Silver Surfer Black #2

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>the symbiote that stuck with being the dick chain

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>take hits from a celestial gang
>hurt by norrin and thor

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Now wait a minute Knull, you shouldn't have these powers yet. You didn't do this until you lost the sword.

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>... I made their hidden God bleed.

There was also that time you fed one of their planets to Galactus.

turns out I gotta stop right here someone can take over or keep the thread alive until i return

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that just means Norrin and Thor are going to be our protags for next Cosmic Event staring Knull.

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Please do not post pictures during a storytime.

Sorry my bad, forgot that was rule.

This feels like Sterling levels of OC wanking.

>Classic Thor
Based. I miss him.

And Cates is now going to be the next Thor writer....

From yesterday.

>A Donny Cates' story
>The villain is referenced as a "god"
>The villain smiles constantly, showing how dangerous he is
>A Thor-related character/item appears by "surprise" and becomes relevant to the plot
>Characters die an idiotic death
>Retcon Punch!
>Once complete, rinse and repeat.
>"Damn! This Cates guy is a fucking genius!"

Fucking incredible. 2 issues in and Cates has already exhausted his bag of tricks.

And this is the writer whose boots are licked by Marvel fans, huh?

Nah that's Ewing, and rightly so

>give galactus an even bigger hat
good great perfect

And Black Bolt killed Celestials, and Thanos killed King Thor, and SS with Mjolnir was a threat to Thanos and killed the CGR, and the CGR killed Thanos...Cates doesn't care, he only wants to write dope shit!

Cates Thor is more powerful than a celestial confirmed.
Can you imagine Thor with the Catesforce?

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holy hell

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i really fucks with the creepy coral look

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And done! If you liked it, buy it at your LCS or something

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Fuck Cates0haters, this is great

Loved it, thanks OP.

I wonder what would happen if he fougt his alternate version

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>Black Bolt jobs to thanos, kills the celestials, and jobs to Vox, who beat ronan, thousands of Inhumans, and gets one shotted by a casual hammer throw from Bill
The only consistent thing is the Thor related things are the strongest. Also slightly related did anyone noticed this millions of years in the future and apparently Black Bolt is aging slower than a Titan?

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I kinda like seeing symbiotes moving away from spiderman and creating their own lore.

Oh it was past. I thought it was a new reality.

I'm having fun reading this

What issue is this from?

That's a cool cover

Not a fan of people turning them into some ancient cosmic deity-tier force in the universe. They're highly flammable slime monsters that eat people. They really did not need to be elevated to a whole lot beyond that.

I enjoy this as well...I just wish it wasn't related to Venom. Being related to Gor? Fine. Being the 8,000th retcon for Symbiotes? Eh.

But I do enjoy this.

Guess members of the Royal Family age really slowly like Triton who is old enough to remember Namor's mom when she was alive and saw the lusitania sink. So maybe Black Bolt has this same power?

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You like status quo. I like the extended lore.

Venom (2018) issue #4.

They age slower, Royals had it too.

Don't forget your boy Wraith

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And they still are. Having Zeus and Odin doesn't take away anything from humans, and same goes for the Skrulls etc.

They don't age that much slower. Maybe a couple hundred depending on their powers. Black Bolt might get longer because he has a lot shit going on, but Millions of years feels like a stretch.

Extended lore doesn't have to involve all this cliched cosmic stuff that both DC/Marvel have gone over multiple times.

holy fuck

Are marvel writers only allowed to use "Agh!" as an exclamation?

Why are artists so afraid to take risks these days? I love this book just for what Tradd is doing

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It is much better than what bendis shitted over on venom. Just get over it.

Why do boomers hate this so much

More people need to be talking about the real star here, Tradd

Well, some of them are supposed to become straight up immortals, like Flint.

Only here for the art.
Story is Tynion tier.

You'd be surprised how triggered boomer comic fans get by anything that's slightly abstract

I guess your right, Flint dies and the Crystal takes over, Maximus lives for a least another thousand years but he looks old.

You can't catch me, I'm the ginger bread man

That arm in the second to last panel reminds me of Jagaaaaan.

Who would win in a fite, Rogal Zaar or Knull?
And could either of them take the Batman Who Laughs?

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This, anyone who's actually reading the dialogue is a fool

Soak in the art

>And this is the writer whose boots are licked by Marvel fans, huh?
Haha no, not by a long shot. This guy was jerked as the next big thing because of Thanos Wins, but that was because he was still fresh (and the arc was ridiculous on close scrutiny). His only saving grace is Venom, and as you can see, he can't go a minute without inserting either Venom or Thor lore into everything he does.
>Cates doesn't care, he only wants to write dope shit!
If by "dope" you mean inconsistent, stupid shit, then yes, it's all very "dope".

Boomers? Sorry, the art is great, but the writing is trash. If you enjoy Cates, you really don't have standards.
>but what if I like Venom?
That's cool and all, but he doesn't belong everywhere. Imagine wanting to read a Silver Surfer story that revolves around him and not OC wanking, huh?

Holy shit this art, it's such a visual treat.
Based Tradd

Ego is older than I thought. I guess this is before he grew his beard.

Thank OP! Will buy the paperback when it comes out.

>Nyx darkens the whole universe at full power
>Amatsu-Mikaboshi was winning against God of Gods Herc and the multiverse and is explicitly an aspect of Oblivion
>Knull can raep Surfer, who can hold his own against a non-jobbing Thor

Why the FUCK are darkness/void gods so powerful?

Fuck Ewing that overrated Brit.

Says the Cates fan. Not exactly accounting for taste there.

Christ,l. fuck both of them and their insistence on adding more cosmic bullshit entities.

No, sorry, Cates is the shitter here, not Ewing. Ewing is actually consistent, knows how to write, and is excellent at continuity. Cates is a kid playing with toys.

Well that is an unfortunate pose, this cover is beging to be shopped.

Nope Fuck Ewing still. Dude keeps blowing his load with all this bullshit and he's going to hit a brick wall in where take everything.

Shit taste, just fuck off. Always, whenever I step into a Cates thread, I find the people with the most deluded taste of the board aside from lewdposters.

>Rogal Zaar or Knull
I want to say Knull. Marvel does type affinities better but DC seems to have a higher eventual ceiling, the DBZ to Marvel’s Naruto if you will. Besides what does Zaar have under his belt, felling a Krypton that wasn’t soaked in sunlight?

>the Batman Who Laughs
Considering he took down the Overmoniter, the House of Heroes and (I think? Not sure) Nix Uotan, I don’t give Knull good odds. For whatever obscure mystic difference it makes, Laughs’ darkness is something unnatural and putrid while Knull’s is the natural state of his universe and the whole idea behind why Dark Multiverseniggers seems to be so dangerous is because of how corrosive it is to the natural order.

Ewing, Cates, Aaron, Hickman, all have killed the cosmic side of the Marvel universe. Ewing and Hickman being the worst offenders of them all. The fans of both are brainless morons who cant suck their dick to see the truth

Why are you doubling down? Ewing and Hickman are good (Ewing more so), the other two aren't. Stop this, don't embarrass yourself any further.

But have they damage than Bendis, Didio and Cates have done to DC as a whole?

*have they done more damage

Cates isn't on DC, you mean King. But Cates has definitely done some damage, including this series in fact, by doubling down on Knull.

Sometimes I'm glad I still give Yea Forums a chance. This was a visual treat.

Fuck, yeah meant King. The point is just that while DC seems to have more inconsistent highs and lows than Marvel at the moment, when it goes low it goes LOW.

Knull is some harmless OC villain for Venom, who barely has rogues that aren't color-swaps of himself.
Contrast that with Rogal Zharr, who is being used to retcons the destruction of Krypton, murdering the people of Kandor, ect. as Benis rewrites Superman to his liking.

Knull is a stupid edgy "metal" cosmic villain, but Big 2 comics are chock-full of them, and they are quickly forgotten.

He fucked up Venom more than any other villain and is probably the only original villain of note Venom’s ever had.

Knull brought a few retcons to the dinner table with symbiote planet thing, grendal was symbiote(i'm pretty sure 616 grendel already exist, wraith's weird ghost shit is one of his symbiotes, as is black. Plus it has clearly gone well beyond venom. Carnage's even is suppose to involve the avengers and bunch of other people. Knull has already been connected to Celestials, Thor, silver sufer, Ego, and anyone that touched the sword. His power level is a lot higher than Venoms

unbelievable art, i love it

Thanks for taking over for OP. Thanks too OP.
This book is great. Anyone know when it'll come out in trade?

You are an idiot.