What the fuck was their problem?
What the fuck was their problem?
Ruled by a haole
I fucking hate murlocs
Being forced to dress like strippers without a paycheck attached to it.
Why are they so fat and ugly?
Me on the right
Me next to
She's a snobby know-it-all.
Fuck off, Murrlogic.
because they're six
we need more Thicc older Mertle(and Lilo), and it'd be nice to see the other girls get that treatment too
And I'm fucking these two.
Why are all images I see of this guy sketches
Does he ever finish any drawings
Van is talented but kinda lazy if it isn't a commissioned piece
Little girls are just mean.
That's not what healthy 6 year olds look like
I suddenly wanna go to hawaii
Bingo. Her father is probably some white guy who married and had a child with a Hawaiian woman, yet ironically shit-talks Hawaiians, and his daughter has his attitude.
Kids are psychopaths. Anyone who claims otherwise just wants an excuse to not pay attention to what theirs are doing.
Lilo is autistic- the other kids realize that she's "different" and bully her because of it, even if they don't know why.
Imagine being 6 and looking 0. 1 at the oldest.
I'm just amazed that the person who voiced my most hated cartoon character is the same VA who voices this cinnamon roll.
I mean. they are cartoons with impossibly huge heads.
Van's concept for this is almost greater than the drawing itself. He called it "townie sluts". Those lucking dumb tourists.
mertle is afraid she's going to be black too once the series gets a live action reboot
She will look in the box because she knows Anne is a thieving cunt
>mertle is afraid she's going to be black too once the series gets a live action reboot
nah one of her cronies is already black(probably)
*would be kinda nice if in the changes that will probably come from the adaptation involve putting a bit more of a focus on Mertle and her group(which ties into my biggest pet peeve about the TV cartoon, that despite being a fairly long series they never really bothered fleshing out Mertle's group more, she herself got a decent amount of focus but her friends got basically none, which is kinda weird considering how small the human cast for the show was)
Huh, I don't think this one is on the Yea Forumsllection.
We've seen Mertle's mom, Leeroy and Stitch implied her dad pumped and dumped.
her whole role is to be a bratty white kid that knows nothing of hawai'i and thinks Kamehameha is just that laser gun from DBZ
>We've seen Mertle's mom, Leeroy and Stitch implied her dad pumped and dumped.
can't remember if it was there or somewhere else in the franchise but the blonde girl did a savage burn on Mertle once by commenting about her dad having walked out on her and her mom
I think chris sanders just uses all the wide hipped women to cover up his toddlercon fetish
these are not what 6 year olds look like
eh it's a common problem in more stylized cartoons with drawing young characters a lot younger and shorter looking than they should be, Gravity Falls is another good example of this from Disney
Lilo is HOT
Ginger soon to be replaced by Black. Disney.
noodle limb style doesn't lend to toddler proportions, so you're wrong there
she's a little thinner than I think she should be as a teen/adult(her anime version is a bit better in that regard), and she definitely needs lips like Nani has, her face looks weird without them
it's more that Dipper and Mabel are supposed to be almost 13 years old and yet look more like 8 years old kids
I think it was in Stitch has a Glitch. But that was the same movie that established that Mertle probably still has frequent contact with her dad, since he had her put together an elaborate hula to advertise his shop.
>tiny tiddies
>down syndrome looks
>brown skin
>squat figures
Pick any one. There's no wrong answer.
Oh, snap. I was just guessing. I couldn't tolerate the tv series design changes and drab colors, and bailed on it like 3 eps after it started airing.
and they also have voices of 30 year old adults
shits fucked
they don't take kindly to autistic people like lilo
Lilo was acting out due to the loss of her parents. That made her "weird" to the other kids. And kids are little monsters who pounce on you if you don't conform. People who don't work with kids seem to forget just what evil little shits they are and how amazingly and unrealistically nice most of the kid characters are.
>be a smut artist
>Hm, let me color my babes like I would an impressionist nature scene
Seriously, just why this exact style of coloring?
>in the b-
>tfw you almost failed an autism test
Honestly she wasn't a bad person. She simply wasn't considerate f what Lilo was going trough and didn't want to deal with her shit. You can't really expect anything else from a kid. We don't even know if they were privy to her being an orphan.
Lilo is a damaged six years old girl living with a HUGE trauma since her parents died in a car accident, who is trying to live as well as she can.
Her only living relative is trying as hard as she can to take care of them both.
>Nearly all the rule 34 is aged up
How odd.
You'd think everyone would want to fuck eight year old girls.
I worked as yard duty and can't confirm, least not at that age. It's third graders to fifth graders who're the bastards.
Okay, in the ORIGINAL MOVIE, Lilo comes in late for their hula recital and the kids slip on the wet floor she brought in. They all get up, and Myrtle simply tells Lilo she is late, so Lilo LEAPS ON HER AND BITES HER. The rest of the movie, Myrtle is literally just trying to avoid Lilo. In the original Lilo and Stitch, Myrtle does basically nothing wrong. The worst thing you could say about her is that she chides Lilo for being late, but honestly at that age her parents probably do the same thing to her to teach her punctuality (especially if they are less Hawaiian that the rest of the community)
Fucking wrong. The Sumo teacher tells her she is late and Lilo goes on a frantic rant about how she was feeding the fish god "Pudge" that controls the weather and fate of unborn children. After that Msquirtle calls her crazy then Loli bashes her for insulting her religion.
So Mertle is going to be a titty monster and Lilo is a shortstack usually(though how short is rather variable), what should the other four girls be like when they get older?
Fucking wrong. The Sumo teacher tells her she is late and Lilo goes on a frantic rant about how she was feeding the fish god "Pudge" that controls the weather and fate of unborn children. After that Msquirtle calls her crazy then Loli bashes her for insulting her religion.
Need more of this
Martle is pretty hot too.
Not enough dick. Also daddy issues
Hawaiians hate white people. She just fighting back
left fat
right thicc
big difference
Maybe Mertle's dad and mom aren't married. Maybe her father only acknowledge he's her dad when there's a opportunity to use her ( like how Mertle was a walking advertissement for her dad's store in that one scene).
Glasses look off
I dunno, are there a lot of whiteys in Hawaii?
Man, CGI Stitch would be sick.
Decent amount, plus Mertle could conceivably be mixed, she is fairly tan after all
imagine having the already-terrible name Myrtle, but at least it looks kinda cool and refers to a tree with nice wood
and then your parents spell it MERTLE
you now have ERT in your name. You get to join the likes of the Berts and Gerts in the world. You're already gonna be called myrtle the turtle, now even the spelling is just.. it's an alphabet fart.
The non-brown ones:Because of how they are usually treated by Hawaiians.
The brown ones:Just badly raised as ass-holes.
Is this an autism test?
Myrtle called Lilo crazy after she gave her reasoning for being late was to feed Pudge the fish a PB sandwich because she believes he controls the weather. Lilo attacked her for being called crazy, which is what most autistic people would do in that situation. Considering the backstory of her parents death being caused by a car crash in a storm, she probably forgot to do it one day and the storm happened coincidentally later the same day. She probably believes the 2 are connected in an attempt to rationalize the randomness of death.
We only view Lilo as sympathetic because she's the protagonist of the story. If you were a little girl at hula performance and some retard showed up covered in seaweed, dripping water and shit all over the dance floor and ruining everything because she had to give a sacrificial sandwich to her fish god you would shun her too.
Witness the power of my stand「Hawaiian Rollar Coaster Ride」!
Not to mention a lot of the times Myrtle did something shitty, Lilo got back at her, so they were even through the franchise on average.
I can see that bullying going south real quick when Lilo hits her teen years and those unstable teenage hormones start kicking in. It's all fun and games until the autistic mentally disturbed girl sics the literal alien engine of destruction she calls her pet/friend on someone. A Stitch's strength level I'm fairly certain he could actually turn someone into red mist with a good punch a leave no body for the galactic council or Bubbles to accuse them of murder for.
And then there's the alien genetics lab to mess around with if she's mad enough to take things into her own hands.
Need more like this
Yeah, I know some dancers and spilt water on the stage means they're risking sprains and dislocations and other painful injuries. People already slipped and fell because Lilo dripped all over the stage. It's no wonder they're upset, I'd be livid too.
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