If you take kids comics out of the mix (Dog Boy, etc.), then manga = 50% of graphic novels sold in US

>If you take kids comics out of the mix (Dog Boy, etc.), then manga = 50% of graphic novels sold in US.
How do we fix American comics?

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Other urls found in this thread:



you know how

Get people who actually like comics to write them.

i think you mean dog MAN
dog boy is that novel about the feral child

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So kids don't buy manga or cape comics? What a dumb attempt at a comparison.

Write good cohesive stories with actual skilled artists.

>How do we fix American comics?

Stop hiring writers and artists to signal virtue. Stop making nothing but capeshit. Actually have good art. Basically be European comics instead.

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This doesn't necessarily mean that western comics are selling badly, right? It could just be that manga is becoming more popular and mainstream in the west.

There are a LOT of well drawn and well written manga out there, spanning all genres and demographics. There are also very terrible manga out there that are very popular among the lowest dregs of society, like shoujo and bishounen manga.

Anyway manga is great and western comics seen to have stagnated in terms of fresh ideas. Only turbo-nerds buy the new Flash/Batman/Superman etc. every time the franchise is redone by new writers and artists.

>If you take out the parts that sell the most we sell more!
Then they don't actually sell more

>relaunch vertigo
>"writers" are human waste
I'm sure thing like that are not related at all to sales

Western artists would rather kill themselves than to work like a Mangaka.

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Zoe Quinn's comic reeks of an editor who just took the path of least resistance but not correcting her in fear of being labeled.

Remove SJW.

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Asians are def hardworking.

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bring back big titties

>hero of the story is literally a nazi
god I hope sjws never get their hands on this

I would rather they kill themselves as well

western version is
twitter twitter twitter comics twitter twitter twitter

More diversity, of both characters and writers. Diversity is the A-number-one most important requirement. Talent and experience can be massaged and propped up. Making new diverse characters is okay, as long as they have no outstanding flaws. Also, we don't want reader to think we're racist, so ix-nay on the black and minority villains unless they're secretly justified in their actions. If your comic doesn't reflect real life (say, a gang of all white thugs threatening a black businesswoman on the streets of New York), use the defense that you're reading a book about men sticking to walls/flying/swinging around on grappling hooks. It'll get you out of trouble every time. Also, you need your staff to look good on social media. Encourage them to post their political thoughts and feelings constantly (provided they're the right ones, of course).

I recall the HXH author made a math formula of his work regiment. Similar to your pick right down to writing/scenarioing on the weekend.

>this is what comic book companies actually believe

Maybe if he scheduled time to clean his home he'd be well enough to actually stick to that schedule.

This. We need to start by creating good comics in genres that will entice the existing comic reading portion of the population away from solely consuming stories from the Big 2.

With luck, a diversity of choice in what to read, will encourage people from outside to start looking into stories that interest them. If this works, it will lead to an increased number of comic readers and a lessening of the stigma against comics.

With that taken care of, Americans will have a much wider selection of stories to read from, and thus won't need to turn to media from Japan for their fix. The numbers will equal out and the American comic industry will enter a period of stability. Until we inevitably hit another comics bubble and the industry has to be burned to the ground again.

>Maybe if he scheduled time to clean his home he'd be well enough to actually stick to that schedule.
He's got chronic back pain that prevents him from working extended periods of time.

HxH is his 3rd series. Decades of abusing his body working on manga has caught up to him.

ComicArtist Pro Secrets is covering that topic every single day: youtube.com/channel/UCp8nOGQKLpFhtoIOOUVK40g

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I hope so

>How do we fix American comics?

Start selling them in normal stores instead of just comic book stores for starters.

No normal person or kid wants to go to a comic book store

I like comics and I hate most comic stores.

I don't think you understand what a bubble is

i think it might be because manga is more adult than comics books. comic books are censored very heavily.

Write things young people actually want to read.
Humor, sex, romance, violence, and cool visuals.
Everything but in moderation.

Stop fucking reinventing the protagonist character and his origina and motivations every 12 issues. Give people some consistency.

And for the love of god, stop listening to the people telling you to be ashamed of fanservice. It sells books.
You are going to sell more books appealing with tits and ass than trying to appeal to the crowd that hates leotards.

Like they're ever going to notice an obscure, unfinished French comic published in Heavy Metal in the US, and like a couple of Frenchies are going to care what shrieking American trannies think. It'd probably just encourage them.

>How do we fix American comics?
Make them weekly "chapters" that are ten pages long and only in black and white with drawn out fights and dialogue that add anything to the narrative so that a simple fight takes months to finish? And then pay just a single artist minimum wage while they employ interns that work for nothing more than "exposure?" Well that's how slave labor... I mean the manga business works.

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I just can't get enough of watching them fail.

You're talking about battle shonen which is not even 20% of the manga being published.

Clearly by reposting the same thread and ignoring any actual discussion, otherwise you wouldn't be doing it.

>How do we fix American comics?
Your basically asking how to undo 60 years of fuckery to the industry.

-Morale panic causing the industry to play it safe and on make cape comic.
-Having a single distributor that prevented indies to get into the scene.
-Speculative market and the industry catering to them ultimately fucking themselves over in the long run.
-comics being sold in store with reputations of being unfriendly to new comers
-the big two constantly making big events with promising to make significant changes to the greater story. Only for it to not matter within a years time finally wearing out alot of old reader.

These are the biggest factors that have fucked over the industry. No, sjw's are the end all be all despite what some autistic youtuber has told you.

Also why is manga successful, in japan, and a lesser extent the west. Anime are made primarily to boost sales of the manga. In the west, comics they don't get the same treatment. Animation is considered a joke here and wouldn't earn a casual audience without a last a season or two in its belt. The main goal for most comic creators is to get a movie deal, 9/10 getting a tv show is a death sentence. Final note, america fanbase, while fanatical. Aren't as big of whales as Japanese are. Sure they might a funko or a shirt, but they wont go out and buy the fucking comics.

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It's my 1st time posting this.

fuck off with your black and white shit
colors are a MASSIVE part of superheroe's design and image

I think EVS got it right, they didn't want the older readers with money anymore. They got people in charge with despise the traditional readers, and insult them. They stop buying. The argument for hiring these people was the promise to bring in another audience, but they failed doing so and are still failing. Now there's really a collapse going on: youtube.com/watch?v=lK7_xE6Okhc

They seem to have been like meeting points, like churches or clubs.

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I wish the fights scenes in colored comics are as good as black and white shit.

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There's something very wrong with this board

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Same with romance. Same with isekai. Same with sports. It's all the same. Manga has made a habit of coming up with a story and taking forever exploring it. I'm sure you've followed enough manga in enough genres to know this is true. You can see this in most of the Yea Forums threads whenever a new chapter for anything is posted. Half the time people are complaining about nothing happening and having to wait for the next chapter.

Also shonen is the most commonly compared genre for superhero comics.

That was sarcasm user. Black and white is for savages.

I wish most manga looked even a quarter that good.

Superheroes suck

Is there an American artist as good as Murata?

>wanting your creative minds to be whipped overworked dogs
is this the american way?

>No, sjw's are the end all be all despite what some autistic youtuber has told you.
they buy mostly graphic novels and indieshit, like the witch boy and queen of the sea. which is arguably a step forward.

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I like Manga, read it weekly.

But I am sick of this stupid thread every day. Fuck off.

Who cares about capeshit

How absolutely embarrassing. This is what happens when you give control over to a bunch of fat untalented lazy marxists who try to turn your product into their persona propaganda.

This is also what happens when you rely on the same couple dozen characters for almost a century.

Marvel/DC deserve to burn, honestly. Maybe someone will learn from their ashes.

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I can't wait for Mickey to give Marvel the White Wolf treatment.

The only smart post in this thread. Comics need some ACTUAL Capitalism, none of this pseudo-fascistic nonsense trying to get back at the SJWs, none of the woke bullshit that companies have been doing, and none of this bleeding heart "writers should love comics!" garbage. Expand the fucking market, having this shit be so niche is killing potential sales. You need customers able to actually BUY your products.

Hire more black people. African Americans created america's pop culture and they always got a finger on what's cool.


>fat untalented lazy marxists who try to turn your product into their persona propaganda.

You mean what they've been doing since Superman fighting the ku klux klan and trying to tell the audience that being a different race doesn't make you any less american?

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Where are the sales though

this desu, and get rid of old names in the industry who haven't done anything worthwhile in years

less preaching would be nice too

Those are all perfectly fine messages that co-existed along with good stories.

Good job showing you have no grasp of the nuance of the situation if you can't see the obvious difference between then and now.

hmm.. i had no idea the manga industry works its employees like slaves. sad to see anime and manga fans condone such treatment of their creators.

>Western artists would rather kill themselves than to work

fixed for you.

Don’t think there is a single artist that can do action scenes even half as good as Murata.

Do you know why manga is better?
Its not because everyone's a weeb
Its because western art and traditionalism are shunned.
Demolitionist agendas pushed by corporate execs DONT
Manga is so refreshing, writers and artists can make whatever they want, they can be as horny or as dramatic as they want, free and above the stupid cultural restrictions put in place by people who don't know what young people enjoy

Honestly, this.
Modern western artist often have such massive entitlement issues and egos. Every major project I've been apart of since 2009 that failed was due to the artist. They are just the fucking worse and I have no doubt that's having an affect on the grander industry.

It couldn't happen to a worse industry.

All Japanese professionals work that way, and I don't care about that any more than you care about the slaves making the iPhone you posted this from.

Maybe they can learn to code. :^)

It's not necessary to be very smart to see the difference between KKK and people not wanting to be harassed by SJW or between accepting some minority as humans and resisting mass migration.

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Yea Forumstards trying to talk about manga is always so hilariously pathetic.

They don't. American commie artists like to meme that any capitalist country that refuses to take in minorites treat their people like shit.

Unless it's China, then they just don't want to talk about the subject anymore.

If you have a problem with this message you're literally retarded.

The infamous Akagi has the most extreme example of this I can think of, a mahjong death match that started in 1997, and lasted fucking 20 years until it ended in 2017. And it was absolutely high quality throughout. Your premise might have some merit but don't ignore the quality factor. I'll wait forever for a good story to finish. I won't even bother picking up something trashy but quickly rushed out.

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If just KKK supporters were not a bunch of obnoxious snowflakes.

I'm saying cape comics have been a mouth piece for political opinions. the only thing different is that you have faggots losing their shit when they see an opinion they don't like in a fucking comic they dont even read.

Feel free to donate: gogetfunding.com/2019-animator-dormitory-project
BTW, slaves were property of someone. When they fled there was a law to bring them back to the owners or to kill them. That's slavery, everything else isn't.

I don't know this dude, is his series a weekly?

>Completely ignores

Cute, what's wrong? Your retarded logic falls apart the moment you realized you weren't talking to some /pol/tard?

it's not just about having politics in comics, it's about it being hamfisted poorly written propaganda. But keep your head in the sand as your industry flounders and becomes a laughing stock of the world.

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>Manga is so refreshing, writers and artists can make whatever they want, they can be as horny or as dramatic as they want, free and above the stupid cultural restrictions put in place by people who don't know what young people enjoy

You say this when anime as a whole is riddle with reused tropes, isekai shit, and waifu bait. The only thing manga does better is making you believe what your reading is new and refreshing.

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Okay but the burden of proof falls on the you. What are the comics that are doing this?

>Stop making nothing but capeshit
this in particular is too true, and so obvious that it boggles the mind how it's never addressed

Weekly. He did Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan
for 25 volumes.

Having just two genres means manga has twice as many as american comics.

Kek, if you live in the US you probably don't noticed but cape comics were always infested with blatant propaganda.

That's storytelling as a whole buddy.
Give me a medium or genre that doesn't re-use tropes, deconstruct them to death then nostalgically build them back up again.

>You say this when anime as a whole is riddle with reused tropes, isekai shit, and waifu bait. The only thing manga does better is making you believe what your reading is new and refreshing.

No, you only get that impression because
1. Japan pumps out far more anime and manga than America does cartoons/comics, so you're going to see everything more often.
2. You're incredibly ignorant and absolutely underage (Which is obviously by the fact you bring up Isekai, as if it's the only trend you've ever heard of.)

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>comment was about manga
>he brings anime
More than 90% of manga series does not have an anime. The generic but popular stories often get animated while good unpopular stories don't.

Imagine saying this while comics have been parading around Justice League/Avengers for 50+ years.

>Its because western art and traditionalism are shunned.
In my experience, the only western comics that feature truly dynamic and impressive art are the comics that feature manga-inspired artists. Joe Madureira, Jorge Jimenez, and David Marquez are a few examples that come to mind. Most western artists are so preoccupied by the need to capture realism that they create spectacularly boring books. A few artists are so obsessed with realism that they resort to tracing porn, google images and 3d models in order to look as "real" as possible, but only succeed in removing immersion with uncanny character renders. If western books want to adapt, they'll need to rid themselves of the realism meme (and the indy Zine meme while we're at it) and embrace more dynamic visual art work.

It's misguiding. Such messages are rather not about the status quo, but about the future. About letting more and more other people in. People which don't get that are the retarded ones.

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I literally don't care, can't you read?

Oof, this one hurt.

>Comictards make it obvious again they have no idea what they're talking about despite trying to argue about it.

Every time, no wonder the industry is in such bad shape. It's okay to not know things guys, seriously.

>look mom I posted it again

Thanks for proving you only watching autismos on youtbe for you comic knowledge. Half that shit has been cancelled for several years already.

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big oof

look at the tags here anime-planet.com/anime/all, click on more tags...

>T..those don't count!
Thanks user, gave me a genuine chuckle.

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utterly btfo'd

I for one, welcome manga demolishing American comics. There is nothing worth to them besides telling you how to think, with confusing continuities, and insufferable characters.

Alita is trending in iTunes and ahead of Captain Marvel, haha: youtube.com/watch?v=drIRL9r_4H0


yeah. every western artist i follow, save maybe for dave rapoza, really do strike me as a bunch of lazy fuck-offs, and I say that full in well LIKING them.

they literally don't, the industry has corrected itself. Sjws comics got canned yet you parading around like their still around. Posting shit like that make you look like you don't know dick about the scene.

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>Comic plot: Batman has to fight the joker, again, will Joker make him go crazy? Not anymore crazy than her already is. #55
>Manga plot: Bird demon from the underworld who feeds on puzzles teams up with a poor girl to solve crimes on earth

>Comic plot: X-men try to stop some crazy mutant from destroying the world, also humans are cartoonishly evil and bigoted to make this whole civil rights metaphor work
>Manga plot: Super intelligent chicken mutated from generically modified chicken nuggets decides to use his new gift to take revenge on humanity for the harm they caused animals.

>Comic plot: Hey Iron-man is black now, and she speaks in math and they fight off "villains" but nothing too tense because it'd be racist if they got challenged in anyway
>Manga plot: T-rex detective sets out to find out why the local superhero has gone mysteriously missing, upon finding out the superhero was in fact a robot the whole time, he sets out to find out who made him and why

Notice a pattern here?

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Manga format is just better to pick up shit for fairly cheap price

Mangas aren't sold in normal stores. Why should that make the difference?

Not to interrupt your mental gymnastics but here's a currently running comic

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wrong as fuck.

you fix comics by killing physical copies 100% and going all digital.

unironically immortal hulk is some good shit, even with this page fudging shit up.

Nothing. The global division of labor involves the people who are the best at something do it. If the Japs are better at making picture based stories, then they should be allowed to displace their inferior american counterparts. If/When the big 2 go bankrupt, they can be bought out by some manga publishers who know what they're doing.

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And yet somehow Black and white almost always looks better.

>they literally don't, the industry has corrected itself

Yeah but why are your sales collapsing? Where are the sales?

Jesus, is this an edit?

In the context of the whole story is this woman being portrayed as a sympathetic character or a psycho?`

>Manga plot: T-rex detective sets out to find out why the local superhero has gone mysteriously missing, upon finding out the superhero was in fact a robot the whole time, he sets out to find out who made him and why

Pretty sure that was Tammy and the T-Rex.

The US has a publishing problem, it would take dismantling the existing comics industry for any meaningful improvement to take place. Manga is produced outside of that ecosystem and isn't dependent on the whims and favoritisms of poorly managed american publishing companies. Like, manga's biggest problem in the US is the poor quality and release pace of translated volumes, which is fucking nothing compared to, say, the slow suicide of american superhero comics.

>Start selling them in normal stores
>Physical books are already dying as is
This would've worked 20 years ago but it's a little to late now.

Change the entire distribution system. Floppies and comic book stores are dying, they need to do something new.

Good art
Good stories
More content
Stop the forced pandering
Stop the forced politics
Bring back sex appeal

They're literally in hell, i don't think Hulk cares enough to debate her so he just brushes it off since he's got more shit to worry about, it's also the only time a characters says anything close to this in the whole run so far.

This isn't remotely true though. Comics still sell the overwhelmingly vast majority via LCS, which aren't counted by Bookscan which is where these numbers come from.

They are both already owned by large entertainment corporations. I doubt they'd ever sell those IPs

I doubt Disney is going to go belly up anytime soon there are too diversified income wise. As for web, maybe Disney will buy them in a century

I don't think the Japs would want them anyway. Maybe Marvel properties, but they'd never get those and DC is toxic waste at this point.

If corporations are as greedy and money driven as everyone says they are, if these divisions go in the red for too long, they'll be jettisoned. If anyone wants them after that is a different question.

If you ofered them out people would desperatly try and get them, you underestimate how valued the characters themselves are.
They'll probably make deals with other companies to make comics using the IPs to get some easy money.

2. You're incredibly ignorant and absolutely underage (Which is obviously by the fact you bring up Isekai, as if it's the only trend you've ever heard of.)

Again, anime is 90% making shit just different enough to make you inerested in reading it. well look at chainsawman, its getting fairly popular. Except the concept is nearly identical to black torch minus the ninja bullshit and character interactions. After that you have beelzebub where a high school delinquent gets demon power from a demon baby to fight other demons. You have parasyte, although instead of demons, just replace them with aliens. And of course you also have devilman.

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Well technically it's not Murata, it's ONE that sets them up, Murata just makes it look SUPER good.

>Mangas aren't sold in normal stores.

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Where are mangas sold that comics are not? The only place other than a LCS that might sell mangas are either game shops or book stores, which also sell floppies.

all comics are for kids, user, some are just extremely inappropriate for being created in a medium for kids

Please, nobody here wants actual Capitalism, they just want to bitch.

Just release shit with a beginning middle and end. Ideally with no tranny BLACKED bullshit.

What are you on about?
In Japan here's the places you can buy manga:
You can buy manga in a book store
You can buy manga in a games store
You can buy manga in a gas station
You can buy manga in a cafe
You can buy manga in a grocery store (outside of Tokyo I never saw them in those stores but I saw a ton of them in Osaka)

Manga is sold in a lot of places

I thought we were talking about American stores that might be located in America to sell to Americans to boost American comic book sales.

You can't. Continuity matters and if every new writer comes in hoping to shake the foundations of an established comic with their own unique take on the series then nothing important will hold any meaning. Hal turning evil. Jean Grey dying. Spider-Man losing Aunt May. Good moments like this can easily be snuffed out on a whim.

kill yourself retard

>How do we fix American comics?
Burn them all. Let the industry die. Escapist fiction is for idiots who don't want to climb the corporate ladder like real men do.

>Put realistic price tags on them
There is 0 reason they have a 4$ price tag. No one wants to shell out 100$ on their pull box.
>Stop modern PC shilling
No one wants to be politically preached at and less want their iconic characters acting out of character. No one wants their legacy characters replaced because of diversity. Especially when good black or other characters would make sense to become those characters. Falcon becoming Cap makes sense, Rhody was Iron Man before... why was he replaced with Re-Re? Because PC and Bendis.
>Stop forcing LCS to buy worthless variants and poorly selling books
Lets say a store sells a ton of X-men, so they want to have a lot of X and X related books. The big two come in and say, ok to get these sets of books you need to buy a ton of variants and stock 100000 issues of Iceman even though it's so bad you can't give it away. Variants are just as bad b/c no one wants to pay for them as they are expensive as shit and worthless and will sit on the merchants shelf forever. Just let LCS buy what they want.
>Advertise comics to the masses
Anime is all over the place and it makes people want to get more, the mangas are usually ahead so people go there to get further along in the story. People see the movies and they aren't getting the vibe to go and read the comics. Then when the few do, because the movies are so far from the source material, the thing they came for isn't there.
>Stop giving shitty artists and writers work
Enough said

>Stop letting them/ making them have multiple writers.
>Let arcs and stories actually build up to something
>Let Characters grow and change, let them learn, let them love, let them lose. let them win

>WRITE A GODDAMN STORY. No more half finished anecdotes.

you first.

But you can climb the corporate ladder AND still enjoy escapist fiction.

Better yet stop wasting time on LCS's just let them die.

What would a realistic price be? Because good writers and artists and inkers and colorists cost money. Already that's 4 people that need to be paid, compared to the mangaka who does it all himself for 200 yen and a box of instant ramen.

You need one to do the other really

Ah yes, the ever busy corporate man, too busy to spend 15 minutes reading a $3 comic

that's 4 people, now throw in an editor and a type setter. You have 6 people on a 4 buck comic. Marvel is inching towards 10 buck floppies, abliet only during special issues. Still the heart of the matter is that floppies are an unsuitable format. only LCS are willing to carry them. Every other place I seen that tried to sell comics give up after a couple of issues. book stores here only stock up when its time to stock up, not when a new issue comes out.

massively underrated post. Dead on.

>wanting your creative minds to be whipped overworked dogs
>is this the american way?
The creator of One Piece draws his shit on a weekly basis. All I'm asking is a creative to do this once a month.

>Just release shit with a beginning middle and end.

This. Your basic manga is a fucking self-contained story. It may take 15 fucking years to get through it, but it's an ongoing adventure with characters that you grow with. You get invested in their tale.

Western comics just keep throwing whatever random shit they think of at the wall and then completely rewrite characters to fit the story of whatever sticks. They don't care if they fuck everything up because they can just reboot the universe and do it all over again.

The Joker breaks out of Arkham every two weeks to rehash the same fucking story again. That one-eyed alien that Saitama rumbled with served his purpose, died, and we never saw him again.

Why is type setter an independent job, rather than being done by the inker or writer?

Is this why the MCU universe is doing so well?

I dont fucking know.

SJW comics aren't killing comics. SJW politics is a desperate attempts at gaining sales in an already dying industry. The only thing it's doing is speeding up the death.

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good goy

By making movies and tv shows instead.
Americans don't want to fucking read.

Its why all Marvel or DC non comic media does waaaay better then the comics themselves.

Even in black and white, there's a lot of manga out there with stellar art. You can really get a feel for the level of thought and dedication mangaka pour into their craft. That is something harder to find among modern comic artists

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You dont need a colorist actually. b&w is almost always better. Compare b&w with what you get in print and the difference is abysmal in some cases

Whateven counts as SJW

Kamala gets lumped into that demographic but she has the only comic that actually consistent sales

are you saying this isn't stellar art?

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Diamond killed comics

Pretty sure its "Goi" you uncultured pleb

I haven't read her comics, but I don't think a muslim character automatically means sjw
when you try to make islam the victim is when you've gone full sjw

It would explain why DC, after fumbling around for forever trying to make new batman shows, just threw up their hands and basically keeps trying to do every new batman appearance as basically a continuation of his B:TAS version.

not only that marvel hired these people because they were cheaper than hiring actual comic talent. They thought they had a golden idea by hiring cheaper labor that would make them look progressive, and generate controversy to bolster sales. Except it didnt work and DC nearly over took them in sale had Didio not been autistic about rebirth.

there's a massive difference between the shit supes is saying there and shit that's constatntly popping up in modern comics, and by moderm i mean the last 5 or so years.

this is not the main problem with the industry at large tho, probably just a fringe issue that will likely die down after a while.

I miss when this question wasn't just /pol/ bait.

Stop being a Comicsgate shill.

Dear Lord, it's like someone threw bleach in my eyes!

To be fair, squirrel girl is supposed to be an ugly fat fuck from the start in comparison to actual beautiful "normal" Superhero women.

Which leg is up
Why is one acorn in front of the ear and the other behind
Did she break her wrists

Isekai and waifu anime is just one of the many.

what about every other character

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Kamala gets dumped into the SJW demographic by SJWs. That doesn't mean Kamala's book is SJW material.

seethe redneck

I actually feel like some of Marvel and DC's writing problems would go away if the writers got together weekly or even monthly and talked about what they were doing and future plans.

This. Also does she have a giant tumour in her thigh? I need clarity on this abomination.

>Another shitty east vs west thread
Just sell them in normal stores and actually account for digital sales that's it. The market has proven that "SJWâ„¢" books die at the door and will literally buy anything else within reach. Diamond can go die in a fire though because they use paper that isn't even worth toilet paper and ink that might as well be melted down roseart crayons.

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Yes, everyone else looks like shit when they shouldn't. But in a vaccuum, if everyone else looked good, she'd be okay.

>probably just a fringe issue that will likely die down after a while.

no shit people on Yea Forums have been saying this would be a fad. But all the cross-poster that wanr a culture kept screeching Yea Forumsmblr. Bendis left marvel and miles actually became interesting, they pull riri away from being ironman successor, all the shit posted here got canned due to low sales or back fired horrendously. But no, you still have retard thinking this is gonna be how comics will be from now on.

Let the takeover happen!

People forget that "SJW" is just the new 90's RADICAL KOOL KIDS, in where businessmen will bend over backward to try and get their money and uproot their entire appeal to get that "money". The same way the anime boom happened. Manga and Anime have their own problems like poor working conditions and the fact Mangaka and Anime Director's don't even get the big money. (It's voice actors)

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Is the guy from the pic elric of melnibone?

You're being WAAAY too damned optimistic.

When different writers have gotten together in the past to discuss stuff it's generally turned into a giant autistic Dick waving contest where they each try and sabotage each other because only "THEY" have the "correct" idea for everything.
Just look at the many trainwrecks of plots in the past where when a new writer comes on board they sabotage all the previous writers stuff, or feud with other writers over stuff they dislike and want to retcon.

Like, remember how mr. Sinister was intended to be a little kid with illusion type powers and was a childhood friends of scott's who could never grow old?
Or how they changed who the hobgoblin was intended to be, but then when the original writer regained control he tried to change it back?

Miles became interesting because dipshits took years to figure out that making him Spidey's apprentice was way better then his...ummm....you know. Wait did miles even have a real story? All I can think of is Into the Spiderverse or the PS4

the big difference is that SJW have some sway in politics, not for long though.
it's just the modern day version of puritans

Quit pushing crossovers and political shit and just write good long-form stories.

So we need a Feige to fire people and rain in the egos of the rest?

It's not that comics have any sway in politics, it's that it's adopting a politics that implicitly puts half the reader base in the demonized outsider category.

>just write good long-form stories.
Preach, sadly no comic really lasts long enough to get a real story. Can you name any of the side characters or love interests for any of the New Generations

My LCS pull list is basically just manga at this point.
90% of the floppies I've bought in the last few months have been "True Believers"

That could possibly work, but I don't see it being a viable long term strat.

We can never have a Pheonix Saga or even a Terror of Trigon anymore because editorial will step in and interrupt the story or cut it short if the sales dip slightly

>the big difference is that SJW have some sway in politics, not for long though.
They have a soapbox.
The entire united states is effectively controlled by Kentucky. Stop letting boogeymen live in your head rent free and actually learn something about comics.

I got into comics late in my life and have only really bought trades or omnibuses. I don't really read floppies but I frequently re read my trades and such

Dude, fucking 7/11 sells manga in Japan.

no im not a retard kill yourself you lost at being human

do is it illegal to miss gender a trans person in canada or not?
Is california a hell hole or not?

Japan has a super fucked up work culture. It seems like they basically consider the fun part of their life over after 18.

These is all fine and dandy. Doesn't change the fact anime in its current form is inbred and derivative of whats been made in the past several decades. Sure theres variety but the shit that makes it to the top is all most or less the same thing with a different coat of paint.

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We're talking about American stores here, retards.

While all that shit aboherrently awful didn't most of it get canned already. Secret Empire was extremely poorly received iirc.

Another issue is how big the MCU is. Comics went from comics to being bait for future MCU films.

>Stop making nothing but capeshit
This one is really true. American comics have an unhealthy relationship with superheroes.

Right everything is better with superheroes.

Frank Fazetta.

Hal Foster.

Yikes to your point.
Regardless, manga sell more in proportion in the Franco-Belgian market, but it's still healthier than the US direct market.
Shit like Dog Boy and Raina's stuff selling well is a huge positive, at least kids read. Who gives a flying fuck about the health of companies that have been milking the same shit for 60+ years.

Let's just hope the young adult/webcomic market is good in the next few years and it's really on the way to fixing itself. It's certainly in a better shape than 8 years ago.

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>do is it illegal to miss gender a trans person in canada or not?
As I ma not a fucking leaf, and that has nothing to do with comics and cartoons, I don't give a fuck.
>Is california a hell hole or not?
Califonia is going to fall in to the sea one of these days. Calarts included.

>literally only 3 hours of leisure a week
Thank you for your sacrifice.

No, well no more so then if you verbally attacked anyone else anywhere. No one is going to crusify you for a slip of the tongue, unless your a celebrity
No, well unless you count literally being on fire 90% of the time and the ever looming threat of falling into a giant fiery revise when the earth shakes

>Bendis left marvel and miles actually became interesting
Fuck off with this meme. Miles isn't interested now and he never will be.

Spidey works best solo.

>>Manga plot: Super intelligent chicken mutated from generically modified chicken nuggets decides to use his new gift to take revenge on humanity for the harm they caused animals.

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Frazetta's dead tho.

All human culture is derivative and that's a outdated statement, anime and manga are more diverse and original that when Miyazaki said that.

No, it's Vampire Knight Requiem. You'd be forgiven for thinking that though, since he's an obvious nod to Elric in quite a few ways.

Does Yea Forums agree with EVS/Zach now?

>Comic Plot: Let's try and do Pheonix Saga with 1/5 of the plot and talent
>Manga Plot: Let's try and do Dragonball but better and miss the point of the entire reason why people like Dragonball

>>Manga Plot: Let's try and do Dragonball but better and miss the point of the entire reason why people like Dragonball
What do you think people like about dragonball?

Wait she's not a mutant I always though that was her back story.

Adventure, good composition, the barest sense of progression and "BREAKING THROUGH YOUR LIMITS"

And this is a top seller comic currently. Beating Batman and Spider-Man. Your point is?

>I think one of the big mistakes that some people make at Marvel Comics is that we are reactive to what they’re doing in the Marvel films. We should not be taking our creative cues from the direction they’re taking things in the movies. That kind of defeats the point. They have a billion dollars to play with, and we don’t. You can’t compete in that matter, and you shouldn’t.

>My argument has been [that] I should always be way out in front of that stuff. All of that stuff is being drawn from source material. It goes back to, are you being destructive or are you being additive? If you’re being additive and you’re on the big books, it’s inevitable that some of that stuff is going to get used.

>When Marvel films gets around to the X-Men and we’ve done interesting stuff and they want to use it, that’s awesome. If they don’t, then they don’t. One makes your job expendable, the other one makes you priceless. I like having value to my work.

this is why i fuck with Hickman

I though it was fake but now I see that it's real I must read it. What's the name of that manga my good man?

barnes and noble and other modern bookstores

Even current state of anime is still more interesting and diverse than it's American counterpart.

You don't.
Comics (including Manga) are an inherently limited medium that combine all the downsides of novels with those of animation, yet includes none of the upsides of either.
They persists exclusively because they are cheaper to make than anything else.

Floppies and trades are most definitely sold there.

>Adventure, good composition, the barest sense of progression and "BREAKING THROUGH YOUR LIMITS"
So...One Piece?
The best selling manga, not only in Japan, but worldwide?

So's Hal Foster.

But they were still better than Murata.

Sadly most the great artists of comics are fucking dead.

No they're not. They look realistic but not as dynamic as Murata's art.

Manga releases in the west are a pain in the ass. Also what gets licensed more or less tends to be limited to shit that's either on Toonami/streaming, is popular on Reddit or obscure arty stuff to draw in the "woke" and arty crowd. Even so I guess I can at least hope for Joshikousei no Mudazukai getting licensed since it's got a series being simul-subbed now. It deserves my money.

Legitimately the best way to do it would be to look at how sites like Mangadex and online manga publications in Japan operate. Get a good reader, offer the first issue and maybe the newest one for free. You can subscribe for the back issues. I enjoy having physical copies and prefer it to digital but you have to think of how the world's moving at this point. It'll be interesting a year on or so to see how the Manga Plus app is doing because if it's a success that should be a real wake up call to publishers like Marvel and DC about how things should be distributed because right now their online comics are just garbage not laid out like a normal comic with usual lower tier writers/artists and completely inconsequential to the "real" comics.

I'd also say more genre/story diversity is needed. Even in capes you can still have a lot of diversity in stories you can do and as a bonus moving away primarily from floppies to digital readers and relying more on TPB sales might mean that series that aren't just big name characters/events have a chance of surviving and finding audiences.

I'd say more consistent writing/art because the art (especially the coloring) in a lot of comics can be absolutely putrid with terrible action choreography, ugly characters, no life at all, shitty gradients that destroy the linework, etc. But that would honestly mean completely changing how a comic's produced to a more Japanese style studio or assistant system and that shit would never fly here.

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In the file name, it's called Fourteen, it's old and you'll eventually hit a point in some areas where chapters are like 300 pages.

Nevermind, I just came up with a way.
Drop the physical aspect of comics entirely. Everyone has a digital device on them these days, so sell them as digital comics, and then use their new electronic nature to add in new things. Animations, sounds, maybe even interactive elements.

Of course at that point, you might as well put more work into it and make a Visual Novel.

Yeah, One Piece, the ONE that actually did it. Not the dozens of "Let's do Dragonball but better" cash-ins at the time. Also how hard is it to get back into One Piece I dropped off at Enel

Personally I read manga over comics because a lot of manga is extremely fucking weird, and usually in interesting and fucked up ways.
Some Euro comics are as well, but most American comics are extremely cookie-cutter.
That fucking TLH porn comic remake that gets spammed here is more engaging than 90% of American comics.

All forms of media throughout time had trends.
To pretend it's exclusive to manga is hilariously stupid.

Stop rebooting titles.

Please, stop saying "the west" when you mean "the US", weebfag.
Thank you.
t. the rest of the west.

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Let it die, along with the SJW's who've infected it.

So...the only manga you know about are shonen?
Because you just described shonen to a T.

I get that you're trying to be a "hurr durr get off Yea Forums with your animu" fag but yes, there's only so many base stories one can tell but the actual execution, concepts, etc. differ greatly. You can even say "not all comics are cape comics" but when the hell do you ever see sports/competition based series (be it baseball, ballet, figure skating, basketball, boxing, whatever), things like Giant Blue which is literally just "high school kids learning about and playing jazz music", gag series and whatever else by American comic publishers. Most of that stuff doesn't exist because it's been decided there's no market for it, nobody wants to take a chance and a lot of people involved in comics are people fishing for a movie or TV option more than any actual love for the medium and using it to tell stories.

You're right, so to balance out my statement on Dragonball ripoffs let's talk about that period where Shrek ruined everything

He was talking about what people liked about Dragon Ball...

Nobody cares Francois. You haven't been relevant outside of your continent since Moebius' prime.

Make less cape-shit. It's the same cookie-cutter crap.

>Western artists would rather kill themselves than to work

So much truth.
Many artists I follow that would make a killing if they decided to make a comic and thats even if the end result it turned out shit

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I try not to read Shonen, I just go to any manga site and start there, although the only one to actually stick to me after a month of reading is Grand Blue (the one about fishing, not the weird MMO) and others.

I want to try that girl for war crimes.

It seems like half the ones that can draw nowadays just make patreons.

To get into the comic industry you need connections, not talent, sadly.

Sauce for that, mate?

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Still. You're taking about 1 billlion people's worth as your witnesses. Fuck off with that shit and take only 300mil of those that are somwhat similar to you.

But also working for the industry as it's set up is a huge sucker's game.
Why would anyone want to work for Marvel or DC when they can't own anything they've created, get paid a pittance, the deadlines are ridiculous, and their work will just be trashed the next guy that comes along?

Like, for all people here bitch about the writing in cape books would you really want to put in all your effort if the book gets handed to Bendis in six weeks?

Am i the only who kinda has a collection of this book in this thread ?

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With the exception of the first and last reasons it's basically the same in Japan.

>Comic Artists: We do this to send a political message.
>Manga Artists: We do this for fun!

I fucking wonder why?

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I mean, plenty of manga artists have political messages in their work, it's just a lot less cringeworthy than comics since mangaka usually aren't fucking hacks and understand when to be tongue-in-cheek.
For example

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>We do this for fun
Yeah they'll do it for fun until they get canned

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what a great ride that manga was

Or they change of magazine.

Not really, its just to the west the messages are less well known so less noticeable.

Look at how utterly in your face Jingoistic "Japan does nothing wrong/anti-US" messages appear in manga like gate or the Godzilla movie where time traveling americans go back in the past to keep japan from making the world a utopia.

That entire arc was the highest form of fun


>Not really, its just to the west the messages are less well known so less noticeable.
Ahh yes, look at this subtlety.
Truly something you never see in manga.

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it was entertainment, but it doesn't stem from "Let's do this for fun" it was basically "Whelp fuck this entire industry time to burn the thing"

Man, he's talking directly out of his ass.

you mean that screencap from a comic that got canceled so hard that the next time that character was shown they had to ignore and disregard the thing?

Ahh, so show me an example of a western comic with some truly subtle political commentary.
Preferably something recent, since is from 2016.

Someone give me a smart manga. It must not contain any of that godawful Japanese humor, braindead fanservice, bad dialogue, life lessons 101 or wikihow copypasta. It can be fun or intense or completely serene.

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>would you really want to put in all your effort if the book gets handed to Bendis in six weeks?

Good point

>My argument has been [that] I should always be way out in front of that stuff. All of that stuff is being drawn from source material. It goes back to, are you being destructive or are you being additive? If you’re being additive and you’re on the big books, it’s inevitable that some of that stuff is going to get used.

>When Marvel films gets around to the X-Men and we’ve done interesting stuff and they want to use it, that’s awesome. If they don’t, then they don’t. One makes your job expendable, the other one makes you priceless

Pretty good but how are people going to be additive when they dont own anything?


Want to know the difference between manga-fags and capecomics-slurpers? The first are not a sensitive bunch.

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If you want subtle, then read animosity since the tone of that comic just got updated TODAY and the message is "You are not immune to herd mentality and dictators and kings are dumb because they will always sell you out". But if you want comics with a good message unironically the Flintstones is something you won't regret.

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It doesn't fulfill the requirements. Give me something else.

>this is your brain on /pol/

here's some I enjoyed

My little brother (11) is autistic about them so I would advise you to throw them out asap user

You're asking for a lot, my man. Most manga that isn't pointless action or fanservice fest is written with a story that tells a message. I gave you a relatively subtle one with some good ass fights.

How can someone buy comics if art is crap
If the stories are bad and do they apologize to gays, sjw, anorexia and trannies?
Besides they always hiding the bodies of women whenever possible?

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these threads are so gay man, I hate this 2000's obsession with japanese shit that's seems to have come back around. The majority of manga is shit, just like comics, we just don't see most of it cause only the popular stuff is translated and brought over here.

>we just don't see most of it cause only the popular stuff is translated and brought over here.
Go to kissmanga you get a fuck ton more than just the best

Marketing really. The medium has always been terrible at this, most a comic gets in terms of promotion are some posters for stores to hang up and ,if you're a book they actually want to do somewhat well, it gets a poorly animated trailer.
I'm not expecting billboards and TV spots, but some sort of campaign that actually expands outside it's preestablished base and actually creates a meaningful amount of engagement.

>capeshit comics bad
If this is true, then why's one of the most popular mangas out a capeshit?

one of the biggest hits of manga and anime today is Yakusoku no Neverland
and is excellent
MCU and DCEU killed the comics
The correct thing is to go back to basics and bring the old fans back

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That's very true but I'm talking about the manga that contributes to sales, not the fan translated scans

I think the issue is that people see comics as an inherently lesser form of media, which is retarded.

In france comics are treated like novels.

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>from someone who's low key talking about how much manga-fags are oppressed on Yea Forums

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I tried to read MHA but it was just a superhero skinned shonen. I think it's like how shitty hollywood blockbusters do well in other countries like China, we just aren't as used to it and think it's cool I guess

Because it's literally made for 6-12 year old boys?
The main demographic of comics and manga?

Duriing what period of time were you reading Marvel and/or DC comics?

>make every story the same
>I will now buy

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I just remember a Trump manga I read before.

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Dunno about comic vs manga, but western cartoon is clearly inferior in both the design aspect and the animation aspect

Hell, anime even has better and way more themes about diversity. Grab it by a handful and you can get multiple choices of am i kawaii uguu anime, brainless battle anime, 2deep4u mystery anime, talentless musical anime. There are no shortage of anime that bases its theme around neets, drug users, gamble addicts...etc..etc either

Meanwhile with western cartoon nowadays, most of the shit you get is kiddie comedy craps mixed in with SJW and tranny once everywhile

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I've read the first five and they don't fulfill the requirements. I'll check out Me and the Devil Blues.
There has to be at least a few mangaka that don't write like everyone else. Some of the messages in manga are delivered with no subtlety or originality or are inorganically integrated into a plot. Practically every popular manga is guilty of this.

Stopped reading at the 1st line.
Western Animation>>>BD>Manga>>Anime>Comics

You'll have to give examples of manga you did like.

A single scene in Nichijou has more animation and style than 10+ years of cartoon put together. And this anime was made like 7,8 years ago

Post a single modern cartoon's animation that can be up on par with it


Well comics sell fine when the whole thing isn't a pile of trash. Somehow these utter garbage writers get work, add to that varying degrees of shit artists somehow getting work and no one can find something that isn't going to suck from month to month. A summation of the American comic book industry in a nutshell is that even though Bendis is talentless and has terrible fucking ideas hes still gotten the opportunity to shit up superman and make a new Black girl mary sue book. Nepotism, idiocy, and bad intentions everywhere in the American industry. Meanwhile manga is written in a highly competitive environment and axed ASAP. While this does cause trend chasing, it has also produced some real gems. I don't doubt that there is some kind of nepotism and corruption present in manga that I don't see as i'm not familiar enough with the total picture but the American comic industry is literally full of fucking hacks.

There's the exotic factor, of course, but manga is generally (with a few exceptions, like Golgo 13) written by a single author, so there's a single coherent story the entire way through.

More, manga eventually ends, and has larger changes to the status quo. Batman, as a character, hasn't fundamentally changed since his inception. While everyone will laugh and throw fedoras at me for mentioning Naruto, I'll point out that Naruto has settled down, raised a family, and eventually been crowned Ninja Jesus and President of the World. That's canonical, by the way - It's not an imaginary story or an alternate universe, the character has permanently changed.

And now, this is just me, but I've noticed something in comics (at least in Marvel and DC). In comics, characters don't really fight as much. Or rather, the actual physical clash very rarely matters. Check out the storytime for Green Lantern, where Hal fights the Dawnbreaker: You'll notice that the outcome of the fight is abruptly off-screened, where a manga would have a long, elaborate battle of constructs and fisticuffs that would eventually climax with one guy getting beaten down. Here, the conversation IS the entire fight, and Hal goes down immediately afterwards.

Contrast that to the volume-long battle against Dio in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, or the Arima versus Haise duel in Tokyo Ghoul. Those ran for multiple CHAPTERS, and the outcome was determined not by the person who had the moral high ground, but by the guy who could beat the shit out of the other dude. As a reader, you feel there's more value for money.

Finally, manga tends to be more conservative than comics. As you know, pushing a message doesn't work well with entertainment, and manga doesn't tend to push a political or social message. That's why it's simply more fun to read. Even non-action manga like Ikigami (A government employee delivers Notice of Deaths to people who are about to die) don't preach.

>Stop making nothing but capeshit
There's other publishers than DC and Marvel. They don't sell

I wonder who is behind this post?

Both correct.

>I recall the HXH author made a math formula of his work regiment.
And then he set it on fire?

> Prove comics are failing because of politics
> Those down count because they failed.

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One thing I realized about Western comics is that there's very little sex. Look at Vampirella or the entire Zenescope line: No-one has sex! The covers are a lie!

If you read a manga, however, you're quite likely to get toplessness and heavy sexual themes. I remember reading one story about vampire hunters, and the heroine nearly gets raped by a werewolf in the first volume. There's a scene where a vampire licks a girl's period blood and I'M NOT FUCKING JOKING. It was quite a shock to see this kind of content.

if your drawings dont look good in black and white then color wont fix it.

That's a pretty faggy OC there user

Don't forget that Tokyo Ghoul had an entire chapter dedicated to the protagonist having passionate sex with his love interest.

This is not to day that TG is good, but it's what you can expect from an average 'popular' manga.

Sex is evil in the west. Violence is fun, gore is okay but a womyn being nakid is over the fucking line

Since before I started learning to read
At age 3 I already had about 200 comics
Gift I received as a child
Buy and read and read the same magazine again?
When I was 9 or 10 years old
I saw all the good that DC and Marvel did, but I also saw everything bad.
Spider Clone Saga, New 52, Disney making drastic changes in marvel comics and other terrible things
The manga and anime I posted is one of the biggest hits of the year
The anime is spectacular.
Now see Young Justice season 3 ... boring
Comics and animations are at a deplorable level
Get back the roots, is simple

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Manga is just straight up better and more fun to read.

It wasn't always like that. American comics used to be close, better in some ways, worse in others, but comparable. I think the last time that was true was in very early 2000's. You want to save American comics, the first thing you need to do is make them not be so fucking bad anymore. Get actual good writers, give them actual good artists, and let them tell complete stories that have an ending and things that stay the way they are.

Fuck yourself, eurotrash. You can fake violence. You can't fake nudity.

>muh last years
Call me when Japan reaches a level of artistry fucking burgers reached 60 years ago.
Also Jesus fucking Christ that's not even remotely good.
With some exceptions anime is in its infancy still in Japan (despite the amount of material), it's basically to manga what 3DCG is to "D animtion in the werst, a poor imitation of it with very little artistic uniqueness.
Sadly it's copyrighted to shit on the internet but the hand drawn vignettes in The Prophet (2014) are a good example of something that I've never seen Japan approach.

And then there's 3DCG where Japan is horrendous outside of producing cringe inducing bishonen J-pop shit.

American comics are doing incredibly well. It's capeshit that's doing poorly.

Forgot link

>And now, this is just me, but I've noticed something in comics (at least in Marvel and DC). In comics, characters don't really fight as much. Or rather, the actual physical clash very rarely matters. Check out the storytime for Green Lantern, where Hal fights the Dawnbreaker: You'll notice that the outcome of the fight is abruptly off-screened, where a manga would have a long, elaborate battle of constructs and fisticuffs that would eventually climax with one guy getting beaten down. Here, the conversation IS the entire fight, and Hal goes down immediately afterwards.

Fights (just direct physical fights, with or without superpowers) in particular are absolute shit in comics compared to even average manga. Admittedly some of this is due to the more generous page counts (you can't really have a 50-page single fight when your entire arc is supposed to only last for 150 pages), but I definitely think a lot of it is simply comic artists not trying hard enough to make fights dynamic or exciting to look at.

Posts like this make me ashamed to be American.
Reminder that pic related is published in a magazine aimed at 9 year olds.

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Literally the opposite is true.

So I take it you were born what, 1984?
Young Justice was always awful, but I maintain some DCAU hits in places no anime has to me.

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Spider-Verse and Kubo and the Two Strings. Hey you said On Par

Squirrel Girl's case pisses me off so fucking much. People were begging for her to come back after she was such a cutie in GLA, and then she did come back - as a fucking grotesque fatgoblin. Monkey's paw incarnate.

Aria (sexy female conan)
Passengers of the Wind (pirate girl gets horny)
Rhââ Lovely by Goetlib (basically adoolescent horniness with the best art in eurocmics)
Bernard Lermitte by Martin Veyron (mid-30s man has existential crisis and doesn't resolve it, but ends up fucking pretty much every female idea)
Gros Dégueulasse by Reiser. The most vile shit.
Les Frustrées by Brétecher.
Soeur Marie-Thérese des Batignolles.
Seriously, you lads don't know shit and a lot of it can't be posted here.

Fuck off.

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>biggest comicsgate artist is Jon "Rob Liefeld after a few beers" Malin

>Batman, as a character, hasn't fundamentally changed since his inception. While everyone will laugh and throw fedoras at me for mentioning Naruto, I'll point out that Naruto has settled down, raised a family, and eventually been crowned Ninja Jesus and President of the World

They had a chance to retire Batman when he "died", got replaced by Dick, and pretty much everybody loved Dick's version of Batman where he was pretending to be the same guy but was clearly less on the edge. DC made a mistake undoing that development. Bruce should have come back in a mentor role instead.

>Many artists I follow that would make a killing

How many artists have "made a killing" in the last 20 years in indie comics? Jeph Jacques, the Penny Arcade Guys, Andrew Hussie, who else?

No what we'll laugh at you for is being a dipshit casual. Go back to kiddo you very obviously can't even discuss Batman intelligently, which is about as pathetic as it gets.

Every aspect of Batman has been explored in the decades since the character's creation.

He would have at least for a few years if they hadn't fucked Morrison over with the New 52. I would love to see uis vision for a no reboot Batman Inc.

Squirrel girl's ugly appearance is a good example of why saying "Its not rape if its a girl!" can be proven untrue

>Implying manga isn't political

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basic human empathy can prove that untrue

Bruh. Read it. Just do.

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You'd be surprised how many people asume if your dick is hard then it can't be rape.

>Implying manga isn't SJW

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Well, there's a wide variety when it comes to manga and anime. And, by that, I mean there are more genres that still have content. Sure, there are things other than capeshit in the west, but that's what the vast majority of people eat up here. Whereas romance, sci-fi, horror and mystery all thrive over in Japan in addition to the usual schlocky action stuff.

I don't think that's based on a manga actually.
A better example of that would be Jiro Matsumoto, considering his IRL older brother was a tranny who I'm fairly certain molested him considering the shit he makes.

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The thing about anime/manga isn't that, when it's political, it's all about Japanese politics, so it just kind of seems weird to westerners. But stuff like Darling in the Franxx is a full on political rant for the back half of the series, about how we should all form traditional nuclear families and the purpose of women is to crank out as many glorious nipponese babies as possible.

But folk on Yea Forums either don't get it or agree with the message, so they don't see it as "political"

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>Sure, there are things other than capeshit in the west, but that's what the vast majority of people eat up here.
Ah yes, those cape comics that sell everywhere outside of the US. Verily the West is uniform and dumb. Kanpai, user-kun!

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fix everything else
>give everyone housing, medicine and food by default, call it a Freedom Subsidy.
>this frees up the minimum wage to be as low as you want. wages get more competitive because when the choice shifts from "shitty job vs dying on the streets" to "shitty job vs sitting at home with less luxuries until I find a better job" you get more people walking out of inhumane working conditions. more people taking the risk of starting their own business. less crime because nobody is gonna break into a house to flog the TV for bread money when the Freedom Store gives you a week's worth of bread for free if you just ask.
>eradicate college debt. subsidize it fully, it costs you 0$ to go to college
>Fully automize all the really grueling jobs nobody wants to do, leaving the jobs people do enjoy to be done by people who enjoy those jobs and not because they were desperate for whatever job they could get.
This not only gets you way more creative people deciding to get into the arts without fear of starving to death, but also more upper middle class workers who have more money than they know what to do with deciding to commission art.

how is that "sjw"

So you're saying many different changes have been made to the character? If you're unironically implying the Finger character is the same as the O'Neil one, who is the same as the Miller one, who is the same as the Dixon one, who is the same as the Morrison one, you simply don't read Batman comics. And that's just taking broad strokes, I'm not even delving into series like Legends of the Dark Knight or even Post Finger Golden age and Silver age stuff. Casual Weebs get the fucking rope.

>If you take kids comics out of the mix
>if you take out the new growing market and only compare manga to the dying direct market shit

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Yeah thats wat im not gonna do... i like reading these comics user...

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Don't they? People (at least in my experience) understand shit like that. Regardless if it's people in real life or in dumb online communities, I feel like I've rarely seen people do the "omg this movie is bad because the person I don't agree with doesn't get punished" shit before coming to Yea Forums about 5 years ago. And I had been on 4chains 5 years before that, but that specific form of autism didn't strike me before then.


That isnt SJW at all, everytime a trap or a niggeress come up in anime / manga they only serve as fan service and masturbate fuel. Meanwhile in the west, author cant stop patting themselves on the back for being so broad minded

>and lasted fucking 20 years until it ended in 2017
how many chapters was that battle?

And, even sticking to American left-wing politics, it's not like that's new either. Fully half of Dark Knight Returns is about Reagan supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan

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>everytime a trap or a niggeress come up in anime / manga they only serve as fan service and masturbate fuel.
Not in

Completely change american culture and or the way writing is done I mean nobody gives a flying fuck about superheroes jesus, what a stupid thing to fixated on

stop making superhero comics that have universal resets every 12 months

Yeah but clearly people do care about it though.

We can save Western comics if we made more like pic related.

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I mean, there's a lot of people in this thread using "political" and a euphemism for "there are people of a race I dislike in it" and ignoring things that are full-on polemics about Jews

I sometimes feel like half of Yea Forums is literally unaware that capeshit is only a small and unimportant portion of the American comics industry.

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Probably because most of us aren't looking at comics made for 6 year olds.

I miss pre-2014 Yea Forums. I miss pre-2012 Yea Forums. And since I came around 2010 I'm going to have to acknowledge people missing the time I wasn't here.

Comics is both an art and a business, so you need solutions for both
>wider distribution and better marketing
superhero books are mostly bought by people who are already in the know. indie comics are bought by people who are genuinely interested in comics and looking for easy places to start. They have better marketing too. Marketing for cape comics usually relegates itself to LOOK NEW RUN BY NEW WRITER AND NEW ARTIST or NEW NUMBER ONE. Most of the coverage on a series is in the beginning and end of a series. Manga is more consistently talked about and has anime adaptations to help market the manga
>consistency in creative teams
Araki is the only person who creates the narrative of JJBA. Same with Togashi and HxH. Superhero comics are passed through a million pairs of hands where few of the stories matter in the long run because creators are petty and don't want to move things forward, just put their own take on something or get rid of things they don't like. If we had more consistency, like one creative team on a book for 10 years, it might become more accessible. Indie comics have solved this problem through creator ownership
>diverse range of genres and stories are needed
The history of comics is often concerned with killing anything that isn't superheroes. We're almost in a golden age, but creators are starting to rely on sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. A lot of creators tend to work in genre and are therefore trapped by the contours of that. Creators need to start doing work outside of the box that can get it critical attention in various circles. I liken Deadly Class as a good example of this. Yes, it's concerned with genre., but it's not beholden to it. The characters and thematic arguments are what matters.

Read a fucking webcomic, then, because those are booming too. It's literally just capeshit that's floundering.

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Jesus, each chapter must be for every round.

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Don't listen to this plebeian, Dog Man is based

I've got For Whom the Ball Rolls on pre-order

Back in the day, Yea Forums had a reputation for being the least toxic of the main Yea Forums boards, with the unofficially motto "Yea Forums is love". And while we were never quite as good as projects as /tg/, there were quite a few Yea Forumsllaberations like the Yea Forums soundtracks and the like.

Nowadays a lot of that stuff is contained to the /hyw/ thread since those are all the makers.

how did Yea Forums is love die? Different user but I remember coming here october 2010 feeling a lot of warmth and comfort where real life failed.

Those who petition for equality in comics never buy any comics. If they get those to buy comics then maybe American comic book industry can be equal to Japan manga industry.

Comics are for children. Manga is not just for children. It's that simple.

They're all ugly

American comics is kids books selling millions of copies, or a few hundred webcomics that each individually are just getting by but are collectively an industry unto them selves, and then the "Big Two" selling a few hundred thousand Batmans in specialty shops.

Pic related has 720 monthly subscribers for $2,200/mo, which is enough that you only need to work a part-time "real" job to live comfortably, and it's hardly considered a huge success

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/pol/, Gamergate, and especially Comicsgate corrupted the board and turned it into a million threads going "Waaaah black people in muh comics" by right-wingers who don't read comics but like to bitch.

This should be more your style user.

I trace it at least back to Marvel's antagonize the readers marketing campaign.

>Blatantly ignoring how Hulk doesn't even look at/acknowledge this idiotic tirade until the very end because the identity politics don't matter to him only her anger.

He literally says in the very next he only likes her because she's not ashamed of her anger and, instead, views it as a tool. Hulk doesn't give a shit about her bitching since he knows he's been put through hell and back and doesn't need to prove it to her.

Commpletely ditch the comics branding. The idea in comics in the west has become way too synonymous with superheroes, and because of this most of the public views all comics as a single genre, superhero stories. Rebrand the comic industry as graphic novels to start with a fresh public image. Push out graphic novels in many genres. Maybe even copy the weekly shonen jump format through an app that get's new chapters weekly?


Yea Forums was always a dumpster fire, but the state of it post-Comicsgate is especially unsalvageable

These are shit. How about using manga techniques without also using manga humor for retards? How about making webcomics that aren't furshit or pure autism?
I don't know about that. Most seinen manga is shounenshit with a little rape thrown in or pseudointellectual garbage for teens. Capeshit is definitely for children, though.

This makes me sad. Can't even have interesting discussions here anymore because suddenly everything is about an SJW bogeyman

also, even storytiming seems on life support. Not a lot of participation or discussion in threads. One of my first times here was reading storytimes of Transmetropolitan and having a lot of good discussion in there

Big western publishers could always try a shonen type approach to comics. Just make it a big monthly collection of series done by various artists. Put in 10-20 page chapters for each series and the fans can vote on which ones can continue on to next month's chapter. Although the comic industry is a little more complicated than that and there's a lot more issues to sort out as others pointed out. Shit like distribution, cultural perception and price are some of the other bigger factors out there.

>Comics need some ACTUAL Capitalism

Says a guy who doesn't fucking understand why comics left newsstands in the first place. Comics sold better at LCS, were more reliable, you could get more reliable sales information quicker and more efficiently and it overall provided way better financial security than newsstands where you had to buy back all your unsold stock.

Yea Forums is the most progressive board, having taken large amount of Tumblr refugees and MCU normies. I have no idea how you can still blame the decline in quality on /pol/ when this board have been significantly less influenced than others and yet has seen the deepest decrease in quality content.

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If seeing a black boy kiss a white girl in a comic gets you angry and howling at the mood how it's white genocide, then yeah, you are a racist Nazi in the making. Sorry, but it'st he truth. Stop being such a cowardly dipshit about it. Nobody is oppressing you for being white, you are making yourself to be a victim so that you can feel marginally better about what a pathetic loser you are because you're surrounded by other similar losers who circle jerk their own collective misery by blindly blaming everything on an imaginary boogieman.



It's gaslighting

why can't anime move the lips

This is basically the only board I've ever seen with a massive amount of unironic "let's unpack this sweetie" posting. And I knew a guy who said his sister(a very fat woman) browsed Yea Forums a few years ago so this is anecdotal fact.

Oh jeez, yeah. The anti-spam posting limit did tremendous damage to Yea Forums culture, because it made storytiming such a pain in the dick that no one wants to do it any more. I once storytimed Drop Out, which is like 120 pages, and it took me over three hours.

It was almost worth it, though. I should storytime a webcomic again some time. I kind of want to storytime my own, since at least I'll care about it enough to keep going

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Nigga I usually cannot get through a single thread on this board without someone baselessly bitching about gender/race/sexuality politics. It's annoying. I just wanna talk about cartoons.

I honestly cannot say the same for pre-2011 era Yea Forums

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>How do we fix American comics?

You'd need a fucking time machine. The big two fucked over the entire goddamn industry DECADES ago.

Getting rid of anthologies instead of going with the trend of making them bigger, that was the first key mistake. Then the moronic drugstore fights that ultimately got rid of the romance comics (once upon a time huge sellers, now Archie is the last lingering remnant). And yeah, Diamond fucking Distribution, the shit cherry on top of a shit sundae.

Alright, which one of you read this thread and firebombed KyoAni in retaliation?

Maybe I'll do the first chapter of Cornucopia some time. That's only 58 pages.

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We have /lgbt/ threads on the regular, who do you think is doing the endless bitching about gender and sexuality?

No shit, it's almost like there has been an escalation in political propaganda in comics and cartoons

Shitty airbrush shading, and unironically, overly detailed designs. I don't like the word """overdesigned""" but capeshit character art is almost always way too busy looking. It's overwhelming. The best of the bunch imo is She-Hulk, but the colour work is what really saves it. Everything else is too muted and dull.

>Sure theres variety but the shit that makes it to the top is all most or less the same thing with a different coat of paint.
That's how it's always been though. NGE is Ideon, Pokemon is Plastic Sanshiro, every harem is Urusei Yatsura/Ranma.

No, it's just neckbearded manchildren like you getting bitchy and highly vocal about how offensive it is that you suddenly aren't eight anymore and actually recognize when somebody is doing a political allegory, or, you know, depicts openly gay people in a comic taking place in the United States where gay marriage has been legal for several years.

You're a pampered baby who wants comics to become your personal PC safe space where your identity isn't threatened by the fact that there are things that you don't politically agree with because it hurts your feelings. And that's why you have to cry about it every single day, like it's literally ruining your life.

I like how this lunatic diatribe was triggered by someone posting an easily verified and non-controversial fact.

>no you guys are the PC ones
Damn I guess we want to ban hate speech and the misgendering of trans people
If only you told me sooner

Look at this post and the post it's responding to. Who is the bitchy vocal manbaby here?

You just proved him right going on this tirade.

>how do we fix X?
>don't do Y

you faggots can't even answer this question right. "don't do this" doesn't fix anything, it just creates a vacuum. Its literally the definition of unproductive.

If you can't answer with "do Z" to a how to fix something question and give actual fucking answers then you shouldn't even post in this thread.

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>NGE is Ideon
except Ideon is fucking shit my friend

>implying there hasn't always been propaganda
>implying it's always a bad thing

Don't forget to adjust your tinfoil hat on your way out, underage

People who infiltrate gay threads with /pol/-tier """logic""" and derail discussion into whether trannies should be gassed or not. It's fucking pointless. There was literally a thread the other week about Henry Selick, a well-liked director by Yea Forums standards, and the entire thread dissolved into pointless bitching and shit flinging because the main character in the film he's developing is transgender. Who fucking cares? You kow what matters? Henry Selick is making another masterpiece. But nu/co/ will hate it because muh transgender propaganda.

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hiatsu x hiatsu
> runs a similar scheduled
>release fuck all.

If he was in the west he would still be loved even a hero, look at GRRM.

Yes, because whiny "I hate SJWs!" outrage farming shitposting totally hasn't become a thing in Yea Forums where it's people intentionally taking things out of context due to a single panel or page and then everybody bitching about things they haven't even read because muh identity politics. You don't need to look any further than that one page of Immortal Hulk.

Don't talk down to your audience.

second reply was meant for

>People who infiltrate gay threads
You need to stop there. Why there are gay threads to begin with? This is not /lgbt/.

It's because no one likes sjw and we want you gone

>implying propaganda hasn't been getting worse
You either live in a bubble or are being willfully ignorant

>propaganda is a good thing
What the fuck am I reading?

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Which is why you totally have to manufacture fake outrage about made up bullshit, right? Because your cause is objectively righteous and logical and irrefutably correct?

But your audience is made of 90% pure retards.

The fuck are you talking about
Nigga anoms make bait and you fucks always take it because all you do is virtue signal
virtue signaling on an anonymous image board has got to be the saddest thing

>Another Comic vs Manga thread
That's cool and all, but you haven't really answered why the fuck is Manga gaining market in the West at the expense of comics.
Just answer the fucking question

Marvel have been open about manufacturing outrage to sell comics long before Yea Forums was even a thing. /pol/ is a red herring, we need to discuss how these market strategy have damaged the industry for decades.

>implying it's always a bad thing
of course sjw support propaganda

Authorial work. There is one writer and artist for each series. The story have a clear beginning and (eventually ) a end. Yes, this generates lots of copy-cats and repeated tropes but that doesn't seem to be a problem with the audience.

Comcis don't sell because you have an endless number of editors, writers and artists picking up century olds characters. That scares the readers!

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I don't think people care if they're century old characters
I think a big problem is not selling comics at normal stores and no advertisement

people with unusual characteristics who have to hide their true identity to live out the life they want is an inherently queer narrative.

The fuck are YOU talking about
>manufacture fake outrage about made up bullshit
literally the same thing

>virtue signal
people keep using that word so much you don't even know what it means anymore

>virtue signaling on an anonymous image board has got to be the saddest thing
But this is correct. How many GAMERS RISE UP and CENSORSHIP and OOGABOOGA SJWS bait threads do we have to take from these people before they fuck off? No one believes it but to troll one another

Honestly, start selling comics to people who buy comics. The kind of people who complain about specific topics or characters are not usually the target demo.

Vegetarians should not get an opinion when it comes to if my Meat Lover's Pizza should be spicy or not.

>Nigga anoms make bait and you fucks always take it because all you do is virtue signal

As opposed to people whining about SJWs in any and every context, when they don't even read the comic? Take Jennika turning into a turtle in the latest TMNT comic, the thread wasn't even a thinly veiled bait thread yet majority of people were just whining about trans people due to one of the creators involved and how it's propaganda ruining comics when you have a female turtle and it's totally mary sueism, etc. while showing that they blatantly didn't know a single fucking thing about the current comic run or that Jennika has been around for almost fifty issues.

I know exactly what you are trying to express but I'm left in disgust that you consider that a rational sentence. And you blame /pol/? Don't make me laugh.

>Why there are gay threads to begin with?

Yea Forums has always been very gay, newfag.

Nah dude we totally need Yea Forums gay threads for this queer over here. That will rise our sales.

>manufacture fake outrage about made up bullshit
almost like that's all news is nowdays
>But this is correct. How many GAMERS RISE UP and CENSORSHIP and OOGABOOGA SJWS bait threads do we have to take from these people before they fuck off? No one believes it but to troll one another
people don't do that to virtue signal, they're just pissed at their hobbies are getting shit by blue haired dykes


I think the problem is that while Marvel/DC might have interesting characters and plot, everything is so overwhelming while trying to start reading some of that.
In a manga, I just pick up the first chapter, and read it until the end.
I can not do that in the West

>You say this when anime as a whole is riddle with reused tropes, isekai shit, and waifu bait.
Saying this while western comic companies rehashes the same superheroes for decades.

Continuing the publication of specific characters isn't the same as recycling the same harem, isekai, tsundere, etc. tropes.

events might sell with an already established consumer bade but it confuses new readers
>wtf I have to read all these other comics to get the story for Batman? Fuck I just want to read Batman.

comics could increase their sales if they added more lewd elves

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I enjoy seeing different peoples take on old characters. It isn't always good but at least it's interesting.
What we really need is more people making Elseworld books

>I can not do that in the West

You absolutely can. Maybe not with every single comic, but you're completely overexaggerating it. A lot of manga is similarly hard to get into where you're interested in the premise but after reading an entire volume you're still not actually sure if you like it or just waiting to see if it actually goes anywhere.

you are alone retard you lost

>Drop the physical aspect of comics entirely. Everyone has a digital device on them these days, so sell them as digital comics, and then use their new electronic nature to add in new things. Animations, sounds, maybe even interactive elements.
Congrats you've just created Homestuck.

It's actually the same. It's just a justification "it's okay we repeat the same tropes because it's one character". But if there are multiple people writing those stories they are just recycling the same material.

Which became popular as fuck. Point proven.

No, but there is a single author writing it. I know from the start that there is a single vision behind where it goes. In comics I like a volume than the next volume it's written and drawn by someone else so I lose interest, it makes it harder to follow.

I wasn't exactly disagreeing just saying it's been done. It's less dramatic but Unsounded also has elements to it that can only work on a screen

Let's think for a minute how the western market have contact with manga. The average manga BUYER, usually first watched the anime. Liked it very much and got into it. Then read the manga, if possible, somewhere. Liked it more and when it saw the series in the shop it bought it or just ordered from Amazon.
Anime is a freaking good marketing tool, I wouldn't know about a shiton of series if not because of that. I wouldn't have gotten into non-animated manga series if I didn't took that step first, let alone buying shit.

We could argue that MCU/DC do the same but not exactly. There are series, there are movies, but it is usually the same popular franchises.
In Japan, the lineup for each season is above 40 animations. Most of which you have never ever heard of. It usually works, even if it is not a hit, it raises the series selling.

The pirating of manga and anime really does improve their sales. When I first started using the internet I wanted to try reading comics but manga was way easier to find. We have so many damn manga sites but only of a few comic ones, the only one I can even think of is readcomics

Which brings the point of why the MCU didn't boost comic sales. We live in the most popular time for Marvel characters ever and yet it failed to boost the comic sales. It's mind-boggling how the fuck is that even possible.

they need to make comic accessible to casuals
start putting them in walmart near the toy section or by the checkout lane with those shitty magazines I assume people buy

It's not a problem of distribution, it's a matter of content.

Id buy more comics if stories were more self contained and easier to follow. It's a common complaint of people who are trying to get into comics too, but have no problem following manga.

Nobody really knows where to start with comics as a beginner beyond a wiki summary to get a just of events.

>I know from the start that there is a single vision behind where it goes

That's meaningless. Author's vision means jackshit if doesn't go anywhere or halfway through they just fuck it up by meandering around for ages or the series suddenly veers into a completely stupid direction. Yes, it's comforting to know there's some kind of an overall consistent idea where it will go, but almost always the author has not actually meticulously planned everything out outside of the next volume. With long running series this is blatantly obvious when you start getting filler or a story drags for several volumes without barely moving forward.

For example I love Vagabond but spending a volume (if not more, I can't remember) on Musashi just trying to learn how to farm doesn't exactly feel like it was intended as an integral part of the character's spiritual evolution even if there was a creative idea about that. It just felt like pure filler.

I agree content plays a major role, but distribution is still a major problem.

>just pick up and go
but then you have to pick up multiple titles for 1 fucking story

It doesn't matter if for better or worse, it's important!
I don't want to get too philosophical, but reading creates a connection between the reader and the writer. You start to understand how that person think. You can't have ten hands write one story arc and experience the same connection.

This doesn't really address the fact that storylines are always fucked as you keep switching authors.

In the west, that's what novels are for.

>Yakusoku no Neverland

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What are comics for?

>posting a page from the chapter that's getting adapted into this week's episode

Jesus, they can't even come up with their own titles. Nice diversity of thought there.

Selling stories when you don't have the budget or the time to make anything better.

>comics could increase their sales if they added more lewd elves
I'd say you're right, because that is exactly what I want and I'd totally read that, but then I still wouldn't actually BUY the comics.

It's just the usual clickbait method of making things. Pretty irrelevant to actual content.

In most cases, the writer & artist in manga is 1 person.

ironically, this is the same reused reply you fucks have to argue about this shit.
Comics are restrictive and yoked by out-of-touch execs, that's the truth whether you're a weaboo or not.
In other for the medium to survive, capeshit needs to become less relevant.

comics require more budget though
its cheaper to write and edit a 50 chapter novel than it is to write, edit, draw, ink, and colorize a 50 chapter comic

>Whom the Ball Rolls

my nigggaa!!! i think ima buy lord of the fleas in a book store as soon as i get my paycheck..

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Because the MCU doesn't advertise the comics. Heck I never seen any marketing of the MCU acknowledging in the comic in any meaningful way like go out check out and buy this comic to know about this superhero etc. Even Deadpool the video game does a better job of marketing the comics:

>T-rex detective sets out to find out why the local superhero has gone mysteriously missing, upon finding out the superhero was in fact a robot the whole time, he sets out to find out who made him and why
I really need to pick that up soon.

Novels fall into the time half of that equation.
It takes longer to publish a full length novel than it takes to write an issue of a comic.

>let's establish two dominant comic book producers and snuff out everything else
>great, not that that's established, let's create a gorillion different universes with the same characters with slight differences
>surely this won't become difficult to keep track of or pigeonhole our buyers
>wtf guys why are comic sales dying??? why are linear storylines from japan taking over in sales?????
doesn't even take an expert

>why are linear storylines from japan taking over in sales?????
What a fucking mystery!

Content matters more. I live walking distance to a bookstore and comics is very accessible to me but I still prefer reading manga online bec the stories are better.

Boichi is a top illustrator.

That's why the writing in manga is so shit.

But were talking about the people who willingly watch MCU movies, content doesn't matter to them.

There are shit ones and also good ones like everything else. But the good ones are better than the the recycled capeshit stories.

Make it available for kids again and not just super fan 20 somethings?

kids only get comics from scholastic book fairs and shit. I see comics in the toy section of Target but it's 4 random issues of older shit.

Most capeshit is awful, and has been worse than concurrent manga for years, but the best capeshit comics of all time are better than the best manga of all time. I want manga to step up its writing.

The Comics Code Alliance fucked up the Comic and Graphic Novel industry bad. It will probably take another half century to remove the stigma of comics the CCA held.

Not to mention that the most popular and well known comics are superhero comics.

Like what? Don't tell me a series written decades ago with a dead artist. The thread is about current state of manga vs comics, not history.

>So you wanna follow this X arc?
>Well first you start from Sexual Spiderman #9812736
>Then you go to SteelBub's #9
>Then you go to Usual Spiderman, no not sexual, usual, they are two different run
>Now go to Revengers #82628153
>This random character that shown up in the middle of the arc was actually a villain from ZFriends's Savage ZDudes #726152
>He is mad because he was recently bumrushed by Securities of the Planets in Private Marvel #2228172616281
>Now, to finish it go back to Usual Spiderman#9812737
>Just buy the Omega Delta issue for conclusion and you are done

>of all time
Just stating facts. Manga is good compared to capeshit only because capeshit is currently abysmal. Manga is merely less shit. Also, the thread is diarrhea. Stop trying to make it seem like there's any order here.

Enjoy the glory of the past century, just like America.

>muh former glory
When capeshit today is so shit that your only argument is to bring up the past. This is why manga is beating murican comics today. And manga is still improving as a medium.

Just buy trades, like most people. Whoa, wasn't that fucking hard.

Sauce? This looks cool

Dude, that's a good point but retail has changed since then too. There wasn't 24/7 stores where people would buy from like Walmart back then, people also weren't into superhero movies like they are now. It's worth a shot.

>How do we fix American comics?
Less events (even one every 5 years might get a bit tiresome, but 2 or 4 per year is the worst, nobody likes it)
More serialisation, but in one title only. Instead of having 3 comics featuring a single character in unrelated stories, have one book three times the size with stories that are balanced between stand-alone and serialised. Small-scale crossovers are okay but it shouldn't happen non-stop.

And the golden fucking rule: the reader should never have to read more than one title to understand EVERYTHING not not miss out on anything. My god, why do they want to sabotage themselves with all this 'buy barely related comic X for the full story!' shite.

Blow up marvel comics with a nuke and hunt down the survivors like the dog hunters in the recent hit show Chernobyl

You don't seem to understand me. I agree that current capeshit is bad and I want it to die, but manga still isn't good. The art is amazing, sure, but the writing? I don't even like capeshit in general, which makes worse that the entirety of manga has not reached the heights of something as corny as capeshit.
>And manga is still improving as a medium.
Good. I hope one day that the writing is no longer shit.

>How do we fix American comics?
give Superman, Batman, Spider-Man etc. their ending. then start anew with new characters.

Requiem: Chevalier Vampire

>less crime because nobody is gonna break into a house to flog the TV for bread money when the Freedom Store gives you a week's worth of bread for free if you just ask.
Man oh man you have a very high opinion of a lot of people.

>How do we fix American comics?
Stop putting all characters into a shared universe.
Stop doing retarded cross-over events with horrible writing and retarded conclusions.
Stop milking the same characters for all eternity.
Hire people based on their performance instead of identity politics.
Stop insulting your audience.
Stop being preachy assholes in your content and social media presence.

But none of this will happen, so I will enjoy watching it die.
There is so much freedom in Manga to create something new and interesting. Why would anyone do comics instead?

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Honestly though, do any of you niggers actually care that mangaka worked like fucking slaves to provide you entertaining works

People still use smartphone even though they are made by literal underage slaves, who cares about the means if the result is good

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>Manga plot: Bird demon from the underworld who feeds on puzzles teams up with a poor girl to solve crimes on earth
Ah i see you are a man of culture as well

Oof this thread did not age well

It became nice as soon as the /lgbt/ poster stopped.

the story is simple ...

Comic: Reboot Reboot Reboot!
Manga: Evolve Evolve Evolve!

And how many manga have you read? And how many are non-shonen like seinen or josei?

Manga plot:MC a President who find himself in new magic world ..when he want to ride every monster/
Side note: inspire by Putin Meme

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basketball-baseball-american football
How many comic talk about this Subject?!..
Manga: hold my pen!

I think there's a manga about every sport now. Even ballroom dancing and ballet.

And there is an audience
