House of X #1 Preview

Has this been posted yet? Didn't see it in the catalog. Let's take a look...

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This one has the tone of a relaunch for sure.

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Well, that wrecks the stupid fuck that keeps saying the girl is the daughter of Jean and Bishop.

Banshee alive here after dying in Uncanny.

End of preview, with Xavier staring ominously at the reader.

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What the fuck is happening?

Didn't Cypher die too? And is that the correct spelling, or is he Cipher? Not that anyone really remembers the other one from Young X-Men.

>Banshee alive here after dying in Uncanny
I gotta wonder how is Hickman going to address all these deaths because somehow they gotta acknowledge how pointless Uncanny was.
Also, one detail: isn't this Claremont era lettering?


Also, Sabertooth is confirmed to be in HoX or PoX, and he died as well.

Looks like the X-Men have set up on some island or wilderness, possibly a pocket dimension, accessible only by a gateway created by Krakoa.

In the newest/last Rosenberg issue Havok and Madrox also die.

Is it professor FantomeX?

Why is evil reed richards leading the xmen?

X-Men should've ended at Messiah Complex. It would've been THE perfect ending for the entire series.

Is Xaver The Maker now?

>End of preview

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>But wait, there's more
Mine was from a site, I guess they only posted HoX, nice.

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Second Coming was the perfect finale. Though then we wouldn't have Kurt back.

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ftfy tripfaggot. Search the archive next time for unlettered previews first.

user why did you post the last page?

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>X-Men should've ended at Messiah Complex

No it wasn't. You still had the mutant population that was down to a couple hundred, Cable had taken Hope, Rogue had disappeared, Exodus had taken Xavier who was shot in the head by Bishop, Cyclops had created a new X-Force and the Stryker and his church were back.

Messiah Complex was not an ending of any kind.

Magick/Collusus is Rasputin
RedCrawler is a priest

Either the last issue of Uncanny rolls back most of the run or the writer was just shitting out stuff because he knew editor wasn't checking his work.

the maker is pretending to be Xaver. watch


Practically announcing mutants are going to supplant humans is very Ultimate Reed levels of assholery.

>Mrs. Grey
So who is Mr. Grey?

Both Logan & Scott. This is clearly a Mormon sorta thing going on.

Of course! The Krakoa Compound is just an annexed Salt Lake City!

is nate grey dead ?

>cypher made useful
>living in Krakoa
I like it. Not much to go on but like the tone

Doesn't seem to matter though since Hickman is bringing everyone back

>Also, one detail: isn't this Claremont era lettering?
Not sure what you mean. This is early 2000s era lettering, when someone at Marvel mandated that letterers stopped using All Caps. That mandate was later reversed for everything but Ultimate and a few books aimed mostly at kids and teenagers.

I'm wondering who Red Kurt is. Doesn't seem to be Azazel but I could be wrong. I wonder if it is Kurt and Mystique's son from Age of X-Men: Nightcrawler

>Cypher has hope!

>Cypher loses all hope again.

>Kurt and Mystique's son
I assume that there is some kind of context here I'm missing, because I highly doubt that Marvel would give Kurt an incest baby.

the roster

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Hickman and his charts.

>yellow eyes
>pointy ears
That’s not Cypher in PoX.

I didn’t know Hickman created the concept of cast pages.

Weird how Blob and Pyro are the only ones to have old art used for their character portrait rather than new art from HoX/PoX.
Also, they fucked up, Toad first appeared in X-Men #4, not #3.

I look forward to none of these characters being important to the ultimate endgame while the super smart kings and leaders in the secondary book do all the actual work.

>no overconfusing icons
Oh thank god

that was Meggan using her empathic metamorph powers, not Mystique herself.

I forget, was Destiny still dead?

doesnt matter. it looks like this story may have resurrected characters

the Marvel Girl outfit is great, fuck, Jean can control me without her powers at all

I really like this cover, the coat of Emma is very well drawn

It looks like at some point Scott's team will be on earth outside Krakoa, and Storm, Emma and Exodus will have to defend it from an invasion
Which means, this isnt so different from Utopia, it just happens that there is no extinction thread, mutants moved there voluntarily

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Do I add this to my list or trade wait it?

It seems to be on a larger scale than Utopia. For example they are planting Krakoa seeds on the Moon.

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Everyone should know who Xavier is, everyone should know who Reed Richards is. How the fuck does he pretend to be Xavier?

it was still pretty hot.

Absolute Terror

Alright well Banshee is alive so I’m assuming everyone else Rosenberg killed is too.

Weren't the humans suppose to have forgotten everything about mutants? Well, like I suspected, guess they forgot about computers and other records that could give them back their memories.

I’m hoping Chamber comes back too if Husk and Penance are gonna be here.

Either way pirate Kurt makes me happy.

X-Men should of ended with Claremont getting the opportunity to write the X-Men #300 he had wanted to and yet he blew it going on some ramble which no one wanted him to do.

X-Men should have ended with the Shadow King defeated, The X-Men/X-Factor and the Hellions coming to a truce and the hate and hysteria the Shadow King was whipping up subsiding. No one likes the X-Men all that much, but no one feel enough hatred to try and sick giant robots on them.

The Deadpool 2 timeline where the X-Men are a bunch of heroes who get called in to assist with mutant problems as a side-gig.

This is clearly hinting at this being a whole different continuity that will eventually attract some sort of attention or event to the main one. Which explains why this isn't called Xmen. If this DOES take place in the main universe, Im not as invested. I don't care how important this run is, all I see is this huge gap of continuity and sign of laziness on the writers hand and undermining other writers work that's not the essential runs.

As for this preview so far Im not as invested looks to me a glorified days of futures past story with Charles as the villain/catalyst for the story. I guess I just need more material to judge. But I had that same thought with Last years story with them hyping up how important that run was when all they did was bring back cyclops back to everybody's bitch.

This is the Queseda-era, there is not continuity except for what the editors and writers bother to remember on a day to day basis.

Hickman confirmed there's no time or alt universe shenanigans, it's an A to B to C story

The only red female character listed in the chart is a significantly older looking Penance. Isn't she a teenager? How old is Kurt anyways?

this all looks very good

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Kurt is probably chronologically in his 30s by now, but being dead and coming back to life probably fucked with his aging to an unknown extent. There's also the possibility of him not aging as quickly as typical humans or just being biologically immortal considering both of his parents are.

A few years have passed in-universe since the real-life 90s, so Penance and the rest of the surviving Gen X kids are probably in their early 20s by now.

>user why did you post the last page?
Oh my god that faggot from the New Avengers/Secret Wars storytimes is back on his autistic crusade.

Er, Angel's first appearance listed as Uncanny 3 not 1

Who cares nerd

Ultimate Richards is different from 616, aslo he we're talking about the same gang who didn't realize Magneto was once living with them in the guise of a chinaman.

Wait, Husk's first appearance was in ROM?!

Anyone storytimed uncanny?

This looks awful.

M is listed as Penance, are they going back to the merged character again


Calling it now, Xavier/Fantomex is using "The World" and nothing here is real... that or an astral world where the X-Men are trapped, but still Xavier is responsible.

I'm not a huge Hickman fan, but at least he always makes interesting looking pitches and not just generic rehashes

x-men used to have the BEST artists on the market, drawing x-men used to be the highlight of any artist career.

> from the 80s on: john romita jr, marc silvestri, jim lee, joe madureira, chris bachalo, frank quitely, leinil francis yu...

now look at this generic shit: terrible art style, the characters visuals are all over the place, the pages are confuse, the colors are bland and null.

compare this 'all new all different' crap with morrison's NEW X-MEN. say whatever, hate frank quitely art, but it was a solid change.

now this? THIS? fuck this.

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Yeah, I think the last time they had a good artist was Bendis with Marquez/immonen

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So Ex-Nihilo is totally behind this, right ?

Krakoa is on green Mars, yes

Sage is actually being used? I'll be damned.



I think we see Armor on the terraformed Mars created by Ex-Nihilo in one of the pages.

I think the art is great, especially colors on House of X. What would you have preferred?

I wouldnt mind if Hickman ignored Bendis' and Rosenbergs shit eating runs.

>. I don't care how important this run is, all I see is this huge gap of continuity and sign of laziness on the writers hand and undermining other writers work that's not the essential runs.
He is gonna do what he has ever done: handwave it away in a page or two, and we are better for it.
See how he solved the Inhumanity and original sin crossover in Avengers.

Where's all this mars shit coming from? They're clearly talking about living on krakoa and referring to it as an island.

Hickman's first few issues of Avengers. The Krakoa habitat has the exact same coloring.

>built on a language only you and the island can understand

Yeah, there's no way that will not be used for cheap drama

>everyone talking about how Hickman is breaking new ground with these issues
>dude the twist will be that it’s all just a dream lmao
Don’t go into writing.

>address all these deaths
too many deaths, it's not just a writer going batshit, there must be a mandate from editorial, and it's part of the story building up to whatever hickman's planning

So shouldn't Hickman, but HERE WE ARE

>Nate Grey arc/X-Men Omega is all about how utopias suck and you can't segregate yourself from the world no matter how bad it treats you.
>Krakoa is just Utopia 2.0 where they want to raise all the muties in a hippie commune away from the flatscan humies and their "bigotry".
Nate Grey was right, mommy Grey will always be a hypocritical cunt.

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Not a dream, just like Age of X-Man.

I can barely understand whatever nonsense you're spouting, ESL.

Nah Hickman confirmed its a A to B to C story with no alt world stuff

Claremont wanting to make the Shadow King the big villain for the ending of a 16+ year run is a very odd decision, he's a villain that has more to do with Claremont's fetishes than the themes of X-Men.

>everyone talking about how Hickman is breaking new ground with these issues
>dude the twist will be that it’s the exact same story as the one that came just before it lmao
Don’t go into writing.

where in the timeline does this start?
what should be read before?

That was odd because a few panels back I recall Magneto was conjecturing that inhabitants of Age of X-Man are in fact real. So the question is, did Ms Grey just spin a huge lie to get back to Scott thereby killing thousands of innocents or was Magneto simply wrong?

Did anybody other than Claremont ever do anything with her before?

New X-Men
Asgardian Wars
And maybe Hickman Avengers 1-3

There is no continuity anymore, forget it.

What about Avalanche?

>they want to raise all the muties in a hippie commune away from the flatscan humies and their "bigotry".
Huh, that Inhomos community during AvX sounded like that, but with more alien mass murderers running it.

Cipher and Graymalkin will rise again.

What are the X-Men comics worth reading in the modern era?
>New X-Men by Morrison
>Astonishing X-Men by Whedon
>X-Force/X-Statix by Miligan/Allred
>X-Factor by PAD
>Uncanny X-Force by Remender
Missing anything else?

Has the Marvel Girl name been used that much recently? She's just been Jean Grey to me for the last 10 years

Not really.
Pak used her in X-Treme X-Men volume 2, but I think that's about it.

nah, that's it and even there people would argue that half of them are shit

I liked Kieron Gillon's Uncanny run. I also liked Brubaker's run, though I'm probably in the minority on that.

Has it ever been used much past the 70s?
I mean out of all the OG X-Men, it's the most unimaginative name.
CYCLOPS, ICEMAN, BEAST etc. then "Marvel Girl". I swear the name was just a placeholder they forgot to change and then they just ran with it.


yup, the intersection of ROM and Marvel is weird

idk, she'd have to turn around before I recognize her

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>X-Men Legacy by Carey and Si Spurrier
>X-Club by Si Spurrier
>District X by David Hine
>X-Force by Kyle and Yost

>All white people except Storm

But theres like six blue people.

oh HELL yes I love Doug

Monet/Penance is black

She is brown.

>No Madrox
Fuck this gay earth

I'm sorry, user.

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>Madrox is death
Fucking again?

Jesus christ Marvel!

Like any mutant can stay fucking dead,

I am glad those 90's fuck are dead but sht why did Rosencuck had to kill Guido?

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She had been dead for over 10 years, and even then people kept getting her mixed with the Phoenix, so...

So basically this evil "Professor" is probably up to some fake utopia. The fact Wolverine is laughing and playing with kids is a dead give away more than Totally not Reed's ominous stare.

I think he's just doing the lying to hide plot points thing.

The scene with the robot guy attacking the bald mutant chick clearly seems to be taking place in the future. Which means one of three things will happen: 1)people are going to travel back to the present day. 2) They're going to bring someone from the present day to the future. Or, if Hickman isn't lying, 3) No time travel, and the PoX serves just as a flash forward, of which the inciting events occur in HoX and post HoX/PoX books, basically like Days of Future Past.

Except some of the dead characters are already back in the preview. We know Sabretooth is back. Banshee showed up in the preview, for example.

Accept it, Rosenberg was just going batshit. Nothing more.

I missed her buddy cop shenanigans with pre-crazy Bishop.

it HAS to be editorially mandated, no fucking way any of this would fly if they are meaning to lead into the Hickman era

anyone else think this is some sort of Siege Perilous? It could explain some of the different versions of the characters we see

Cyclops reversed it in the very next issue

Fuck whatever the cracks0t dude says, ANAD/O5 are early to late 30s, New Mutants are mid to late 20s (Wolfsbane is the outlier), Generation X is in the early to mid 20s, Academy X are late teens to early 20s

Or editorial just doesn't care because they know none of it matters. None of this is leading into Hickman. Its garbage filler, not a lead up.

Yes she just committed mass-planet genocide. Again.

She’s black.

Correction: she tried to.

Magneto of all people stopped that from happening.

Wait which Pyro is this one? And will he be gay or just British?

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I always thought doug and sage would be an interesting duo if ever paired up so hickman already got one two good marks from me. One for finally giving me the pair up and two for the previews actually giving slight hope, still being wary though just in case.

The list is super fucked, Wolverine's first appearance is listed as 1963. Fucking editors

Maybe they're trying to retcon the first appearances

I was going to say the original one but this shit Has me wondering and it might be the new one since they look exactly alike.

Hmmm... I think those are the dates of the START of each series, not the issues the characters came from. Because they restarted numbering so many times they stopped counting which volumes they're in.

Will Hickman try to save Bobby or is he doomed to be a homo freak for eternity?
Asking for a friend.

>fixing anything
when will y'all learn

Nate still ended up erasing that world to start over because Jean wanted to leave. So all those mutants still died.

>It took Bobby the longest to remember the real world in X-tremists because he didn't want to remember he was gay

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fancy helmet that makes him psychically resemble xavier

Oh shit they’re back in Westchester? And lowercase letters? This can’t be real.

fuck you and your shitty opinions
I mean, seriously fuck you

Legion by Spurrier for starters. X-statix is returning next year

the date is not of appearance but the volume of the book

Jean is still there, so X is now gay too

Tieri's Weapon X was fun
Parker's X-stuff is nice

So why are there fingerprints in the plants?

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Any leaks yet?

>Alex is kill
So that's why we have baby Havok.

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Carey's X-Men/X-Men Legacy was pretty goo too.

life sucks and then you die, but at least I have HICKMAN

Chris, it's not a matter of opinion, the Shadow King was never one of the better X-Men villains.

it's like you can't get even more plebeian. the tv show proved that Shadow King is the best, he just wasn't utilized properly. Shadow King could have been the best explanation for the x-men being hated. I'm going to find a page for you so you can see too

>Shadow King could have been the best explanation for the x-men being hated
Imagine having so little understanding of human nature that you need a villain to be a reason why people hate another race that's going to replace them.

Imagine being such an unfunny cunt that nobody wants you around, that's you.

Pyro's Australian, not British.

that's dumb, Claremont's dumb, X-Men are good in spite of him

no, you are dumb, you just don't understand his greatness, it eludes you, like a girl is eluding a fat neckbeard, namely you

When did Sabretooth even die? AFAIK he got turned back into a huge dick after Weapon X-Force ended

Editorial cares user, whether you like it or not. Yes, Rosenberg run was shitty, but he was allowed to take the reins because they would allow whatever he had planned.

I'm 90% sure that he burned down the franchise just to have Hickman restart it anew, and any change for the characters could be chalked up to resurrection or some other mumbo jumbo.

it wasn't that bad, it was very bittersweet

that's professor x? jesus i've been out of the loop for a while, wtf

he walks now, i guess

my ass, he torched the franchise for god knows which fucking reason, that I'm sure only editorial and he know. Seriously, the death count is over 30 characters, and for what, just for some shock value?

he literally explained it in the last issue. he wanted to be a hickman

Hes now in a clone of Fantomex's body.
Though it seems there's been a bit of a time skip that'll probably be explained later in PoX

nobody fucking cares about continuity. hickman came and did whatever he want, fuck the rest. whatever you think about, it doesn't matter, go fuck yourself with your shitty continuity problems for fuck sake



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I wonder if she ever managed to purge that remnant of The Fury from her brain. That was the last big plot point (from New Excalibur/Exiles: Die by the Sword) I remember with her before she vanished.

It's the future, but that doesn't mean people will travel to it. Or come from it.

Wait, is it a clone body? Wasn’t it Fantomex’ actual body? I seem to remember something about Fantomex giving up his body for Xavier and just living out a fantasy dream world Xavier set up for him.

Which is what point number three was, user.

Fantomex has cloned himself so many times, so that must be what that user was talking about.

Ah, gotcha.

You know why comics are so shit today? Because writers think like you. That's why we've seen straight characters magically become gay, or dead characters inexplicably come back to life. When continuity doesn't matter, the past doesn't matter. When the past doesn't matter, nothing fucking matters. Because anything that happens today: any progress, any victory, any sacrifice, any significant development at all, will be wiped away tomorrow. It will be like nothing ever fucking happened.

It has always been like this

writers do not think. they see an easy paycheck and they use it. they think "hahaha stupid fans,they'll eat anything" and they just continue their job. they failed at being superproducers, so they write shitty comics for a living. this is a reality, this is the world that we accept as normal

stop being rational and fuck you too

and every fucking single day, god hides more from us, because he fucking despise us, and I can't fucking blame him

dude he's literally ignoring the worst bits as everyone should. Its like you complaining if a spider writer handwaved away the osborn/stacy kids.

This shit right here is why people say x-fags are the most entitled bitches on par with bat-fags.

shhh. he's an autist, he won't understand

why shouldn't they be? they have the burden of the comic book market on their shoulders

x-fags deserve the best and don't trust any shill who says otherwise

Amazing X-Men was pretty fun. Would recommend to anyone that really likes Nightcrawler

Sabretooth was decapitated my Magik and had his head kicked into a portal for good measure in the War of the Realms: UXM mini.

But he has healing factor. Can't he just grow a new head? Or his head can just grow a new body?

Terrible blog

did you read his mini (that rosenberg wrote and had marcos fucking martin on covers and also sucked ass) he died there and in fucking ivx or whatever that shit was as well

This run is going to be awful isn't it?


Tell that to Claremont.

>Shadow King could have been the best explanation for the x-men being hated
fuck off, that would be the dumbest retcon to 30+ years of comic history.

>Hickman doesn't care about continuity
you are a retard, he's been planning out his run extremely carefully cause while he wants to do something new he understands there is a very deep continuity that is very hard to penetrate. He's trying to strike a balance.

Nah editorial doesn't care. Rosenberg and Age of X-Man were all filler until they could get Hickman's run ready.

> but he was allowed to take the reins because they would allow whatever he had planned.

He was given the reins because Marvel currently doesn't have much in the way of choices. Anyone prominent would be expensive and Hickman isn't going to be cheap.

Hickman was at the writers conference when they were talking about how to build up to his run. All these idiots here think White just took a holiday from his job don't know what the fuck they are talking about. Rosenburg's run was awful but it was awful cause they wanted to bring the X-men to their lowest point ever before Hickman's run. It was clearly intentional

No it's not. X-Men have been consistently getting more and more terrible in Alonson-Cebulski years. Rosenberg was worse than Guggenheim who was worse than Lemire, etc. The behind the scenes stuff on the x-books has made the books poison to the top talent not to mention Marvel lost a lot of potential writers who went completely over to Indies because they refuse to work for peanuts.

>All these idiots here think White just took a holiday from his job don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

And White has exercised far less control on these books than his predecessor: guys like Mark Powers or Nick Lowe for instance.

>they have the burden of the comic book market on their shoulders
Lol no, it hasn't been the case for a long, long time, if we're talking about X-Men.

Bunn's Magneto.

>why shouldn't they be? they have the burden of the comic book market on their shoulders

Not even close. The x-demo has basically imploded since House of M. Other than Uncanny or Wolverine related shit the majority of X-books are selling at cancellation or near cancellation levels. It remains a question if Hickman can even save the books since they have bled away so many readers.

>yadda yadda I pretend to know what I'm talking about

In hickman i trust

>me not understand numbers. math hard.

Underage posters in a nutshell.

yeah, you fucking suck, we know it already

Well duh.

Theoretically you have to be alive for healing factor to do anything, but considering all the ass-pulling they've done to it in the last couple decades, who knows.

Exiles vol. 1

No one cares about your incoherent rambling, fag!

I do, it's just that he is confused and he cannot differentiate between love and a professional handjob

It isn’t a clone body or Fantomex’s body. Fantomex gave up his body for Xavier to use as a canvas to create a new body.

X-book sales were the main thing keeping Marvel afloat during the bankruptcy years. That was 20 years ago, but a lot of fans aren't paying attention to sales, and think it's still true, or think Marvel owes X-fags and have a massive sense of entitlement.

Sales had been falling for years before House of M, and other Marvel franchises were already overtaking X-Men by then.

No it fucking wouldn't wouldn't. Messiah Complex was the literally the first part of the story. Second Coming was literally the end og the story, Messiah Complex was a middle part. Stop being a fucking casual fag

Pyro's face is from X-Necrosha so I guess the art isn't completely done

She showed up in X-Treme X-Men volume 2, for more than a few issues, and seemed to be back to her normal self. If I remember right.

It's probably the new one. The old one has only appeared since his death in Bobby's shitty run and I'm certain Hickman will avoid everything from that run, so the old one for better or worse is most likely still kill.

God they couldnt get anyone better than these South American nobodies? Where's Ribic? It makes it even more cringey when they compare this to Morrison/Quitely and Claremont/Lee.

So hold on, as soon as the X-Men realize they're trapped in a fake reality with Age of X, they wind up in another? Am I wrong?

ya blew it

No, theres probably just been a time skip

Thats cypher dummy

I'm still banking on that twist. Kind of obvious from his helmet if you know Hickman, though.


Right, a 6 or 8 month jump and this is the reality that Magneto and X-Man have been working on.

Still not over the fact that Jamie and Havok just needlessly killed themselves at the drop of a hat. A single sentinel and Alex just kills himself. Two sentinels and Jamie throws every multiple and the prime into the grinder. Do people just want to die in Rosenberg's universe?


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Yeah, Rasputin is the last name of both Colossus and Magik. I thought the general consensus we arrived on was that she was somehow related to them.

>Rosenburg's run was awful but it was awful cause they wanted to bring the X-men to their lowest point ever before Hickman's run.
Great job in being an absolute fucking moron.

Bringing the X-Men to their lowest point doesn't mean the writing has to be utter dogshit. Rosenberg's run wasn't awful because of some editorial mandate. It was awful because Rosenberg is a shitty fucking writer, and he was allowed to do whatever he wants because none of it matters as evidenced by some deaths already being undone.

Rosenberg literally just put the X-Men right where they were before his run, only with some more deaths. Disassembled, Age of X-Man, Uncanny Shit-Men could have not happened at all, and it would have no effect on the status quo for HIckman's run.

Somebody doesn't know how to read.

That isn't Cypher, he looks more like Elixer with pointy ears. He is probably a random mutant, why would they kill Cypher in such an unimportant way

What a fucking pussy

Think she's Piotr and Kitty's daughter. She's got the metal skin, and the Tarot card showed her phasing through a wall.

Definitely does look like finger prints.

*Second Coming

i think it depends on if you want X-Men to end on a morbid, depressing note or one with a hopeful future that you don’t really need to follow up on

>posts this screenshot
>ignores her fathers blek skin and nigga nose

Isn't Powers of X a prequel dealing with mutant history though? Would make more sense as Colossus' great grandparent

PoX is supposed to go through the past/present/future if I remember correctly.

The preview for PoX takes place in a dystopian(post apocalypse?) type future. The "path to Krakoa" line, for example, is a clear reference to the Krakoa gates being established in HoX.

And since Rasputin-chick is in that preview, along with baldy-chick, red not-Nightcrawler, and gold-face guy, I'm taking it as they're descendents and older versions of current characters. Gold-face could be the gold dude who goes through the gate with Jean.

So...they're the Fae now.

bump for Cypher's technarch arm. I hope we see Prodigy hang out with these nerds.