>"Boring and unimaginative"
Ouch, Disney.
Who could have predicted this.
"Boring and unimaginative"
Don't you have a dam to shove your dick into?
Afraid I don't get your reference.
Lots of people?
People were pretty mixed about Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin, and they've been saying the realistic animals were a weird choice since it was announced. I'm not sure why it not getting great reviews is a shock.
The only mystery is how they keep printing money.
>The only mystery is how they keep printing money.
Too big to fail, I guess.
They could make a movie that was 2 uninterrupted hours of a pile of shit on a plate and it would still make millions.
How many life action remades have to flop until they stop?
I mean did any till now make any money?
Cool, thanks for indicating how racist this thread is going to be
Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and Cinderella did really really well so it’s not stopping anytime soon
Literally everyone.
At least the next ten Star Wars films will make up for the loss.
You're supposed to say "don't you have a dyke to shove your dick into," then the Flem says "DON'T WE ALL MY FRIEND" before doing a happy little wooden shoe dance.
Turns out Lion King was produced with a crew that was mostly African American
So if you hate it, you're racist.
the irony is that the first movie is also extremely bad story wise, but it has catchy songs and stunning visuals, something the remake forgot
They fucked Dumbo, this could succeed but looks horrible.
So you're saying black people can't make shitty movies.
>A remake of a story that ripped every single element off of Hamlet and Kimba except for the score is boring an unimaginative
Also water is wet.
It looked fine but added like unnecessary contact to it that was even longer than the original.
Boring and unimaginative is an understatement
These shitty 3D remakes can't have stunning visuals because they're always going photorealistic. It's not that reality can't be stunning, it's that aping reality without inspiration gives you nothing of worth, these movies are total jobs and no one working on them gives a shit.
Who in their right mind would prefer the one on top? They're not even doing anything, just walking and singing. Also those colors on the original are fantastic, if anything the remake will make me appreciate more the classic
the animals were very bad actors
So I got back from the cinema.
You know how in the original, Rafiki grabs the wind-driven flower petals and realizes that Simba is alive?
Well in the remake, a tuft of Simba's hair is carried by the wind, a couple of birds, eaten by a giraffe, shat out, turned into a poo ball for a rhino beetle, the poo ball breaks and the hair is picked up by an ant, and that ant just so happens to be part of a colony that leads to Rafiki's tree.
Fucking fuck fuck fuck.
Everyone seems to forget how often Disney would rape franchises, even before they were "too big to fail". They'll probably milk the CGI movies for another two years and then move on to something else.
That Oscar is mine and there’s no rat to save you now.
You're fucking with me and I refuse to believe this.
So why can't DCEU do the same?
The worst part is that I can actually see this happening.
user, I WISH I was lying.
I was the one who sat through HT3 and posted about the fucking Macarena dance-off to beat the villain.
I've seen shit. Two hours of it.
So when you say "shat out", are there any up-close giraffe sphincter scenes?
Because this could make or break the movie in the long run.
Without music could be confused for a conversation, animals blend into the background made worse by the camera panning back, shit use of environment making the entire scene a place the characters walk in
Obviously a musical scene due to the characters gestures, characters contrast the background, close up shots, good use of environment making the scene intresting
Oh god this is so bad
The tuft was on a tree the giraffe was eating from. After the giraffes leave the tree the scene fades to black and cuts to a shot of cracked desert. There's a little brown ball rolling on the ground. Close-up shot shots a ball of poo with the hair stuck in it and the rhino beetle is pushing it along.
you literally can make that shit up
Wow disney really did turn everything in this film to shit.
>carried by the wind, a couple of birds, eaten by a giraffe
I hope we see the giraffe eat those birds in details
Looks like Disney literally did make shit up, though.
>Disney can put literal shit on screen and still profit
didn't one of the creators get up his own ass about how he didn't consider this animated or a cartoon or something?
How did the Danes react to the Little Mermaid shit?
Why the fuck
Extreme indifference and poor ticket sales.
Took me some time to realize it was a Hanz reference.
Fuck germans
When will they remake the Hunchback of Notre Dame?
disney already fucked their fairyales with what they did to the snow queen, i doubt they care any more.
Wouldn't that be problematic? It would be body shaming and ableist and a million other meaningless buzzwords.
Is Disney even popular there? They seem to have a completely different standard of what's child friendly, I'd imagine Disney would be shit for like 4 year olds compared to Ronal the Barbarian.
>The only mystery is how they keep printing money
There are no other big movies currently playing and women watch every shit
The current generation doesn't care about Disney very much. Nobody watched TV and they get their kids shows through netflix and whatever else is available. My generation will go to see animated Disney films on principle, but not this live-action shit. I haven't met a single person who felt these remakes were a good idea.
Star Wars is also not doing well here. People in general have given up on the franchise, most consider it dead outside of hardcore fans who will accept anything, simply because there are no alternatives. In the toy shops you can see endless rows of Reys and Finn figures that will never be sold, slowly being discounted further and further until they disappear into boxes, are written off as a loss and get sent to recycling.
>t. Butthurt swede/germcuck
>Hamlet but with a happy ending is bad
Damn whoever wrote this review is really bad at spelling, I can't read any of this.
>It’s a very strange comparison to make, but the film that most obviously comes to mind when watching Jon Favreau’s The Lion King is Gus Van Sant’s infamous nineties remake of Psycho.
What about Duck Comics?
Aren't those are supposed to be big in there?
And yes, I know those are not really Disney. They just bear the brand's name.
Who the fuck would want to buy a toy that can't even be posed?! Star Wars or not this is just shit.
It's because it's star wars that they they thought they could get away with selling shit.
Just slap Star Wars on it.
I don't even want to see how they butchered "I just can't wait to be king"
There's still the weekly magazine and monthly thick comic book, but I don't know if it's doing well or not.
Everyone I know owns at least one Donald Duck comic. Idk if that indicates anything or not
top: walking and brown.
That was my favorite scene in the animated movie due to the bright colors, and abstract artwork. But because of "realism" you know the scene will be shit in this version.
They may not even have the scene, because they said some songs were cut from the animated movie. And I see no way the musical number can be done using realistic animals.
I'm kinda looking forward to that scene. I don't expect it to be good or anything, but I'm curious to see what exactly are they going to do with a colourful scene like that. Will they do stylistic exaggeration like the original, or is that too unrealistic for this particular movie?
I suppose they might cut the song and do it like the comic, in which Simba and Nala simply lose Zazu by running into a herd of different animals.
What is Disney's idea here? Why remake the same old shit over and over?
They have unlimited money, they could do anything they wanted to.
And they choose to do this.
Just the one?
>hamlet is good, because I remember its name!
If dubs, it makes a billion
If trips it makes 2 billion
If quads it makes 3 billion
Its easy.
They literally don't have to come up with new movies. Just rehash the entire animated library in live action. Takes little effort to do this, and the movies still print money.
It's the Lion King.
It will easily make 1 billion.
I can see it possibly catching End Game and Avatar as the highest grossing movie ever made. Even with it being shit.
live action is cheaper than CGI at this point, and the public eat it up since beauty and the beast made people beliving hating shit made you a rapist
A calculation of low risk versus projected revenue.
Disney's (and any corporation's, really) board of directors is made up of people who only see the world as figures on a spreadsheet.
To them there is no such a thing as all the money. There is only the money you made last year, and the money you will make next year, which always needs to be more than last. How
That is of course until you reach the practical upper limit, and the whole house of cards collapses.
Welcome to late stage capitalism. Where the economy is driven by how much bullshit you can shovel.
it already did 2 billion people hate it.
I don't like this timeline very much.
>caring what danes think
Oh user... The only things danes know anything about is trollhunting
I know what I am talking about, I am danish
So I just bothered to check rotten tomatoes.
Aladdin's critics score is 57% while audiences score it 94.
What the fuck?
WTF I hate audience now.
That the average moviegoer doesn't give a shit, even though the critics saw through the shameless bullshit?
It's Aladdin!
I remember that from my childhood!
they should have made the Lions black.
>There are no other big movies currently playing and women watch every shit
Sadly true, yet they couldn't be arsed to watch Godzilla
No one cares really. They already pissed on the Snow Queen and set in in Norway, it looks like this rl LIttle Mermaid will be set in the Caribbean, so the one complaint I have heard is that some people are upset Denmark won't be featured or probably even mentioned in the movie.
Everyone. It looked terrible.
BvS made 800 mil, because people love Batman.
False flag. No one is saying this.
It's just bad.
Dutch people =/= Danish people
Stop racism today.
I've heard no such claims. I don't think black people are going to love it either.
And I bet someone thought that was clever.
It was all just a stupid idea.
This is the only time I will accept the "soul vs souless" meme because it is actually accurate
Every producer on the Lion King was a Jew
That seems like a fair comparison to me. It's why nobody liked the Psycho remake. Being "too" faithful is a thing
It's also going to get close to a billion, Lion King might give it enough of a boost to cross it. Yea Forums was saying it would flop
Those are Donut Runes not Swamp Hebrew
>What is Disney's idea here? Why remake the same old shit over and over?
Because Alice in Wonderland made a billion dollars in 2010 and then when they did it again it just kept making more money so there was no reason to stop.
Only Dumbo this year was their misstep with the live-action remakes
No, I've seen Do the Right Thing.
People are paying more than enough to cover the cost of these movies and by making them Disney is also making it seem like thier using their IPs for something.
It is actually currently coming in under projections. It looks like it's going for a 450-500M opening weekend worldwide, which is okay but nowhere near the numbers people were guessing
>I can see it possibly catching End Game and Avatar as the highest grossing movie ever made.
Are you fucking retarded?
General audience largely doesn't give a shit about this drama
My local paper gave it 2 out of 5 as well and the reviewer wrote how the movie is haunted by the spectre of the original.
>Extreme indifference
Do Danes get excited about anything or is is just silent stares and rotten fish?
from the thumbnail he looks like he's eating pussy
Danes don't eat rotten fish. That's a swedish/Finish/Faroese thing.
That's some good mouth animation. I could tell what he was saying just from reading his lips
Beer and Mads Mikkelsen.
Yea Forums is an English language imageboard.
Audiences don't trust critics. It's an inverse proportion.
Critics like something, audiences hate it.
Critics dislike something, audiences love it.
I can think of many examples to prove this wrong from just Disney alone
they did the exact same thing with the jungle book remake. 'I wanna be like you' was all sung from a seated position.
I dunno, browsing Twitter at random to see what general normies are thinking about TLK's remake, and a bunch of them say they don't read or listen to critics. Nostalgia is really that blinding.
"Oh, well, you can't make a true opinion til you see the whole movie for yourself, so don't trust critics."
Even though there's plenty of clips out there, already showing how cringe-worthy a lot of scenes are.
I get the feeling Be Prepared is going to be the same way. If you've listened to the new soundtrack, Scar just randomly starts "singing". Really strange lead-up. We already knew it was going to be neutered anyway.
Heard rumor that I Can't Wait... is just Simba and Nala running around and singing, not actually dancing or anything.
>Heard rumor that I Can't Wait... is just Simba and Nala running around and singing, not actually dancing or anything.
No no no no no no no no no no no no
The whole point of that song's cartoonish unrealisticness even from the frame of an animated film was to showcase Simba and Nala's imagination while they fucked with Zazu, why would they do this why would they think anyone wants to watch that aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
i don't get it
ok, but is the movie making big money?
critcs dont matter for disney if the movie still making millions.
Because that's the limitations with having everything look to realistic; it has to obey real world physics or else it disrupts your brain's suspension of disbelief or enters uncanny valley cringe.
That's why these remakes don't work. Their only selling feature is nostalgia. Granted, they could re-release the originals in theaters and I'd go see'em. I regret not getting to see TLK's re-release in IMAX. I imagine the opening, stampede and final sequences were chillingly beautiful.
It really is a souless vs soul change.
Hmm, yes, shallow and pedantic.
>pay us 10 bucks to watch Animal Planet for 2 hours
Horses eat birds, why wouldn't giraffes?
You´re not getting at the right question;
Does Timon still dress in drags and do the hula?
From the people who brought you Star Wars lettuce, Star Wars diapers and Star Wars condoms.
Compare and contrast
The IMAX version(and by extension every modern home release) is kind of bittersweet. Keep in mind that the original was made in 2K and they had to redraw large chunks of the film to make it work in larger formats. The way Disney tinkers with their CAPS films is reminiscent of what George Lucas did to the original SW trilogy.
Who are these very stupid people? Why are they rewarding worst rehashes of great films?
By "redraw" do you mean that thing they did to Sword in the Stone?
Did companies lose their soul recently or were they always like this?
does that really matter? lion king is going to be a success.
>few months from now
>bargain bins are a mix of this movie and the talking animal mockbusters made to cash in on this movie
PC Culture is just as bad over here, so it was kind of the same. Some said it was ridiculous, they were called racist
So far none of them have flopped. Actually, all of them havr made a very decent profit margin
Someone should put stereotypical blackface on the statue as counter-protest against those naughty racists.
You know that all of the old saturday morning cartoons were pretty much just glorified toy commercials right?
even normies hated it
I'm pretty sure the artsists drawing all these computer generated lions don't live in Africa.
Thankfully no. There's a big difference between anything pre-Rescuers Down Under and everything after it which is how it was made primarily in computers. In the case of The Lion King and almost every other digital Disney film from that time they insert new elements and replace others. Sometimes it looks okay, other times they fuck up and you get mistakes like this:
Sword in the Stone was shot on film, and because Disney has a seething hatred for film grain they put a really shitty filter over it that removed a huge amount of detail. SotS is the worst case but pretty much every Xerox film(101 Dalmations to Oliver and Company) suffers greatly from these filters.
Depends where you live. In Jutland I don't see any of this shit. I've met 2 extreme feminists and both hated blacks.
The statue is bronze, so it wouldn´t really be obvious
I actually think i saw a pro black Ariel argument being that the statue was Black
They are really tanking the brand though. Once upon a time, Disney live action movies were almost as loved as their animated ones. Not any more, not even close. If they had competition, that could actually be bad for them. But monopoly and IP laws don't exist in America if your company's name is Disney Incorporated.
>black people under the sea drag you to a watery grave
Wow, Andersen sure was a racist jerk!
Im from Aarhus and i have plenty of friends in Copenhagen and its horrible there. Im from the province though, and racism is pretty blatant there
Also, didn´t they remove the statue from the ride?
I like how you can almost hear the bottom one
If you think having a funny statue on a kids ride is racism, you're a dumbass.
Company never had soul, but before internet confirmed than most people are just braindead consummer they needed to at least pretend to care.
People complained so they 'brought it back', but it's a monkey ride now.
Dude, he was literally an incel
All women in his stories are harpies or innocent princesses
If you read autographies on him its even worse. All women in his life were either inattainable to him or treated him horribly. He had either extreme asperbergers or autism, or a horrible combination of both.
He died a virgin, and kept a diary where he marked an X every time he jerked off
I visited this old rich dude's mansion once and there was a ugly tent in the back room our guide told us it was because he once tried to go to the beach with Andersen, but he was scared to go fearing the wind would blow off his skin, so he made a small tent for him to sit in. He was 100% a nutcase.
Fuck I could've explained that a bit better.
I meant the guy who owned the mansion back in the day went to the beach with Andersen. Not our guide lol
But that's the point, the whole thing is uncanny valley cringe from the very start, that very much disturbs the brain.
Why not make it expressive and colorful and fun?
If it's uncanny valley shit, I'd rather it be cool to look uncanny valley than weird and boring uncanny valley.
> Dansker bruger Yea Forums
Bliv ved med det, Amerikanerne vil endelige blive ude
I knew this movie was going to be shit when they started playing the "woke: card in the clickbait media and trying to imply that critics are in fact racists. No bigger indicator of a stinking turd than preemptive attempts to pander.