The Immortal Hulk #21 Storytime

Time for Fortean to take Destiny by the reins!

This can only end well.

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This will be my final post on Yea Forums.

How can anyone think that this is scary for real ? How can anyone take seriously a horror book with the Hulk as a supposed to be frightening monster ? How can anyone see the Hulk as frightening for real in this book ?
"Ouh, the Hulk is smiling, so unsetlling, this is so scary guys..." why are you lying to yourself like that ?
You guys are just forcing onto yourself the new fade there will be in this hivemind of a board, with the blandest, tamest, most classicly safe comic book there can be, while your selective outrage is shitting on Bendis' Superman for things that would be praised if they were written by someone else, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO you have to shit on it even if it's good because the hivemind dictates you to do so !!!

No wonder you can't get laid, but guess what ? I got a girlfriend now. For the first time of my life after 24 years I finally got a girlfriend, and all that nerd fuss has become so irritating since.
I'm just leaving for good now, I had plenty of fun with that board but I'm done. I wish you to get girlfriends to, maybe it will open your eyes about the hivemind that is destructing your self, but sadly, the hivemind is probably keeping you away from being able to seduce anyone, so you're most likely trapped in a vicious circle, and sadly, there is no Savage Dragon to save you from it. I just hope that this message will maybe help you to think by yourself a bit more and to get a girlfriend to.

Enjoy your book.

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I hate before-tie-in fillers.

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What? This isn’t a tie-in to anything and it’s sure as hell not filler.

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So is Creel just drugs now? What happens if you snort him?

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He goes into your bloodstream and becomes the Absorbed Man.

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OIt would be extremely painful

I wonder if he could become cognizant again and work you like a puppet.

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Im pretty piercing somebody's scull with a needle is not healthy.

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Considering he's magic, you might end up absorbing his powers.

Or he'd Absorb you. Imagine a den of junkies all being pulled into a gestalt body.

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This seems like a great idea.

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the fuck

Look at that tiny face.

That's a face silently screaming "Oh I fucked the dog on this one"

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Fortean seems like a the son Ross never had.

Is this fate or irony? Also, I think the shell might be an organic portal for TOBA to ge through. the shell Blonksy then?

Heh, it’s like an organic hulkbuster suit

It’s made from his DNA

I hate people with self absorbed groundless confidence. They should all die alone at 17 by OD.

>it absorbed everything

The next issue is going to be visually amazing.

>Is this fate or irony?
fated irony? his every life step has to do with fighting gamma and now he's literally a gamma abomination? but it's also the only thing that has effectively hurt the hulk?

So, Fortean was the new Gen Ross, and now he has become the same monsters he wanted to hunt?

why isnt it black?

It's amazing how Fortean took all the wrong leassons from Ross.

[spoiller]He Guyver now??[/spoiler]

Oh fuck me. He's the One Below All's new vessel isn't he?
And realizing he's just let something far worse in.
I would both fate and irony.
It's like Evangelion.
Pretty much.

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He Guyver now??

I think it’s going to get worse. The suit is a cocoon, and what will come out will be worse than anything they feared. The suit is bonded to him right now, and the longer he has it on the more his emotions will trigger the metamorphosis.

>the horseman of war in his nightmare armor
Also people who kept taking it for granted he was going to become Cobalt Man BTFO

So basically Brundlefly except fueled by unknowable abominations from Gamma hell?

Why I'm not surprised? Honestly, I don't think Absorbing Man and the others are dead. I mean, AM was ripped in two recently and returned.

And about Hulk, Betty and Rick, I hope this whole "Monster stage" will end up soon. I personally prefer Hulk as Doc Green, and Betty as Red She Hulk.

Wait, so Doc Green was 2 years ago?

The suit is a gamma irradiated symbiotic organism, and gamma radiation exposure makes monsters often tied to one’s own psychological state. This is like if you bathed in TMNT mutagen thinking it’s a good idea. I don’t think he’s going to fully bond with it, but rather rip it off once enough gamma gets absorbed into his body

The whole point of the book is that Hulk’s a monster. Devil Hulk’s not going anywhere in this run.

And Harpy is a million times better than “She-Hulk but red.”

And than become a gamma monster.

>Prefers Betty as a Shulkie knockoff
Terrible taste. Harpy rocks. And Absorbing Man isn’t dead, he was temporarily turned to drugs

Is Hulk 2008 worth reading? Seems 60 issues are too long and cringe for the cringe OC.

>Betty as Red She Hulk.
But why? Aside from wanting to dick her

How do you think Abomb!Fortean aND SymbioteRulkRoss will react to each other?

Right but the question is what the hell will he become?

Can’t understand it either considering Harpy is already worth dicking

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We had an 8 month time skip with SW, which means Totally Awesome to Hulk's resurrection after Secret Empire was within a year and 2 months.

I'll let it slide, since Sliding Timescale dictates Secret Empire occurred for only a couple weeks.

They won’t because the Absolute Carnage one-shot won’t even be out until after this arc has ended.

Guys, Hulk is not really a monster. Dr Doom is a monster, Red Skull is a monster, Thanos is a monster... Hulk?, he's a freak. The father of all freaks, but just a freak.

Sorry, but no. Harpy worked better for Marlo, Jones' old girlfriend. Bedies, wasn't Red Hulk the same, and still it worked?

Very funny, dude. Anything wrong with me liking to see a good-looking, independent, and strong woman with a body suiting her personality?

There was the 8 month time skip leading up to Time Runs Out, and then another 8 month time skip after Secret Wars

So 16 months at least. Plus Civil War 2 and Secret Empire and now War of the Realms

>Guys, Hulk is not really a monster. Dr Doom is a monster, Red Skull is a monster, Thanos is a monster... Hulk?, he's a freak. The father of all freaks, but just a freak.
Sorry but this book disagrees with you. Might want to read something else for the next couple of years if the entire premise bothers you this much.


That last point you had was literally She Hulk. Let Betty have her own thing

Nothing wrong but that Jens schtick, why do we need 2 Jens?

So, considering we already know TOBA is going to get involved, i think it is fair to speculate that this will lead to the Abomination actual return.

Ezekyle is that you?

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I swear there was a (spiderman?) comic where someone turned him into cocaine and distributed him, and anyone who took it got absorbing powers for a couple hours.
And then he reformed like months later in the sewers bit by bit from when everyone had pissed the drugs out of their system

So totally awsome hulk was a total waste of time? No wonder why Cho Hulk was busy at WotR.

You mean flashbacks?


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I'm sure Cho will show up eventually. Ewings probably trying to arrange with Pak and Aaron to get Cho and Jen over at some point

They did that before, he was cocaine. Fentanyl is hyper-heroin so Titania should be overdosing.

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That was a plot point in a Marvel Knights Spider-man story a decade ago
>Owl tricks Absorbing Man into snorting a shitton of coke
>When he turns into the coke they attack him with fans and package up the 300 pounds of Absorbing Man coke
>Sell it to junkies who start getting low grade copies of his powers
>Creel starts to rip himself out of their bodies and reform slowly
Calling back to some obscure shit this time Ewing

Excuse me, but why does Jen has to be the only strong independent woman in the show? Besides,Betty also has brains as a scientist. So, this is Betty with both, brains and brawn.

Was Fortean a little psycho even then? Look at those dead eyes.

.....You do realize Betty can be that AND a Harpy creature, right? I don’t want two of the exact same character for fuck sake

Well, good thing Snowflame is DC....

It's the scene from Alien when they're dissecting the face-hugger. Neat.

Aren't they just going to the TOBA'S waiting room with Brian for the moment?

>Impying being in another universe would stop Snowflame from coming for that sweet Absorbing Man cocaine.

This leaves out Mindless as the only Hulk to not get a reference in this book yet. Actually, Guolt too.

I thought Cpt. Marvel was head of Gamma Flight

>Not wanting Red Harpy to stay

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It's not that bad. A bit underrated but worth the time.

No that's the Alpha Flight. And seeing the solicit for the next AF one shot it looks like she won't be anymore.

No sure. Nice, heroic, strong and pretty women don't deserve to look like inhuman freaks with talons, wings and fangs. Look at Jane Foster when she was dying on cancer, she got the strong body her spirit deserved.

No, after the Avengers had their asses handed to them, she was piloting some ship with Samson, Puck, Walter, etc issues ago.

He's coming back Fortean. And next time he won't misfire.

I found reviews saying that Jeph Loeb's run was fun but stupid with 0 character development, and Jeff Parker's run is villian-to-hero story with serious character development. Can I start at #25?

Chaosh ish a ladder

user if people got everything they deserved in Hulk then Bruce wouldn't be the Hulk, he'd be a well adjusted scientist who pushed past his autism, his past of being abused as a child and exposed to radiation pre-birth.

There's plenty of stories like what you want there, why do we need 2 under the same umbrella of the Hulk

>That's me
>You're probably wondering how I got into this situation...

Extremis seems quite powerful.

Unlikely. Ewing said he wasn’t even going to use Abomination until Bennett said he wanted to draw him, and so far he’s just used it to get Rick and Fortean where he wants them.

Blonsky probably won’t be in this run.

Loeb run is a fun power wank. Also, Ross kills Abomination in it. And the back up where Ross feels nothing after Abomination's death was good. Parker run is kinda connected with this one, as he was the one to introduce Fortean.

No one is deserved anything in life, they work with what they got

Extremis is OP. Which is exactly why nobody uses it. It makes dangerous supervillains and overpowered heroes.

Yet it couldn't remove the Hulk, while it worked on everyone else.
I feel like this is going to come back.

Originally he wasn't going to use it.
I doubt that "armor" was already in the plans.

Fentanyl can be absobed through the skin.

>108 posts
>32 posters
What killed the hype? Not enough smiling Hulk this issue?

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Who wrote this?

Marvel Knights Spider-Man #16 by Reginald Hudlin and Billy Tan

>storytime has been up for an hour

How will Batfags ever recover.
Also what is this obsession with them and Hulk showing emotions on his face? Too used to Batman autistically brooding? He IS their self insert after all.

You're so wrong in both accounts it hurts. Really.
And by this response, I think you're definitely reading the wrong book and having the weirdest expectations from it if you really want something more "normal" and simple for you to accept.

That's a whole bunch of hypocrisy on that page.

Temporary F

You user, I like you.

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What a dick


Once Fortean goes down, what will drive this series?

>I'm sure Cho will show up eventually
If you read the letters , it seems like Ewing does have plans for him to show up this year or the next, so there's that.
Next time, ignore the "what killed the hype" guy. It's not worth engaging.

Also I pointed this out in one of our previous Immortal Hulk threads, but this last panel reminded me of the whole Universal Church of Truth thing that's being built up in Cates' GOTG, where they're getting snatched while converted drones say "have faith". It's unrelated for sure, but Fortean's leap of faith (heh) found an interesting parallel.

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I choose to believe this is a callback to that issue

Joke's over sperg. You're past 24. Get some new material .

>everyone gets a fentanyl headshot/OD
>doc sampson gets snapped

fuck that's brutal


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You forget how Langkowski gets shot to possibly death?
And if this pic shows something
Is that Doc Sampson didn't get it as bad.

Pretty surr he got fucking crushed

Found a newfag.

wasn't her

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The pasta started at 25 iirc, so he actually got younger.

You can and you should. Also Parker's Hulk goes on with the same number to become Red She-Hulk, which was the most character development Betty had in ages.

Maybe not the Armorination, but I’m sure he intended for Fortean to somehow become a gamma monster.

I know it's too late to say this but this is getting rather silly.

>Next time, ignore
Yeah, that's always a good tip.

being generous and putting fortean as ross's lackey from the very start, the mid 1960s to 1987 in publishing time where the hulk is an avenger, is a defender, has control of himself for a brief period, goes on a mindless rampage and kills a ton of people after nightmare drives him insane, recuperates in alien worlds and then is split by Samson and the bannerless hulk kils a lot of people, this all happens in around 9ish years. so give or take ewing is saying that the classic hulk stuff that everyone thinks about, where he wanders and gets harassed, it probably only lasts about 5 to 7 years

now in the span of three years, hulk has been joe fixit, been the professor and led the pantheon, degraded when fighting onslaught, killed a bunch of people again, been shot into space, world war hulk, had a family, acted as an agent of shield, split banner and hulk again, was doc green and depowered all the gamma guys. this is 30 years of publishing material that is being generous with peter david's retcons of the bruce jones and jenkins stuff where nothing out of the ordinary really happens, it's just a more modern hulk wandering around

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That pasta is a part of these threads and they will never be complete without it.

Gotta love how these small dick Hulk writers spend decades trying to emasculate Thor and God like beings with constant guest appearances just to shit on them, Hulk's book must have a record of guests!
Now ever since Pak's planet Hulk they want to push this angle that Hulk is some kind of...God!
Lmao this shit is so fucking bad, so creatively bankrupt!

B-But he beats everyone on his book, he dies and gets ragdolled by nobodies, but he comes back and beats all the guests in the book, so it's good!!!

We live in a world where the most ambitious deconstruction of the psyche of a superhero in the style of Miller or Moore, combined with the epic jaunt of Morrison or Claremont is outsold by a crappy gimmick title where every issue you just have the stupid green man smile ominously and zoomers going "oh that's so fucking scary he's about to do something TERRIBLE I'm literally SHAKING rn lol" and it's just not okay
When did we lower our standards like this? When did we abandon all that was good and turn to lowest common denominator schlock? Tom King's Batman run was going to change everything. But you... you chose Hulk. You chose angry green man with his wicked nihilist smile.
It didn't have to be this way! Tom King served his country in the CIA, doing literal Mission Impossible shit in Agrabah, and what was Al Ewing doing then? Playing with his dick and fantasizing about red bird women.
I'm sorry. I'm just... just so tired.

Oh come on, that's the 2nd time Ewing's killed the man.

>everyone acting like Sasquatch will come back
Fortean specifically states he doesn’t have any gamma left and Rick didn’t come back to life until they poured Blonsky’s ooze on him.

He’s gone guys.

And what Betty got is dummy thicc bird titties.

"tiny face that's all that remains of a rational individual emerging from the head of a massive monster who's a force of evil" is one of my favourite things even if I realize that it's just my Devilman fetish speaking

He's in the Alpha Flight one-shot, he's not gone yet. Unless that's set in the past...
But still I doubt he's gone for real.

When a Wendigo dies, the spirit just inhabits the killer.

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Hulk fighting a monster covered in the faces of his loved ones when?

schnoz is coming boys

Wendigo is a whole different animal

Trying to understand Marvel time will drive you mad.
Runaways claimed that 2 years passed between Gert's death in 2006 and her resurrection in 2017, which goes a against a lot of other timeframes given.

He isn't related to the Gamma only, he is the avatar of a great beast, we'll see about that.
Also Rick and Ross had their gamma removed too, although it was never stated if they had gamma left in them or not, so it doesn't really counts.

Unrelated I know, but does anyone know why Superior Spider-Man & Life Story aren't up anywhere yet?

Are we still on Namek?

Sasquatch isn't a Sasquatch either, that's just the name he picked.

She owns it

I wonder what Ewing will eventually do with Banner's children, he's got 3 of them.


They just got ripped



Thanks man

4 if you count scorpion

Ross was graverobbed by Carnage, he’s not back (yet).

hulk babies are cringier than the pantheon

Eyes, and look how his view of the preacher is warping as the preacher describes chaos.

What if Ross becomes the new Zzax?

>skaar and the other one
>fem scorpion

What's the other one?

You say that like Banner hasn't had gamma removed before and still come back.

Lyra, She-hulk (last seen I think in Squadron Supreme).

Storytimes for these, please?:

- Secret Warps - Ghost Panther Annual 001
- Superior Spider-Man 009
- Spider-Man - Life Story 005

Don't think those have been ripped yet

Hopefully he comes back as a woman again.

life story just showed up. probably started in an hour or so

uh. idk how i feel about this. on the one hand, it's a callback to a weird damn thing and that's ewing's jam. plus it reads good. on the other hand, referencing hudlin??? i could not take his panther seriously because it sounded like black tony stark rather than an actual king.

Where? I can't find it.

Functions you say?

B-CHOOM. That's a reference there. I seem to recall B-CHOOM coming up during the Hulk's Pantheon period. He might have lamented about losing a gun specifically because it made such a nice B-CHOOM sound.

so this is showing how the black guy became Abomination?

Blonsky will always be Abomination. This is merely a step towards whatever the hell hes becoming. Wearing a gamma irradiated muscle suit is going to change him somehow

>What killed the hype??
What keeps people interested in this story is the eldritch or even Biblical horror, the kinda shit that you rarely see in Marvel universe since everything can be solved by punching by some guy who can push galaxies with one hand. You never get "You cannot comprehend this shit" type bullshit ever since classic marvel when they did stuff like the multiverse world-building with all the grand concepts and shit. All the concept shit feels so small these days since modern day writers keep putting a box over it, reducing it, saying someone like Reed Richards can control every concept in the universe and rewrite it on a whim, there is no "This shit is beyond your understanding" bullshit anymore. Everything can be explained and understood, and Earth is the be all end all of reality, everything is reduced to hell.

This story brings a bit of it back, and that's what makes horror and interest work in a story. Shit that you can't explain or rationalize but plays on a specific fear or interest in a certain way. Immortal Hulk is human drama combined with existential drama and eltrich horror of people who have all been tainted by a devil and are forced to keep coming back to life worse and worse each time and nothing they do matters, all that matters is that they were either unlucky or they fucked with forces beyond their understanding and shouldn't have.

And what do you not get in this issue? In this issue you just get a bit of exposition on a third tier character that no one cares about. You get none of the existential horror, you get none of the human drama you actually care about, none of the biblical horror either. This issue isn't much to really feed on for the viewer, its just a set up for future events.

give us something juicy al

Sathariel (Mother of Abominations) to Golachab = the Reverse Chariot ruled by Cancer.

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Fuuuuck that's awesome

Dude, moral of the story is that nothing that's tainted by gamma can ever die since they fucked with shit beyond understanding, shit that's not entirely defined by science. Gamma is a devils door that opens a hole to something in part. Hulk drained all the gamma from a few people, and they're all back. He can't un-curse them.

Found it 1/2

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Found it 2/2

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I liked Doc Green

Why doesn't he just, you know, 'smash'? I know he's supposed to be the more intelligent one, but...

What about KLUH?

People in the 90's thought that cool thing(hulk) plus cool thing(guns) would equal coolest thing(hulk with guns). Its lowbrow one step thinking, don't worry.

...let's never talk of that

Whatever happened to Bushwhacker?

Got raped by the Hulk a few issues ago

Raped to death. Quite literally.

I wonder how gaped his asshole is now.

There's nothing left

Isn't he a cyborg or something?

People think he will get ignored but, but i don't think Ewing would ever do something like that. He is an eben bigger continuity geek than Waid, if he'll dip deeper in the Hulk personas, he'll be there, maybe under another light but he'll be there.

Don't forget that it also chumps out Gamma Flight before they've gotten a chance to do literally ANYTHING at all, so that's another reason to dislike this issue

Isn't that the reporter lady?

Did you read the gamma grams? They come back next issue.

Never truly realized just how fuckhuge this Abomination is.

Yes. Also, the car isn't actually smashed at all, but shot multiple times. Nice detail.

At one point in the Bruce Jones run he had weird mind control/shapeshifting powers similar to that. It never made sense.

>I personally prefer Hulk as Doc Green and Betty as Red She Hulk
Shit taste

Except for Rick being called Abomination and Fortean being referred to as Abomination in solicits. You have nothing to support this claim it’s “a step” to something else.

Issue 8. She created the third iteration.

What is it about this run that attracts shitposters?

Wrong issue. I didn't say after the Newbomination, I'm talking about the issue that tied into Avengers: No road home

There's always been a large portion of comicbook nerds who looked down their nose at the Hulk (and his fanbase.) This run is making it harder to dismiss the Hulk so without valid criticism to throw around they resort to shitposting.

>Reading Genesis
>At the middle of the Bible

Well yeah I figured they'll be back, but it's basically going to be impossible to take them seriously now

Looks to me like they get to kick ass in the art snippets Bennett’s posted.

Killing them allows TOBA to power them up with it's evil. The point isn't that Fortean is such a badass he can solo the punk bitch gamma flight, the point is Fortean is sowing chaos and doing the work of TOBA and doesn't even know it.

I like the confirmation that Devil Hulk becomes Savage Hulk if he gets too angry. The fact that Savage Hulk is always sad when he comes out is pretty interesting, though.

You know what, it's something small, but I think we need to appreciate about Ewing, he does diversity right. Look at Fortean here, he's a fucking bastard even though he's black. The reporter was dumb as shit wanting to be the Hulk and calling him blameless and thinking he didn't suffer while having that power/curse. Ewing can write them as human beings with mistakes, as malevolent military commanders, super-scientists and others.

I think that's the reason everyone takes it so well even though his books have a shit ton of colored characters. And I appreciate him for it.

It’s because Savage Hulk is a child constantly being hated by the world, and was created by Bruce’s anger not being able to save his mother.

What are they going to do with greenscar and world-breaker Hulk?

Bruce is afraid to ever let out Devil Hulk, but World Breaker Hulk literally breaks the entire world if he ever comes out.

>And seeing the solicit for the next AF one shot it looks like she won't be anymore.
I thought the oneshot was a flashback to Actual Canadian Alpha Flight, as opposed to the space program?

We currently have 0 Jen's.

>everyone takes it so well
The board was full of screeching about the panels of her talking to the hulk for weeks.
I do agree with your overall point, though.

Like what eldritch or psychological explanation are they going to give to this Hulk?

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It's part of Alpha Flight, which Carol had a two-year contract to lead. That ended a few months ago.
Presumably Brand is running things again now.

You mean crossposting /pol/ack outragefags?

Mindless was mentioned as locked up where Devil used to be

Hoy His bush wacked by the hulk


It's popular, duh

No that was the secret empire one

World breaker is just a really pissed iff Green Scar

reminder that the events of maximum carnage happened only happened a few years ago

I think he already did that, or maybe it was a shapeshifter changing into Hulk supporting cast really fast, I can't remember.

Worldbreaker is probably Devil's and Banner's endgame to "kill the world" AKA wiping out humanity. Doc Sampson even jokingly refers to Devil Hulk as the environmental "Green" Hulk, which is pretty close to Green Scar

Also I would be really surprised if Ewing doesn't do something with the depowered Skaar soon

Wasn't Secret Empire Hulk just mindless Hulk that had Banner talking in Ultimate Font for what turned out to be no reason?

No he was pretty much a killer zombie, Devil Hulk mention it as Banner's greatest fear.

Yeah but don't make Betty Jen just because Aarons being a fuck

Man, I still think that, alongside all of Secret Empires ending, was a last minute change

They don’t want to wipe out humanity, just reset it to square one.

reminder that devil hulk locked banner inside his own body in a fantasy world to protect him while devil would take revenge on the world

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mindless hulk got seperated from banner years ago. it was stuck in nightmare's realm beating the shit out of everything there

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>no Mindless vs the mindless ones

Misse opportunity, also source?

Yes we all have read watchman and dr manhatten origin

But that’s Guilt Hulk.

Someone hurts your child, wouldn't you burn the world to get back at them?
Devil Hulk Daddy Hulk

2 issues ago, bruce after waking up from joe fixit having control over his body. in his hotel room he has a list of the hulk persona's
green scar/world breaker and proffesor are on the list as missing

Attached: world breaker.jpg (428x657, 81K)

the pic yes it's guilt hulk, i merly used it because guilt hulk looks great.

devil hulk sure changes looks a lot

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Getting sick of Creel jobbing in this book. At this point he's due a particularly nasty bit of revenge.

when the pussy is too good

So what was he trying to accomplish by touching it? Did he know it was actual bioarmor?

I didn't think he expected it to engulf him, he was just curious

So what happened to the second Rick Jones face?

I guess it got tore apart like the rest of the shell when Hulk pulled away Rick from it.

They've been far more vocal than the other shitters. Storytime's double as containment.

Honestly it doesn't feel that way to me, the shitposters here (and other Hulk threads) are like smug animefaggots acting all high and mighty about it, like "*giggles* people like THIS?", while everyone else is discussing the actual series.
And sure, there's the occasional anti-Ewingfag and those who complain about the high sales, but those are even easier to ignore.

...What's the difference between that and Mindless?

If that needle was made of titanium then Puck is as dead as Sampson and Langkowski

Nah he's just sleeping.

mindless is a total absence of any personality, it's just an animal and there's no reasoning or controlling with it

I agree with you about Fortean, but I still don't believe you about the reporter. Even if it was meant to showcase her naivety retroactively, that was absolutely a "YAAAS QWEEN SLAY" moment, and it was sold as such to the world at large. Couching your legitimate criticism in woke platitudes is the hottest thing right now. Hell, just look at how much GET OUT shat on woke limousine liberals while still running away with Oscar nods and millions of their dollars. That scene was envisioned to get Buzzfeed wet in their panties and go out on Twitter with a thousand clap-back emojis.

>that was absolutely a "YAAAS QWEEN SLAY" moment, and it was sold as such to the world at large.
Not really? Hulk pointed out her hypocrisy right at the next page, but if you exclusively focused on what she said as if there was nothing else, I can see exactly why you'd think that. But it wasn't, not by a mile.


Don't forget about "the beast of myth." He's coming back thanks to Tanaraq.


>Mindless Hulk got seperated from banner years ago.
>It was stuck in Nightmare's realm beating the shit out of everything there
Based Hulk.

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don't try to think about Marvel's sliding timeline. From Fantastic Four #1 to now has been 15 years tops

Was #20 never storytimed? I can't find it in the archives.

It most definitely was:

Wonder what their "new" Gamma forms will be?

Thanks, I have no idea why that didn't show up when I searched.

Attached: a0509805d4269bf5d1d44a15e5fd5778.png (1479x882, 539K)

Samson's hair will be longer, Landowski's fur will be thicker.
And both will be smiling.

You looked up "immortal hulk *storytime*", but the #20 thread didn't have that word in the title.

I was too busy reading to actually check other people's opinions. It's a comic. The writing isn't going to rival that of a novel and as long as it doesn't dip into out right stupidity, I'll read.

Regarding the gestalt from #17:
>Each Hulk face in that spread is a reference to a classic Hulk artists's style. From left to right, Jack Kirby, Marie Severin, Sal Buscema, our own Immortal Hulk, Herb Trimpe and Dale Keown!

I knew it! I fucking knew that Marie Severin's Hulk was in there!

With that much Fentanyl? Shit's elephant tranquilizer, he's OD'ing.

Puck's been to to hell a bunch of times, he'll probably guide Banner through next time he winds up there

Keep in mind Ewing is the only link America and Squirrel Girl (and by extension that Howard The Duck book) have to the main Marvel cannon.

Ewing's way of writing is that "EVERYTHING DOESN'T DIE HICKMAN, EVERYTHING IS CANNON!" and that includes things people want to forget.

>Samson will go SSJ

>4 dead
>compared to the abomination op he just ran

>It's a comic
>The writing isn't going to rival that of a novel
You want to start a discussion user?

>The writing isn't going to rival that of a novel
Alright, alright, I gotta stop you right there. That's blasphemy of the highest level because comic books are a different medium and it's not just "the writing" but the composition, visual storytelling and the way they're conveyed to the reader that matters, just as much as a movie in fact.
The fact that you're bringing this in an Immortal Hulk thread, which granted, isn't exactly "high art" but it's full of literary devices and symbols derived from different sources outside of comic books is particularly telling.

Ewing cares about continuity. That's a double-edged sword. Sometimes it means referencing a decades old amazing run that about a d-lister that everyone ignores. Other times, it means referencing Rivera's America, Bendis at his worst, or Hudlin.

A couple months back a woman OD'd on fentanyl at the restaurant where I work. It took two shots of Narcan before they could get her breathing again. Her five year old thought the paramedics were killing her.

Attached: lethal doses.jpg (768x432, 52K)

>unseating that bat guy is a tremendous achievement

That's putting it lightly.

Aha! And I always search the catalog for storytimes on Wednesdays.

More like Enzyme.

Should've ingested her blood, instead of calingl the paramedics.

Nigga that's salt

>I was that baby

It took a crew of 15 a week to scrape his body off the pavement.

Gotta love the two tubes feeding His Nuts.
Thanks for this Bennett.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-17 co - The Immortal Hulk #21 Storytime - Comics Cartoons - 4chan.png (528x395, 510K)

Fortean is just remembering this scene, don't believe his lies.

I hope Fortean honestly dies after this. He’s kind of ruined Ross’ redeemed name at this point.

It's not Bennett, it's Ryan Bodenheim.

Ruined it how? It's not Ross' fault Fortean is a psychopath.

Attached: as above.jpg (1625x1641, 570K)

This episode was so different, I guess I didn't notice.
Explains a lot.
>based nut-feeding tubes.

Attached: so below.jpg (1626x1642, 660K)

Puck doesn’t go to gamma hell.

this book's really going places

It's like poetry, it rhymes?

I like how it spent the time to make him a throne. I love ridiculous shit like that.

Too be absolutely and 100% fair, Fortean looks up to Ross like a father figure. This was established during the Red Hulk saga. He just has an extremely warped sense of duty to control himself environment and is willing to sacrifice anything and everyone to achieve order.

It's implied that the priest from the beginning of the issue planted the seeds and his military Hulk-buster career just exacerbated it.

He did go to the same hell, however. What he can't do is go through the Green Door by himself.

If Fortean is War, who's Famine, Pestilence, and Death?

I decided to combine them.

Attached: As above, so below.png (910x1832, 3.96M)

Famine: Half-Life because he's hungry and sucks people's energy

>Even the feet line up.
I love this issue.

What the hell sort of military protocol leaves non-military in charge?

Shadow Base, son.

He still believes in ye ole Red, White, and Blue.

structure good chaos bad, falls a little short when God transcends both structure and chaos, and created the world such that structure and chaos are both plentiful

>So totally awsome hulk was a total waste of time?
What was your first clue? Maybe the fact everything from that timeframe was a waste of time?

Attached: file.png (812x831, 657K)

God is order, chaos comes from the green devil

fuck off fortean

>He's the One Below All's new vessel isn't he?
I think that's what being implied by the shell being called a Qlipoth,

samson bossed around ross's goons for quite a time despite just being a radioactive jew

I feel like 2099 should play with that.a sort of transhumanist hellfire club that's made a cult of scientific genius and everyone is hopped up on moonshine extremis they reverse engineered from a contaminated sample they've never quite managed to purify

its one of those copies where the first half is translation notes and priestly commentaries and Q&A's

some people just really hate anything that doesn't conform to the "Chad Thundercock, savior of the world" propaganda they were raised on


Man, sometimes I wonder why anyone bothers trying to kill the Hulk. I mean, he's all metaphysical and shit now, he's making up new forms and powers as he goes along. Conventional science can't deal with that shit. We're talking black fucking magic here.

The only viable outcome seems to be turning yourself into ANOTHER Hulk like this moron here, but that's just making things worse. They've killed him multiple times! Red Harpy ATE HIS HEART! Him coming back to life, again, is some bullshit.

If I was in charge, I'd just go "Fuck it, this is bullshit. He's fucking unkillable! He's making a mockery of science and God, none of this makes sense! What kind of freak doesn't die when you shoot it?"

No he didn’t. TOBA’s Hell isn’t the same Hell from that one Wolverine arc. It’s the lowest Hell there is.

I mean, they literally have puke that can negate his healing factor and the UV rays. Ewing even talked in an interview about he’s piling up the weaknesses now.

It's also a good contrast between the two aspects related to Hulk: the scienctific one and the otherwordly one.

Pestilence - Old Rick/Abomination Hybrid
Death - N/A

But he WAS there, what gives?
There are ways to kill him, though... Focused solar beams, the acid vomit, the red serum used by Creel, Hulk is definitely vulnerable to those. And yes, he comes back, the point is to do it in a way that ensures him staying down.
For instance, after getting blasted with the solar blast, he shouldn't have been put into jars for exhibition, he should've been buried and put into lead containers at separate places so he couldn't regenerate with ease. Unless somebody was purposely trying to put him back together, there was no way he could've come back from that.

Attached: puck_in_hell.png (786x826, 1.07M)

I meant he doesn’t go there when he dies, user. I thought that was fairly obvious from how the conversation started. He was just sent there that one time along with everyone else in the area.

He died at the same time as Walter, Samson and possibly Creel

TOBA could just scoop up Judd with the others because he can

Except that nowhere was it stated that he died here, he just got tranquilized. He’s alive and well in art Bennett posted for the next couple of issues.

He was shot through the skull with a titanium needle containing enough fenatyl to tranquilize Gamma mutates

He might not be dead but he sure as hell should be

I see this is your first time reading comics then.

He's just sleeping

>Civil War 2 and Secret Empire and now War of the Realms

I can't believe all this shit took place in 8 months


Is the priest meant to look like an inflated balloon in the low middle panel to reflect Fortean's warped psyche, or was it a mere scanning error

It's definitely Fortean's idea of WITHOUT FORM

The timeskip leading up to and following Secret Wars are probably going to be ignored

i like it when he can get knocked out before he gets too angry making him stronger and more durable

Devil Hulk is the father Bruce wishes he had. A reversed Brian Banner.

Sure, he's still cruel like Brian, but instead of being cruel to Bruce, he wants to destroy everyone and everything that ever hurt Bruce. What was directed at Bruce is now pointed at the rest of the world. Bruce isn't the monster, everyone else is.

Appropriate because Hulk WAS a horseman of War at one point.

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>Unless somebody was purposely trying to put him back together, there was no way he could've come back from that.

They didn't know he could do that then, remember?

fuck off, imbecile

To be fair it is a comic book, being silly is par for the course.

come the fuck on where is he already

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I must go now. My planet needs me.

y not just shitwassocash.jpg

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at least with Exitar it had an in-universe explanation (somewhat)

It’s just nothing but a series of bad decisions with you, isn’t it Reggie?

We’ve already got a pasta, thanks

I really hope he'll get to use his sword eventually.

Hudlin panther maybe was weird but his Spider-man was fun.

Hulk is Death

>Orange veins

uh, so that's not alluding to Orange Hulk powered by solar radiation more powerful during the day is it?

I mean this guy has never been dead before so he's not beholden to whole day/night resurrection cycle right?

Why is Oda such a hack? He stole the flying roof from the sumo fight from Kinnikuman. Did you think people wouldn't find out?

Attached: Flying roof.png (1280x1022, 2.16M)

>Did you think people wouldn't find out?
the hubris

I think Fortean may have seen The One Below All in there, which is why it got up out of nowhere and is glowing green for some reason.

>hey literally have puke that can negate his healing factor and the UV rays
Neither of those are permanent solutions. Plus, you just know the Avengers would just bust him out even if they could contain him.

>Bruce and Betty have a conversation
>Jackie asks Joe some personal questions
Aw shit, Joe's coming back again! But I take it he's manifesting in Bruce's body again, which mean his conversation with Betty won't go too well...

You kidding? Joe is a real charmer.

God DAMN user, that's fuckin beautiful. Thanks for the image.

Let me tell you all about how my life got flip-turned upside down
I'd like to take a moment, just sit right there
I'll tell you all about how I became the horseman of war on an iron chair

Obviously the nut feeding tubes are the one Between All.

The Inbetweener?

Attached: InBetweener.png (585x1156, 636K)

so with carnage taking over ross and possibly making him a red hulk carnage hybrid symbiote
will hulk team up with his old buddy venom?

Attached: venom-and-hulk.jpg (1024x1535, 630K)

This is amazing, when did this happen and why?

What happened to Cassidy?

Rick being very, very, very ANGRY at... something either utterly unrelated to the book and\or something extremely minor. Like, his music albums didn't get a boost from his death.
Because he's otherwise now completely used to this kind of bullshit so he's just staying along for the ride.

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Oh dear, her lying in dope guy won’t result in anything terrible will it?

take a radioactive needle to your brain like a man

nvm it's titanium not adamantium that makes it fine

this nigga is all kinds of retard and badly written

Explain yourself.

adamantium isn't radiactive, just poisonous in large quantities
you are mixing it up with Omega Red's Carbonadium

>Joe is a real charmer.

Attached: IMG_20190714_152248.jpg (664x1000, 89K)

>that slight stubble
What a ruggedly handsome bastard. Joe taking over as the main personality when?

So what's Rick's deal gonna be? Something radioactive?

He'll sing about radiation like the soundtrack of Fallout 4.

That was PAD's stupid shtick.
Thankfully, and hopefully, he never writes a single Hulk frame again.

I'm sad we didn't get to see the eight days Joe was driving Banner's body.

ok thx

Gotta say, all this PAD slander is weird. He still wrote some of the best Rick Jones stuff in Captain Marvel, and he brought that to his Hulk. Why is it that people are turning on him so rudely now?
Also he was a singer, and not from PAD's run precisely. Why is that bad?

Actually, I can't think of anything dumber than the Jones/Marvel crap.
Didn't even know PAD wrote that junk, but makes sense now.
Thanks for that.
Go back and re-read PAD's garbage; It doesn't hold up.
Sure, Maestro as a character was a great idea, but read the comic: smoking hot garbage.
The only thing he ever wrote that holds up was The End, and,
I'm still trying to figure out who ghost-wrote it for him.
PAD knee-jerk appreciation was always monkey-see, monkey-do behavior.
He sucks as a writer and as a person.

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I don't know user, I enjoy his humor.

So... What's wrong with this page? The art looks good to me as well.

>Actually, I can't think of anything dumber than the Jones/Marvel crap.
Don't you talk shit about Rick and Genis, they were great in PAD's run.

PAD's first 10-20 issues were crap, but I gotta disagree with everything else

> 10-20 issues were crap,
I was hooked on those too for whatever reason. Am I just really easy to please?

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Actually, it's just the reverse.
Except for MacFarlane's art, which, indeed, was shit.
Those were great.
It was once David settled in that he started phoning it in.
Pantheon was smoking hot garbage.

that's why you never stop using in order to keep your tolerance up

He's back in the "chair". That must mean he's in control right?

No doubt, but I didn't enjoy most of the on the road/slice-of-life shit with very little actual Hulk.

That's about when David accepted mediocrity, and then, carried it on for a decade of bad Hulk writing.

It was the 90's though, everyone was mediocre back then, just different standards.

based and gammapilled

I might actually hate David because of the un-tapped potential.
I despise people who do a half-ass job.

I get you completely and I was only half-serious with that, but it's seriously why there's SO many long runs from around that era across the board: writers who basically parked on these series and churned out issue after issue without meat, that the only way to get the big picture was to read them all. This "safety net" allowed mediocrity to flourish.

That's a good summation.

It's why I truly enjoy the last half of Mantlo's run.
He was not a gifted writer, not even a pro.
He was a fill-in writer when he got the Hulk gig.
The first half of his run, it shows badly.
But then about #288, he really starts to get it.
From 288 to 312, he plants the seeds that all Hulk writers have since nourished.
All he did was consciously try his best,
Which is way more than David ever did.

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and then nightmare got ass raped in his own dimension

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Would've liked to have seen that expounded on;
Mantlo took the philosophical approach, of course.
Still, criminally under-valued issues of Hulk.

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I really hate this picture since the first time I saw it and I'm not sure why.
Well I actually do, the unneeded brutality and the echoes of Ultimate.

When Tom King takes over the title.

Haha, no. Tom King would write a 12-issue series about Guilt Hulk.

i think it was from the mc2 universe. loki brainwashed the hulk
tigra got her legs ripped off (he actualy says to wonder man "make a wish)

Attached: thor vs hulk 3.jpg (662x960, 557K)

What's this? Thor actually giving a decent fight?

No, it's from Avengers The End. Which is still pretty bad.

one of the many early fights that thor and hulk had in the past.

Attached: thor vs hulk 4.jpg (906x1344, 458K)

i found this thor vs hulk fight pretty funny
>wrecking crew demand ramson money or else they destroy mount rushmore
>hulk shows up and beats them all
>out of no where thor shows up and attacks hulk, refuses to listen when hulk tries to explain what happened.
>hulk knocks thor out with his own hammer

Attached: thor vs hulk 1.jpg (1280x1982, 667K)

thor sometimes was an assholes

Attached: thor vs hulk 2.jpg (1280x1980, 679K)

He seriously can't ever win, can he?

Worthy Hulk.
That was enjoyable.

most of their fights ended in a draw

>n that fateful first comic, Loki was manipulating Hulk in order to make him look like … well, an out-of-control rage monster. Hulk thinks he is protecting a train from dynamite, but the dynamite is only an illusion created by Loki. When the train conductor calls for help because he sees Hulk destroying train tracks, his call is answered by Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man, and Thor. Thor eventually figures out that Loki is behind everything, but he battles Thor again a couple of issues later. Hulk and Thor start out by trading insults before things get physical on top of a train. Just when readers think they will get to see the brawl to end all brawls, Hulk ties Thor up with some cables and escapes to the desert. Hulk got the best of Thor by using his brains and not just his brawn. Score one for Hulk.

Attached: thorhammera.jpg (425x419, 89K)

Not against the Strongest There Is, no he can't.

>Hulk got the best of Thor by using his brains

Hulk Bump

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You're not wrong, but even in the last 3rd of PAD run, where he's feeling a little aimless and being hit with event tie-ins, there's still enjoyable bits there. I don't mind people being more critical of PAD, but some are starting to delve into straight hyperbole just to make a point, and it's rather annoying.

So when will Vergil show up trying to claim Gamma powers for himself?

With the inevitable spotlight that is cast on a character when there is a successful on-going,
Criticism of PAD's crap-run was a foregone conclusion.
Glad that new eyes are seeing beyond the group-think.
Maybe you should look at it from a new perspective, not so much clouded by nostalgia.
It just wasn't that good.

Fortean isn't motivated enough.

Not even sure what Qlippoth is, but, how can you say Fortean is not motivated enough?

>Joe: Look, ya mind if I take over for a bit?
>Devil: Why? I doubt your "skills" can help right now.
>Joe: Sure it can! It'll be rough, but hey, rough is our thing. It'll be quick. Sort of. *Leaves mentalscape*
>Devil: Whatever, don't do anything that'll give us more attention!
*Bruce runs in*
>Bruce: Where's Joe?!
>Devil: Left, why?
>Bruce: Oh Lord, I'm too Late.
>Devil: What has you scared like this?
>Bruce: Joe told me he's gonna try to calm Betty down from her current state.
>Devil: And that's an issue how?
>Bruce: You idiot! Guess HOW he'll do it!
>Devil:...........He wouldn't.
>Bruce: He would and probably is.
>Devil: Do you think he'd do it in front of McGee?
>Bruce: Knowing him, he'll try to get her to join.
>Devil: And yet I'M the Devil.

that "do I look insane"

GP was done yesterday, really fucking good. I want more GP

Qlippoth: literally husk of evil. From Kabbalah, some user said he was doing Tree of Life, he is.

At this point it's just better to keep him happy and docile

Attached: Q_yDS7TeUVk4RDtRubXQ4EW02MZ4dCZYlXfGhGl2_u0.jpg (640x984, 208K)

The only thing the mf'er ever wanted was baked beans and puppy dogs, and

I'm now imagining them hanging out in a house that exists only inside Bruce's mind.

The only thing dumber than the hack, Peter David's, Joe Fixit, is Joe Fixit fan-fiction.
Go ahead and shoot yourself, in the face, for responding.

It's okay Tom, Heroes in Crisis and Batman may have been really bad but you'll pull through.

Ahab memes.

Fuck the Bat and Fuck PAD fans.

I don't know about worthy, he was just doing the old "stop hitting yourself" gag.

Amdad is kino

Show us on the figure where Batman and PAD touched you.

Attached: Bruce_Banner_(Earth-616)_from_Official_Handbook_of_the_Marvel_Universe_Master_Edition_Vol_1_8_0001.j (319x488, 22K)

My reply had nothing to do withe the issue, user joked about Vergil a DMC character that uses the qliphoth.
I replied with a Vergil meme

Do majors really get their guns and shoot at the enemy like that? I always thought officers were more of a type that stays behind the bullets and give orders.

it's from PAD's The Last Avengers Story

This issue had a bit too much jobbing by everyone involved for my taste.