BIRDS OF PREY: Movie Synergy Edition ongoing announced

>Bucking tradition, the new series will feature the line-up of the upcoming Margot Robbie movie, with Harley Quinn joining the team.

>Harley Quinn isn’t just teaming up with the Birds of Prey in next year’s big screen Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) — she’s going to be joining the comic book incarnation of the team as well, with DC unveiling a new ongoing Birds of Prey comic book series to launch this fall.

>The new series will feature the upcoming movie line-up of the team — Black Canary, Huntress and Harley Quinn — with Renee Montoya, Gotham City detective and occasional vigilante, along for the ride. If that combination sounds unlikely, that’s kind of the point, according to writer Brian Azzarello.

>“Having Harley involved screws with the new BOP dynamic — hell, with every dynamic,” he said in a statement about the series. “She’s chaos, but she might be the most together member of the team. Canary, Huntress, and Montoya have a lot of damaged baggage. Ema and I are gonna unpack it.”

>“Ema” is artist Emanuela Lupacchino, who’ll be working with inker Ray McCarthy and color artist Trish Mulvihill to bring the book’s visuals to life.

>“The Birds are a super-team I’ve never worked on before but that I‘ve always loved,” she added. “This will be a lovely opportunity to bring these women to life and let the reader feel their emotions. I’ll give them their energy and power.”

>The new series will present Harley with a new life, post-Suicide Squad — the group’s series ended in January, and they haven’t been seen since — offering the opportunity for her to get mixed up in a collision between Black Canary, out to help an old flame, and her former teammate, the Huntress, who’s been sent up against a threat known as ‘Las Esposas de la Muerte’ at the bidding of Detective Montoya.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Promising that the series will surprise readers, Azzarello promised, “Ema and I are pushing the envelope, both character-wise and plot-wise, with equal parts estrogen and adrenaline. Our BOP will be the must-read title every month. Ambitious? Sure. That’s why it’s worth doing.”

>The series will debut Oct. 30, both digitally and in comic book stores.

So Rich's whole thing about Azzarello on Suicide Squad is bullshit?

Sounds cool. Azz is very hit or miss. Hope this is a hit

Nice legs, girlie

I wouldn't say that quite yet, I imagine the whole Flash Foward thing probably ended up changing plans and we still don't have a Suicide Squad book which is pretty weird at this point

Most of those other leaks were right aside from Walker on Flash and Hawk and Dove by Orlando. Tomasi Spectre ended up happening in DC.

The Flash and Suicide Squad plans might have changed based on reception to HiC since it's Scott "Mr Filler" Lobdell and known Wally fan boy Brett Booth on Flash Forward

Wow so instead of suicide squad they give azzarello BOp
I wonder who is doing the ss relaunch

People don't buy comics after watching movies
Why do they piss away their own integrity over nothing?

I am so fucking sick of Harley

Holy fat gay nerd care about BoP, sales prove that

>movie synergy
>Harley Quinn
>Harley is the most together character

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>So Rich's whole thing about Azzarello on Suicide Squad is bullshit?
>I wonder who is doing the ss relaunch
I bet this is what they're doing instead of relaunching SS. Harley Quinn is the only character on the squad that DC cares about.

Fine. I'm so sick of female charcters being given to shitty woman writers or Rucka these past few years. Why are there barely any good female writers?

BoP without Oracle can always fuck right off.

DC is still shitting on Oracle, Babs is fighting the evil AI Oracle copy

They can make more money writing non-cape works. Do you think Raina Telgemeier would stoop to writing this shit. No, she wrote a autobiographic webcomic, networked it from there and is now the best-selling comic author in the United States.

>the four male Robins all have their histories more or less intact
>the Batgirls are all exiled for years and/or regressed completely
I really wish people had cried sexism over this.

Say what you will about social justice harpies, they get results.

I miss Helena's thighs.

> Cass in BoP movie.
> no Cass in new synergy BoP ongoing.

You have to admire the spite of Didio.

Um, we did. DC just doesn't give a fuck and thinks bringing the characters back was good enough.

Yea Forums ain't a twitter mob

Then again, I don't remember that being much of a thing back in 2011.

Cass is in Batman and The Outsiders

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Okay I hate synergy shit but Azz is good and Ema is a great artist who draws very sexy ladies so it might be worth reading the storytime for the first couple issues.

> implying she can't be in more than one ongoing.

Oh, there were people pissed on the boards. But it was drowned out by OMG HOW GREAT THE NEW 52 IS!!

She's not popular enough.

Certain higher-ups would never allow it

> not popular enough.
> survived four cullings by DC itself via fanbase.

This new Huntress costume it's an atrocity

Harley on any team doesn't work because there's no in-universe justification for it.

Sure there were the Sirens, but I'd hardly call that a team.

I didn't say she wasn't popular. Just not enough.

Poison ivy and Catwoman were also members of BOP
If you are a female and in Gotham you are an unofficial member

Don't they have some male members sometimes?

More like this..
Because Didio will have spite for anyone but his beloved waifu Babs as Batgirl.

Sounds pretty good; plus it will be cool to see the dynamic a year before the movie. Hope Azzarello brings out Harley's best side.

And also thank FUCK there will be a Harley book where she isn't on fucking Coney Island. I love Harley but her freakshow gang can take a long walk off a short pier.

>Black Canary
I'm in, can't wait to see how they ruin Cass Cain this time around

>Movie Synergy
DC really has become Marvel of 5 years ago.

Harley needs a new main costume desperately

>DC really has become Marvel of 5 years ago.
No, if that were the case the characters would look like their movie counterparts.

It was those harpies that slathered praise all over Simone’s New 52 run despite it never rising over “just okay” in quality. The ironic thing being is that Simone probably wanted Oracle back more than anyone considering her first opportunity to write an out of continuity story featured her.

I think people are still sour at Azz for the Amazons twist in his WW run. But he nailed Diana’s character pretty well so hopefully he’ll nail everyone here too.

Tbf, Batman's DCEU costume was pretty lit.

Plus if DC were REALLY trying to ape Marvel we'd get a new Superman who's also a Kryptonian but also can't stop talking about how gay he is, Batman is no longer Bruce Wayne but some poor black kid who's fighting back at da police or something and we'd get a new Muslim Wonder Woman who isn't an Amazon but 'struggled through adversity' and so got to be Wonder Woman.

That's Marvel 2 years ago user, every big marvel character is back in place now with their legacies being that, like Duke

>NiggerBat hates Gotham's PoPo and is ludicrously nasty towards Jim Gordon, his daughter, and even Dick.

The problem is he shat on the rest of her mythology including making the gods to be even more unlikeable assholes (he even has compared them to being the oldest organized crime ring).

>Ultimate DC Universe
>Superman is a Jesus allegory in all his comics.
>Aquaman would be pretty dope ngl.
>Batman is a brutal grief driven murderer
>Wonder Woman is still chugging along.
>Shazam would still be pretty fun.
>Jason Todd is now Nightwing and Dick Grayson is now Red Hood.
>Barbara Gordon is black.
>Supergirl appeared on Earth back in the day and is now in her 50s.

>Bucking tradition,
I mean, what else is new? Tradition is one of the first things to go when structure is removed. Comics have lost sight of structure for a long time.

More like some writters wanted to use her. And still only could get back a butchered version.