Why did Butch Hartman's career and reputation go down as soon as he left Nickleoden?

Why did Butch Hartman's career and reputation go down as soon as he left Nickleoden?

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It probably didn't, it's just you only pay attention to threads about him on Yea Forums.

He only left Nickelodeon like last year, and he had one of the most successful cartoons ever on the network. Guy's probably taking a break.

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You'd think shadshit would've picked Timantha instead of that boring insectoid thot, seems more up his alley.

Nobody likes Butch anymore, he's one of the most hated cartoon creators in recent years.

> Has a big ego for creating two shows, one of which wasn't even that good to begin with
> Doesn't listen to critism unless you do the same thing as him
> Ruined Danny Phantom and says that the ghosts aren't really dead humans, but just monsters who believe they were humans before.
> Hates TRAFON for no reason
> Makes suicide jokes with Tara Strong, his near friend
> Blames suicide and depression on smartphones


All of this happened only 4-5 months after he left Nick.

>LS Mark

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I’m not giving your YouTube channel views, shill.

fuck butch sure but dude you gotta change up your copypasta, “hates trafon,” and “makes suicide jokes about his (insert autist’s idea of an appropriate adjective) friend tara strong” reveals the author of the post instantly. i mean near friend, do you speak english as your first language?

he is discriminated for being a christian man with traditional christian values, you can see it in all his works

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Very christian

He's a chad


blessed post

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Seems that without Nick constantly forcing his crap down your throat, you have time to realize how bad it really is.


Spergs and manchildren crying on Youtube and Twitter don't reflect his reputation in the industry as whole.

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Part of the joke with Kitty Katswell is that she disguised herself in ridiculous ways. How is dressing as a baby to infiltrate a bird's nest offensive to Christians?
Not every branch of Pr*testantism is Westboro Church level.

Why did Walt Disney's go down as soon as he died?

The moment you leave the industry is the moment every jealous bastard with a vendetta starts mouthing off because you no longer are their to defend yourself.

But he is the crying manchildren.

People were making fun of Butch since Tuff Puppy started airing and Bunson is a Beast and the last few seasons of FOP exactly didn't help.
In retrospect his shows were just plain not very good from the get go.
Also he seems like sort of a dick head on a personal level.

No she didn't

Yeah. A manchild with more influence and recognition than any of the spergs complaining about him. What's your point?

came out as a conservative and christian so of course he was blacklisted by the oh so tolerant leftwing Hollywood elite

Are you being retarded on purpose? You better not be.

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This. The only good thing Butch Hartman ever made was Danny Phantom, and that was in spite of him, not because of him.

Nobody cares that Butch is a christian

They care that he's a christian who did a kickstarter or indiegogo or whatever crowdfunding thing he used to begin funding a new streaming service or some shit that he would try to put on air, and presented its trailer with zero indication that it would have any religious influence in the shows it broadcasted, before revealing AFTER all the money came in that it would be steering for a christian audience

How would you have felt if you donated to a crowdfunding thing that presented itself as just a channel for cartoons and shit, only to find out that the creator was a closet muzzie who would be picking shows that subtly promoted muslim culture

He also threw a manbaby tantrum at being called out over this, and for that he lost a lot of respect

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>Nobody cares that Butch is a christian
That’s just not true. If the people didn’t care, they wouldn’t use it as a strike against him. But they do. They keep bringing it up that he’s a Christian who tries to get funding from Christian groups. The truth is, the people against him are pissy atheists who never got out of the “angry high school jackass” phase who say their against organized religion but they’re actually just against Christianity because their parents made them go to church.

>they shouldn't generalize all Christians
>now here I should generalize all Atheists
I'm surprised you even knew how to spell the right words to make you look like the idiot you are.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Pretty sure he revealed that he was based and redpilled a couple of years before his last cartoon even aired and it just wasn't a very popular or good cartoon.
I don't think you can blame that on the liberals keeping the white man down.
They keep bringing it up because lying to get money for your cause is a pretty non-Christian thing to do which makes him a bad Christian.

I didn’t generalize all atheists. I called out these specific whiners for what they really are. I’m not Christian, or even religious in any way, haven’t been to church in over a decade. But the way these weasels are acting reminds me of the edgy atheist little shits I knew back in high school. Like, uncanny in their behavior and even in the very language they use. Makes my skin crawl from the cringiness.

>atheists generalize all christians
>now allow me to generalize all atheists

I'm a fedora tipper myself, never went to church a day in my life and my nonreligious parents never encouraged nor stopped me from going to church. I don't care that Butch Hartman is a christian. I'd say I think he's retarded for it, if asked, but my criticisms of him have nothing to do with his religion. It's the fact that he's a big liar liar pants on fire and got bootyblasted when people pointed that out

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based christfag dabbing on these athei-cucks

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absolutely seething virgin fedorafag

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>I don't care that Butch Hartman is a christian. I'd say I think he's retarded for it, if asked, but my criticisms of him have nothing to do with his religion
nobody with even a basic knowledge of how human social conflict works believes you

Truly you have btfo'd me with a dead leddit meme brayvo

What in the fuck did he mean by this
I only even brought up what I think of his religion to highlight that my opinion of it is absolutely irrelevant, it's the objectively bad things he did that make me dislike him. I have christian friends I coexist with, without launching into atheistic diatribes any time they mention their beliefs. Much the same, I don't hold Hartman's religion to him with regards to formal critique. Be a religious person if you like, just don't LIE

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>I didn’t generalize all atheists. I called out these specific whiners for what they really are.
Really? You know each and every one of them personally? You've met every single person who has ever complained about Butch Hartman and you know for a fact that they are all 'pissy atheists who never got out of the “angry high school jackass” phase'?

Of course you haven't. So if you're lumping them all together into a specific group without proof, it is, by definition, "generalizing".

Christianity is retarded, so is islam and PC culture where political correctness replaces god. You christfags are no better then the rest of the fundamentalists of today.

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You know this place has truly gone to reddit/nu-twitter when there's posters actively defending atheism

>admits to thinking Hartman is retarded for being Christian
>logically extending this opinion to everyone else who is Christian or even religious in general
>”I have religious friends! Honest! I think they’re all retarded but we’re still friends!”
>”My personal biases have nothing to do with my opinions of people and absolutely do NOT influence my reactions to their supposed bad behavior!”
Not the guy you’re replaying to but...
It’s fine if you don’t like the guy. But you and all the other self-professed atheists making YouTube videos against Hartman should really stop pretending to be impartial and fair champions of the truth when it is incredibly - and I do mean incredibly - obvious that your stances against religion have more influence over your actions and opinions than you care to admit. If he was an atheist creator going around getting funding from atheist groups, there wouldn’t be a peep from you guys. There would be a lot of noise from Christian groups and you would be there to call them idiots and whiners, definitely. But stop pretending you’re against Hartman because of MUH ETHICS. It’s embarrassing.

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user, it’s bait. It’s bad bait. And you’re falling for it.

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>expecting everyone to be some pious christian nutjob with an entire board dedicated to cartoon porn
Youre an idiot

Yes. They all wear fedoras, carry katanas, have bad patchy beards, and run shitty youtube channels about western animation. Really creepy desu

>Anti-Oaxis crowd: Butch Hartman deceived people, as a Baptist Christian there is no way he'd allowed certain things on his network like homosexuality because Christians bad
>Also Anti-Oaxis crowd: LOL look at how Butch Hartman included a male pregnancy in his cartoon, made an over decade long running show about magical pagan creatures, made Kitty Katswell wear lewd costumes, had Tootie dressed in clothes that resemble papist school uniforms, included gay subtext between Juandissmo/Cupid, had an anti-fairy or half-ghost guy that literally resembled Satan, etc. etc. etc. what a hypocrite!!

Has a group ever been as so easily self-defeating as these YouTube dumbfucks?

If I dismissed everyone I didn't agree with on this site as people baiting then there wouldn't be any discussion. And that would also be generalizing.

>He says without realizing that the Christian alt-right fags are a post-2015 thing.
Anyway I am starting to think it isn't Butch's cartoons you fags care about since the only ones even bringing them up are the detractors.

Jesus is a faggot and you christ suckers can stop being obnoxious anytime

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People should have noticed he was a hack ages ago. Every show he made ranges from mediocre to shit.

>The Chad Christfag Industry Titan
>The Virgin Atheist YouTube Amateur

>being some religious nutcase who gets blueballs from lack of jerking off
Christtards are insane

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Dude, what if the human mind created whatever comes after death. Except since everyone’s idea of it is different, it changes from person to person. Like some people get reincarnated, others go to the afterlife, and some people cease to exist and never come back. Really gets me thinking sometimes.


Says you. I jerk it several times a week and I’m still tight with God and shit.

>tfw atheists are so stubborn about being right that they cuck themselves out of a cosmic existence
Sounds about right

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>FOP wuz bad
Ok whatever you say Pvt. I. Redwood

Saying 'hey don't lie to make money that serves your religious beliefs' isn't 'defending atheism', you mongoloid
Jesus christfags have almost as big a persecution complex as furries

I've told my mother to her face that I think her Christian beliefs are stupid, and we still eat dinner together every other week and get along. I'm not going to lie if asked, but someone's faith is not the entire portrait of them that I see. And yes, I absolutely would object to someone crowdfunding money to shill a channel made specifically as anti religious propoganda without saying so, because false advertising is scummy and I don't like it. You don't know me, nigger.
Every single person on this planet has bias, like...no shit. Every single person on the fucking planet is biased in some form or another, which is why I made a point of highlighting my bias and putting it aside, because it means nothing when talking about his moral character as a whole

What in the FUCK did he mean by this
I don't CARE what Butch wants to put on Oasis as his own product, he's perfectly entitled to show whatever he wants so long as it's told to be Christian in nature UPFRONT to the people who FUNDED IT
I don't even think the guy is particularly homophobic, from what I've seen, and he's certainly not a transphobe or any of that retarded shit. I think he's a liar, and I don't like liars

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>I've told my mother to her face that I think her Christian beliefs are stupid
I know you think that sounds impressive, but it is not. Also, bringing attention to your bias doesn’t do anything. Yes, you highlighted it but no, you did not put it aside. No one believes you when you say that.

Hartman hates him for talking shit about him in a video some years back, his reaction for seeing Mark in OP's pic was "Oh, it's you Again"

>I don't CARE
I mean... it’s very apparent that this is simply not true. You keep saying it’s about the ethics but it is obviously not. You’re starting to sound like those GG pissbabies.

It was kind of okay sometimes for a couple of seasons then turned to shit.
It was Butch's best cartoon.

ITT: seething anti-hartman NPCs

Bro. Just stop lying. You don’t like Christianity. You don’t like Christians. You don’t like Butch because he’s a Christian. You’re against his projects because he’s putting Christian themes and values in them. Just admit it. There’s no shame in having biases. Everyone has biases. But it’s embarrassing when something is obvious to everyone else, but you can’t even admit it to yourself. It’ll make you feel better when you accept the truth. Like a weight off your shoulders.

Because of Pieguy, he is OBSESSED with Butch


This is not heatlhy, what the fuck happened to him?

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> Hates TRAFON for no reason
but... that's good.

Jesus user stop trying. Why are you even arguing with identity politic fags anyway?
You should know how this works by now.

Stop it, Pieguy.

He’s very passionate about this. Let him vent.

When I’m about to die, I’ll believe really hard in a paradise full of hot supermodels who are all into threesomes and shit. Also I’ll be reborn into the afterlife with a ripped body and a bigger cock - because I want the babes to get something out of this, too. It’ll be fucking tight.

Makes just as much sense as any other religion and it lets me make my waifu real.
10/10 would give immortal soul to.

You raise a good point.

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>tfw you can create an afterlife full of capeshit 10/10s
Power Girl, Storm, and Rogue. Who are you getting?

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I’d reincarnate myself as a tall, blond white dude with Chad genetics in the 50s. Literally dab on everyone else and smash pussy everywhere I go.


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only on Yea Forumsmblr

It was mediocre, then turned to absolute shit.


I was subscribed to his Youtube, he seemed like a cool dude just sharing his life experiences to his young audience since he was already going out.
Wonder what happened

It's really sad how infested Yea Forums has become by jesus freak conservatives. We used to make fun of you fuckers and now the outside world thinks we're you.

Based episode

Butch deserves it.

>Butch draws fanart for Alex Hirsch and Alex gets tagged on twitter
>completely ignores it

Lel. I thought Butch would hate gf for demonic imagery honestly.

>unironic christcucks in this thread

You’re fucking lucky that muzzies are so fucking cancerous they make you look sane in comparison. But once the goatfuckers are dealt with you morons are next.

To be fair Alex Hirsch is kind of a douche to everyone on twitter who isn't in his circle of turbo-liberal wingnuts.

I don’t care about Hirschlet. I just find Butch drawing fanart and getting ignored funny.

the christcucks are the ones with all the guns, dumbass. You and your circle of lefty pansyass atheist friends will get slaughtered the moment you step away from your computer

PieGuy was obsessed with nothing but SpongeBob for over ten years and only recently changed his format. It shouldn't surprise anyone he'd latch onto something else obsessively.

And the goatfuckers have their guns and numbers too. The problem is the religious crazies are always lower IQ and as society advances towards rationality more abandon their fanatical beliefs. Just compare how many of the newer generations are religious in contrast to the older ones. You may never see it in your lifetime but eventually your kind will die out.

>atheist percentage of the population is shrinking
>Christianity AND Islam are growing and growing fast
Face it, cuck. Your globalist plot to destroy cultural identity backfired. Go jack off to your animu body pillows, nerd.

well hes a brony therefore retarded so

I know you have the mindset that whoever gets the last post wins, but I’m going to tell you all that it’s not true. It’s just pathetic.


>Islam growing

Well no shit what part of cancerous don’t you understand? But it won’t last forever. Eventually the muzzies, christcucks, fags, trannies, and nogs will all be purged.

Based, trafon is a cuck and a shitty old whore


Better than Mr.Enter


cringe tranny

Fuck off Hartmansucker