Why have they wasted Aunt May so much?

Why have they wasted Aunt May so much?

They made her young enough to have a chance to be more pivotal to the story without it being ridiculous, and haven’t done anything with it. They’ve actively squandered any chance for interesting Spider-Man stories involving her.

They shoot their load on her finding out peter is Spider-Man in a post credits gag, and skip over the consequences.

The one interesting thing they ever did was the Russos saying aunt May wasn’t dusted in the snap, but peter was. So we could see how she’s had to move on without him for five years, and how she reacts to him coming back. But Feige retconned it to her getting dusted too.

They could’ve mixed in iconic comic stories easily by keeping his identity secret for at least a while, and by dusting him but not may

>Have peter come back after snap
>May is overjoyed, crying from happiness
>Mays coworker says “see you later Mrs O” to May, peter asks what that means and she just says it’s a nickname
>she looks basically the same but with some grey streaks in her hair
>she kept his room exactly the same it was the day he left
>peter eventually notices there’s some pics of this dude with a bowl cut and glasses around the house
>Aunt May is coy and didn’t want to say immediately so he wouldn’t be shocked, but eventually admits she got married to a doctor three years after the snap
>”Peter, meet my husband, Otto Octavius”

Cue Otto inviting peter to see his lab, sets up the lab accident that turns him into doc ock etc

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She should have been Peter’s Love Interest

That's already the case, she makes his Peter tingle.

her whole character now is hot aunt

>Aunt May doing the upside down kiss with Spider-Man when she still doesn’t know he’s Peter

Because they’re sapping everything unique about Peter in order to make him the most bland, palatable, mass marketed Spider-Man ever. It’s fucking weird that Disney feels the need to do this, since he’s definitely in the top three biggest heroes of all time, but there it is. They’ve also felt the need to staple him to Iron Man, like Spidey of all people needs the signal boost.

The only reason you made thi/ss/ thread is you want Peter to fuck his aunt.

You keep opening your mouth but all that comes out is this high pitched whine. They are doing something different with Spidey this time. We've already seen Uncle Ben die twice and had geriatric Aunt May.

Projecting: the post

And that’s a good thing

>0.01 Disney bucks have been deposited into your account.

>She should have been Peter’s Love Interest
user ...

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>like Spidey of all people needs the signal boost

he needs it to avoid Spidey reboot fatigue

May and Carol can share

Because they want to keep people in the audience from jacking off in the theater

Something boring. Yes, yes Iron Lad is very interesting. It’s also interesting your response was itself a whine, one far more aggressive and petulant than the points I raised

May absolutely should have survived the snap, seriously don't get why they would change that.

Pretty much the entire MCU is a giant wasted opportunity, just like Ultimate Marvel

>They made her young enough
They never stated an age and the actress is 53.

The rest of your rant is nonsense in light of these facts.

She should date M.J. and she'll be Aunt M.J. and Aunt May.

Attached: Aunt May Sticky Fingers.jpg (1400x700, 176K)

>she’s not much of a character
>this is nonsense because the actress is 53

I just like the idea of Aunt May having to deal with Peter coming back, only to remember that he is still Spiderman, and that he has to risk his life every day.
Would've added some extra emotion to their relationship, her not wanting to lose Peter again, this time forever. Him having to deal with worrying and stressing out his only family everytime he puts on the suit.

Only if they work together to tease Peter

Aunt May is in her 40's here, booze smokes and street drugs took their toll on her.

He was dusted in an event that took half the Earth.
He actually helped in the undoing of that. The idea that she would want to keep him "somewhere safe" is depressingly juvenile. Your fanfictions must suck.

Do you want the whole movie about that, or what? Because that's what you're asking for.

Not at all, it doesn't have to be. Just a bit more nuance to their relationship is fine, I like my movies emotional, they did a great job with both third acts and want more of that.

Way better than pointless school trip 2 electric boogaloo

We can reveal that Uncle Ben was actually...Aunt Gwen for Aunt May too. Setting up Selina for Peter for even more teasing...

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She was merely bitten by a radioactive octogenarian.

did they?

Hot Aunt May is a stupid meme anyways.

>They are doing something different with Spidey this time
If by different you mean 'not spiderman', sure. You disney cocksucker.

Marisa Tomei is 54. You're just getting old and finding older women attractive. Teen boys see the nasolabial folds and 360 and walk away if they don't have a milf fetish.