Uncanny X-Men #22

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So Is AoXM canon or what? Does Scott know she fucked the AnoNigger who was trying to kill his sorta-granddaughter?

Emma is a slut that cucked Scott with a retarded serial killer.

Serves her right.

Just had to get two more on the kill count, didn't you Rosenberg?

Hopefully Emma moves on and fucks someone else. I just regret Ruby didn't get to be born.

Yeah, me too. I just wish they could've stayed a couple, since their dynamic was more interesting than Scott's with Jean.

Wolverine should be able to date Jean too.

Was hoping Scott would just ghost both her and Jean and just stay away from all women.


Will Cucklops ever find peace?

Fuck, i feel bad for emma. God damnit. Shoulda been scott and emma endgame. Fuck jean.


>retarded Morrison boomers thunk Emma and Scott make a good couple
>they think Emma is anything more than a power hungry bad guy

This is the worst timeline. Ruby is a way better daughter than Rachel.

>retards actually believe this

I'm pretty sure Hickman is going to ignore absolutely everything from Rosenberg's run so ending it this way is irrelevant.

She just had a more interesting power set

Ah well. This will be undone anyway. Emma will get another chance in Hackman's run. I just hope Jean goes full rage mode and turns Cyclops gay as a scorned bitch. Then he and wolverine can have the life they'd always wanted.

Raychel will never be born anyway. That's like her whole deal

Dat ass

Ruby will still exist. Just becuase this scott and emma doesnt get together, it doesnt mean her parents didnt. I mean, look at rachel. Her timeline doesnt even exist anymore and yet she still meandering about being a story prop and nothing more.

Ha get fucked Bishop

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Only if Jean/Emma happens.

Fuck this shit. So Jean decided for everone that they needed to leave Mutant paradise because she saw that Scott was alive and got horny. I mean, Nature girl was sobbing becase she didn't want to leave.

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Scott is hot.

Everyone Who Died STAYED Dead!


Her ass is amazing.

I am way behind on the X-Men.
Is this Bendis's post Avx revolutionary red outfit version of Cyclops that died because of the Inhumans?

I suppose it could have been worse, she could have been making out with that canadian runt instead.


eat shit logan and emma, you two deserve each other

Yeah, it's the guy that died of a deadly peanut allergy and was briefly resurrected by the Phoenix for like two seconds.

She's dry humpng him in front of everyone. What a fucking slut. Is she trying to prove to Scott that she can outslut Emma.

It's ok kamala. She'll eventaully die like she always does and you'll get him eventually. Just hold on to the good times you had with teen scott for now.

go back to your soaps, grandma

>nobody's around by a nigger
>fucks the nigger
>so dissapointing she kills an entire reality to hop back on BWC
>doesn't even wait, dry humps the guy right then and there while robots are destroying the city and shit
Damn Jean, take it easy!

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She's asserting her dominance so Emma knows her place.

You youngins have no idea what true romance is,. Why if we had two people sucking each other's tongue like that in public, it was most likely they were carrying on with others as soon as their partners back were turned. It's no surprise to me that she would bed that negro just because he wasnt there.

I'm a NEET but can somebody tell Rosenberg to fuck himself? As for the issue, Why am I starting to feel like this is MCU synergy? Humans can't detect mutants and the rumour is Hickman is sending them to Mars.

That's some quality booty.

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Remember when there was that imagine of Jean with the little kid who looked mixed race and everyone thought she had a kid with Bishop but then it turned out to be just a random mutant kid? fucking lel at bl*cked cucks getting cucked by the editorial team

based, they are husband and wife and Marvel's best couple
Emmastans are fucking stupid just like her turning into a diamond is

Scott hooked up with Joanna (WM/BF) in Age of X created by Legion , while Jean hooked up with Lucas (BM/WF) in Age of X-Man created by Legion AND X-Man (Fusion + Life Seed) . Symmetry !

Logan and Emma are psionically scheduling the "fuck those two creeps"-sex even as we watch.

Fuck Jean and fuck Rosenberg.

fuuuuuuuuuuuck rosenberg
fuuuuuuuuuuck hm so much

Psylocke is the patrician choice here.

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Logan and Emma should hook up. They’re both promiscuous sluts so they’d be perfect for each other.

Kwannon or Betsy ?!

I am not sure if she is more mad that Jean and Scott kissing or the amount of her fanfics about who Scott will pair with will go down the toilet.

Wonder how long her thing with Blob will last.

>girl who NTRs gets cucked
this should be more common

Well I'm really annoyed and mad by this. I'm hoping Scott and Emma would get back together. That way Ruby Summers can be brought into existance

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I'm not sure if Logan could put up with Emma's bullshit like Scott can.

Well you know, Scotts dick is revolving door. When Jean dies her Xth death, guess who will be her replacement yet again? How many times has that happened now? Three times ?

Pretty sure Emma also finds Logan disgusting.

It's what I'm betting on, user

Ha! Little does she know, emma has already ruined him for other girls. They'll never compare sexually to her. She is the ultimate slut

>Nature girl
Since when does Nature Girl get any say in the matter?

This is what annoys me. It would have been better if Scott didn't end up with anyone for a while until Hickman's run begins

Please, we all know she's secretly craving that hairy meatball's grimy cock.


Since she became charming

Only bishop fans and cuck fetish white guys ever thought that. The editors even admitted that jean was a last minute replacement for what was supposed to be a storm and bishop romance.

She would have been if she was still asian and sexy as fuck. Now shes just another boring British white girl.

anyone have that sheet that shows all the people Rosenberg offed l cant remember which thread l saw it in

As much of a slut as Emma is, she still had standard. She'd never fuck a hairy manlett who is a follower.

It ended already.

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Im just saying it's sad. Also colussus and nightcrawler didn't want to leave. They are more valuable than jean becuase they don't die every other year.

I don't know. Her Generation X tenure was pretty white hat.

I've sometimes wondered if Logan doesn't secrete some kind of musk that appeals to women on a primal level. He's short AND ugly AND has an unpleasant personality, yet he keeps getting so many hot women. Maybe there's an X-Gene related reason for it.

Didn't he kill off Magik too?

Also Donald Pierce and his Reavers from #11.

So how much are sales tanking? I stopped reading big two comics a while ago because of thia bullshit but x-men wwas one of my favorites. The long term fanbase has got to be dwindling due to this.

She's still alive, just as an evil demon.

He did?

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>Emma cucked
>Magik freed from the x-ghetto
Sounds like a happy ending to me

That's right. She's stuck as some uglier version of Darkchild, or just some animalistic looking demon now.
Because for some reason her thought her powers were what kept her looking human/kept her soul intact or some shit.

But with House of X looking like it's going to reset everything, I doubt all the deaths are going to stick.

>colussus and nightcrawler didn't want to leave.
Yeah I can't understand that one bit.

Fucking Rosenberg.

Definitely not. He's been handsome since the 90s.
>unpleasant personality
Women find that gritty and dangerous loner personality really sexy in a taboo sort of way. That's why he gets so many one-night stands; women want to fuck him purely for the thrill of it.

Kurt is stuck in the mortal world with no soul and Pete's been living as a drunken recluse ever since Kitty broke his heart. It's a shitty situation for both of them back in reality.

Scott really should wear moto jackets more often. It's a good look for him

All these decades later and I still can't even pretend to care who Scott is fucking.

Pete and Kitty are sucking each others faces off again and letting his little sister think he's dead is a dick move.

Was that in reality or just in Nateworld?

>Humans can't detect mutants
They can. Did you imbeciles even read the comic?

I know, different universe but still

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Hickman will probably put Emma and Scott back together. He's a push forward guy and Jean/Scott is old hat everyone got over

I quit the X-Men during Benis run and all I heard is that they turn Ice Man gay and that was possibly the only memorable thing to happened in the last 7 years. The rest was more death and resurrections.

Ever since Bendis run ended, did I miss anything good? I read the Secret Wars tie-ins but I do not know anything beyond that point.

butthurt scemma shipper

If he still had his Rightclops costume he'd be chad enough to be in a relationship with both of them.

No, everything has been complete shit. Hickman might change that but then again that has been said about everyone and no one changes dick.

Nah, I don't really care about X-Men much, I'm a Hickman fanboy, I'm just going by what Hickman said in interviews today

after bendis it's been literal who's up until this point

the likes of guggenheim and his ilk

this is the first chance the x-franchise has gotten to not be shit

Ultimate Logan was such an unlikable sociopath. I can't believe they still expected us to treat him like a hero even after he tried (and almost succeeded in) murdering Cyclops to get with a 19-year-old girl.

I'm sorry your greg land drawn trash ceased to be, now get out and make way for cable 4.0

Well Cyclops seemed to take it well enough. Casually blasting Logan and telling him he's off the team. I missed that team of assholes.

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Nah, Logan is for Storm.

Ult Pete summarizes why everyone on all Earths hates mutants so well

>Storm and Bishop romance
I am glad they didn't do that.

Ah yes, because he fantasies of white cuckolds pairing the ginger with the nigger was so much better...

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F%^&* this.

I mean, it couldn't have been worse than her romance with Black Panther.

Scott cucked jean why dose he get a pass?

Well i personally don't give a shit about Jean and Storm already gets shitty relationship with black man.

Morrison's shit characterizations aside, she'd clearly been on a heroic path for years.

Probably but i hope they won't bring that idea back in the future.

>Hickman says in an interview today "don't be an asshole, put all the toys back on the shelf when you're done, only add amd modify the toybox"
>Rosenburg proceeds to kill off a ton of the cast with no solution at the end
Shots fired

I wonder if 616 Pete would enjoy a day as Logan.

Kurt's just scarred of Brian finding out he finally fucked Meggan.

And there goes any chance of Jean Grey doing anything interesting for a long while.

Someone has to be the girl whose every waking moment is about Cyclops and I guess it's her turn for that now.

Emma is going to spam Jean with images of her and Scott fucking

Was this issue storytimed?

go back to CBR man


did Peter call Piotr a faggot

>Ruby will still exist. Just becuase this scott and emma doesnt get together, it doesnt mean her parents didnt.
Emma can't have children, Ruby's mother cannot have been Emma.


>not knowing what Summers sperm is capable of

Doesn't matter. Hickman will change everything.


Fuck it Marvel just roll with the memes, X-Men is a trash fire and a half

It's canon that Daken can manipulate his pheromones. Maybe Dad has a version of that.

Honestly, I thought the Logan/Ororo pairing they did a few years ago was a lot of fun.

That is one fine rump

Maybe if Ruby has time to develop more, but Rachael definitely is a more interesting character, with a less interesting powerset.

To be fair, Ultimate Piotr was an actual faggot

Not really. Half the time it was them fucking in various parts of the school and the other half was Storm pining for him after he died like he was the only good thing in her life.

X-Factor had a happy and hopeful ending at least.

In fasct they are.
No, not really. At least not anymore.

Three actually, maybe four.

Wow, this actually pisses me off.

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Why would this effect her? She's from a different timeline.

Even Rachel ain't from 616.

She better not, jean might turn scott gay just to spite her.

The X-Men need to stop fucking each other and fight some bad guys

Jean was only ever interesting as Scotts arm candy anyway. Heck giving her cosmic powers only made her more boring.

Who cares?
They're just retreading shit again.

that didn't end well last time she tired that.

Scott's doing it wrong, threesome with Emma & gene is the winning play.

then again this isn't the first wife/lover he dumped for Jean.

Discuss tits? Okay.

SOMETHING decent had to come out of it.
Even then, I dunno why they tried to make Wolverine look butthurt, he had the hots for her a bit decades ago, got over it and became bros with Scott.

Anyone expecting Jean to fuck Xavier in the Hickman run?

Fucker's got a huge boner for Chuck and all artwork for the House of X has Chuck de-aged and looking way younger.

>Chuck de-aged and looking way younger
Probably still walking around in Fantomex's stolen body.

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Jean is poison to the x-series.
>Makes cyclops a pansy cuck boy
>Makes Wolverine act like an edgy spurned teen
>Ruins every movie she is the focal point of
>has no characterization aside from the Phoenix force
>uses said force for deus eX machina
>dies at the end of every major event making you think the curse is over but always comes again to repeat the cycle.

How awkward for Hope. Her grandparents are making out in front of everyone on the battlefield

I get so fucking tired of the X-Men comics having some C List mutant give Scott or Logan the guilt trip. Nobody made Dani or any of them stay but somehow Scott is the bad guy when they lose people in a fight.

>single sentinel
>Alex just fucking an heroes himself
Also pic related.
What retard is writing this shit

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I’d rather not.

Where's Emma's scar

She was smart and saved enough hair so she could cover.

This run gives me whiplash. Characters are offed with the snap of a finger and zero fanfare like Alex and Jamie. Then there's the constant flip flopping.
>Everyone votes that Emma's plan is perfect
>Everyone then votes after it succeeds that they need to undo it
What was the point of all of this other than murdering X-Men

Hasn't every notable Villain had their good for a while term.


I hate Jean Grey she is boring and I want her to be dead again. Scott is best with Emma. Now we have to deal with Scott, Jean Wolverine love triangle garbage. fuck that shit and fuck Akira Yoshida

Keep in mind that the story only needed Bishop to have sex with someone, and go to prison for it. The woman didn't need to be one of the team, because she doesn't go to prison as well, for no reason. It could have just been some OC, instead they made a decision to troll the readers.

Jean Grey is Marvel's best girl she's perfect

She's got no eggs, user.

But Jean cucked Scott with a crazy mass murderer.

>Scott is best with Emma
Scoot is best by his fucking self and Emma is best as a villain and not as a morally grey version of Jean.

Wasn't there an abandoned subplot where Storm was one of Bishops ancestors? Back before they made him an Aboriginal?

Ruby is from Bishop's Earth. She can still be brought over if they want to.
She's from an alternate Earth, user.

Bullshit, but exactly what I expect of Marvel. I was never a big fan of Emma, she treated my girl Laura like shit while she was still an autist, but she and Scott made a good couple when he stopped being such a boyscout, which was also good growth for him.

But since I don't read Marvel anymore, what do I care?

I am interested in one thing though; has Logan had any interactions with Jubilee, Laura, or Scott since he got back? I kind of want to see the reunions, especially since Jubes got cured of vampirism between him dying and coming back. I don't expect Jubilee and Laura to ever interact on page again which makes my peepee sad.

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I agree
You do have a point but i still found them fun together and hope someday they will make them be couple again and maybe write them better this time.

Proof that they don't know what to do with these characters. Scott/Jean/Logan is so played out. You'd think that with so many people seeing Jean as BORING, they would try to write a new chapter in her life instead of retreading old ass shit.

Maybe if he settles down with Miss Marvel.

Larroca sucks, my god.

The one thing that annoys me is that in the issue in which this happens, Emma had just had surgery to remove a control/detonation device from her brain, and had shaved half her head for it. It also left a visible scar.
Now, the artist didn't forget about this in the pages before and after this one, but seemingly couldn't be bothered with drawing her consistently here.

They couldn't until the end of the issue. This is obviously what they're going to do in the MCU for when mutants suddenly starts showing up.

She was ever only good at dying to give the xmen some agency. Other than that just about anyone could have filled get roll and been more interesting, say someone like Emma.

You fucking idiots have no idea what thr concept of a cuck is.

The X office doesn't care about obscure X hostory.

Here's a better cover. No homo

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The whole ordeal with kurt's souls as pure bullshit and handled horribly seeing how he was a devout catholic. I'm still mad about it.

Jean is was an evil bitch even in ultimate with all the mid fucking bullshit she pulled. I bet she was the one that made colossus gay.

I'm going to assume emma wanted to look her best becuase jean dry mounting scott was already humiliating enough as it is for her. No need to look like a mess in front of her rival as well. It was telepathy....... or thr other explanation I'd that the artist didn't remember and the writer was to stupid to notice when reviewing thr pages and the editors didn't even bother to check it becuase it read a throw away story.

She is an evil bitch in every universe user. Turning people gay, thinking with her pussy, putting herself above the needs of her friends. The latest example being her seemingly deciding that Nate's mutant paradise is a good thing but then as soon as she saw cyclops was alive, she just needed that dick so bad, she was determined to get out of there, screw her friends who were pleading not to leave becuase then everyone gets kicked out.

No different from how Storm is suddenly missing from the final panel and everyone is randomly striking poses and coming from nowhere, they don’t give a fuck.

It's horrendous. The writer clearly doesn't give a single fuck about anyone he is killing.

I guess Bishop's dick must have not been good enough for her becuase she didn't even give him the time of day when they met again. Poor Bishop.

>that time that one detective chick became obsessed with Logan and had a dream he showed up naked in her room and got in bed with her

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That's an ugly cover

Storm is his grandmother.

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Only if he settles down with a non-telepathic nonmutant

AND I think claremont made that romance happen in his X-treme X-men comic but I didn't read it. Bishop even goes "She looks suspiciously like my grandmother."
Life and Times of Lucas Bishop later had him see her when he first got sent to the concentration camps so it's fairly canon that she is his grandmother now.

Put their powers don't even match

Neither did Wanda and Pietro's back when they were mutants. Mutant powers can get random as shit and even more so when you're mixing multiple X-genes together.

This is how i imagine every one of logans love scene has gone.

Rightclops would have squeezed that ass.

I've only just recently caught back up on X comics. Has the writer commented at all on what a dumpster fire this is?

Men always have to keep women in line. And she liked it when he did. They were the perfect couple.

Emma strikes me as an alpha female that will crush any man she thinks is beneath her worth, but will sumbit like a bitch in heat if confronted with a true alpha male. Thats what makes her hot. Shes a slut, but only for the right guy.

Besides the first picture there is a severe lack of sluty jean and emma pics in this thread, how did our even manage to get this far.

Out of the loop here. Is this adult Jean? If so how and why? And also once Scott got all his memories back...shouldn't the last thing he remembered be his wife by his side on his death bed? Why has he been such a cunt to Emma to the point of making out with Jean here at the end.

Speaking of AoXM, is Nate Grey a good guy or a bad guy now

Rachael isn't Scott's kid (according to Claremont)

People on twitter loved the run for some "meta commentary" shit about how shit happens just to push characters like Scott and Logan. I dont know,and I dont want to know either.

Claremont is not these characters owner. The canon says she is Cyclops kid and Cable's sister.

Right up until Death of X took a big steaming dump on it.

oops, I meant X-Force.

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I was thinking, Cyclops is kinda always been main X-Men hero, not Wolverine.
Just like any shounen protagonist. He's got that readhead childhood friend (Jean) and tsundere blond bitch (Emma) fighting for him. Also there's his love and ideological rival named Logan. And Xavier's like his mentor-sensei. Literally eveyhing in whole X-Men saga is spin around Scott Summers.

Better to whom?

All it means is that Emma is FINALLY mine to have, to love on, to care for, to be one with. To take over the HellFire Club again.

>She's from an alternate Earth, user.
She's from Bishop's timeline, which shouldn't have diverged from 616 until years after Sublime left Emma unable to have children.

Uncanny X-Men was mostly boring. Didn’t read it all, just the last story arc. Did this run have any redeeming points?

Triage died? I thought the doctor just nulled his powers.


Triage got electrocuted to death for spitting in the guys face.