Do you think he was gay? Is that why he doesn't like Lucy?
Do you think he was gay? Is that why he doesn't like Lucy?
>boy doesnt immediately respond to advances
>must be gay
C'mon you know how cumbrains be
if you have actual interests and hobbies then romance and sexual attraction falters off.
No, he's a Chad who wanted to constantly better himself and he didn't pay attention to sluts like Lucy
Lucy is a fucking cunt
He didn't like Lucy because Little Miss Dark Triad waved a billion red flags at him just by being herself.
No, even as a second grader, her knew that Lucy was a bitch that he should stay away from.
There's an animated special or something where Lucy moved and Schroeder started missing her. He's tsundere for Lucy, it's just that he's on second grade and girls mature faster than boys
Lucy is a good digger. My nigga was smart to disregard bitches to obtain knowledge.
No, he rejected Lucy's advances because Beethoven never married or had kids, and he always follows Beethoven's example
he was a kid
Why do we always do this to the boys for ?
I mean if she was a girl then it wouldn't be gay.
My fist cartoon crush was at 8 so....
He's Beethovensexual.
not every kid is the same as you when you where kid
double retard
1. He was a child
2. Girls are interested in romantic stuff a lot earlier than boys are
3. Lucy didn't exactly have the best personality. There were legit reasons for him not to be interested in her
Incel you just figured that out and answered my same statement some kids can have crush's some don't. I did you didn't.
I've had crushes on childhood neighbor girls I played tags with, my cousin I wrestled with, my middle/high school kohais I'd shared interests with. Yet they are just crushes that may never be realized as anything more than what it was. An infatuation of the moment in place and time.
Because he's like, 10 and Lucy is a cunt.
Give him five or six more years and hope Lucy becomes a bit less of a bitch.
Someone post the image.
>Give him five or six more years and hope Lucy becomes a bit less of a bitch.
Schroeder will develop a complex for bossy cunts and Lucy will have matured past that. No one wins, no one!
Based on the comic strip. Schroeder finds out Lucy had moved from Charlie Brown. He fumbles with an excuse and Charlie Brown snaps at him about how he never liked Lucy anyway. He thinks about her asking him a question about if they were married, he sighs, and says he never even got to say goodbye. The story ends on a punchline with Schroeder playing music and Lucy appearing in the notes, to which Schroeder comments, "Don't tell me I've become accustomed to THAT face".
He's also kissed her on the cheek before, which ended with her thinking it was Snoopy and running off and he running after her.