Blade Runner storytime

'cause I enjoyed it.
And not just because the main character is pretty much Judge Hershey in a trenchcoat.

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This is pretty user

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Twist time!

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This is great, thanks!

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And that's it for now.

Yeah, I enjoyed it quite a bit too.

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Holy shit that top panel is hideous. Everyone's just floating. The perspective is completely off.

Pretty garbage.

So it's ghost in a shell meets Blade Runner but for children? K.

Oh fuck off.

Thanks for the storytime, Judge. However, I'm not fond of this. There's no reason the MC couldn't have been Deckard. The art is mediocre and the dialogue is trying it's hardest to be "gritty and noir-like" when it just falls flat. All the subtlety of the film is gone and it feels as if the writer was just going through a checklist of things they felt made something "Blade Runner". Yet another thing that didn't need to exist.

Time for some Blade Runner discussion.
Did Deckard raped Rachel?

>Did Deckard raped Rachel?
Thanks. This question will surely lead to healthy thread.

This. All of it. It's very clearly made for people who like the idea of blade runner but didn't like either the films.

Fuck off.

Response to the comic wasn't great so now it's time for annoyed user to derail I guess.

Thanks for posting, Judge user.

>Yet another thing that didn't need to exist.
Yeah, I'm with you on that. I still liked it but it's not something I was dying to read.

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>It's very clearly made for people who like the idea of blade runner but didn't like either the films.
Everything that's wrong with cyberpunk fiction stems from people who like the IDEA of Blade Runner. All of the window dressing with none of the substance.

One more raven-haired chick for you to obsess over, I guess.

>Response to the comic wasn't great so now it's time for annoyed user to derail I guess.
They ought to make better comics then.

Cool. Didn’t know this existed.

>There's no reason the MC couldn't have been Deckard.
Not every stories set in a universe has to be about the same set of characters...

>Not every stories set in a universe has to be about the same set of characters...
True, but this character is quite literally female Deckard with some weird implants. Nothing she does so far couldn't have been done by him.

Also, the cover art has a reference to Rachel. So if she's going to play a role in this that means this story is going to involve the characters from the film anyway.