Did Avatar have a more ridiculous character than the armless chick who was inexplicably better than everyone at waterbending?
Did Avatar have a more ridiculous character than the armless chick who was inexplicably better than everyone at...
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the blind chick who was inexplicably better than everyone at earthbending
Katawa Avatar
Ming-Hua was awesome, she should have gotten more lines
But she was explicabled
they never explic'd this?
I never finished korra.
She's just there
They explicidationated it in the episode where it was introduced, in Avatar. Toph's blindness and her connection with the badger moles's instinctual bending forms let her feel for earthen impurities in metal. She didn't bend metal so much as bend trace impurities around metal.
In real life the disabled are well, disabled. Fantasy settings are an environment where a person with a disability might fixate on their disability so it's a bad idea to assume a blind girl or a paraplegic is armless.
The blind chick is Toph, who was good because she used tremor sense or something. Apparently like 99% of Earthbenders are Grug-tier brainlets that just chuck rocks and get bodied by teenage girls who can't bend.
Limbless girl is never explained. Masters like Bumi were seen bending in a full bind, but that was pretty much small rocks. Ming-Hua is really more about ToK bending being less about martial arts and more about straight up telekinesis/super powers, like being able to shoot lightning with a finger gun.
A person born blind is still going to be pretty damn good at getting a general sense of awarness with a cane and dog. Same goes for a deaf person and lip reading.
It just makes sense that people in an era where its do or die are going to become extremely good at their only means of independence.
Now if you mean stupid shit like Cass from batman then yea I agree.
Also pic highly related.
I would rather have watched a show about anarchists growing up into terrorists than what we got with korra.
You can say the same for the other Red Lotus members. Why do they need to explain it? She's a talented bender born with a disability. Bumi literally bended with his chin in Avatar so there's no problem with this.
>like being able to shoot lightning with a finger gun.
Or shooting explosions out of your forehead?
Where's the explanation for that
>She didn't bend metal so much as bend trace impurities around metal.
I thought it was finally explained that Toph actually bent metal. Every other metal bender just used the traces of earth method.
When she was doing it they specifically showed her sensing the earth inside the metal, along with the Guru explaining it
>Even metal is just a part of earth that has been purified and refined.
>[As Pathik speaks, the camera fades to Xin Fu and Yu trying to take Toph home. She feels around the metal cage with seismic sense and feels tiny particles of earth in the metal. She smiles, exhales deeply and begins to push against the metal.]
So yeah she's bending the unrefined earth around the metal unless I'm unaware of something.
This. No matter how good Toph becomes at metalbending, she's still technically bending the earth impurities. She's never been shown bending pure steel, platinum, and other such refined metals.
On a somewhat unrelated note, one of the things I enjoyed unconditionally about Korra was how the bending styles evolved from TLA.
>lightning bending in TLA involved lots of movements and preparation, swirling arm movements to focus and hone the chi
>lightning bending in Korra is a series of straight, practical jabs
>bending in general in TLA is based on Chinese wushu, very impractical for combat but effective as a tool for meditation and exercise
>bending in Korra is street brawling, karate and akikido, and Kuvira's jeet kune do style of metalbending
Top kek
English motherfucker, do you speak it?
It's a perfectly cromulant word, you disembiggened penismonger.
Guy, metals are part of Earth. It is not a stretch once they figured they could move it to find out how to refine that tech. Not like Air bender need a certain mixture of air to bend it.
He controls the energy of the fire and releases it in a single burst rather than giant ball of fire.
This was an outlier in the series, but was obviously linked to the tattoo, breathe, and mental state(psychic?).
The limbless girl never really moved around as far as I remember, just manipulates the tendrils with her mind. I guess one justification would be a sort of phantom limb for bending, but LOK has a lot of motionless or effectively motionless bending in it already.
That makes sense on paper but it contradicts the logic of bending intradiegetically. Hiroshi Sato forged a giant 99.999% platinum wall to trap Korra and Lin in his mad scientist cave in season 1 because he knew metalbenders couldn't bend hyper-refined metals, and he supplied Kuvira's army with platinum mechas for the same reason.
Except that P'Li could combustionbend too. And fitting with the Mary Sue status of the Red Lotus, she could do it better than Sparky Sparky Boom Man could.
and I believe they even threw in a line in the show about how "even toph never managed to bend this platinum cuz there ain't no shitty rock in it"
Yes user, combustion bending was typical of benders and a learned technique.
Retard, other people have watched the show. There's an entire scene where Iroh talks about the importance of separating the negative and positive energy in order to bring them together.
Bumi bending small rocks by THRUSTING his chin under intense strain is not in the same ballpark as achieving Doctor fucking Octagonapus through aggressive wiggling (which is being generous, her bending is pretty independent of her body movements). It's cool, but she has no special genetically inherited combustion eye or 24/7 bloodbender shit that even attempts to justify why she has more intricate control than masters with the modest advantage of both their arms.
Which is honestly fine, unless you want go with "My parents abandoned me in a river because I was a useless cripple, for the rest of my life I was raised by fish".
>There's an entire scene where Iroh talks about the importance of separating the negative and positive energy in order to bring them together.
What the hell are you talking about.
That has nothing to do with combustion bending, we got no explanation whatsoever for what it is.
If someone can "blow stuff up with their mind" and bend rock hundred feet below by only slightly moving their face than Ming-Hua is completely believable. Benders have literally done that exact water tentacle move time and time.
user, Ming-Hua was clothed in layers upon layers of robes throughout the season. You didn't see her kegelbending
To clarify, combustionbenders don't blow shit up with their minds. Did you guys not watch the episodes featuring them? They project a beam of heat from their third eyes that blossoms into concussive fire upon impact. It's still firebending, not some weird psychic magic.
Ming-Hua is tight as a Tupperwear lid. Who would fuck the armless, hostile freak? She absolutely died a virgin.
Goddamn she's cute, would take care of for life.
something, something, chakra points
something, something, bending experiments
something, something, i didn't like the caracter anyways
>Who would fuck the armless, hostile freak?
Where, I say where, in the actual diddly doodly ding dang dong god damn fucking FUCK do you think we are??
Your standards are trash. Even still, she's too good looking for you. If you're lucky, you might find a filthy fat redneck to pop out a few retarded rugrats.
i hated that, to be honest
took some of the magic out of it for me
and even though he's never once been shown firebending (kinda making it seem like if he could, he lost that power), she's still fully capable of doing it
Yeah but I would argue he totally could, just opted not too. P'Li DID firebend, but only defensively. She also preferred to combustionbend when attacking.
This is irrelevant since the show never used steel as an example, but the 'tism can't let it slide: Steel is far from pure, in fact we introduce more earth (through carbon) into iron to get steel. Its impurity gives it strenght. It would be the easiest metal to bend, even twinkletoes should manage.
>took some of the magic out of it for me
I agree! I wish they would have explored that concept further. The tension between spirituality, balance and modernity, where even the sacred forms that allow humans to control the elements of the universe are now a rote, plebian tool. It would have been a good segue into the latter half of season 2, instead of Korra's evil uncle going full Kefka for no substantiated reason. (We're not spiritual enough that is why I must invade the southern water tribe with my armada of platinum-plated areodynamic dreadnought catamarans and motorized snowtanks and fuse with the great evil sealed away for 10,000 years!)
Those feet are pretty gross. She'd be cuter with stumps.
what's to stop any other waterbender from literally disarming her?
god, the fight choreography for this was ass
You know what she would really be cute with?
arms and legs
110% pure kegelbending. And Kya knew it too that's why she threw the fight, she wanted (*needed*) to get Ming-Hua out the way so she could start beanbending.
>"No, here's a scene where Iroh talks directly about why you need two hands"
>"What the hell are you talking about?"
OK retard we get it you're delusional.
>combustion bending, again
We just went over this.
>bend rock hundreds of feet below
Roofing tiles, under intense strain, and with a clear lifting motion.
>the octopus
Watch how the technique is performed, how the tentacles lash out, the bender rooting themselves to one spot. It is nothing compared to Ming-Hua's independent water limbs.
I dunno it's clear at this point that you're just being disingenuous.
No one looks at and sees anything remotely related to ATLA bending unless they are baiting. There's no need to be sensitive, Ming-Hua is fine as a character. Water arms is a lot cooler and worth breaking bending conventions over than 24/7 bloodbending or one-handed lightning finger gun (which ironically is what killed her).
>what's to stop any other waterbender from literally disarming her?
why doesn't Toph explode other earthbenders rocks or immediately fling it back at them before it even gets close to her, why doesn't Su just crush Kuvira's armor, why exactly can't a bloodbender bloodbend another talented waterbender
do all these questions have the same answer
>combustion bending was typical of benders and a learned technique.
So typical, we saw only one guy in Laat Airbender doing it.
Ming-Hua's bending works fine. She twists her torso when she wants to manipulate her water tentacles.
>sees anything remotely related to ATLA bending unless they are baiting
Katara did the same move and barely had to do any movement to do it, especially compared to Ming-Hua who's constantly twisting her body looking like a living embodiment of water
>why doesn't Toph explode other earthbenders rocks
because that wouldn't really solve the problem
>immediately fling it back at them before it even gets close to her
she's flung it right back
>why doesn't Su just crush Kuvira's armor
korra's bending is part of the problem
>why exactly can't a bloodbender bloodbend another talented waterbender
they can and have. the first time and only time it happened right
just look at all the torso spasming she does surfing that wave
>because that wouldn't really solve the problem
How wouldn't it, explode the rock before it leaves their hand and save the energy having to dodge. Toph's precise enough to do that. Just look at the Dai Li their rock gloves should be an easy exploitable weakness for an earthbender like Toph. Just crush their hands... right?
>she's flung it right back
She waits till the rock is close before either blocking it or deflecting it, she's never flung it back at them when it's closer to them than her.
>the first time and only time it happened right
according to Katara the reason why Hama couldn't control her is because her bending is stronger
>My bending is more powerful than yours, Hama. Your technique is useless on me!
Well, have in mind that bending isn't actually moving you arms and legs in a certain way, but instead has more to do with focusing your chi or whatever the fuck, and you use the specific forms to help you achive that
Now stretch the phantom limb thing a bit, add some of the Mary Sue status all the other Red Lotus share, and there you have crazy octopus chick with chi flowing wherever she wants
>She waits till the rock is close before either blocking it or deflecting it, she's never flung it back at them when it's closer to them than her.
there might be a certain issue you seem to be ignoring
If you and the other guy pooled your IQ you could fill 1/2 an ice tray.
Why do you bother to tell pure lies when someone has already posted WEBMs in the thread demonstrating that no, she clearly doesn't need to twist or even move her body to bend? 50% of the time it's follow through (because they're her arms and are animated like they're her arms), 30% no movement, and maybe 20% the water spirals around her when she spins. You're seriously going to keep on trying to compare Octopus to what Ming-Hua does?
Listen, I get it, but the only reason people give value to bending motions is because they're cool and emblematic of the series. There's like 5 fucking dramatic scenes in ATLA where people shoot lighting at each other with huge, drawn out circling motions and maybe some slow-mo. Ming-Hua doesn't make a lick of sense, but no one cares because her bending is cool and full of motion anyway.
Finger gun not only dumpsters what Iroh said, it's just lame. Frankly, if I was a colossal Ming-Hua fag, I'd be pissed at that shit.
she can literally sense earth
when it's connected to the ground
here's the hint, not a requirement for earthbending
She doesnt sense earth, her shit works like a radar through earth, but with feet instead of screaming
Toph could sense the rock even though the game wasn't on the ground, it was on a suspended wooden board. She can sense her element. This is why she can so reliably block incoming projectiles.
and the people she senses up are clearly 100% earth too
whoa an enigmatic bender in a group with other enigmatic benders
>whoa a bullshit bender in a group with other bullshit benders
>You're seriously going to keep on trying to compare Octopus to what Ming-Hua does?
Not that, I was talking about the literal water arms which took little movement
And you can see Ming-Hua directing her whole body to flow with her arms, i.e. they deliberately show her spin so as to create that drill
>Ming-Hua doesn't make a lick of sense
Bumi can literally face bend, Combustion Bender was described as "telekinetic" in the artbook and the whole combustion bending would've been lambasted to hell if it were introduced in TLOK guaranteed. I don't see any reason why someone in her position couldn't find a way to still bend, especially with waterbending. I really like the concept of talented benders born with a disability overcoming it.
How powerful would the Avatar be if they had none of their senses and was just a head?
But a head has all of his senses.
>She waits till the rock is close before either blocking it or deflecting it, she's never flung it back at them when it's closer to them than her.
So if she wasn't blind she wouldn't need to wait till the rock is close before deflecting? Why does her being blind mean she can only see the rock when its close
Then why can't she see their rock gloves and squish them on their hand
No. Blind, deaf, no sense of smell, can't feel anything, and has no working taste buds.
Probably the best spirit bender you can imagine.
>So if she wasn't blind she wouldn't need to wait till the rock is close before deflecting?
>Why does her being blind mean she can only see the rock when its close
because she has to actually know where the rock is to bend it
How does lava bend work again
i imagine this avatar would wonder why the fuck the avatar spirit selected him
If I knew I would already tried it out.
be an earth bender with fire nation heritage/cultural experience, i think.
>non bullshit way
be an avatar who had already mastered fire/earth bending (or using avatar state)
>bullshit way
be a useless character in LoK that the writers want to give relevance to
How do you turn Earth into lava by spinning it really fast?
Seriously? Why is the Avatarverse so in favour for genetic advantages?
Carbon isn't earth, most carbon you can think of is organic in origin.
it doesn't, it's spiritual. but if you grow up with a firebender mother or whatever, you're going to pick up their cultural ideals and it will affect you a little
tldr hybrid vigor
so instead of stopping the attack right away by preventing them from flinging rock at her at all,
she should be able to see them pulling the rock out of the ground and throwing them at her with her radar, instead she waits till the attack is a meter away from her face relying on her...hearing? to know where it is deflecting it at the last possible moment
makes sense to me!
Ming-Hua is your big point of contention, OP? Not the guy who can earthbend fire? 'Kay.
But can she turn the pages of a book without getting them wet?
>she should be able to see them pulling the rock out of the ground and throwing them at her with her radar
she does. that's how she's able to deflect them
I think that fight is a terrible example because she's fought all of those people before, likely several times, so she'd know how they attack
as for her sensing it off the ground, her hearing. I remember it focusing on her ears a few times in that episode. it also likely helped that she continually took defensive stances like in so she could more easily get her hands on the earth and deflect
>Doctor fucking Octagonapus
That's a name I haven't heard in a long ass time.
is hot rock
Style points bruh
Also I assume there is a range on this shit, like she might be able to stop a pebble at 6 foot out, but those softball looking chunks have more mass, more momentum, and she pretty much has to stop them in her hands. There's probably a loss of precision with distance as well.
>that's how she's able to deflect them
if she does then why doesn't she stop the attacks preemptively
lack of a better example I'm thinking Ron pulling the club out of the troll's hand and whacking his head with it, replace club with enemy earthbending. no one ever exerts control over an enemies bending unless it's close same with their equipment like metal armor or rock glove. I do think some sort of proximity hullabaloo is the only explanation for it other than fight scene gotta fight scene.
Cross linked elemetals always existed.
Via the Avatar.
but why can waterbending and airbending make stuff hotter (or colder) too
No, like swamp bending which is water and earth.
Or Lightning which is fire and air.
You're talking out of your ass. The bog benders just bent the water within the plants. And lightning generation has nothing to do with airbending.
I don't think I've ever seen airbending actually change the temperature
waterbending, liquid can be boiled with just motion. I don't know what to tell ya about turning it to ice
Swamp is literally just water, lightning is just fire. This isnt fucking naruto, retard
Lava was always part of the earth. Why shouldn't it be spiritual linked with earth ending?
>I don't think I've ever seen airbending actually change the temperature
Aang has done that freeze breath a lot especially in the first season, he like froze a volcano that one time before he knew any other element. There wasn't any instances of him needing to do the opposite and make things hotter but in TLOK Tenzin comments how he can always keep himself warm with airbending...which sort of retroactively explains why Aang could just hang out in the frozen tundra with a thin monk garb and high in the sky on Appa without giving a fuck.
and yeah waterbending is self-explanatory, but you can say more reasonable too considering it's known as the element of Change™.
He cooled it down the same way you cool your food by breathing on it. Are you so autistic you need such simple shit explained to you?
Because until Korra, lavabending was pretty explicitly stated to be something only the Avatar could achieve. Ghazan doing it was an asspull that hasn't been adequately explained.
Lads, this whole argument starts from a flawed premise. Avatarverse magic kung-fu doesn't operate on the same principles as real world chemistry and physics. There is a unified thaumaturgical model we can assemble to explain everything from combustion bending to limbless tai chi, but it requires us to shed our preconceived notions of how to reconcile two very different realities operating under very different inherent models. We have to start over from zero that's what V2 is for
I still don't consider TLoK cannon because of how shitty it was, so don't bring retroactive shit into the argument
Yeah, changing the temperature radically.
>explicitly stated
When? I only know until now only the Avatar did it.
>I'm the Avatar! You've gotta deal with it!... Hello? Is anyone there? I'm the Avatar! Hello?
Season one, Avatar Roku.
Why are you arguing this? You literally thought lightning generation was a fucking kekkei genkai. You don't understand the subject enough to speak intelligently on it.
there's a difference between effect and cause
it would be like saying that Aang blowing air into the vent to levitate the rock was earthbending because it was him moving rocks with bending
ok then how do you explain why Aang can prance around in freezing temperatures meanwhile his friends are bundled up eskimo children eh? where's the cool Aang winter character design why did he have that ugly monk uniform for most of the series
You know what doesn't make any fucking sense?
Does anyone give a fuck? No.
Everyone controls their ki/chi/charkra and guides it with the bending forms so it does what they want. We've already seen some people can do this without movement forms, they can channel the energy with their mind (which everyone does to a limited extent).
She just happens to be the best at it, probably out of nessasity due to her disability. Nessasity is the mother of all invention. The red lotus are a group of the best 4 benders in the world who want to throw of the perceived shackles of nations.
Why do you think this is weird?
>You literally thought lightning generation was a fucking kekkei genkai
Bullshit, I did. I said elements happen in combination in nature, so sometimes benders can exploit such a thing. Like bending dirt water which happened during the Siege.
>You don't understand the subject enough to speak intelligently on it.
Then piss off. I stay.
>little movement
The water arms are pretty much just portable water whips bound to her limbs. A bender attracting their element to themselves is one thing, but for actual attacks and movement her arms are the most critical part of the technique.
I mean what the fuck is that image, "Jesus take the wheel" bending? The tendrils are wrapped around and steering a fucking car, that isn't a technique that's a "drive safe" instruction manual. They are just her fucking arms, which she controls with her fucking mind, full stop. Everything that can be discussed has to be off of that foundation or we're agreeing to be either blind or retarded.
You wanna talk about why combustion bending is dumb, fine. I don't really see anyone raving about Combustion Guy honestly. Muh special bloodline, whatever, it's weak there and it's even worse with Yakone/Amon/Tarrlok. I prefer Ming-Hua to that garbage, and I'm not saying she shouldn't exist. I'm saying, UNLIKE TOPH, it doesn't make sense how Ming bends the way she does, which is better than the fucking Ocean and Moon Spirits, even La needs to lift his arms. Amazingly, Bryke knew better than to try to explain it with her fucking ancestry or justify it with Bumi straining to lift roof tiles.
"It just works" and it's cool, there are harder pills to swallow in Korra.
I dunno, this is a point of contention because it was originally either a firebender technique or an Avatar-only technique.
>A) During the Avatar State intro, hotman's turn is erupting volcanoes. Later, we see Sozin is capable of bending the heat out of the lava but not the molten rock itself.
>B) During the chibi short made by the creators, Zuko lava bends when trying to hype up how great firebending is.
I'd firmly say it was Avatar-exclusive in ATLA (bending fire and earth), and then given to Earthbenders in Korra because I guess they weren't already overpowered enough.
he's the avatar and had a century of being frozen
in comparison, it would feel like a nice spring day
Bending comes from a magical ghost kite that sounds like my mother.
that argument's retarded. if that's the case, why not just have a deathbender just kill everyone and the avatar has to learn lifebending to bring them back?
you set up a system and try to keep it fairly consistent with limited divergences
comparing someone like combustion man to her, it's a bullshit comparison. CM was a one-off villain who showed up twice while she was a major villain for the season
>We've already seen some people can do this without movement forms
only in korra, where they've given up on consistency since the very beginning
The reasoning is that she basically waterbends 24/7 out of necessity so she is supremely practiced and capable, as well as the fact that water bending is a part of her being instead of a weapon she wields. Honestly it was pretty obvious.
>CM was a one-off villain who showed up twice
he was the main villain for The Beach, The Runaway, and The Western Air Temple
saying he had a bigger role than Ming-Hua wouldn't be an exaggeration
bending generally doesn't follow rigid rules, we see Bumi bend with his face or Katara accidentally cracking glaciers by getting mad or Azula shooting fire out of her nostrils. there's no reason someone like Ming-Hua or Combustion Man or Ghazan couldn't exist. I don't need to stretch my believability to think a talented individual with a lifetime of training could be a proficient bender even without limbs more than mere fact firebenders can creating lightning by lacking emotion and..."separating the energies of yin and yang"
>does anyone give a fuck about bending becoming a generic magic superpower
>in the show that was wholly unique because of bending
No one can be stupid enough to explain this concept to you in a way that you can understand. I've already tried and done it to death for you.
At what point did you become so disillusioned that it has to be explained why people valued bending? Even I think Ming-Hua is an exception among exceptions, but holy fuck.
May as well just kill off all the past lives.
>does anyone give a fuck about bending becoming a generic magic superpower
>in the show that was wholly unique because of bending
No one can be stupid enough to explain this concept to you in a way that you can understand. I've already tried and done it to death for you.
At what point did you become so disillusioned that it has to be explained why people valued bending? Even I think Ming-Hua is an exception among exceptions, but holy fuck.
May as well just kill off all the past lives.
So where are we drawing the line at what is "earth"? Is pure silicon considered "earth"? After all, sand is mostly just silicon and oxygen.
>Avatar is literally only good for flashy spectacle
Go back to watching Bay flicks.
Do you mind telling us what you think the rules of bending are?
>Katara cracking glaciers
Thrusting back with her arms while emotionally unstable, I'm not sure how they could be more clear
>Azula shooting fire through her nose
The source of firebending is the breath
>Combustion Man
muh special bloodline
>desperately trying to conflate lightning bending and Bumi lifting tiles with what Ming-Hua does
Bro just give up, it's clear from lack of understanding of basic shit you just started the series with Korra and fell in love with Ming's tight noodle body.
>flashy spectacle
oh, I am laffin
>desperately trying to conflate lightning bending and Bumi lifting tiles with what Ming-Hua does
well yeah
what does "separating the energies of yin and yang" even mean in the context of Avatar? Zuko, the audiences' surrogate for the scene, was all "oh yeah that makes total sense I'll just do that." And stop trying to downplay what Bumi did, he tore rock out of the ground floated it high off the ground and pried open a solid metal cage with just his face.
>Katara cracking glaciers
>Azula shooting fire through her nose
the point was you don't need to do a dance to bend your respective element, it doesn't follow rigid rules. Ming-Hua found her own way. I like Ming-Hua but I'm not a particular fan of her I just like the show generally.
You mean besides the two people who are able to make explosions with their mind???
>what does "separating the energies of yin and yang" even mean in the context of Avatar?
best guess? chakras
negative and positive emotions, meaning you need emotional control for it
>And stop trying to downplay what Bumi did, he tore rock out of the ground floated it high off the ground and pried open a solid metal cage with just his face.
still just roofing tiles, and that still took more movement and effort from him than it takes for her to bend a shit ton of water
>more ridiculous character
the Guru and the lion turtle were the two closest
>why is the chick that can't see better at handling the rigid and opaque element?
>why is the chick that can't manipulate objects better at handling the elements that it's the best for fine manipulation of other objects?
well she's been doing it her whole life unlike Bumi who was forced into that situation, but with her big stunts you do see her body get dragged along like spinning her whole body to make that drill or that spear. i.e. I would be bitching with you if
when she was doing that spin attack shit at 0:03 if she were just completely immobile while her arms spun around but the way they animated it looks good and people seemed to have responded well to her character despite how little she got. Overall I think S3 was a decent step in the right direction. TLOK was really missing that bending flair I think the worst example to me was looking at Amon force gripping people or Yakone bloodbending by just making a Marik face compared to the intimate complex movement that Hama showed off.
>whiny fags still mad Korra for whatever irrelevant reasons
>grasping for straws this hard
Holy shit you faggots are fucking embarrassing.
you do the thing aang did with the air ball but with all of the rocks
Korra is sex.
>bolin getting domesticd' by Eska and fucking no one calls it out
I've got the weirdest boner right now.
People literally hate on the Legend of Korra for such embarrassing, brain-dead reasons. And you guys literally make things up from both shows to justify these “flaws”.
>Ghazan Lavabending is retarded
Why? to the idiot that said it was explicitly stated to be an Avatar only ability in the original show, good job for lying / making shit up / not paying attention. That was never stated. All we did was see an Avatar lava bend, but it was never stated he’s the only one that could.
Why is ice to water okay for waterbenders, but rock to lava is an asspull? They’re both just changing the state of the element. Of course, you brain dead retards probably don’t even know lava is just melted rock. The fact that it’s a lot harder to melt rock into lava means it also makes sense that lava bending is a much more unique, rare skill than ice -> water
>but it was never stated he’s the only one that could
it was also never stated that only earthbenders can use the tremor sense
some things don't need to be explicitly said, but retards still retcon them
lava is hot rocks the same way ice is cold water
it's 100% absolutely no question completely earthbending
I was thinking the same but without those feet she wouldn't be able to ""walk"".
It reminds me of a operation where they cut your feet and put it back but backwards.
She used to have hands and most likely was a master water bender. Bending is centered around memorization/muscle movement. She probably found a way to stimulate the movement of hands in her head and manipulate the water to act like the limbs she lost.
its not even that far out there that maybe you just don't need to PHYSICALLY bend, since Iroh fire breaths without a physical action before hand, he drinks some tea then firebreaths, so the idea that you NEED to run out a physical action to bend.
What did they get so right in season 3 of Korra? Why was every other season so bad?
I always chocked it up to some mental power like Explosion Man or like how King Bumi could bend as good as a normal guy with just his chin.
But then again Korra is frequently full of fucking nonsence so its best not to think to hard about it and run off of rule of cool. At least Tenzin got to fucking clown Zaheer 1v1, which was both cool, appropriate for the character, as well as how such a conflict would logically go
The other reply is a faggot, while all the air nomads were benders due their spirituality, the show make it clearly that bending was a hereditary trait. The whole reason Ozai wanted to marry Ursa, was because it was predicted that their offspring would be powerful benders.
also, the show also promotes nationalism without realizing it lol but, I guess you can't blame them since its a cartoon, you weren't supposed to think too hard about it.
>She used to have hands and most likely was a master water bender.
No she didn't. That picture is fanart and the creators stated that she was born without arms.
Anyone have any webms of tla fights? Particularly the one at the well
>You just don't need to Physically bend.
You actually don't. Pic related and his father were skilled bloodbenders that they could fuck you up just by thinking.
I'm still upset Amon wasn't an Energybender though.
I mean, are you perfectly okay with korra?
God amon was so cool until it turned out he was just a waterbender
Third show where we get full R rated realistic fights and deaths fucking when? Should I just hang myself now and hope to be reborn into a better world?
Remember how he broke out of bloodbending while everyone else on the ground and he responded with "I am the solution?"
yeah him being a waterbender was a letdown. Fucking hell though, season one of Korra having the terrorist attack and the murder suicide on NICKELODEON. jesus christ
season 3 was still pretty damned bad
the special bending was stupid and baldy just kinda flying was really stupid
>I am the final solution
Was never really sure about those Raimi directed episodes...
Amon was a straight up G and was one of the two things Korra got right (alongside Tenzin's casting)
Noatak was a dumb twist that the authors put in there to catch people off guard
I like how all of Amon's points isn't cease to exist along with the Equalist just because he's a bender.
>"With great power comes great responsibility, Avatar Korra." I call it the Metalbender's Burden. In other words, the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant. The hotmen, the wetters, the air kikes....it's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall be crushed under the boulder. The Day of the Colossus is near, Avatar. We'll have every territory on the continent back in Earth Empire hands in 10 days and may the spirits remove my bending this very night if I'm wrong.
>turns directly to the viewer
>"May the one true God Jesus Christ bless Donald J. Trump, three term President Elect of the United States of America."
I just. I don't know guys. I loved LoK, for all its warts. But this tonal shift was REALLY abrupt.
>just replace this with Sozin and the fire nation and its almost completely canon
Trump is getting uppity for fucking with the earth kingdom.
>That fear in Korra's eyes as she see's Amon.
They did him so fucking dirty.
>dude, anarchy, lmao
Don't remember the character, but seems reasonable enough.
While there is a physical component, bending is primarily a mental discipline and not having arms would seem like a solid impetus for her to use her bending skills in mundane tasks to compensate for her lack of appendages possibly giving better precision than most benders are capable of.
Also, as waterbending's physical aspects are based on taiji, the emphasis would be on correct breathing, balance, keeping relaxed, none of which would be adversely affected by lack of arms.
Finally, I've been waiting forever to find the right moment to use this image.
Its Chi
She just manipulates her chi through breathing methods rather than kung-fu. Like how the Amon family just blood bended with their thoughts. Which was a mistake. Tentacle arm girl and Head laser are cool but what makes bending the best was that it needed kung-fu to work.
But...that's just really hot rock
no fire involved
thats fucking funny
Similar to how Waterbenders can freeze water into ice, but the reverse process.
Waterbenders create ice by slowing the water particles down, reducing friction.
Lavabenders create lava by increasing the movement of earth particles. The friction increases and creates heat energy which turns the Earth into molten lava
both avatar series have some of the best fight choreography in animation. some stinkers here and there, but the standards are very high.
Trying to find a reason is kinda missing the point, I feel. In both series there are plenty of outliers for the traditional bending styles. Ghazan is just that, a unique talent (that Bolin also picks up and does nothing with). Metalbending was impossible until Toph did it.
But if you want to bullshit an excuse, whichever technique waterbenders use to apply and remove massive amounts of heat to water in order to freeze and unfreeze it on a whim but applied to earth instead.
I feel it was never talked about enough how Mako straight up murdered a chick on screen.
Tenzin vs Zaheer is the best fucking fight in either series.
I thought why sparky sparky boom girl was cute.
The fact that P'Li could do it too simply means that there is a secret art that lets you do that. Likely through hard training and the tattoo would represent that clan.
Haven't you ever Kung-fu'd before?
Ming Hua and Ghazan deserved better, they should have run off to live in a village on the outskirts of the Earth Kingdom or something.
My nigga.
Goddamnit. That show and its retarded "pure metal". Steel is basically made by carefully controlling the amount of carbon impurity, and platinum is not pure.
what is there to explain
she has no fucking arms
so she became better at bending because she has to rely on it
why didn't she just bend herself some ice arms?
>Who would fuck the armless, hostile freak?
Gazzan Obviously
that seems to be her kill move
Can earthbenders control carbon? I'm pretty sure metalbenders can do what they do because they technically AREN'T bending metal; they're bending the rock within the metal. It's never been stated that they're bending carbon.
I liked Zaheer's whole gang though. Wish they got more development.
God this show was SO bad. I forget most of the time but god fucking damn.
Venom of the Red Lotus was a fantastic episode that pretty much everyone loved
>pretty much everyone loved
Is that why it couldn't even get a full three seasons on TV? Or was that something else?
what does that have to do with if people liked an episode that came after that happened, Nickelodean said the B2 finale gave them an unprecedented amount of traffic on their website. who even owns a TV anymore when I said everyone I was talking about the Internet including Yea Forums
>God this show was SO bad
You drunk or something? Who gives a fuck if some retards on Yea Forums thought a single episode of a terrible cartoon was good. It was a shit show and the only thing I remember about that episode is the plot point about korra not having her powers making her useless sending my sides into fucking orbit.
the whole B3 was a great watch
TLOK had plenty of great moments, great episodes
>great watch
Can you expound on that?
I feel like season three was when the show finally had the chance to find its footing. Of course everything was a step-up after they finally told the love triangle to die.
I'd forgotten how swole they made her
And then B4 shat the bed again
>show being worth anything after B1 fuck-up
Only Ty Lee would be that optimistic.
Ghazan >>>>>>>>>>>>> Bolin
I thought and hoped that once Bolin got Lavabending he would be more badass and do crazy things with it but NOPE!
Chines kung fu was designed for the battlefield, tho. It’s just that modern kung fu as a martial art teaches shit without context. Such as kicks meant to topple horse riders or moves meant to show off agility being used in one on one sparring.
It’s the equivalent of someone being taught to twirl their rifle before each shot.
Metal is often the fifth secret element in asian four elements philosophies. It makes a sort of sense that metal can't be bent despite it being a normal part of the earth.
all Bolin did was copy his senpai's moves