The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Tempest
#6 of 6
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Tempest
#6 of 6
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And here we go...
The final issue of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
>Last comic book by Alan Moore ever
>Yea Forums is too busy jerking off to the Hulk Who Laughs to even know about it
I like that run in moments, but god damn has The Tempest been so great.
Well, that was the most likely possibility.
William Hope Hodgeson reference?
Ah, he's been a riot, but it is time for farewells.
At last!
That's a sweet homage to end the main story on. I love it.
For the third or fourth time that Moore has done this exact same ending...I knew how it was going to go down anyhow. So it was nice that it just had fun with itself. Even if it's nothing so outrageously satisfying.
And finally - the finale to THE SEVEN STARS!
Now that....that I didn't quite expect.
Although someone did guess it a few issues back.
This is really sweet.
Pure fan service as shit.
But so sweet.
And the last Seven Stars card.
That's it for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Four mini series, a spin-off trilogy of graphic novels, and one side-story interquel. It's been quite a wild ride.
I loved it.
Incidentally I've been cooking up the final version of that Chronological Order I've storytimed once or twice before. With the release of this finale, I can finally finish it. I'll try to storytime it this Friday.
See you then!
This is it, goodbye Alan
Wonder what Kevin O'Neill will move onto since he's been on this since like 2008
>Incidentally I've been cooking up the final version of that Chronological Order I've storytimed once or twice before. With the release of this finale, I can finally finish it. I'll try to storytime it this Friday.
looking forward to it. and thanks for the storytime btw
Time to listen to the final ravings of an out of touch old man who once wrote some of the best comics ever.
>The world is better off without super people
Well, we're off to a good start already.
Why does Moore have such a huge hateboner for James Bond again?
>Clone of Hyde
So, does this negate the impact of the end of Volume II or what?
A surprisingly sentimental thing for Alan "Fuck Nostalgia" Moore to do.
I gotta say, this issue, and this whole series, kind of disappointed me. It started out OK, but then went off the rails confusing with just stuff happening with no real interesting character stuff.
He said it in his intro to Dark Knight Returns (which was included in the TPB up until 1996):
>The fictional heroes of the past, while still retaining all of their charm and power and magic, have had some of their credibility stripped away forever as a result of the new sophistication in their audience. With the benefit of hindsight and a greater understanding of anthropoid behavior patterns, science fiction author Philip Jose Farmer was able to demonstrate quite credibly that the young Tarzan would almost certainly have indulged in sexual experimentation with chimpanzees and that he would just surely have had none of the aversion to eating human flesh that Edgar Rice Burroughs attributed to him. As our political and social consciousness continues to evolve, Alan Quartermain stands revealed as just another white imperialist out to exploit the natives and we begin to see that the overriding factor in James Bond's psychological makeup is his utter hatred and contempt for women. Whether most of us would prefer to enjoy the above-mentioned gentlemen's adventures without spoiling things by considering the social implications is beside the point. The fact remains that we have changed, along with our society, and that were such characters created today they would be subject to the most extreme suspicion and criticism.
>Planet of the Apes vs Terminators and 2000 AD droids
I kinda want to read that.
>Pooh lurking around the beehives
Such a weird assortment of characters.
Huh, that was the baste with ties to The Wire
Meh, you know half the reason he hates him is because he’s not allowed to use him
I mean come on
>all them amazon-moriarties
Pretty weird how Poe's work is considered fiction here, since the League actually met Inspector Dupin way back in the first volume and most IRL writers are considered biographers in-universe.
If you noticed, he's critical of Alan Quartermain in that quote, but he also used him in LOEG.
And this published the same year as they actually killing the franchise with Bond 25!
The hype that immortal Hulk is getting is so strange. It's such a tame comicbook extreme only in relation to other capeshit, and everyone on reddit cream himself for it.
Honestly considering the 2010's had really subpar Hulk stories, Immortal Hulk looks like a 500% improvement
Yes but is supposed to be horror, and all there is is some bodyshock
Moore was entirely wrong here
Kingsley Amis showed in his boot the James Bond Dossier showed that the notion Bond was a misogynist or serial rapist is not present in the books.
>moore's career started at 2000ad
Why fucking Hyde and not Quartermain? The actual love of her life? Hyde was just some creepy rapist stalker to her.
Because Quartermain sucked and Hyde ruled.
O'Neill does ro-jaws again
been a while
they had Hyde's genetic material lying around with his skeleton
hook jaw 5eva
Who's that white fellow between Spy vs Spy?
Mr. A.
best writer in comics? maybe
funniest? no question
>he's been on this since like 2008
you mean 1998
As expected from the grand wizard
Well, good job Moore. You made me loathe the degenerates, wizards and fae I get the distinct impression are meant to be seen as the good guys despite having all the responsibility, competence and moral resolve of wet tissue.
I’ve been keeping up with the Tempest and-I can’t blame them. The core cast are somehow even more incompetant and unlikeable than they were in Century
I’m pissed Prospero, the fae queen and Nyarlathotep ended up being basically background dressing to Our Alleged Heroes’ latest fuckup. Hey, this DOES mean we can technically count this sad shitstorm as being in continuity with Providence right? They both mention Yuggoth as the home of the Great Old Ones, who were involved in a war with the Elohim in League’s prehistory.
Good thing Moore never read My Immortal I guess
Better question: What was the point of shipping her with the new Nemo and then offscreening their relationship other than to remind us again what a THOT Mina is?
I don't think he read it.
So, basically the same case as Harry Potter. God damn it Moore, younger iconoclast you would be ashamed of the doddering old you’ve become .
As expected. Pure trash. Good riddance to washed up garbage.
Right? Fuck LXG, and fuck me for ever thinking the original run and some of the Black Dossier background and everything to do with Nemo was ever going anywhere interesting. I’ve never been so profoundly annoyed by a storyline it’s actually affected my opinion of the author’s previous works like Promethea and Watchmen, because now I can’t think about them without reading into the opinions that gave rise to this indulgent trash fire. Maybe it’s a good thing mah boi Nyarly stayed mostly off-panel.
1. How is this funny?
2. What does that person made up of all those buzzwords have to do with the comic book Industry?
I liked how this Volume IV is more the spiritual successor to the wildly underrated 1963 series than any of the previous league stories
I have a pet theory Moore recycled his anticipated 1963 conclusion plot for volume IV too
i read it as Alan Moore having been steered into visiting /pol/ or at least being told about it
Alan Moore can go fuck himself.
How so?
well, I think the similarities between 1963 and Tempest are pretty obvious: pastiche, letters page, mock comics from another era
But what we know about the unfinished 1963 storyline was something like: heroes from the present meet heroes from the past to avert some disaster in the future. The time travel element are the heroes from the far future, trying to avert the disaster.
The heroes from the past (here from 1964 Britain, not 1963 America) are the 7 Stars and others.
The heroes from the present are the league in 2010
I'll never know how much of a stretch it is, but I do know Moore lever lets a good story remain untold. Doing a "stealth" ending to the 1963 debacle seems right up his alley
Wasn't Stardust frozen with a different expression?
I see you there, Tharg.
> picture of 9/11
Zionist Jihad???
I kind of love that he threw shade at Stan Lee with the second to last panel. Moore gives no shits.
Love it
With all those sort of things you expect a question that he'd think Comicsgate would ask, but it's just a "Why you're leaving the comic business" question.
But it's a set up for the other joke which is basically
"Can I ask with a straight face why you're leaving the business?"
"Yes, you apparently can."
>we begin to see that the overriding factor in James Bond's psychological makeup is his utter hatred and contempt for women.
I am not a fan of Bond but that is real fucking rich coming from Alan Moore of all people.
I agree. Its more a convulted mess in that short time.
And i dont know if its from the artist but these whole collection of book references comes off as "remember this and this?". Its too much trying stuffing many book references into it than usual.
Is Moore trying to show off "o am not iliterate, i read stuff!"?
I don't see it. They are pastiches to eras of comics. But 1963 was more fascinated and a half affectionate tribute half hateful screed to the Silver Age that Alan read as a kid. And it along with Supreme indicated he was still interested in the storytelling of capeshit even though he despised what happened behind the scenes. While Tempest didn't have any of that awe or intrigue, and the anger was more tired this time.
Even if Moore read it, he wouldn't have cared. Every character in LEOG is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Allan Quatermain taking opium in his original books turns into Quatermain becoming an unstable addict in this comic. Pollyanna seeing the bright side of life translates to Pollyanna smiling while getting raped. And James Bond hitting women in the books steers into James becoming a violent rapist and traitor to the country in Alan Moore's version.
I read that rather based.
>trolling Alexandria Ocasio Cortez with my Batman T-shirt coveredin Pringles
>And you, the readers who`ve been with us through all this
>You`re the most inteligent and appreciative audience we could ever hoped for.
That sounds more like "you are basement dwellers but you mostly alright" to me. More like "thats the way things are, and we like our incel anarchists and that they are more than the stereotype"
If you remove "conservative" then you have the same exact comic book fan stereotype that's been around for decades.
Only suddenly now comic fans are also "le evil racist drumpf right wingers" now too? Cringe.
It's mocking modern day toxic fanboy culture. Alan has been weary of fanboys ever since the 80s when he was creepily followed to bathroom during some con when he was trying to take a piss.
Not all comic fans. Just the retarded conservative fanboys who carry identity politics on their sleeve and act like assholes. You know the ones, the people who tweet at Neil Gaiman and try to get them to support comicsgate, completely failing to understand that Gaiman would literally be the type of SJW author that they claim to hate.
Because Nemo sucks
>Moore calls out Stan Lee many times for taking credit from other artists
>At his last cameo on his last comic, Alan Moore become Stan Lee
I think the traitor part is less about James Bond per se and more about England becoming America's little sidekick, both in the militar side and in the economic side
In a way it's poetic how lack luster this ending is. Moore was a major powerhouse through the bulk of his career, but once we crossed into the new millennium, it's like he began to loose his touch and everything became this bitter,stuck up, conceited "fuck off" time and time again. Ever since he ended ABC and Tom Strong, everything he wrote just turned grey in my eyes.
This entire run, with this finale included, has been the maddened ravings of a beaten down old work horse. If I could compare it to anything, it's like unplugging a long ill relative from life support. The good days ended long ago and you've only kept them going for this long out of respect for the person they once were.
still waiting on good r34 of Mina, Quartermaine and Orlando
I didn't expect Lara Croft
Jeezus. I can get people being upset by this ending, but still, you can't fucking look me in the eyes and say Providence wasn't a masterpiece.
What the fuck am I reading? Who are these people?
Well, this was disappointing.
So, instead of fun literary crossover adventures like the first two volumes, the series ends with the Earth exploding and the "heroes" just leaving for space with a random assortment of characters from all media instead ones neatly picked out across classical literature? With James Bond just dying without any sense of theatre?
Frickin' WHY, though?
Also, is there a reason that the protagonists don't try to STOP all of these things from happening? Didn't read the whole run.
at this point is he any better than things like endgame which he seems to deride so much? like now he is just thrwoing references to the screen with absolutely no logic what so ever, it almost feels like the movie cool world where out of nowhere wacky animation would crowd the foreground
Thats because he has his "idea" from Flex Metallo and some Simpson idea when lisa is in a library and sees alice from wonderland in a mirror who is taken hostage by the mad hatter.
Alan like to write in analogies, its just that he retires, so his comic world explodes and he takes his creations with him. Mostly book characters andleaves the comic behind. Edgy metaphor for him leaving comics and antering literature.
am i crazy or is the fire spelling
>"follow that you cunts"
>and now all my favourite old characters will live forever unmolested by all those pesky modern stories that are so shit and unoriginal
well, he went out faithful to his ideals if nothing else
I feel like Tharg is gonna sue somebody.
Is the sevens stars a metaphor for current fanboys and cape-fandom?
So are these amazons stand-ins for feminists. Maybe since they now have men from sperm of a basedboy the current 3rd wave femnazis?
I have the feeling Moore doesnt like the sjw movement that happens today!
>I have the feeling Moore doesnt like the sjw movement that happens today!
That should've been obvious from his "last" interview, the one where people focused on him upset with Grant Morrison, but people forget about how before that he was taking on critics that were upset at him over the usage of the Golliwog in LOEG.
To be fair, most intellectuals don't like the sjw movement because it's corporate-driven and conformistic.
yes. it's more obvious when you zoom out.
You are right. It seems that Alan Moote hates only the hardcore fannerds and feminists.
His only credits in the end goes to the comic fans who gets labeled incels or myso.
I think Alan would fit right in in Yea Forums.
You are right.
And can only add, while crying for diversity or respect others they dont follow these rules.
oh man, im sure it will be hard to follow the incoherent ramblings of a mad man