How’d you introduce him in the mcu

How’d you introduce him in the mcu

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I dunno how but I'm glad we'll be seeing him in a main role in 1-2 years

Disgruntled former Iron Man horse

Fuck you user

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GotG 3

His homeworld was a victim of Thanos, half of the population was culled, and then half of the survivors got snapped

Leaving them vulnerable to invaders and scavengers

Bill became their champion, and is now hunting down Gamora and Nebula, and other surviving members of Thanos' army

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Why wouldn't you just introduce him as the greatest Korbinite warrior who is the go-to protector of their refugee ship after Surtur fucked their planet up?
It's the mjolnir/stormbreaker part of the story you can't do, not Bill's origin.


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Honestly? Setting up the main antagonist for GotG 3 using his original enemy instead of piggybacking off of Thanos yet again. I'd say there's nothing to change in the way he is presented, only in the way he is introduced to the roster. And even that would be Thor getting a new weapon yet again (or using Mjollnir again) and giving Stormbreaker to Bill or something.


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The bag Thor is carrying at the end of EG has the shards of the broken Mjolnir.
Go from there.

Top kek

>Setting up the main antagonist for GotG 3 using his original enemy
Honestly I feel like BRB is enough to fill the main antagonist slot in the next Thor movie by himself. No need to use him just to set something else up

I don't get it, please help.

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A common complaint about Spider-man villains is they're revamped into guys disgruntled by Ironbad.

How would BRB work as a sole antagonist. His only reason for antagonizing Thor is he needed his Hammer to protect his people from a greater villain.

Thank you

He needs the hammer to protect his people in general. It doesn't need to be a specific villain if the race is already dying.

Have Thor & Bill already be allies for many many years.
Have the film show extensive Batman Begins type flashbacks to when Thor was young and arrogant and they first met and clashed but quickly became close allies. Have Thor go on a quest with him or to find him (with sif?)

this niggas a genius