Justice League 028 Storytime

Lex Luthor: Apex Predator!

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Did Lex start hearing voices?

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F for a worthless character.

That's all. Hope you enjoyed this book.

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>Jarro changes the future
What is he going to do guys?

I am so glad Martian is out of the picture, even if it only twmporary. He has done nothign this run but whine about Luthoe and act as a glorified telcommunications system for the League. He was more useful in the Superman title against Rogol Zar then he has been against Perpetua and the Legion.

I think I now realize I just don't like the Justice League, or at least any iteration featuring big players. I couldn't get into Morrisons run and this run is doing nothing for me while JLI is one of my favourite DC books.
Guess I'll stick to Justice League:*subtitle* from now on.

probably sacrifice himself somehow

What about JSA? Yay or nay?

Martian Manhunter will always job no matter what
in this case this is how they decided it would take place

They're still a Yay to me, at this point the characters are all so tied together there it's weird to separate them unlike the JL.
Hell even the current TT run I'm enjoying, though it sucks that Damian, Emiko and Wally aren't featured more in their home books

I sure am! It’s retarded. I mean that in a good way. It’s retarded the same way Supergirl nearly killed the Anti-Monitor that one time with a good punch in the back. It’s retarded in the way Superman used to shoot smol Supermen out of his fingers, and Wonder Woman used to be weak to bondage.

I’m so used to comic events bend so far backwards justifying themselves with cosmic energy and quantum, that I find it refreshingly absurd that this one just spouts the most absurd, retarded shit at me as a pretence to the Justice League fighting the Legion of Doom but with EVERYONE getting stupid big powerlevels.

I mean look at this shit, this is basically Imperfect Cell turning into Semi-Perfect Cell.

God this storyline is dumb. OP Lex sucks.

You don't need to see people to use your powers John.

What could he possibly offer Lobo?

A contract. What I really want to know, is what he could’ve possibly though to offer Darkseid when Darkseid would always do things his way. In fairness based on the relevant Odyssey issue he seems to know it would’ve been a lost cause.

Dolphin pussy

Something something f*moid Wolverine something.

>liking wings on his hats
That look would never look good on a Flash.

>Martian Manjobber jobs again
All is right in the universe.

Is Cheung even doing interiors anymore? That fuck is so goddamn slow.

Cheung is slow as shit while also copying himself, so no.

Starman, our Black Swan of this DC variation of "Everything Dies/Secret Wars" is even lamer than she was because at least she had a few good mocking barbs for the heroes. Starman just makes cryptic statements and cries in the corner.

Wow did they just off J'onn after just bringing him back into prominence?

Jarro is getting bigger...


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And he's not even hot anymore.

Jarro grew up so fast

I’m sure it’s easier to focus your will on a target you see.


Classic MM.

This reminds me when Marvel made Peter Parker rich and ruined the original struggling background. This feels almost the same thing by removing Luthor's humanity.

Information about all his progeny he didn't know about and didn't kill yet.

They counsel him. They understand.

Eh, Luthor will be back to his old self next year, just like always. He goes through phases like this all the time.

At this pace it's gonna take another two to three years for Snyder and mini-Snyder to be done with him.

Focusing on J'onn and Kendra was a mistake.

Who cares about Spider-Man because he's struggling? He's not even struggling. He probably got it the easiest of all the comic book heroes.

I hate how capecomics want to focus on a new romantic couple without making the story about romance. If you want a new couple, write about the development of their relationship. If you don't care enough about that, why even make them a couple?

"Stay in my sight line."

Everyone is behind John.

Hal would never.

What was even the point of this awkward pairing?

Are they even an actual couple?
Honestly that's a couple they can retcon out whenever they want, they suck together.

Everyone's talking about Martian Manhunter jobbing, but can we talk about the Weaponers of Qward for a moment?

When was the last time these guys had an appearance that wasn't jobbing? They jobbed to the Crime Syndicate in Kurt Busiek's JLA run, they jobbed to Sinestro in the the buildup to Sinestro Corps, they jobbed to THEIR OWN LEADER in Tony Bedard's Green Lantern stuff, and now they're back to job again.

Is there any more pathetic race of aliens in the DC Multiverse? I'm frankly starting to feel sorry for them.

It is retarded and boring. When Tynion is at the helm is obvious he is only doing a check up of events that must happen. No nuances, no anything.

They have been traveling to and from Qward for decades now, I don't see why they have such a huge problem about it here.

And really, Sinestro, Cheetah and Grodd threatening a team with two monitors on it.

So Luthor's plan is to get martian powers to rival Superman?

I guess that makes more sense than some other plots. At least a martian can contend with him more than any armor.

>God this storyline is dumb.
Tynion's a hack who, as near as I can tell, exists in order to make Snyder look good in comparison.

Damn, Thanos switched the bear mode for the otter mode.

Welp let me guess J'onns future kid is gonna sacrifice himself to save him.

Yeah, the ring always auto-converted matter to anti-matter and vise versa before.

Also, I think the Anti-Monitor might be the only strong one among his brothers. The Monitor used to job to the Teen Titans back in the 80's.

Did Lex just eat J'onn?

>So Luthor's plan is to get martian powers to rival Superman?

Nope, his plan is to restore the old race of cosmic warriors Perpetua created to rule the omniverse as her immortal warriors. The martian powers aren't what makes him an apex predator, it's the ability to harness the 7 energies of creation: the speed/still force, the emotional spectrum, the tear of extinction, the fifth dimension, etc. That sort of stuff should theoretically put him far above superman.

>those eyes
Lex really let himself go after listening to Perpetua for so long.

The Anti-Moniter nearly died from Supergirl punching him in the back, and ran out of energy travelling back to the dawn of time. At least Forger got up again no problem after the Superman punch.

Martian does sound like a reasonable means of rivaling Superman. Physically on his level along with psychic powers well above a kryptonian.

heh, gay

Jesus, when’s the next Wonder Woman issue coming out? Is it even officially delayed?

Martians have all the same superpowers as Kryptonians, plus telepathy and shapeshifting. They are super OP, which is why they have to job all the time.

Those faces are exploitable.

Great more martian sex.

Looks like Carter's back on the menu, boys.

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how are they going to retcon this?

I haven't read DC in a few years, WTF happened to their backstory?

Superman will punch Luthor in the stomach really hard, and Luthor will puke out Martian Manhunter like Cell did with Android 18.

I feel like Black Adam wouldn't fall for Luthor's shenanigans

Snip this now. Luthor being part Martian means he's extremely adverse to fire and that's whats gonna force him to shit Jonn out of his ass. Because he can't handle the habanero sauce wings from Dominos.

You think they'd trust Hal with this?

Calling it, J’onn is gonna pull a Superior Spider-Man and the last remainder of his consciousness will bring itself back in the back of Luthors mind.