>Alan Moore's last comic was published today
It's a very weird feeling, lads.
>Alan Moore's last comic was published today
It's a very weird feeling, lads.
More impressive is that he's somehow published 46 LAST ALAN MOORE COMICS I'M RETIRING FOREVER to date.
How come it'll be his last? End of a contract? Retirement announcement? That snakegod of his didn't stop a rattlesnake bite and he died without anyone realizing?
No, he didn't. He always said LOEG v4 will be his final comic book work.
He's retiring from comics. (But will still write books and films)
That's great, where is the zip?
no more moore
I want to read this put it's been so long since I read Vol. 3 and it was pretty complex with all the Anti-Christ Harry Potters and Prospero and mystical LSD Shangri-La. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the elegant simplicity of the first two volumes over the DECONSTRUCTION OF THE ABSTRACT NOTION OF FICTION AND POP CULTURE of the later.
So like how Clint Eastwood retired after Gran Tarino.
I wonder if there will be a final FUCK you at the modern comics industry and the cultural landscape of the 21st century in general.
He already did that in Vol. 3
This volume has had several already too. Like the oh-so-subtle superhero retirement home.
This may just be a rumor but is it true that when you reach the final page of this issue you unintentionally complete a magic spell that causes your eyes to fall out if you have intentionally read more than one paragraph of a Harry Potter novel because you are unworthy of literacy?
Does it count if I've only read scans of the lines that prove Rowling is a lying cunt who keeps trying to backtrack on characters to seem woke?
Your eyes would rolling across the floor before you got halfway through this excuse. Philistine.
You had me hoping that 2000AD were reverting to their best logo.
Thank fucking God.
Moore went full retard nearly two decades ago.
Good riddance. He was tainting his own legacy with the trash he has been putting out.
You should pick up the Nemo-trilogy first, it's a retun to form.
I find it hard to root for Nemo after she murdered all those women and children.
But you were somehow okay to root for Mr.Hyde and the Invisible Man?
They're white and not women
What makes you think I rooted for them? Especially Invisible Man, who is depicted as a sociopath from the start.
You don't have to root for a protagonist to enjoy a story. Heathcliff and Cathy are giant fucking assholes, but it's still a classic novel.
What is this? JoJo?
You're a funny man
Invisible Man was a bad guy who you weren't supposed to root for.
Hell the scene where he died felt like proper comeuppance and he got fucking raped to death.
I also don't think all that many people were rooting for Hyde either outside of him being of the right side and not being quite as big a dick as Griffin.
I was rooting for him when he ate that alien. but i wasn't too sad when he died
Oh I fully agree but what made that moment powerful was that it was against his shithead nature.
If I recall correctly he even tried to rationalize it away as something he just wanted to do as opposed to being noble for once.
Yeah, Nemo Trilogy was vastly better than Vol 3. And The Tempest is pretty good though I still kinda like Vol 1 and 2 more.
I like it but it's so obvious Moore barely gives a shit
I don't know why people get so pissy about Moore shitting on things he doesn't like, as if that's not the most common pastime of this board. Everyone has different likes and dislikes, Moore happens to dislike things some of you like, big deal.
Not really pissy in my case, I just think the power of his anger and rage is amusing. he literally made Harry Potter the antichrist
I dislike things, but I don't write a ten year epic where the thing I dislike is the literal antichrist
Wish he had ended his career on something worth reading.
LOEG is crap and has been since the start. Not sure why fanboys praise it.
because its a deconstruction of the team-up comic genre. It's a critique on shit like the Justice league, all the while giving us a story that actually evolves, changes and grows over time. something superheroes never do.
How much more deconstructive progressive twaddle do we need though?
>superheroes never do.
I wish people would stop saying this.
Yeah, because you're lazy and your hate amounts to nothing
I enjoyed Tempest but please don't think it was being profound by doing that.
Out with a whimper
*hits bonglode for ABC bro*
Alan Moore is one of the greatest writers of all time, his echo will dwarf us mere mortals for generations to come, the man has brought us comicbook bros. and creative types just some of that elusive literary sweet nectar that can never be duplicated from his beautiful soul again.
The end? Nay, this is only the beginning of Alan Moore's psychedelic trip through the cosmos!
long time moore reader here
bought Watchmen, Miracleman, all the 80s greats off the rack
I disagree with much of his politics but he's the only interesting writer doing comics today
gonna miss his bizarre ass
Out of curiosity, has this publisher done something to piss him off yet?
Lmao you're so fucking mad.
where's the download?
where's the wins thread for that matter?
Doesn't seem so, he even allowed them to republish From Hell in colored form.
They cancelled a version of Black Dossier that came with a 45 Moore recorded and he was mad about that
That was DC