Now that the previews are out can we have a thread without shitposting?
Now that the previews are out can we have a thread without shitposting?
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>Can we have a thread without shitposting?
>On the power levels 12 year old youtube thread
Yeah, Aang’s probably gonna win
no. go shill your faggot videos elsewhere
Ignore the threads like I do for waifu shit if they trigger you so much. You’re more autistic than the people who you complain about.
>Can we have a thread that doesn’t belong here without shitposting?
No. Fuck off to trash or b.
Wait until the G1 blog and Therewolf song to pop up in the weekend
Also Luis is hinting next fight to be hand drawn
cant wait for the shitstorm on monday bros
Stop trying to make this Ben vs Hal 2
Which Hal won fair and square
isn’t this entire series the very definition of shit posting?
Yeah they said at RTX a lot of this is hand drawn too
Have they ever gone against the blog? I think they went against them for wario vs Dedede
>Aang Wins
FMA fans go full apeshit
FMA fans blame this on apologizing to Ben10
Naruto fans cry out Toph/Gaara
someone blames Vic, as RoosterTeeth fired him
>Edward Wins
Cartoon fans RIOT with this + Ben10
FMA fans go full celebration mode
Avatar Fans blame this on apoligizing to Toph/Gaara
someone blames Vic, as RoosterTeeth fired him
This is going to be a MASSIVE shitshow
Spite fight. Edward has nothing on Aang, while the latter has a massive range advantage and overall a higher powerlevel. The matchup is as retarded as Gaara vs Toph and Jiraya vs Roshi. Like what's even the fucking point?
>except Gaara lost to fucking Toph
That was fucking retarded and discredits the entire Death Battle as a whole, since people there have no idea how powerscaling and calcs work.
Carol vs 18, 2099 vs Beyond, Nightwing vs Daredevil, Cammy vs Sonya, Ryu vs Jin
Any prior blog entries that disagreed were from the now promoted Research Team
Toph beating Gaara still makes no sense.
He controls sand. She has trouble bending sand. I don't think metalbending negated that issue.
>This ignores the fact that gold generally has very few, if any, impurities, which is a massive problem for metalbenders (see: damn near everything in Korra being made of Platinum just to justify metalbending not solving things that it should.)
>Also he only used the gold once
God that episode was a shitshow.
It not going to be nearly as bad as GL vs Ben mostly because Yea Forums legitimately does not give a shit about DB, and likely never will. Honestly the only people who will give a shit are Yea Forums and maybe Yea Forums because they're both awful boards
Also who the fuck is Vic, I see people bring him up sometimes.
>ignoring the actual SANDBENDERS
>implying Toph, worlds greatest EARTHBENDER wouldn't learn sandbending.
I think Ed’s American VA, who kissed little girls, and yeah, Yea Forums doesn’t really care
Not at all related to what I was making fun of, but sure let's go with that one next.
>implying Toph, worlds greatest EARTHBENDER wouldn't learn sandbending.
That's pure conjecture, but sure, let's examine that statement a little more.
>Toph, a girl who has very little experience in bending sand (and even less experience in actually utilizing it in combat) can easily overpower somebody who's been controlling it for their entire life + a spirit who is also controlling it (keep in mind, in Avatar lore benders are typically at a disadvantage against spirits, that's kind of the entire reason the Avatar exists).
While it is true that Toph can convert sand into rock, she has never shown any capability to convert it nearly as quickly or as efficiently as Gaara can.
And of course that's without even delving into differences in power and speed scaling, Toph's abysmal durability feats compared to most Naruto characters, etc etc.
Frankly, I have no interest in discussing this any further. It's been discussed to death, and Tophfags will continue to wank off to their loli waifu being "teh stronkest" or whatever no matter what evidence is brought up so who gives a fuck. I think the fact that Gaara vs. Toph is, to this day, the single most brought up video in discussions about DB inaccuracies, is proof enough that there are some serious flaws in it, even if it comes down to video itself poorly defending its own conclusion.
Oh right, I remember that shit.
I didn't realize he worked for RT, seems like kind of a shitty gig but sucks that he was fired.
“I believe Ed is gonna win because of a philosopher’s stone that he’s gonna get out of nowhere. Aang stands no chance, buddy. Heh.”
The real philosopher's stone were the friends we made along the way.
Aang is fucked up close
If he can zone Ed he wins
He turns himself into a stone brainlet
Aang doesn't have a Philosopher's Stone that Ed can inject himself into, and plus Ed would need to be touching him and in that case he could just kill him with deconstruction.
>That's pure conjecture
Doesn't Toph build an entire tiny sand city full of sand people with a single stomp of her foot in a later episode?
I mean, not that I think she should have won, but let's not misrepresent the facts.
Yeah, at this point the Toph fags aren't arguing in good faith, they're just trying to get a rise out of people.
>I think Ed’s American VA, who kissed little girls
He only did it twice to heal himself and attack Pride from within
Healing himself isn't viable since he wasn't fully recovered and still needed to see a doctor
I know people bring up how he could just invade Aang and turn him into a stone but the problem is that he only beat Pride because Kimblee held him back
Toph v. Gaara was TERRIBLE
>Legend of Korra scaled Granny Toph with all abilities
>Scaled Beginning of Shippuden Kazekage Gaara
I genuinely like Death Battle, but there was no defending this analysis. Going by most major scalers and calculation autist...
EoS Toph is highball a Lightning Timer and lowball Large building destructive power
EoS Kazekage Gaara is LOWBALL a lightning timer and LOWBALL Town level destructive power.
Also the argument...
>Toph could just control Gaara's sand and gold within it
Toph is dick as manipulating sand, and Gaara only had gold in his sand ONCE, to counteract his father Rasa.
Moreso, Gaara's sand is a living thing because it is infused with his chakra and the soul of his mother. Benders cant control living things, its why Water benders cant control blood or just people in general (as the body is mostly water).
>Moreso, Gaara's sand is a living thing because it is infused with his chakra and the soul of his mother. Benders cant control living things, its why Water benders cant control blood or just people in general (as the body is mostly water).
Did you really forget that blood bending was a thing ?
inb4 full moon
Not him but it doesn't really matter.
Toph simply doesn't have the same power output to wrestle control of the sand from Gaara. I mean yeah, she could probably control sand, if no one is holding it. But Gaara has scales to a city-level sand control, which overshadows anything Toph ever did by miles.
I mean fuck. Gaara alone has better large scale feats than anyone in avatarverse.
I only meant to point out that blood bending exist
That was early death battle before the research team got promoted. A ton of their results were extra stupid during those days like Rouge beating Wonder Woman, Chief beating Doom Guy, and Link beating Cloud because they decided to make it Composite Link vs Starter Cloud with the worst materia
Oh yeah, because 18 beating Captain Marvel or Sonya getting a fucking military drone against an unarmed Cammy is any less retarded.
The research team is shit at their jobs and DB has only gotten even less consistent.
There's a big difference between Sonya getting her drone which is part of her standard arsenal, while Link gets all of his gear across multiple games and timelines and his best stuff while Cloud is stuck with only the starting shit
and 18 wrecks Captain Marvel. Especially after Super.
>drone is part of her standard arsenal
She got it in one fucking game you fucking shill.
And let's ignore 18 getting game only abilities like 17's shield or 19's energy absorption.
didn't Yang vs Tifa happen underneath the research team?
So who is going to win Dragonzord vs Kiryu? I want my boy Kiryu to win but I know they're making sure to nerf Mecha G as much as possible to give PRfags a bone
Nah. I hate the team but they came in after.
I want to say their first was Flash vs Quicksilver, but it's possible that they started at the beginning of the season with Dante vs Bayonetta with all the shitflinging that fight resulted in.
Honestly they'd be pretty insane to give the win to Dragonzord.
I mean, they could bullshit it, but it'd get a ton of fl oh who am I kidding they want the fucking attention.
Pretty sure they're using a composite Mecha Godzilla so I'm pretty sure Dragonzord's fucked.
nah he confirmed it's only kiryu on discord
If its Kiryu, DZ might have a shot albeit not great. Anything higher and he's getting fucked
Okay I remember they did a poll and he was asking about a composite.
>18 beating Captain Marvel
That one is true.
There is absolutely nothing Carol can do to achieve anything on the level of 18.
Carol is barely SSJ1 Level.
>She got it in one fucking game
One game is enough.
Isn't this what you fags say about literally every single non DB character?
Nope, everyone knows Thor beats the shit out of Wondy and that DC dials all over Dragon Ball.
why do you guys talk so much about this normie tier trash?
Ed using philosopher stone alchemy
The only time Yea Forums cared was due to the fact they had an ounce of fuel to shut up Jotaro fans and were literally the only people on planet Earth to talk about Elfen Lied
Doesn't the members get the video a week early? Is there a link yet? I have yet watch on as of late that hasn't just been jacked from their site.
Comic/Anime autists love to obsess over "who would win in a fight" scenarios.
They'll have it monday.
>Toph is dick as manipulating sand
>wouldn't learn sandbending.
If it is not shown in the source material it does not exist. Otherwise you could pull out all sorts of powers out of your ass that exists in the universe because you think the character might have learned it at some point.
Use this
Courtesy of /trash/
>Avatar Fans blame this on apoligizing to Toph/Gaara
This is going to be my cope
>Heals himself but still in critical condition
Not gonna help
It's not even just the raw power difference. One of the worst assumptions is that Toph could potentially instantly win because of Gaara's sand armor. But what they fail to realize, most people do, is Gaara rarely has it up. He only uses that technique when he's already being pushed, and he can throw it up on himself as fast as Ninjas use Substitution arts.
So the entire lynchpin of the argument, that Gaara is covered in Toph's element and there's nowhere to escape to, is bullshit. Second only to "Toph's bending completely overrides Chakra infusion and sentient spiritual possession because I said so."
And even if he were covered in Sand Armor, all he needed was a split second against Lee to get out of it, when Lee winced. Lee didn't even notice the switch. "But he wouldn't have a split second or warning!" Oh yeah, forgot, Toph doesn't even have to forcibly wrest control of Gaara's sand, she can just do it instantly as if there were no countervailing force or awareness at all. Of course.
i can't wait for the shitshow no matter who wins
She masters sandbending to the point of being able to replicate a 1/10,000 scale Ba Sing Se complete with humans entirely out of sand.
Hell, in Korra, she's canonically so good at Earthbending that she can keep tabs on her children, hundreds to thousands of miles away, via her seismic sense being so fine-tuned that she can locate individuals from anywhere on the planet if they're touching the ground.
If that's true though, Bryke, why didn't she at least warn about the GIANT MECHA UNDER CONSTRUCTION THAT IS SOMETHING NEVER SEEN IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD but that's just shit writing.
Aang is going to stomp. Prove me wrong.
And Gaara has enough control over sand to use it to create eyes he can see through and puppet people with it. He has enough power to turn a forest into a desert. And Toph needed that tree to extend her seismic sense that far.
Also, Gaara is way faster than Toph. In a split second he was able to substitute out of Rock Lee's primary lotus. Toph wouldn't be able to touch him.
Avatar state:
>speed boost
>Massive power boost
>can use all elements while airbone and further away
>can simply suck the air out of a general arena around opponent to win
Philosophers stone
>Can create next to anything from nothing
>only limit is imagination and deep knowledge
>Ed likely knows the mechanics of guns well enough to make some
>Ed can straight up destroy and matter he wants with hand contact
Somewhat close but I'm giving it to Aang if only because a Philospher's stone doesn't really give a speed boost and in the Ozai fight Aang was shooting those hardened rocks at near bullet speed. Ed just doesn't have the defenses to deal with the Avatar State.
How did he make a mirror? He could make a mini him, but I don't think he could make a real reflection. At least one that isn't green. Or is he just holding a mirror with his ring's power?
Aang actually compressed a bunch of mountains into those small rocks. That shit would be deadly.
>1/10,000 scale Ba Sing Se complete with humans entirely out of sand
I thought she used stickier dirt for that, not sand
It was sand
Gaara is better with sand, I'm just refuting the claim she doesn't learn sandbending in the source material when it takes her all of a few days after realizing it was a problem for her to master it to an elite level.