Meanwhile at the Iceberg lounge...
Meanwhile at the Iceberg lounge
does anyone have that page where Penguin thinks someone is going to show up to kill him and there's nothing he can do about it, so he thanks his employees and tells them to go home so they won't die too.
Hey Penguin!
You suck!
I swear to god, if Killer Croc pops in I'm out of here. I can't deal with that fucking smell.
Really wish I had those two minutes back
Ha! He says what we’re all thinking!
I want a cheeseburger
A high IQ post indeed
I miss this
Also side note does anyone have that comic page where it keeps switching between penguin helping some woman and torturing some guy
Who do you think would be the best Batman villain to work for? Penguin seems like the best one.
>snazzy nightclub
>takes care of his men
>least likely to snap and murder you for no reason
Actually he snaps a lot and ruins other lives because he assumes they attacked his fragile ego.
Ventriloquist or two face seem like safer options. Maybe also the Riddler.
Maybe Two Face? I mean even if you piss him off enough to kill you there's a 50/50 chance you'll make it out alive.
So how exactly does the Iceberg Lounge function within the context of DCU? Most of its portrayals in comics have it basically be a casino, and the ones that do have it as a lounge present it as some kind of throwback that looks more like a supper club.
I always thought it was a nightclub / bar
There's also a 50/50 chance he just decides not to give you a cut of the profits.
>Then I said, "nice pussy, Catwoman!"
Yeah Riddler or Two Face wouldn’t be bad. Black Mask wouldn’t be terrible depending which characterization you get. Freeze wouldn’t be bad. Also if you’re counting Red Hood them that’s the obvious choice
I imagine playing poker with Joker involves every now and then him just playing 5 Aces in one hand, and the table just letting him have it because otherwise he'll gas the whole group.
It's been a casino, a boat, a fucking floating palace, and a regular club. Really just depends on the writer.
It's gotta be Black Mask when he's written as a mob boss or a joke villain.
And even then, it's 50/50 if he even gives you half of what you're owed
"50% of the time, it works Everytime." - Two-face employees.
I feel like the Riddler would end up getting you killed in some puzzle just to show much smarter he is then his henchmen
I'm happy to see it pop back up. I'll wait till a couple of more Meanwhile threads pop up, and then Azula will come out too play.
Thank you, sir.
I'm fairly certain they have heard of the Law of Diminishing Returns in Japan but they just don't care.
Goddammit, Scarecrow. Why's one of your test subjects in the shower with a fake gun?
> "How uncouth! Kindly escort this gentleman out of the premises before he makes further trouble for our guests!"
Hey where's that broad with the big tits that usually dresses up like Poison Ivy? She's usually working today.
"Okay boys, due to complaints, for pay day I'll be using this here three sised die. On a 1 you get payed full, 2 means half, and three means jack. Got it? Good."
"Does that mean we can call you Three Face now?"
"... *BANG* Any other stupid questions?"
Can robots love?
Waitress, bring me the most mediumly price wine in the whole club.
>Let me make you wait a few minutes to fill your glass completely with ice
How can a die have 3 sides
Love how Two-Face is playing with two pairs in his hands
Or alternatively.
Nah he's cold blooded, he can't step foot inside of here without falling asleep
Why didn't you flip a coin before deciding to kill him?
We do indeed, live in a society.
>rapes joker
heh nothing personal
My favorite Batman villain by far.
Where is my Turtle Soup? I want your famous Turtle Soup! It's the only blasted reason I came to Gotham, that and to get away from those BLASTED TURTLES!
Sorry, Shredder, the service here is terrible.
"How dare you!? In my own establishment!"
Well I'm thinking of seizing it now.
Maybe we can settle this over a little agreement?
*Ahem* Iceberg's closed.
You told the police?!
You’re a fool!
"Show me your warrant first, commissioner!"
Yes..... a fake gun
"Who are you? Get away from the stage! You're interrupting my favourite classicals!"
You can go on with your Sex slave trafficing and we wont bother you at all for this month.
I'll make sure Batman won't be a problem.
But You will will make sure our dearest pagliacci gets fucked by bane and fifty sharp beaked penguins ON TAPE for 24/7.
Can you believe it,that son of a bitch keept sending dickpics to my daughter for 2 weeks?
"An interesting offer, Gordon. I should be sickened but since it's coming from you I'm not surprised. Fine, Pagliacci is a direct competitor anyway. BANE!"
My body m..I mean Barbara's body barbara's choice you prick.
If I was you I would be running for my life now or for the rest of whats left of my dignity
YO! Where my hot wings at?! I’m starving here!
"Quiet you!"
Tonight..... You
penguin is accompnied by bad novelty jokes.
"Ah hem. My apologies ladies and gentleman. Obviously, that's a ridiculous statement. I'm a living, breathing human being like the rest of you. How could I possibly be a cookie? Am I crumbling right now?"
A little
I don't know how to feel about that.
"Hush, meatball! I'm fine!"
"What's Freeze been up to? Haven't heard of him in a while."
I think he means you're shit at it, user. So do us a favor and never do it again.
I like hiding stuff
Fuck you Batman