Superman Smashes the Klan General

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DC makes great lolis.

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I'm going to buy this for the girl.

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Thank you Superman from saving us from Hillary and her literal KKK grand dragon mentor Robert Byrd. Democrats BTFO.

Art style? More like FART style!

Anyone tired of liberal media insulting people who voted for Trump by making them out to be Nazis or the KKK?

Attached: Artwork.png (600x361, 68K)

No, I love it.
When one side is screaming "OPEN BORDERS AND FREE HEALTHCARE FOR ILLEGALS, OR YOU'RE A NAZI!", normal people would rather unironically heil Hitler.

It's an adaptation of a famous Superman radio play from like sixty years ago. The fact that you immediately associate racist ideology with Trump is on you, dude.

>literal KKK grand dragon mentor Robert Byrd

That guy who utterly renounced the KKK and spent the latter half of his life actively working against their goals and ideology in order to redeem himself for his past mistakes? Or a different guy by the same name?

Nobody is actually calling for open borders, you loon. That's just something that right-wingers made up in order to strawman their enemies.

That's because Trumpo dogwhistles to the KKK, you fascist. Get punched.

This is a story about the literal KKK, at the height of their power, many decades ago.

>nobody is calling for open borders
>they just don't believe in having border security
>or detaining people who are here illegally
>or deporting them
>or allowing ICE to do their job

You do realize when people get sick and go to an emergency room, even if they wait hours to be seen, THEY get seen, and get cared for, and all that gets paid for when YOU get sent to the hospital (assuming your parents have you covered under their plan and you're not an uninsured asswipe yourself)

I think you're missing the subtext of what I was saying to him. My point is that the fact that he hears KKK and immediately thinks of Trump, even when there's no connection with him in the media being presented, tells me that he knows, deep down inside, that his precious president is a racist of the same stripe, and that he's blurting this out even when nobody is bringing the topic up.

She also grew up in Chicago, as a Republican daughter in a fully Republican family. Calling anyone like Byrd her mentor is just the purest form of stupidity and ignorance

It if walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, how is it not a duck? Or right, because it would trigger the duck to be called by its name. How silly of me.

This thread is going to get pruned for being off-topic fast, and we're all likely to get banned for taking part in off-topic discussion, so I'm noping out of this thread before it happens.

Good bait, OP. You had me going for a few minutes there.

How will Trumpcels ever recover?

With mass shootings

>Take down my strawman and a hundred more strawmen take its place!
Yes, truly your wall of mental illness cannot be broken. Don't you have a quarantined Reddit board to shit up?

All of those things are literally true.

Not really

Seriously these are just the kids from fucking Gotham Academy!

Attached: Gotham_Academy_Vol_1_17.jpg (1988x3056, 893K)

I'm not sure why you're denying it now. Any other second of the day you would be screaming about concentration camps and how we need more sanctuary cities to BTFO ICE.


Not gonna lie, Superman looks fantastic in this Gurihiru's art style really does suit him.