Artists drawing characters that are not usually associated with them

>artists drawing characters that are not usually associated with them

Superman by Moebis

Attached: superman.gif (559x768, 201K)

Kirby's Superman with no re-drawn face

Attached: superman.jpg (1032x1512, 297K)


Attached: hulk 307.jpg (1040x1600, 494K)

What’s wrong with Hulk’s feet?

They are in the shadows.

He's a giant ninja turtle

I prefer the re-drawn faces more.
Superman here just looks kind of goofy, idk why.

Guess who

Attached: batman 001.png (1267x625, 2.08M)

This works pretty well

The whole image looks stretched horizontally.

Jack Kirby?

He also did Superman.

Attached: 51934A95-2B6F-4B57-A55F-82015E785D8B.jpg (1152x1179, 470K)


Lol I'm pretty sure the SPACE SHUTTLE text was for the inker and colorist and was not supposed to make it to the completed image

Wo is?

moebius (?)

Attached: moe47 tintin.png (668x938, 524K)

Looks a lot like Ditko, but that can't possibly be true. Especially since there are no hands.

I surrender, who is?

It is Ditko. You can tell by that classic Ditko face on Mr. Wilkins and those Eisner inspired shadows.

Attached: batman 002-min.png (1274x1876, 1.57M)

Thought so. There's those hands.

>Batman's face is obscured by shadow from most angles
That's some good shit right there, more artists should try it.

I like it. It's kind of supposed to be the image he projects that makes people scared.

Attached: IMG_2261.jpg (687x1057, 150K)

Attached: maggie_the_mechanic_by_adamhughes-d2zfyyg.jpg (658x1005, 407K)

Attached: www.comicartfans.jpg (459x598, 57K)

I look at this and can't stop thinking how counter-great a Jim Lee Golden Age GL book would look.

Attached: 1208502858048.jpg (395x600, 118K)

Cable by Mignola

Attached: X-Force Vol. 1 08-017.jpg (1920x2951, 1.26M)

"counter-intuitively great"

sorry, high. blaze it 420 etc.