
So, how the fuck can we live in the timeline where Zack Snyder fully directed JL part 1 2 and 3 without WB to corrupt Snyder's DCEU?

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I kinda wanna see the timeline where Taika Waititi directed the DCEU

living in the timeline where you deranged fools suffer for eternity is far better

It's amazing how you can just keep posting obvious shit like this and DCucks are still retarded enough to fall for it

WB destroyed Snyder's vision and destroyed the only thing in the universe that would have made people forget about marvel and mcu (you can't prove isn't true if you don't live in Snyder's timeline).
WB segregated themselves

>Watiti dceu
Superman would have fucked Lori Lemaris

Actually JL leak from that timeline
>Why did Aquaman killed his son for saving Atlantis by Cyborg Superman?


>would have made people forget about marvel and mcu

I like when these console wars faggots stop pretending and admit the real source of the butthurt

Yes, we're butthurted by WB that had the greatest thing ever and refused to use it because they were fucking cowards.

Man of Steel was a bad movie.

You mispelled "greatest cinecomic ever that makes all the mcu movies look like simply cardboard good guy vs cardboard bad guy movies"

Their son would have been Jon Kent


Man of Steel was many things, but not "bad".

Damnit I want that timeline now

Oh me too!
Image an half fish kryptonian
>He is the best of the two races, like all the biracials

>t-the greatesf thing evef

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>Superman is a cinnamon roll that cry a lot because he is kind
>Batman is the symmbol of America's xenophobia
>Wonder Woman is made jewish, nothing subtle, she is straight up jewish with an amor that look like ancient israelites armours and the amazons are all middle easter and africans.
>Cyborg is da teach boy that wish to helping people with his superpowers but he slowly realize he is becoming less human
>Aquman is the same but maybe with (even) more polynesian culture references.
>Flash is a sad boy that suffer from his own super speed and is borderline crazy because everything for him is too slow

>cardboard good guy vs cardboard bad guy movies

so Henry Cavill's Superman vs Zod?

I prefer the current timeline where real films are made

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Zod was right, kryptonians are far better than humans

Aside from the things that people make fun of “Stop invincible son” and “Dildo rockets” the movie was extremely forgettable beyond the last 15 minutes. That’s a bad movie user, but it is the best Superman movie sadly

Shut the fuck up

I just want the Snyder Cut of JL so I can have the perfect kino trilogy with MoS and BvS:UE. Sucks that Snyder's complete vision with JL2 and JL3 will go untold.

Aww Waititi Superman sounds nice

Choke on cock ladderbro

>Man of Steel was many things, but not "bad".
It was overly preachy while never expounding on it's message, sought a different take on superheroes which it gleefully abandons immediately after the "bad guy" arrives, grossly mis-characterizes the key figures in one of the most familiar fictional adventures in Western culture, renders the ugliest iteration of a classic costume yet put on film, over-saturates the entire thing with color filters, and runs on far too long.
But it's not "bad". It has a nice soundtrack. And Costner is a great Pa Kent until he opens his mouth and speaks.

We'd have three really shitty Justice League movies instead of just one.

Yes, I really love a "real" movie where the existence of superheroes is treates as a jke and not as a controversial ting.
I like how there are toys of an alien that is considered the Osama Bin Laden of the earth!
>Shazam! is so real! So realistic! So forced related with the only serious and gritty superhero franchise we (sadly) had!

He would be the opposite of toxic masculinity and have a kind smile on his face.
He would tell you that everything will be okay but cry and be sad if he ofend you

Snyder had free reign on BvS, explain why that was such a fucking travesty yet somehow he would make a competent JL film~?

We already have real superheroes, Amazing Superbats with personal wealth over 100 billion dollars.
People crave an element of magic and mystery, superheroes would be treated as super-celebrities, unless they immediately sign up as soldiers for a government (which almost never happens in the fictions, Dr Manhattan excepted).
Snyder wanted to turn the whole Earth into paranoid doomsday prepper-autists. Its crap in X-Men comic books and its super-crappy injected into Superman's mythos.

How? She doesn’t have a vagina.

But WB tried that already, and it was the most popular Superman movie of all time.

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Snyder was shit you idiot. Did you forget it was his movie that had the all-time worst Lex Luthor, if not just the all-time worst comic book movie villain in general?
>muh extended God metaphor
He should thank the executives for giving everyone an excuse to imagine he would have done good work if he wasn't pulled from the project.

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Silver Age tech

You drink a bucket of bleach.

Either a lot of anons on Yea Forums actually like BvS or else they all pretend to like it as a meme. Pretty disheartening either way.

And what Snyder didn't understand (from his own movie no less) is that Dr Manhattan is frightening BECAUSE he immediately serves the U.S. Government as part of their arsenal, dispatching their foes and menacing the nations rivals. It's not because he's unfathomably powerful, its because he is completely indifferent to killing, even when playing vigilante.
He's a withdrawn creature who can't relate to people anymore, and Snyder tried to morph Supes into this mold to set up a world that wouldn't trust Superman.
He should have just taken a page from Johns and made a garbage OC sequel to Watchmen.

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Fucking this!

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"disheartening" is, I think, the mildest term that could be used to describe the state of Yea Forums.

According to the fictional mermaid myth they have the genital papilla of the fish, so Supes can fuck her

And it worked

>Explaining a tiny concept again and again
That was Lex Luthor jr, NOT LEX LUTHOR.
He did what every other directors doesn't have the balls to do, making superheroes realistic and precisely how the world would see them.
And the proof is that Patti jenkins, James wan, David Sanberg destroyed this concept in favor of lighthearted movies that leave you nothing


Is it wrong to want a character who realistically flies through the sky at mach 7, sees through walls, hears specific people on other continents and fires lazors through his eyes?

Pretty much, yeah.

Whats the point of having handsome aliens who look precisely like Earthlings, and can withstand atomic explosions because the Sun is yellow if they aren't "realistic"? (Yes, it really isn't yellow but still)

So they can punch monsters and shit


That's fine, but people have to be upset about the hero doing it, or it isn't realistic.
Its controversial to stop rampaging monsters in The Current Year.

>superman have depression
>batman is a murderer
>wonder woman has abortions

Nah, they should make him a big cake. Most certainly chocolate. And maybe a new hat.

Snyder ruining Escapist Fantasy is worse than anything Disney is doing to its own properties, or even to Lucas' old crap.
There, I said it.

>they bought a fucking billboard at comic con to try to convince wb to release a snyder cut of justice league
I thought my life was pathetic

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I mean, you're not really wrong by any metric.

I'd take the soulless crap Disney craps out over whatever the hell Snyder's DCEU was.

You're life is pathetic in fact it might be even more pathetic because if these losers actually got that piece of shit they would probably move on but you like every other DCuck will still be here whining about how the evil Snyder RUINED DC because before he came along every movie was The Dark Knight and things like Catwoman and Jonah Hex never existed

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i think it was snyder himself that bought that billboard lmao

>because if these losers actually got that piece of shit they would probably move on
We both know that given any form of reward, they'd double-down and start protesting Snyder's return to the helm of the DCEU.


>because before he came along every movie was The Dark Knight and things like Catwoman and Jonah Hex never existed
That just shows that WB has had a long history of mishandling any DC property that's not Batman. Remember, the early DCEU wasn't just Snyder's fault, it was WB shitting their end of the bed too.

and yet there's way too many DC fans who think they'll magically fix everything if they just reboot it again for the third time... or would it be the fourth?

>and yet there's way too many DC fans who think they'll magically fix everything if they just reboot it again for the third time... or would it be the fourth?
WW, Shazam, and Aquaman all did well critically and commercially. Were it not for BoP, I'd say that they kinda get it by now. A new DC cinematic reboot led by people who had nothing to do with the old DCEU might actually work.

Imagine actually being this delusional. I thank WB every day for finally seeing the light and removing Snyder.

>I thank WB every day for finally seeing the light and removing Snyder.
Imagine actually being this delusional

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That all sounds terrible and yet I'd still take it every day of the week over anything Snyder did.

Whedon's reshoot scenes are bad.

Snyder's original scenes are also bad, with or without Whedon's sloppy color grading.

There's literally nothing other than wishful thinking that suggests a Snyder cut would have been any good at all.

Oh, dude! Good news! We totally figured out how to do that! What you gotta do is, you gotta go get all the jugs of magic juice from under your mom's sink, mix them together, and drink it! You'll be teleported to the Zack Snyder timeline!

Don't worry if you start to feel sick or in pain, that's just your molecules beginning to reorient themselves for the dimensional shift.