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>cree summer pops up

Attached: ear bleed.jpg (1065x1300, 95K)

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but i like her voice

Don't you shit on Cree Summers, she's great

>Tara Strong, John DiMaggio AND Yuri Lowenthal pop up in the same fucking episode

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You shut your whore mouth. Cree is ear candy and I'd gladly get ear diabetes from her.


Hating on Penny

Got that she even voice the robot chicken sketch

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Tara playing Harley is the worst thing that happened to the character ever

shit opinion

Don''t diss Cree. Yeah the sassy black girl voice she does usually is overdone, but some of her other voice work can be pretty good. pic related.

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She can be grating in certain roles; I think she's best when she's doing a subdued and "normal" sort of voice. Last thing I ever heard her in was as the mom in Dawn of the Croods and she was good in that, but I think she was just talking and not "doing voices".

But I absolutely NEVER want to hear her Elmyra voice again for as long as I live.

Nothing wrong with A Different World 3bh

For what, five fucking minutes of dialogue before Hades throws her under the bus? Waste of Cree, if you ask me.

Well your not alone in thinking that. One of her iconic roles Foxxy Brown she almost didn't get. She came in and did a cartooney voice. Probably the voice she ended up doing for Strawberry sweetcake.

Anyway Tara Strong got really upset by this, and told her to re-audition with a better voice

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Foxxy Love.

The fact that she claims to 'own' the character makes it all the worse. I'd take anyone over her.

>nika futterman*

Wasn't that just her numbuh 5 voice

I liked the voice roles she did in Fallout 1 as Tandi and Fallout 2 as that bitchy Vault City leader.

Imagine hating recognizable voice actors. I get happy when I can point them out. It's like bumping into a friend.

post your location faggot.

OP is being a massive forgot today.

Maybe. I just know when she first audition she got turned away. Cree said the voice she did was really cartooney

Haggar's my favourite role of hers, Kida from Atlantis a close second.

Attached: haggar honor voltron.jpg (1625x912, 71K)