So, is the show worth watching? Is it as good as Wonder Over Yonder and Gravity Falls? Which episodes should I watch to understand the story line or all of them?
Disney's Amphibia
>skipping episodes
Fuck off.
No,it's children feminist garbage,don't bother watching it.
It's pretty enjoyable.
If you are 8
> Is it as good as Wonder Over Yonder and Gravity Falls?
Yes and maybe.
> Which episodes should I watch to understand the story line or all of them?
Watch all of them.
Don't watch it,watch Owl House in 2020 instead.
>Is it as good as Wonder Over Yonder
Absolutely not
It's pretty damn good, and also episodic.
Watch all of them.
I watched some 1-minute clips on Twitter and it made it look like a mediocre cartoon sitcom.
Yes fellow gentile.... I can't wait until 2021 when Owl House is released! That may seem like a while away, but 2022 is right around the corner! Just be patient goy and you'll be watching Luz and friends start their adventures as soon as 2033!
>Disney's Amphibia
>including the vanity foretitle
Welcome to Yea Forums, Mr. or Miss Shill!
its good, no romance drama, good slice of life episodes, character must deal with consequences from their actions.
Every character is extremely likable, even the ones you expect to dislike going in eventually grow on you if not become some of your favourites.
Why is this show already popular while actual good cartoons like Dave the Barbarian and Buzz on Maggie gets cancelled real quick?
>no romance drama
They missed out by not having yandere Maddie.
>Cotugno House
Lets convince me after Star Vs S3&4 was ruined.
This face is all I need to know to not pick up this series
Teen girl MC, plot and decent animation
The Eye of the CN Shill has turned its gaze from The Loud House toward Amphibia now... these are many of the same slanderings you used against them now brought to bear against a show they apply even less towards.
>Buzz on Maggie
>actual good cartoon
Yeah, you won't like the show, there are a lot of silly expressions
Fuck off Enterbot
why only those you mentioned can be good?
I think it has a little something for everyone.
can I get the pic of Anne as the Great Gatsby?
Soo far, it's been a pleasant ride.
Its ok. The jokes are mostly awful 'How do you do, fellow kids' -shit that you can expect from cartoons of this era. Voice acting is good, especially Bill Farmer as the grandpa frog, sounding like Goofy doing Chief Wiggum impression.
Apart from shitty jokes, theres a lot of woman power fantasy that stand out as garbage heaps this and there. But since the show is about family dynamics, that shit doesn't affect the overall flow of the stories.
Basic episode is about the kids being up to no good, doing something bad and hiding it from their grandpa, then admitting what they've done and grandpa forgiving the kids. Just family dynamics between the kids, grandpa and sometimes the extended family of town's people. Its more of Gravity Falls mixed with Pony, rather than WoY.
I enjoyed Dave and Maggie, but what those shows didn't have are characters to root for against persistent challenges. Amphibia does. It's not dissimilar from your typical shounen anime, where even when the plot becomes bad, you still feel a connection with the character and want to see it through.
I'm glad that the characters in the show are more than overused archetypes. Goth gfs are dime a dozen these days.
>Women power fantasy
What exactly? That one time Anne wanted to force Polly to have a spar day with her?
for a lack of a better worth, Anne is just a dumb teenager and the show plays that up.
As for the basic plot being essentially "kids or the Plantars in general do something dumb and everyone forgives each other at the end with no consequences to face most of the time"... yeah, I have to agree on that one.
I mean, last episode even made fun of it
Polly: Grandpa, we wrecked your model ship. You crossed all sorts of moral and ethical lines.
Hop Pop: We're even?
Everyone else: I guess so.
>last episode even made fun of it
Making fun of a problem does not solve it. They'd better get themselves out of that rut.
dont waste your time in this thread user
yeah, I see.
Steven Universe rejects mostly here it seems.
It's not an ambitous cartoon, there's not much worldbuilding or unusual plots, but it's well-crafted, drawn and acted out.
You should've gotten yourself a better opening for your lazy thread, OP.
which is more than I can say in part even for some shows trying to do world building.
Steven Universe for example tried to be about world building, but man was it a boring world.
the porn is kinda good
give it a try
Many anons actually express discontent with balls-out insane premises that ultimately let them down. They find Amphibia's less experimental, more conservative approach to be a nice change of pace.
Anne says you should give it a try.
Man, you can easily see the same user who made the thread replied themselves to make the show look bad. How desperate you have to be to go that low.
>teen girl MC
>one episode away from end of S1 and there have been ZERO potential ship options, unless she decides to get lezzy with her friends
Feels rather unprecedented, seems like any show involving characters in this age group has relationship drama
Luz: I still haven't met Anne Boonchuy yet.
They say she is third cousin to Star Butterfly and more progressive than Steven Universe.
Anne: I am afraid I haven't been very clear little girl. You see... I am Anne.
It has vidyia and old films references, so yeah it's pretty good.
Overindulgence in shipping often ruins shows.
The romance stuff we had with Sprig and Ivy was cute and that's all I really need.
She's spent some time shipping her friend/little brother with his crush, but not even on the same plane as other shows with their relationship focus. It's a refreshing change of pace. All of the relationships focused on are family or friends, and enemies shortly
Also Tritonio was voiced by Matt Chapman
Unrelated: Anyone have the mega for the latest ep?
The first and second swords are obvious references to Hollow Knight and Zelda, what's the third sword a reference to though?
Don't watch this cartoon
Don't watch ANY CARTOON.
And don't read comics, or watch movies, or play video games, or read books, or watch porn, don't work, don't play.
Just sit down, look into and empty glass, and think about the concept of Nothing.
Don't forget to sip mild tea.
I think some of the moral episodes are a bit simple and predictable in a way that's at odds with the clever dark humor. But the setting and characters are still fun. It's a charming little show with a mystery element with room to grow.
>Not watching a show because of LE ZOOMER FACE
Best just go all the way and just kill yourself
I find it kind of weird that unlike most shows, the endings in amphibia don't have major twists going on (except the bazar)
>reading outside
why do people do this, the wind is a constant fucking asshole
>Dave the Barbarian
That was 15 years ago, things change
>HD mega still hasn't updated
I'm worried bros.
My guess is dawn breaker from skyrim.
Do you have a link?
Check the folders, the link changed.
Oh wild, didn't know the link changed.
Thanks, bruddah.
Tubular. Thanks dude.
Perspective fails
Perspective fails everywhere
So,will Grime be a serious villain and acomplish something? Will the show do something serious?
Change the orange to white
>All these fucks getting mad at a show that actually has good writing and characters because they can't fap to it
These shit taste anons need to fuck off already.
Amphibros, tonight is the NIGHT.
>show that has good writing
There hasn't been good writing in cartoons for years
>despite the frogs supposedly standing around Anne, she's further in the background than any of them
>frogs facing 3/4 forward yet having their tongues sticking to the caterpillars from the front angle
>old female frog standing over oddly-placed desbris casting a flat shadow
>all the elements above the "horizon" are a bit wonky
I like how they keep remind her that she is a ugly tall monster to everyone else in this world.
Hilda, Harvey Beaks, and Adventure time(Before season 6) beg to differ.
>Muh Owl House!
Every time.
I'm not ready.
I thought it were tomorrow someone said
Episodes tend to be uploaded around midnight EST.
The episodes are released online at midnight and officially air that morning.
Like Thursday's episode actually releases midnight tonight.
Watching the show at this rate is a lot to take in and it will feel awfully quiet for months afterwards.
>anne and sprig kiss
>sprig turns human like the frog prince
>amphibia and human worlds merge
>anne no longer has leaves in her hair
>human sprig and anne rush to the calamity box
>box explodes
>all hope is lost until they see each other and say hi to each other
Holy shit!!!!
>sprig turning human
>implying it won’t be Anne turning into frog
Is Hopadiah Plantar the greatest character to come from the 2010s?
Name 12 examples you dishonest piece of shit
>because they can't fap to it
stop projecting, we're all fapping to it
>Adventure time(Before season 6)
season 6 is 4 years old already, the fact that you need to bring up something so old really speaks for itself.
Anyone got episode 16? It was the only episode I missed and it has an important lore episode I want to catch up on before that kind of shit hits the fan in today's and tomorrow's episode.
Is this an autism thing where you can't handle the idea of cartoons having silly faces?
That ship sailed in the fucking 30s dude.
Today's the last episode.
He's reaching for a reason to hate the show cause actually watching it and forming an unbiased opinion is too hard
I usually watch these on TV at 9PM. So technically for you guys but not for me.
Thanks my man.
I certainly enjoy him.
A lot more than I thought I would.
I thought he was gonna be some naggy old dude who always says "no", but he's actually pretty damn cool.
Love him to death.
absolute state of "nice girls"
...there's a season 2 right? They're not Billy Dillying this shit right?
I don't suppose there's an uncensored version of this out there?
No joke I want suit wearing Anne to bend me over a table and fuck me with that cane clenched between her thighs
It's gonna be heartbreaking when he scarifies himself for Anne and his grandkids.
Yeah, it's already being picked up for a season two.
It's just that with how fast season one came out it's gonna be a long hiatus until the next season gets released.
Legit girlfriend-stealer.
You can say what you want about Anne, because when she wears that suit, she will cuck you.
It's on order. But now, we wait.
Can't wait until 2021.
How do you feel about the mayor? do they want us to hate him or like him
So this is where the fags who thought Grunkle Stan would die went?
I don't know. He kinda reminds me of King DeDeDe from the Kirby anime, so I guess you are supposed to love him and hate him.
>got half of the town ransacked through his embezzling
>cheats and lies at every opportunity
>only remains mayor because the whole town voting against him didn't matter at all
I think they went a bit too far in making him incompetent and hateable if they weren't going to have him run him out of Wartwood or make him a full-time villain. But I guess they finally gave him a redemptive moment in the last episode, so he might change for the better eventually.
Watched the first episode. Now I usually give new shows the good old 3 episode try but it felt like it was trying too hard to be Adventure Time with a mystery element that I just didn't wanna watch the other two episodes
Yeah I just saw that issue. Thanks for fixing it.
God damn it
OHfag, now you're not even trying
>it was trying too hard to be Adventure Time with a mystery element
I don't really see any resemblance to Adventure Time, and besides the box and everything related to it there's not much mystery, it's pretty much all just girl in frog world doing things.
Projecting? Bitch, you don't think I'm beatin' my meat to Swimsuit Anne or Best girl Maddie? I'm talking about these boomers who think anything made after 2010 is milleninal tier trash unless there's tons of lolis to waifu.
Then you tell me the last well written cartoon you watched in a while since every cartoon nowadays is so terribly written.
Not really Adventure Time
This show is easily becoming the next Star Vs all it needs is some guy brought in for season 2
No user, watch the other two episodes.
The show's not for you and you wasted your time with the retarded three episode rule.
How is it anything like Adventure Time?
>Chadanne making girls waterfall
I need more
In episode 12-Hop-Popular at the end when the town pays for his new vegetable stand HP says
>"I wouldn't have put the root vegetables with the tubers, I'll fix it later"
BUT in episode 17-Curse, presumably many days later we can clearly see the root vegetables still right next to the tubers at the stand.
Are we really to believe hop pop didnt move them like he said he would? when its obvious he is very passionate about the placement of items in his stand. They better have a good explanation for this massive blunder. I will be DMing all show writers on twitter about this error.
wtf I hate Amphibia now
Hope someone gets fired over this mistake,
>So, is the show worth watching?
eh, its not the worst
> Is it as good as Wonder Over Yonder and Gravity Falls?
worse then WOY, better then grabbity balls
>Which episodes should I watch to understand the story line or all of them?
Alright. Weird call by Disney but man what else is fucking new.
cheers for the most helpful user
I hate it when shows break continuity like this. Dropped.
I guess Alex didnt think this through
>becoming the next Star Vs
How? Anne's not in any sort of "Will they won't they obviously they will" relationship with anyone, She's mainly been doing wacky misadventures with frogs. And this show isn't getting all preachy and up its own ass with the "Monsters are refugees/victims of oppression" analogy. Just that Anne is just discovering her first true friendship.
Past Anne had Twiggs and leaves in her hair, things get overlooked.
Isn't that Luz?
I feel like since she's in the demon world it'd be a black tux with red undershirt?
wtf I hate Hack Brapply now
Something about a chick in a suit just makes me quiver.
That's called having taste user.
Honestly, this is probably the first show since gravity falls to really give me this comfy feel, especially the last episode.
You have a fetish for more masculine men.
Because you're a faggot
Looking for comfy feel? Go watch Hilda.
>masculine men
no, user, that's just being gay
My man.
Star didnt really hint at monster oppression till late season 1, and we didnt dig deep till much later. the Toads are obviously oppressing the Frogs, since they are all the high up authority figures like Mayors and Dukes along with being in castles.
I actually did, but since the episodes all come out at one time, discussion goes by pretty fast.
Part of the fun is anticipating new episodes with Yea Forums
>women in a suit
>masculine man
different guy, but how does that make any sense
if anything these all look more like feminine boys and I am a light shotacon
False. I have a fetish for more masculine girls and more feminine men because i'm gaysexual
be worried if they start running with >muh privilege
don't go jumping at shadows for now
what a very unlady-like way to sit, anyone passing by would have a full view
full view of her tight spats
We already got a full view though.
It's pretty tame.
Why is he so based?
How can I support the show without buying a shitty cable subscription?
does sasha still have annes other shoe
Draw porn. People who can afford paying for cable will see it and become curious to check it out.
he has two hoes on his frog dick
possibly even 3 after that one line with anne
she masturbates with it every night
That's it. I'm done with this show.
Watch it on the Disney now app which requires you to sign up and enter in your cable providers info, you cheapskate!
Can't even afford to pay for the basic package?
WHAT THE FUCK. Its already over? Fuck bomb format.
Based big dick sprig keeping the plantar bloodline strong.
>two hoes
Only one now canonically, unless they go full on based and find a way for him to have a relationship with both Ivy and Maddie.
Oh nice, it got finished.
>Amphibia: Sasha's Story
Around midnight tonight.
I'm not ready to go, user...
It's been great. We got 4 weeks of daily threads and excitement out of it.
I'll take that over everything being dumped on netflix or waiting for a single episode each week.
Possible goodbye, user
4 weeks of fun and now 9 months of nothing IF were lucky. Fuck bomb format.
They can do all the ship teasing that they want between Anne's friends as long as they don't turn it into a Star Vs. tier love triangle.
Star vs was a love Rhombicosidodecahedron
uhhh why do the toads want to kill all of the frogs, they paid their taxes.
I just want Sasha to pine hopelessly. I need more cute gay characters suffering like that
if nobody liked my draw, well, I guess I'll keep doing just edits
Wait until Disney+ releases and DIsney starts cranking out content for it, we'll have daily threads for a new series/season every month. It's a pretty good release schedule after all.
It'd be nice if they had a new show/season every month but we'll have to live with other production companies for a decent chunk of that, even the Mouse can't put out a dozen high quality seasons per year.... not without the quality dropping
Dave the Barbarian was too ahead of its time, and Buzz on Maggie was generic as fuck, you just want to bang the fly.
The frogs are showing signs of harboring the seeds of rebellion when they opposed the toad tax collectors. Best to crush it soon, before it blooms and gets out of hand. Heck, the frogs even voted AGAINST their very own mayor.
Although they're mostly not going to kill the frogs, simply bash them back in line.
if they end on a huge cliff hanger i am going to be so PEEVED
>why do the toads want to kill all of the frogs
They don't want to kill them, they're just there for a nice friendly banquet :)
in 2019 does anyone still say Based, besides boomers
kek, I remember to remove the wrinkles from her face but the rest, give me 5 minutes
God me too, tomboys in suits are great tastes
So what the hell are we gonna do after this show goes into hiatus...
Where do we go..
Frogs = Landed gentry, peasant class
Toads = Warlords, ruling class
Newts/Salamanders = Intellectual class
Axolotls = Fuck if I know
make sure your threads aren't COMPLETE toxic waste and don't have a bunch at one time and mods will probably let you keep going
t. Tangledfag
To hell
but seriously pls no shit general
Get excited for and consume the next disney show.
>that one guy that keeps making Tangled threads over and over
I mean, I love the show too but man, he should probably stop.
The person spamming those threads is just a shill using the standard marketing tactic of simply maintaining awareness of the show's existence up in people's mind.
Spread your wings and fly toward new horizons, user.
this ones good. we just need a transparent
Axolotls are niggers
Axolotls = gods
Gravity Falls and Amphibia take place in the same multiverse
Draw porn I think
>Newts/Salamanders = Intellectual class
Hope Anne remembers that with newts, you lose
Oh fuck off there's like 50 of us total
Believe me i desperately wish disney was shilling for it, they fucking hate the show
But yes there needs to be breaks between the threads at this point
I fix the "BASED", the word balloons and a little bit of her face, I hope you like it
Twelve Forever and Infinity Train will be here in less than a month
They probably won't be as good, but it's something to talk about
I'm not ready bros
I have no idea. I just use it sarcastically like redpilled.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
It's comfy as fuck with a great atmosphere.
That's not how you spell Wally.
I suppose we have a few threads about the show here and there, and rewatch the series on our own time.
And I GUESS watch some other shows during the hiatus.
Infinity Train's coming soon right?
Maybe that'll be decent.
Fuck, I'm gonna miss this show.
Possible goodbye, user.
thats not very cash money of you user
Axolotls are salamanders.
We're gonna lie down here and waste away until the next season comes up.
I got no clue why the Fuck I'm just doing this? I'm just being weird in a fun way.
I have already started preparing my corner.
your advice animal edgy discord style meme is bad
2010 called, they want their meme back
She looks like she'd charm the pants off you, but also mickey your drink.
Also, why does Grime sound so different?
that's gonna be an unironic "yikes" from me
show when
I already hate this, how long until the episode?
that's kinda hot
The lion king loooooooooooool
What a filthy slut.
I heard some nigga say midnight and so if it's eastern time zone midnight then just under three hours
SluttyAnne is cute
reminder to stay alway from twitter until you watch the episode, I dont blame us if you read the episode thread before watching it
fuck, the another user was Quick or maybe I'm slow ;-;
Nobody post spoilers, until I personally have seen the ep.
its usually around 11:30 pm CST but last one was past midnite
Draw lewds is what I do
>simon will never draw Felicia, Sylvia, Tuti or Mrs. Croaker
Feels bad, frogs.
Draw lewds when I think of you(I'm talking about Anne)
I'm not only talking about Anne
Oh, you done did it now.
me too now
>wanna stay here and go look at more pictures of hot croaker?
>you read my mind!
On a scale of 1 - 10, how worried does this make you?
o-oh lawd
i luve it/10
That's the panty-dropper look.
>Hasn't been good writing in years
>4 years ago
Way to fucking move that goalpost
Chadanne summons waterfalls
Real talk. How would you guys legitimately feel if it were revealed that Anne likes girls?
I will get so angry. No sexual interest for Anne.
Unsurprised. The clues are there.
I don't see it coming up, but I wouldn't care.
>"why do you smell to bad?"
i want to see this line from sasha
Wally is a lucky guy
Dropped, I don't watch gay shows
I see someone missed Croak and Punishment
Would unironically be bummed
I wouldnt care as long they dont hagng up on it
i'll blame the chemicals in the water...
is Polly gay too? woman complient other woman appearances
I'd be perfectly fine with it as long as the potential romance itself wasn't terribly written.
>90's Disney's shows didn't have ships and that type of drama.
Anne being straight> never revealed> Anne being lesbo
Do women also ogle pin-ups of other women?
You forgot the option where Anne is straight but Sasha is not.
As long as it actually makes sense instead of "SHE IS LESBIAN NOW. I THANK MYSELF."
Don't worry, that's coming in season 2/early season 3
never revealed is the best and only option
yeap, all the time, also lesbo Sasha pressuring straight Anne is the bes end scenario and you are clearly a man of culture
I'd rather she be essentially asexual, but if they make Anne a lesbian that's fine.
As long as it's well written and they don't get too hung up on relationship drama.
I would hate it only because you could never mention funny frog show on here again without people getting triggered
>Someone lewded the one armed salamander
I approve of this
surprised it still here
How many Disney characters are openly gay? I don't mean insinuations. I mean confirmed.
Man, I'm so tired of this whole LGBT thing in general, I wish I could say I wouldn't care but everyone would go so crazy about it for different reasons.
know being gay isn't a political statement but both sides are just so obnoxious about it that I'd rather have Anne be straight to avoid all that drama.
_______________Your mom
>make a character based on your grandma
>give her huge boobs and make her gay
What did Matt Braly mean by this?
>Leo Fu
>That guy from frozen
Probably more
>huge boobs
bruh you're thirsty as fuck...
Gam Gam was a fierce woman.
It's cool as long as it's not part of a drawn out love triangle. Please.
Not again.
I'm not strong enough...
>"Staaaar, what's happening?!"
"Rebellion gains steam."
Wonder if that's number 3.
>huge boobs
user, just because she has an actual chest unlike other female Disney protagonists doesn't mean she has huge boobs.
Why wouldn't it, there's nothing NSFW about that pic.
huge boobs
Based and anti-shipping pilled. Stop this from going the way of Star Vs and Adventure Time.
that's not huge, not even big
if that's huge for you, damn then you're pathetic...
it was deleted last time it was posted, together with the other pic of her
What do you think of her voice acting?
I remember she was frustrated when a boy named Jamie(?) didn't like her.
It's pretty good, not as grating as dipper but also it doesn't feel like an actual teen voice, too deep IMO.
99% of childrens cartoons are like this. Pandering to shippers in AT or SU, or having main characters with strong sexual tension, like the Pine twins or Starco, are a recent trend and an oddity at worst.
>"Oh boy, here we go again"
>cue Tumblr praising the show just because of that and Yea Forums bitching about it forever
>Amphibia conversation is ruined forever because then people start acting like her sexuality is more important than it is
Just give me funny frog show, I don't want this to become "lesbian culture" or some shit, lesbians are obnoxious as fuck.
Jamie's a girl's name too...
This right here.
I wasn't sure in the first episode or so, but now I think she's pretty great. Her voice-work brings a load of personality to the comedic delivery.
Jamie was a girl. Anne used the pronoun "she" when talking about how she couldn't befriend Jamie. Most likely, she goes to an all-girl school.
You remember wrong, it was a girl who didn't like Anne, which also doesn't mean anything, people can not like other people all the time, like that Recess episode.
Didn't she keep saying, "What was her problem?"
I'm pretty sure Anne referred to Jamie as "she"
yeap, Jamie was a girl, and Anne was thirsty for her sweet sweet approval
gigantic milkers
God, please, kill all the gay people.
>Implying Hop Pop isn't the sexiest and most fappable character of this decade
bless this post
That's like 69% of Yea Forums
I fail to see the problem
The internet is in general gayer than real life, simply because gays can be as loud and obnoxious as they want unlike in real life, where they usually only get to do that on parades.
Welp... I guess I was wrong.
Either way, I hope Anne's preferences never gets revealed, for the sake of the show, it doesn't need it, I love the adventure, the family aspect and the winds of war.
Adding shipping to attract a crowd that doesn't really care about the core elements only can hurt the show in the long run.
Damn skippy.
I wouldn't be taken by surprise. The show has left Anne's sexuality up in the air, but there a some very small instances where you might think she may have a preference for girls.
This is when things start to get weird when you have this knowledge.
I highly doubt he'd make a character based on his grandma gay.
This show is starting to disappoint me. I really want to like it but some of the episodes feel really half baked or don't follow internal consistency. It also really has a Gravity Falls rip off feel to it. I don't know how to explain it but all of these fucking Disney cartoons do the little musical cues, loud screaming as jokes, mystery loreshit that feels cheap, etc. It's just all so tired and Amphibia just does it so familiar. It's also why I didn't like Big City Greens, Ducktales, and Star Vs. They just are so uncreative. Maybe the finale or season 2 will change things around but I'm not enjoying this week of episodes at all and I feel like it's been at it's worst this week as well.
I ain't real far in but I don't get the same feeling
Well put, but i disagree.
No user no
I'm sorry but I'm not seeing the GF ripoff at all.
It doesn't feel like it's trying to set up a big mystery or drown you in lore or anything like that.
It's pretty much kid and frogs adventures with some dark stuff sprinkled here and there, and some build up to the situation between Anne, Sasha and Grime.
Are we really 1 hour-ish from MEGAnon dropping that finale?!
how did they get away with this
is just the OHfag doing his thing
give or take, yeah
Anne in Sprig's clothes. I like that.
You don't have one of those? Where do you live you bumpkin-ass frog?
More like an hour and a half
I don't know guys. I just don't understand why everyone likes these new shows. Maybe I'm just getting too old for cartoons but all of them just feel so familiar. Cartoon Network does the same shit with their programs like Victor and Valentino and Summer Camp Island and they all feel so stilted and unnatural. Nothing moves like it should for me. I want some absurdly new stuff like when SponegBob and Adventure Time arrived. We need a new era IMO.
Honestly, no clue. You had to know someone down the pipeline had dirty thoughts
Calm down.
Formerly nothing
>Says "Dead" "kill" and "Die" all in the first episode alone
How did they accomplish this
What episode is that?
I fucked up the lyrics a bit, but I'm pretty hyped.
I think it takes two hours more, in an hour the episode comes out but he needs another hour to upload it
This isn’t the 90s, user
Censors aren’t that strict anymore
Anne is hot
Is this the episode where and dabs on Sasha and the toads
she sure it
It is 100% still an unwritten rule of childrens media to not say those
So what are we predicting for the finale amphibibros? I think that one theory where Anne doesn't decide between the plantars or sasha because she finds out what Hop Pop did to the box and runs off will happen.
Can I say "fartin' around"? Just like that. No "g" sound.
Not anymore apparently.
It's the not-even-trying adult voice
I don't know why I hated it so vehemently on Star when it works so well for Anne
>Get in loser we're going shopping.
Clearly not since you just gave an example of it.
>So what are we predicting
Still doing this brainlet prompt?
after the episodes with Sasha and the reunion in the last one, I cant see her calling Anne a loser
And I bet you can't give a single other one
making this the anomaly
prompting the original post
I just wanna know what people think
different people have different taste in plethora of topics. People will like things you don't like and vice versa. Yeah. Such a mystery.
The last few seconds will be of Marcy hanging out wherever she is
I liked how Adventure Time wasn't allowed to use the word "murdered" too many times in one episode so they just had all the characters pronounce it as "moidered" and "murdle-urdeled."
Am I the only one who found hilda too preschool
I definitely expect some kind of clash between Sasha and Sprig, the typical "new friend vs old friend" thing, whoever wins everyone loses.
Am I the only one who found hilda boring af
How much left for the finale?
>Alright Sprig, whoever can pleasure Anne the most is her real best friend.
This isn't my first hiatus. Hell, I watch the Venture Bros. This'll be a piece of cake.
I liked the first few episodes a lot. But thought her kid friends' everyday problems were less interesting than the more fantastical elements of the show.
What cracks me up about the haters for this show is that they just get ignored. It’s the ultimate salt
>let's hold a banquet to celebrate!
>Anne: crazy how this magic box zapped us here!
>Sasha: Ixnay on the oxbay!
>Grime: Reaaallllly? Do tell, Ms. Boonchuy!
>Anne: Hey Hop-Pop, did any of your friends know anything about my arcane music box?
--hilarity ensues--
"You will tell us where the box is hidden, or we will be using the boy and the pollywog as heron bait."
Bonus event:
At some point in the series, an article of Marcy's clothing is found in something's stomach.
angry alex jones.wav
more edits when?
Still not worse than Netflix who always bombs the whole season at once to kill the potential excitement and discussions immediately. Amphibia at least gradually finishes the season in 5 weeks, but personally I prefer it releases 1 or 2 episodes a week consistently.
>cool women keep relationship porn
maybe when someone makes another eyelashes thread
>>Sasha: Ixnay on the oxbay!
What secret code is this? I've heard it a lot and I can never understand the pattern.
Yes, english isn't my first language.
Why is Sasha watching pop?
reeee Marcy when
Episode 7
It's Pig Latin.
It's almost time, bros...
We call pig latin.
and I REFUSE to go along with this and I see through all your lies Hop Pop you WICKED WICKED DEVIL
She's out there training. Getting stronger.
>understand boobs wonder
Hilda does its best if it focuses on the mystery stuff of the forest. I won't say Trollberg line is boring, but forest line is significantly better.
Pig Latin.
>shill hour
>plot feels getting great
Made me kek
Take the first letter of a word, move it to the end, and add "ay"
so, "nix on the box" in this case.
>people comparing the show to Wander Over Yonder
Is that show worth watching? Is there a Mega for it?
>explain mayor problem
>general needs waste
>finale trying drama midnight
>human wanna grime forever
mix the letters of the word and then add -ay
>Nix on the Box
>huge feel anne
Damn. This is really it, isn't it?
It feels like only yesterday I started watching this show.
Didn't have any real expectations for it, but much to my surprise I ended up really enjoying it.
I think my favorite part of the show is just watching the characters interact and play off of each other.
They could be flung into space Jason X style and I'd still be there just to see how they react to shit.
Gosh, I love them.
I also really watching you guys discuss things about the show.
I occasionally pitch in, but I mostly just lurk and see what everyone thinks about this thing or that.
It's fun and...comfy in a way.
I don't know if I'm ready for the hiatus yet.
Sure is gonna be quiet around here for a while.
Possible goodbye, anons.
>dont stop decent plot
yeah I agree
>It feels like only yesterday I started watching this show.
It's because it was yesterday.
>lore unlike story
>shill hour
>jamie kill amphibia
>hate sprig
>cool women keep relationship porn
>love disney
>masculine week
>nice characters around toads
>big maggie buzz
Damn that old man for interrupting the comfy.
The episode Civil Wart is just like Matt saying fuck off to those shipping shits in TV show.
I feel ya user
possible goodbye
I hope to see a fight between Anne and Sasha
I dont
Which was your favorite monster of the week?
I like'd Domino 2. Was honestly hoping Anne turned him into a war mount or something.
Kinda wish there was a way to stream it with everyone here desu
Two female BFFs eventually turn against each other. It reminds me Rapunzel and Cass in Tangled S2 finale.
Im surprise we havent seen Anne naruto run yet
I don't understand female voice actors and the weird bottom of the throat deep not-yell they do
What is it supposed to sound like?
Because she would need a Naruto headband or else she'd just be doing the Sonic run.
>with everyone here
I kinda liked the mushroom guy
I just love those "every character except for one gets infected" plots.
the one time she forgets to pack her headband she get transported into another world
would her husbando be Sasuke or Gaara?
>MegaAnon is watching it right now
just about, yeah
okay that's new
I think when it comes to Disney that it's best to avoid everything the company made after The Jungle Book (1967) and pretend everything made after that never existed, that way nobody complains.
>hes watching it RIGHT now
i know you gotta check it out to make sure it downloaded properly before uploading it. the big HAPENINGS is going on before we are left in the dark.
i can wait abit longer.
he has given us all the episodes without asking for anything in return, he has the right to be the first to enjoy (or suffer) the last episode
I still do not believe that he would take the trouble to also upload it in zippy just because I asked him, I love him(no homo)
This is something millions of people are bringing up as of late, because of how bad Disney has got since Iger took over and even with the stupid shit Eisner has done the only thing to do is to pin point a time when Disney was legitimately good, and thats when Walt ran the company himself.
Get that psycho away from my frogs.
Possible goodbye user.
get that shit outta here
you cant really blame him for that
Seeing them so happy makes me fear next episode.
pls don't spoil until the episode's out for everyone
So... you are a hivemind of million of worms commenting at once right now?... Neat.
>orange background
Foreboding. Or something's on fire. Or Anne is realizing those sultry eyes of Sasha are inviting her to something intimate.
is dead, (since "cursed" she stopped appearing in the background, the only exception being the last episode)
maddiefags in suicide watch
OMG Anne is lesbian! I can't believe it!
No, I'm serous.
>full blood moon
>town on fire
Season finale is gonna be litty.
Anne is so silly.
Finale ends with Sasha enslaving everyone naked and holding chained Anne's chin up with her foot
How much longer until mega
spoilers are already starting to seep in
>one (deleted) image of Sasha talking to Anne
about 20 minutes? maybe less?
Abandon thread!
More Pepe edits for Sprig plz.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________B O I
fitting mood
thanks for posting
we need to summon megaanon fast
Will Anne kill Hop Pop when she finds out what he did to the box?
Are spoilers actually coming in or are they just falseflags? I'm not touching any of them, man.
It'll be a different mood once Mega user arrives...
you have no fucking idea
I'm saddened by the lack of tongue kissing porn fanart in this fandom
she usually rarely appears in the background, so nothing new there
if the meganon is there, I beg him to tell us the percentage of the upload
a lot of them are just memes, but i wouldn't take any chances.
most look like jokes.
> Most likely, she goes to an all-girl school.
In that case it's confirmed she is not straight.
w-what did he mean by this?
I'm scared now
Thank you very much
>it's getting near the end
>these songs being posted
>this thread
Fuck these tears.
I didn't ask for this!
i hope sasha is revealed to be actually mean and then she starts to bully sprigg and then he cries alone in his room
Im really impressed there is timeline and characters grow.
>tfw watching minecraft videos in another tab to calm down
How is everyone else coping?
I've accepted my fate and eagerly awaiting the end.
Not well.
Before it's time, any final words?
Drawing vidya lewds to take my mind off the fact that the ride's about to end FUCKING HOLD ME.
Trying to learn how to draw Anne, while also desperately refreshing the catalog.
Blasting The Mars Volta and making everybody in my house angry at me...
Possible goodbye.
It's been a short, but fantastic ride.
I did not expect to like this show so much, possible goodbye user.
reading random ED articles while trance music plays.
Amphibia made this otherwise depressing summer month nice. Enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. God bless whoever's behind it, and I look forward to season 2.
I'm microwaving something to eat.
All these emotions flying around are making me want to pick up the show. If nothing else the world is interesting. I like how the bugs range from snack sized to monster sized; makes it more interesting than the typical protagonist shrunk down style world.
It's been a great ride! Can't wait to see next Season. I hope we get to see other parts of Amphibia....and Marcy.
I Never expected Frog isekai to be a good idea but now I cant wait for season 2
possible goodbye
Yes, watch it.
hearing people shit on Mass Effect Andromeda, always calm me down
I do not regret giving this show a try after seeing Yea Forums talk about it. I didn't have any expectations and thought I was gonna drop it out of boredom after the first or second episode. I don't really watch a lot of kids' cartoons these days, but this show gets a thumbs up outta me. I hope the it keeps this quality in later seasons.
lets go
It's up
I want a maddie GF
It's time.
Also, what's with that other Yea Forums-tard Amphibia thread trying to be edgy? Do people just get off on getting banned, or something?
I hope she has a more prominent role in the next season, at least she not part of the same old trope.
I notice the background meshing for this show is noticeably poor, I wonder if it's made in a hurry.