Organic webbing>Web shooters

Organic webbing>Web shooters

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Only if he spins it from his butt.

Headcanon: That's how Peter Parker really gets his "web fluid" that he "invented" for his cartridges, the wrist shooters are a convenience that also helps to hide the embarrassing, hilarious truth.

Fuck you

See this was actually one of the bad parts of the Rami trilogy and the only other mistake they made was Spiderman 3.

I am a wrist pussy guy all the way

Amazing spiderman earns points for web shooters. Spiderman is a science-based hero. Peter is smart. I love the campy fun of the first spiderman movie but the organic web is dumb.
I haven't seen far from home yet but I'm not happy about more stark wank. SM2>SM1>ASM>SM3>BAKA>ASM2

In the cartoon I always hated how he *just* happened to run out of web fluid when it was the most inconvenient. It was a gadget in the show, so I have a disdain for the gadget version myself.

Go to hell with your bait thread you casual fuck

It’s a cool idea I guess.

web shooters > wrist pussies
sticky hairs > retardedly niche psychic whatever bullshit

what about magic webshooters

>Yea Forums bitches about MCU Spidey not being acurate
>Still sucks the dick of Raimi's cum-covered-wrist freak

>not wanting SPIDER-man to have powers based on a spider
Imagine, even for a split second, being this retarded

Organic web shooters and the tiny hairs are just more spidery

Well ANT-man is ANT-man without any powers based on an ant

He has the strength of an ant, which is actually pretty fucking impressive considering their size.

>superficial difference means its not accurate
>muh webshooters means its accurate

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What about a compromise? Have the webbing be something he can produce naturally from his wrists, (since the human hand would be the closest analogue to how a spider manipulates and weaves its own webbing) but incorporate the organic substance into the formula used in his mechanical shooters as a delivery system.

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>since the human hand would be the closest analogue to how a spider manipulates and weaves its own webbing
Biologically, not even close. The spinnerets are on the abdomen, not the limbs.

Raimifags: MCU basedder man is a beta cuck and made for ADHD zoomers and Marvel is bad for changing the character
also Raimifags: This change made for the movie was good

oh just fuck off already

What is the human body part analogue to the spinerets? Nipples? Fingers? Chest?

It took me 5 seconds to decipher the first second because of the "buzzword buzzword buzzword" format

*Sentence, autocorrect is a bitch but we're all retarded.

We don't have the exact same structures, but if we grew one it'd be near the butt. Erik Larsen has joked about it before, and used it for his comics.
Growing one elsewhere is implausible. Hell, the panda grew a fake thumb made out of a wrist bone just because it was easier than backing out the bear genes that bound its original thumb to its paw. Their sixth digit works kind of poorly, but it sort of works, which was good enough for them to survive when eating something nobody else ate.
Wrists might work if he was genetically engineered, but just jamming some radioactive spider genes in? It's not coming out his wrists.

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Even as a kid I thought organic webs was fucking lame
Literally the only reason they did that was because it suits Raimi as a horror director who likes weird shit

>make a dumb statement
>get pissy when called out

Well, there are spiders like Tarantulas that silk from their paws, so it can really be from the wrists or fingers or something like Wolverine and he throw webs from the from the back of his hands.
In mostly spiders spinnerets are usually on the underside of a spider's abdomen, to the rear.
So they can totally be into the spinal column in a human-spider

that's the comic book equivalent of "lol Mario gets high from mushrooms"
Eat shit and fuck off.

Are you retarded? The filaments come out of the spinnerets, but the limbs are where the mechanics of web weaving happen. Learn to read, fool.

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Even though I always complain about comic accuracy, I actually really like the organic web shit.
The web shooters have always felt lame to me. He's Spider-man, but he's missing the most iconic part of a spider's abilities which is spinning web. Even if he'd have 'wrist pussies' I still would prefer it. Web shooters makes him feel unfinished.

It does feel like this decision was one based on what the public would've liked. Like, at the time this movie came out, movies where trying to weave more logical explanations, be more realistic. As a Spiderman story, this is one that tries to be more "grounded" in it's logic. You get bit by spider, you get spider powers. Plus it was the big remake that would pave the way for a lot of Superhero movies, it does feel like a very safe decision to make, makes Parker just that more human and closer to the public.
Or maybe I'm just pulling stuff out of my ass.

I wish everyone who thought this would die

I don't mind organic webbings but anyone who argues it's better "because it's more realistic!" should unironically end their lives.

This, why wouldn't a superhero that was bitten by a radioactive spider not have the ability to organically make webs?

If you remove all his gear his most basic skill set comes down to wall crawling and super strength (which every superhero has the latter by default anyways). It's just fucking boring

The real reason why they gave him organic web shooters in the Raimi movies was because the web shooters they made were too bulky and they weren't sure how to slim them down to be worn properly in the costume in time, so they just went with making it organic to save them time and money. In other words, you're wrong, because it wasn't their first choice to go in that direction.

Damn, that's nice to know.

This. Without organic web why is he still spiderman? Why not just have stark build you flying shoes or something

the general public thought organic webbing was one of Spider Man's traits, for years, and people grew up thinking that's how Spider Man is supposed to be and that's why you got people like OP

it is not the truth. It is not nice to know a falsehood.

Rami never made or had any intention of mechanical shooters. You are speaking the language of out your ass.

that user is right though, he did have webshooters and you can see them in an early comic con trailer but were removed for reasons

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Spider-man not being able to actually make webs himself is just another idiosyncrasy that adds to the innate Ditko-ness of his design. Making him able to shoot webs as a superpower would be too obvious. Its the same line of thinking as to why his costume looks nothing like a spider, just the spider motif of the web.

>It's another episode of Organic VS Artificial webbing
>ACKSHUALLY retards saying it should come from the abdomen

Dumbasses. Everyone knows if we want spiderman to be realistic as fuck, you'd just have Peter Parker die from the spider bite because it gave him cancer.

>t. freak who wants to fuck Peter's wrist pussies.
Web shooters are far better because they
>are far more convenient as a plot device (easier to realistically alter the web or have him run out for a dramatic moment)
>showcase his ingenuity, a fairly important character trait for Parker.


>showcase his ingenuity, a fairly important character trait for Parker.
I hate this argument. If his ingenuity and resourcefulnes is part of his character, then you just write him like so. The webshooters are not necessary to show off this trait of his, just because they come from a trait, doesn't mean that they ARE a trait. If anything, they can easily become a crutch for actually properly writing his character.

That was in the original cut of the movie

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Anyone who thinks web shooters are better should play the PS1 Spider-Man games. You'll be using the symbiote suit as soon as you unlock it.

>he can stick to surfaces on foot through thick footwear but a spider person shooting webs is dumb

Sticking to walls with his shoes on is way more unforgivable than organic webs, especially when they go out of their way to show his boots having thick soles

Meant for but yes

Spider-Man has never had "Spider-Powers".
Insects are proportionally strong because of the scale of their surface area/volume. It doesn't translate to human sized creatures. Also, he doesn't have an exoskeleton.
Psychic precognition isn't a fucking Spider ability.
Sticking to glass like the OP's pic (through boots and gloves no less) isn't a Spider-power, insects and arachnids don't work this way.
They also don't spew lines out of their limbs, which comic book Spider-Man never did originally.

His powers of agility and wall-crawling can be visually compared to that of a Spider, that's as Spider as he is. Kitty Pryde and The Ghost's abilities are ghost-like, that doesn't mean they literally have "ghost-powers".

Turning Pete into some quasi Cronenberg mutation is objectively shit.

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What's the best Spider-Man comic book series for someone who has never read a comic, but watched the 90s animated series and loved it?

>Psychic precognition isn't a fucking Spider ability.
That's what you think.

I actually agree with you, but people will throw a fit over it, so I'd be willing to leave Peter without it. There's plenty of other spider totems with other powers that Peter never had.

My rolled up newspaper says no.

ant man is a fucking faggot

>Turning Pete into some quasi Cronenberg mutation is objectively shit.

What if Pete's body produces webbing but he created the device that allows him to shoot it at high velocities from his wrist?

Just going on the record to say I think spider sense is stupid as fuck. ->Does he really need this magic bullshit?

That doesn't explain how customized webbing would work or the very nature of his regular webbing in the first place. Why the fuck would organic webbing arbitrarily dissolve after an hour? How many spiders do you know that have self-dissolving webs? How would this "web storage for shooting later" device allow for insulated webbing? Taser webbing? How would it be able to have varied duration, like Peter's regular 1 hour webs to Otto's "permanent unless wiped with a special solution" web?