a disaster and a failure"
>every single issue was the top selling comic the month it came out
People who buy floppies are retarded.
>He thinks that doomsday clock will finish before 2020
I think the real issue here is that Johns isn't fully invested in his comic obligations. He's too wrapped up in studio bullshit. He needs to get his priorities straight
How many DC events have come and gone since Doomsday Clock started?
The Witching Hour
Drowned Earth
No Justice
Heroes in Crisis
Event Leviathan
Year of the Villain
He kind of has to focus on the movies and tv shows, that's his job now.
Metal. HiC is a maxiseries and I don't even know if Event Leviathan is an actual event. Now Marvel events on the other hand... well that's a lengthy list.
Delay Clock #11
Floppy buyers are the legitimate OG comic readers if they aren't just going after shit like Deadpool or Batman and consistently keep up with releases. I just read them on Yea Forums and wait for the trades if I like it.
Remember when this was only supposed to be a year long event? Remember when that year was 2017?
Sure, but the problem with shazam is that he hold the character hostage for 5 years, wrote the sequel only when the movie was coming out with the intention of being the basis for a sequel, but already lost interest.
>Christmas 2021
Why would an event that makes fun of Dan Didio be pushed back by DC?
When a book of this nature is delayed, it's not the writer delaying things, it's the artist. The scripts are already done. They've been written months in advance.
No they haven’t.
This delay was probably Frank, but both are responsible for delays
No Justice was an event?
You know, I always here that Gary Frank is usually slow with his releases. But is it normal to be delaying books THIS MUCH!?
wasnt witching hour just a 2 book crossover
He's done two year long runs of 12 issues before. In fact his base pace is one issue every two months,
They havent, johns literally doesnt do prep time. When the first issue was released only issue 2 was ready.
has ANY superhero comic been delayed this badly?
>Father's Day 2025
If it isn't Canon anymore, why does it need to come out on abundance other than when it is ready.
Also, there is no correlation between schedule or release and quality. Have I answered your question?
seriously fuck Johns and pushing the worst interpretation of Shazam ever
fuck all of his stupid fans too, muhh rebrith, swallow a shotgun
Did anyone really expect them to release it without delays? I figured I wouldn’t be reading 11 until October anyway
He's literally said that he's waiting for script pages for issue 11.
Also, Shazam keep getting more and more delayed.
Johns is obviously the guilty one here.
So it is Johns fault then? Is his shazam even doing well in sales? I remember curse of shazam being shit
Then why DAFUCK was it solicited as a monthly in the first place!?
>thinking it will be this decade
You have too much hope.
fuck off faggot
ye i like his stuff but he needs to stop the movie/tv bs and start concentrating on his books I personally love Doomsday Clock and Shazam tho.
>why do johnsfags keep defending him?
Because he's still an entertaining writer.
I doubt Doomsday Clock finished this decade.
It was Didio and Lee and company that decided that Doomsday Clock was non-canon. And Bendis being allowed to ignore continuity and do whatever he wanted and even contradict Doomsday Clock was arguably the single biggest cause of DC's decline.
>It was Didio and Lee and company that decided that Doomsday Clock was non-canon
Because Johns still hasn't fucking finished it.
The only reason it didnt became canon was that ot took too long.
he should stop doing cocaine
Event, but it lasted just a month. Same as drowned earth
>Special 1 shot
>WW issue
>JLD issue
>WW issue
>special 1 shot
>it will take 3 years to finish Doomsday Clock
>He literally said
[citation needed]
Black cat: evil that men do. Also, Daredevil The Target.
Batman - The Widening Gyre still hasn't finished either
Wait...what? So this isn't even canon anymore? Jesus
Snyder said in an interview that Doomsday Clock was mostly self contained, which everybody flipped shit and started saying NONCANON so he was forced to release a revised statement which they updated the articles with afterwards which said that there will be connections to be seen between him using the JSA in his JL run and Doomsday Clock.
It's canon. It's just on a fucked up time skew apparently and they've stopped making the writers work towards folding in lead up to it.
Sauce pls