Why does this show have predominantly white fans? Any black people I know are indifferent to it, but it has a cult following and it's almost all white people.
Why does this show have predominantly white fans? Any black people I know are indifferent to it...
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Proof? This sounds like conjecture
because it captured everything that is wrong and everything that is right with blacks without bullshit.
It didn’t play favorites. Yea Forums, we have this thread every day.
Too real for black people
Because its a way for whites to laugh at blacks while pretending they aren't racist
The ability to laugh at ourselves is very useful
They like Samuel Jackson's "any race can be a nigger" policy.
Which just goes to show what an absolute nigger that guy is.
I thought it was okay. The nigga moment episode was hilarious.
t. Tyrone
Speaking of which, this sentiment goes double for Chappelle Show. That shit was motherfucking hilarious, and a lot of it was plenty familiar. At times I'd find myself thinking, "Yeah, that's about right"
Though Dave himself admitted that the show got too popular to the extent that white guys just parroted the catchphrases and didn't understand any of the social commentary
silly user black people only watch animu
What black people do you know are indifferent to it?
If they're indifferent, it's probably because BD hasn't been relevant in S4 (or S2/3 if you wanna be cynical).
Translation: whites found it funny, which isnt okay, its "OUR" show
Translation: he didn't like his own insensitive jokes when parroted back to him so he ran off to Africa until his money ran out, then came back to do the same thing over again.
>walking down the street
>some fucking dude runs up to you and yells "I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH"
Supposed to be fine because he said it in a scripted TV show
>living in Hollywood
>implying Dave Chapelle lives in Hollywood
>implying only people in Hollywood yell shit at celebrities
Are you people retarded?
I don’t even know who Rick James is. I can only imagine it got popular as a matter of people being able to shout it after doing something annoying like it justified what they were doing.
>I don't know who Rick James is
fucking Christ the irony
Uncle Ruckus (no relation) is the only consistently good character on the show. Everyone else jumps between okay and shit.
Because someone put a curse on Aaron McGruder; he's only interested in speaking to black people but the only ones who listen are white people.
>I don’t even know who Rick James is.
Jesus Christ, Yea Forums.
Racist white people love it, black weebs love it and people who can enjoy the show without holding polarized views on race can enjoy the fact that both sides get lampooned hard.
Rick James was a coked out tranny from the 70s.
>Any black people I know are indifferent to it
What? This is the opposite of true. What black people are you talking to?
>Ed and Rumy were anything but 10/10 the whole way through all 3 seasons
The ep where Ruckus befriends a racist country singer was one of the cutest things i've ever seen. I still think it would have been funnier if they had just ended it at Ruckus being heartbroken that he changed the guys views on race instead of them bonding of their mutual hatred of spics.
Because it is. OP is a fuckboi
>Speaking of which, this sentiment goes double for Chappelle Show.
and triple for atlanta
>Any black people I know are indifferent to it
I dunno what kinda black people you're hanging around.
why does it matter?
Uncle Ruckus is a national treasure.
the concept of “revitiligo” in general and his denying being black was one of the funniest things I’ve seen explored on a tv show.
t. white guy
Because you probably only know white people.
I lived in Miami and everyone from Cubans to Haitians loved it.
The follow-up with ghost of Stinkmeaner is better.
But I love the show
>laughing at the antics of another race makes you racist
Fuck off. If people really want everyone to be equal they should be prepared to be laughed at when people of their race act like fucking retards.
Too critical of black people(not to say it's wrong, which it isn't junglebunny) and not nearly as critical of white people(not to say it's flattering either, uncle Ruckus). It just assumes white people are evil incarnate(which they are, but that's all humans and I would go as far as saying all life essentiall) and it goes from there.
I enjoyed it and still watch it
Think the boys ever double-teamed Jazmine?
He was a famous r&b singer in the 80's.
Black man watches it and sees a sitcom, white man watches it and sees a documentary.
Archie Bunker/Eric Cartman syndrome: viewers agreed with the character they weren’t supposed to agree with.
Riley is for Cindy and would say it's gay to have your dick and balls near another guy's dick and balls, Jasmine only has a thing for Huey, and Huey is too busy getting balls deep into conspiracies to fuck.
He doesn't hang around black people. He asked the one black guy at work and he didn't like it.
Because it criticizes black behavior. Most blacks would rather blame whites for their problems than hear a fellow black lecturing them.
What are talking about Black people loved the show back in the day, one my friends still does his Tom impression sometimes and we laugh for hours
>Why does this show have predominantly white fans?
Said who?
At least my black kung-fu movie is safe
whites have always been obsessed with balcks
There's a difference between
>Haha this person is a fucking retard
>Haha all this person is a retard and therefore everyone wit a similar skintone is as well
>brainlet: I watch boondocks for the sharp social commentary
>Galactic Brainlord: I ship these two racist fucks
Because black people think the show is mocking them. And white people think the show is agreeing with them.
I'm black and love this show and every black friend I know loves it.
>I don’t even know who Rick James is
R&B singer
Race doesn't matter cause zoomers don't watch this. It gets old and that's all. You are just oldfags who still has to stick to old shit for some reason. In reality nobody even cares bout the show anymore
They watch mha which is full of Japanese. Whether they are Blacks or whites.
I mean stop talking about race you fucking faggot. Why does that matter?
>Why does this show have predominantly white fans?
I'd add in that in the US there are like eight white people for every black person. If 25% of all white people get into a thing, you'd have twice as many white fans as there are black, even if every last black person was into it. It doesn't mean anything, it's just math.
You don't know many black folks because the only ones that live in your enclosed neighborhood are doctors or lawyers who don't involve themselves in cartoons like you, fggt. My homie loves this show and he drops inside jokes about it to his other black friends.
I like how they race-swapped the two worst stereotypes when it comes to race on America. They have the gangbanger white dudes who waste their time and money on worthless shit while shooting up places; and the inbred, black dude who's only distraction from his pathetic life is pride in the white race.
What's the best / most memorable gag/joke in the show?
>What's good nigga?!
>nigga moment
Booty warrior (I'm aware he's real) and the chair.
I don't know a single black person that doesn't love this show. You're probably just not hanging out with the right black people.
true, I'm black and it's aight not blown away by it
Riley wants bitches but doesn't know what to do with them.Besides I'm pretty sure Cindy has claim on him. Huey realizes that women are just a distraction from the cause and also her being half white is probably a turnoff. Realistically she'd probably end up with Huey in a stilted relationship as she tries to force him to open up while he tries to force her to be more cynical.
"Ah you were talkin' that GOOD shit a second ago. Then you got kicked in yo chest. YOU EAT A DICK, NIGGA. YOU EAT A DICK!"
Hey! I liked it!
The uncle Ruckus exorcist parody
>oh yes, there’s powerful niggadry at work here
The part where they start beating him chanting “nigga get your black ass out of here” actually made me wheeze out of laughing so hard.
If OP used his two brain cells instead of treating anecdotal evidence as imperical he'd know that show has a lot of black fans
What the fuck
It's time for Jojo to reference him
Probably the Oreos that go to his college
"Dear Santa, you are a bitch ass nigga."
Listen, Fuck you, fuck the plane you flew in on, fuck dem shoes. fuck those socks with the belts on 'em, fuck your fairy faggot accent, fuck yo yuck mouth teeth, fuck Guy Richie, fuck Prince William, fuck the Queen. My president is black and my Lambo is Blue, Nigga. Now get the fuck out my office. And if I see you on the street I'm slappin' the shit out you.
Side effects of zartofrinex might be bleeding, Nausea, Mild death and trouble breathing. If you feel pain in or on testicles please call your doctor, you may be experiencing a condition known as total scrotal implosion. If you can not move or talk due to the debilitating pain of total scrotal implosion please have a family member call for you. There is no cure for total scrotal implosion.
Second best pharmaceutical commercial parody, right behind the American Dad one.
This is probably why OP made this thread
most black people don't lend themselves to memes about black people like everyone being named Tyrone, which is actually an irish name btw
So you're either super desperate to fit in with Yea Forums assholes or you're actually just a white person
Have you hears of the Kumitee?
[Achaa woolao]
Op, you realize that black people are only about 15 percent of America?
I know plenty of black people who love this show. Now what op?
I would fuck the SHIT out of Luna. I'd marry that psycho kung-fu yandere.
>watching your back makes you obsessed
I thought that had grown to like 20% due to their population growth compared to whites?
Black nerd watch anime.
>a whip, a noose, a nightstick, a branding iron. These things strike fear into a nigga's heart. A job application
I'm the health inspector, and you forgot to wash behind your ears.
Or perhaps I simply recognize common stereotypes and don't have a huge stick up my ass? And maybe I come here to joke around and not give a fuck? Goddamn, if I were too self-serious to poke some light fun at myself anonymously online, I'd probably just kill myself. But then that's at least half this fucking site now, thanks to newfaggot twitter rejects and activist wannabes.
I think it's shrunk, actually. From 14% recently to now closer to 12. Not that I can be assed to confirm, but I vaguely recall hearing about it sometime or other.
Have you seen The Jerk starring Steve Martin? Steve Martin's character is adopted by black hillbillies and he spends his entire life believing that he's black. And the rest of the movie is about him naively trying to make his way in the world.
Why do white people always presume to know any-and-everything about every nationality/culture/skin color, and then apply their myopic viewpoint to everything on the planet?
(and by "white people", I mean "identipoltards on the internet")
Fucking hell hahaha
>Martin Luther King rant
>Booty Warrior rapes Chris Hansen
>Dick riding Obama
>Nigga moment
>Tyler Perry and BET getting butthurt irl
Top five most people know about boondocks
Lost my shit when he pulled out the job application
Never got around to watching it, I guess it made 'em feel they were getting a vicarious n-word pass?
nigger, the n-word is nigger
Then you're lame, user.
it's almost like black people are a minority
>Get down on the ground and let me see some ID!
>That's a great idea Mr police officer sir. I'll just reach into my pocket and pull out my safety-orange walle--
>t.doesn't go outside
This. She was perfect
I always hear people say she looked like Azula.
>Tyrone is actually an Irish name
Is this why its always the gingers who get raceswapped into black people? Have we stumbled on the secret?
I don't really see the resemblance but she was delicious crazy nonetheless.
>Tyler Perry and BET getting butthurt irl
Abortion, gang violence, poverty, and incarceration rates have actually kept the black population hovering between 12-14% which has been the national average for blacks for most of U.S. history.
It was politics, definitions of "the whire race" were always about politics. Irish people were excluded from the White People Club for purely political reasons, and pseudoscientific rationalizations were created to justify it. Like supposedly Irish people were a tribe of albino negroes who snuck into the Isles by way of Spain. Pure lunacy, but it was all about shutting them out and keeping them down.
I recall many black kids in middle school quoting it on a daily basis. It was a regular occurrence to hear a few of them break out a rendition of Thugnificent's "Boody Butt Cheeks"
That's a racist statement.
OP's talking about imaginary associates.
Well, Avatar did harp on Boondocks designs.
Every black person I know, including myself, loves it. Bullshit premise.
Because Adult Swim viewers are predominantly white.
Is this the kinda shit you niggas put on your feet nowadays? it looks like a damn astronaut. I'm black I'm not walkin' on the moon, I'm walkin' to the liquor store.
But it also points out how society fucks over black people
It pulls no punches. The Boondocks pretty much points out that the only way for the life of black people to change is to be the change. Society is half the problem, the other half is black people themselves.
Probably not a gag but whenever some guy is saying side shit while offscreen.
Blacks love this show, niggas live this show
You are only saying this because you know more whites then blacks and you’re acting like a know it all cracker
Probably my favorite S3 episode.
I'm black (albeit Nigerian American) and I loved the show when I was younger.
Actual black person here. This will be my only post in the thread, so no "Ask A Black Guy Time", sorry.
ANYTHING that's about race is for whites. Non-whites aren't as obsessed with ourselves as you guys are with us. This is why 100% of Marvel's audience is straight white male nerds. No one cares about that political shit except for you losers.
Weren't Avatar and Boondocks done by Korean animation studios?
>Nigerian American
Fuck off, you guys are the chinks of black people
>i'm black, though
Are you assuming every white person who watches The Boondocks is racist?
That's a pretty racist assumption my guy.
I got my only Saturday detention in high school for sticking my head into my friends class and yelling IM RICK JAMES BITCH
this was in 2003 the day after the episode originally aired.
ahhhh good times
exactly, you get it. they’re both hilarious characters too. Ruckus is the best though.
>send that bitch a smiley face, bitches love smiley faces
Based Edgeworth
>purely political reasons,
No, they were excluded for cultural reasons. A combination of sentimentality and malice might seem fine from afar but up close the Irish are anything but cute.
You’re right about this. Even Captain Marvel audience was males under 20 instead of the females they tried to appeal
yes it’s hilarious. I actually just watched it again a week or so ago at a friends house.
look how hard faggot centerists have to work just to post on Yea Forums
Cultural reasons are also political when acted upon like that.
Me and my friends quote Gangstalicious talking about his dream as kid was that Ice Cube killed his whole family all the time.