Realistically, what films or other properties are safe from Disney's live-action film treatment

Realistically, what films or other properties are safe from Disney's live-action film treatment

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the great mouse detective

Hunchback. Atlantis. Treasure Planet. Hercules, probably.

Treasure Planet

I'm gonna regret saying that in 3 years.

buzz lightyear starcommand


Tarzan cause they no longer have the rights or some shit

i would say that if mulan isn't safe, then neither is hercules. it was by no means a flop

Treasure Planet is a movie Disney wants to forget. Besides, I don't want to see what a hyper-realistic crew of alien pirates would look like.

The Pixar films in general... least for now.

I dread the idea of us one day getting a live-action Incredibles movie with a black Mr Incredible and Elastigirl played by Brie Larson chosen specifically due to her lack of ass compared to the original. I suppose A Bug's Life with live-action realistic looking bugs would be too unmarketable and gross for mainstream audiences. That should be safe.

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Toy Story

From a few hours ago

Nightmare Before Christmas?

anything disney owned as a classic but is now public domain.

>CGI Amelia

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Oliver and Company. Last I heard Ice Cube was doing a modern-day Oliver adaptation for Disney.

Is nothing sacred


Pocahontas. In the current year, they would need to do something vastly revisionist, practically rewrite the story if they tried.

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Native Americans aren't as high on the diversity ladder as black people and Muslims.

Nothing is 'safe', but I don't expect a Song of the South remake anytime soon.

Black Cauldron

the one movie I wouldn't mind being wrong on

this people could just watch the play

>yfw they get that cyborg autist user to finally play long john