Have you ever had a shitty fanbase ruin a show for you?
For me it's pic related, as well as My Little Penis and Homestuck (minus the Sweet Bro parts).
Have you ever had a shitty fanbase ruin a show for you?
For me it's pic related, as well as My Little Penis and Homestuck (minus the Sweet Bro parts).
Other urls found in this thread:
I miss when Homestuck was good.
No. I can enjoy something without needing to interact with a fanbase. If a thing I like has a bunch of shitty fans I just ignore them. I'm not going to let fans ruin something for me just out of fear of being associated with them.
I thought this until R&M fans rioted at the McDonald's across the street from my work.
No, retard. Stop being cringy and acting like its high school and somehow you get in trouble by associating with the things you like.
yeah they are called sjws and racists. I gots 2 fer 1
Actually just voting for Trump puts you in the same category of a Nazi and DC is putting out a book where Superman beats up the KKK and there gonna compare them.to.trump
You do know Superman vs KKK is kind of a legacy, right?
This only works if they don't actively seek out and destroy any attempt at discussion. Then the show deserves to carry the burden of the fanbase. You don't get to shitpost without consequences, so you shouldn't complain when someone holds you to a higher standard.
I don't believe that ever happened. I think you saw that one weird awkward performance art that one guy did on YouTube and then built a story about a riot upon that guy's scripted tantrum.
Yea Forums is the shittiest fanbase to end all shitty fanbase.Erosion of fandom discourse can easily be tracked back to you shitposting fucks
What is Yea Forums as a whole a fan of? Cute cats?
The shitty homosuck fanbase went on to ruin the MLP threads, so at least that overlaps.
If you're so insecure about enjoying something you like, because of a loud minority associated with it, that says more about you, than the fandom.
That's fine, but the problem is when the shitty fanbase leaks into the product itself, for example Homestuck.
I feel the same. I don't let other people dictate what I like, I watch and I either enjoy it or don't.
Then get the fuck out back to where the fuck you came from.
Nigger, that was staged.
This, shitty fanbases tend to be easily avoidable or a minor inconvenience and will often create good content to occasionally skim in but don't dive in before it becomes full of attention whores and furries.
A show, no.
Discussion of a show, hoo baby you better believe it
100% this.
No one gives a shit if Superman wants to beat up KKK assholes, comparing them to Trump is ludicrous.
Came here to post this. Stop letting people effect what you do and do not like.
Sounds wonderful, lets hope it keeps happening.
And classic Yea Forums, bringing up politics where it really doesn’t belong. I hate this website
There is always at least one thread on /an/ with some faggot whining about cats.
2016 ruined this place.
Bitching and moaning about fanbases threads are cancer and against >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.
Not just Yea Forums, that's everywhere nowadays.
Technically, it has more to do with the general decay of society, increasing censorship stifling discourse and sides increasingly becoming more polarized, more irate and more detached from reality. The 2016 election was just an effect and a sharp jump in the amplitude of this long trend.
Even on Yea Forums you can see how some boards broke down into a cesspool of doubletrolling and brigading. There is no point in discussion anymore, outrage and shitposting is the purpose now and not only on Yea Forums. Just compare this cultural decades of SJWs, tumblr, whining, neo-nazis, edgy kids and outrage culture with the blissful unawareness of the 90s and 00s.
that's perfectly fine but it does become a problem if you ever want to talk with someone else about the show. Any time you say that you like the show you feel the need to justify why you do and how your reasons are different from the majority of the fanbase. One time I was talking about anime with a friend at a party and a girl literally said to me "oh my god, you actually watch anime?" because anime fans are still associated with being weirdos and outcasts. So the perception of the fans does have an impact on your ability to relate to other people about the media you connect with.
The sheer butthurt than Pone caused was worth it all
>you feel the need to justify why you do and how your reasons are different from the majority of the fanbase.
Because the problem is with YOU, frustrated litle omega incel. Normal people have no need to justify their taste, only cringy autists who are too scared to even like something do that.
IIRC it was organized shitposters and the overreaction to it what lead to /mlp/. The entire fandom took a sharp nosedive after S1 ended and small horse ceased to be a Yea Forums and Yea Forums thing