Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #1 Storytime

Welcome into the life of the most interesting friend in the world!

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Other urls found in this thread:!RgJBQYpI!2Xz3tn-1nD8cDn1554CgWBG1QbDTmQHwbmR6ttdH4CE

>Matt Fraction

i'm only here because i heard dex-starr appears

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Jimmy Olsen is such a one not character.


Rinse. Wash. Repeat.


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Steve here. Not going to use a trip for DC's social media policy these days, have to have plausible deniability, so just take my word for it and roll with me.

Or don't and keep living your life.

Any questions ask away!

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Thanks for the storytime.

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Fraction should be writing Green Lanterns too, DC needs to lock him up

>passive aggressive reply calling you a faggot

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How's the bitch wife?

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do you guys think jimmy fantasizes about being kidnapped by supervillains haha

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Bullshit, our pal Steve would have some sort of proof. Everyone lets summon the real Steve!


Thanks for reading.
Support the hell out of the Official Release.


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Thanks as always.
I promise I'll buy The Fix next time I'm in a comic store

who else is in your little Portland collective
can you save DC from Burbank


Assuming you're the real McCoy, why do you think that all comic creators must someday return to the wellspring that is Giant Turtle Jimmy Olsen?


It's iconic but at the same time not well known to the general public so it's okay to riff on it every now and then. Also it's a fun way to start off issue one.

Thanks for such a great issue! Been waiting for this forever.

Since this is a storytime
>No Fun Allowed.jpg

Tell us something only the real Steve would know

can bendis be fixed??
im so mad he ruined superdad, jon, and the whole new dynamic

Tomasifags are cancer, Bendis is already way better

who is Steve?

That's classified.

Can you and Fraction take Bendis "out of comission" and save Superman?

This is a Steve and Fraction thread, remove yourself to the designated Bendis thread so we can talk about fun comics

why does every comic have to be the same sjw and feminist story over and over again?
why is it ok to have naked men in every comic but women are no longer allowed to have revealing outfits?


Wow i was hyped for this but it almost feels like Fraction was forced to write this character.

You think anyone would write fucking Jimmy Olsen willingly?

Jack Kirby

You do have a point.
But back when the solicits for this came out i thought he had a good story planned for it.
Boy i was wrong.

Busiek and pals are doing a panel dedicated to him at SDCC so obviously some writers


What is your favorite color?

Also you are a treasure.

Do you know who Leviathan is? It's Roy, right? What plans does Bendis have with Clark and Lois? And with Talia al Ghul?

Superman's "pal"

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I feel pretty safe in assuming these are all Jimmy stories that happened here but what is the truck one referencing?

>that first panel
Lost it

well la dee da, lookit the city slicker

Felt very much like a set-up issue that was a lil slow but going by the story in the Leviathan 1-shot I'm still pretty interested to see where the book goes

Good job Steve

This dude is just the builder/trucker from Futurama. I love it

Where's Leo Quantum?

Wait, aren't the Luthors from Smallville? Which fucking Superman origin in canon right now?

You don't remember Turtle-Boy Olsen?

Shit, meant this page panel 4

That last panel better not be a reference to Rachel Pollack's horrible Doom Patrol run or I'LL RIOT

Who is this sassy black queen

>panel 4
Superman 2 -- Marlboro truck.

Hey Steve. Years ago when I went to Emerald City Comic Con (I was 16 at the time) you signed and drew a nice little Beetle sketch in my Superior Foes trade. Just wanted to say thanks again, it's a nice memento I still cherish, and I liked this first issue a lot. Keep up the good work.

Exhibit 1:

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Exhibit 2:

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>Wait, aren't the Luthors from Smallville?

Nope, they moved there.. I think. It was explained in Snyder's Justice League.

Huh, good catch, thanks user/Steve

I'm gonna snitch and tell DC you are here

If the title was Jimmy Olsen goes to Gotham, I would read it. It's really hard to keep the attention until the last two pages.

does this mean you can post with a trip when the next Fix issue ever comes out?

S.T.A.R Labs has been apart of DC lore long before All Star Superman.

I like the idea of everyone trying to shoot Jimmy in the 3rd panel.

My new waifu, don't touch!

The missing Ben Oliver variant

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fixed his shoes

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Fuck off, Bendis. Go and write your black waifu elsewhere.

>Far-far away from Metropolis

She's another Bendis OC who coin-ki-dink is a POC

did you know that the whole 'pivot to video' thing was based entirely off misrepresented data, and all that work just gutted newsrooms for something that brings not that much profit?

Come on, in this day and age lorem ipsum is just ridiculous looking.

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Will there be any love interests for Jimmy in this series? Hell, has Lucy Lane even existed in N52/Rebirth continuity?

Dex Starr was in the preview, which is here if you haven't read it (you can avoid the two stories at the start of the special and just dive right into the back up):

Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen Words Words Words Special (2019) (Webrip) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)!RgJBQYpI!2Xz3tn-1nD8cDn1554CgWBG1QbDTmQHwbmR6ttdH4CE

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She was in the Lois Lane one shot by Bennett, and I think she appeared barely in a few other Lois focused issues of the Superman self-title, I think part of the Lois is a psychic due to Brainiac arc?

>not wanting to be caught in wacky situations
why even read comics?? plus Olsen had a fairly well defined personality in silver age

elastic lad> Giant Turtle Boy

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You know, for someone who's supposed to be a dork and a loser, Jimmy sure have a lot of love interests. Lucy, Chloe, that bug lady during Countdown, that lady from Apokalips during the Jurgens run...anyone else I'm missing?

Almost forgot Mxy's daughter in Nick Spencer's one-shot.

Some one-off alien girls, and almost King Tut's daughter in the Bizarro comic.

How in the fuck did a Jimmy Olsen comic turn out this good?

This is genuinely hilarious.

>everything about this picture

Every once in a while, I don't hate comic books.

Oof. That effect did not age well.

Nor did Chris Reeve, for that matter. Ba dump tis.


This is surprisingly good.

Jimmy said he slept with talia al ghul but nothing is known or nothing has been shown. Bendis seems to have forgotten

When was this?

I am a sucker for making fun of 4th wall.

It’s in his Event Leviathan tie-in. But it’s Bendis so you can just ignore it.

Who is narrating this shit, Mr. Nobody?

Why user, the narration was inside you all along.

what the fuck is this dialog. God, Fraction is so terrible, why they wasted Lieber art on this I will never understand

that's some really terrible lettering in how they broke up all that. Doesn't flow at all.

that was trash, just like every Fraction book, so I shouldn't have been surprised.

This is embarrassing. I was thinking yesterday how id be ashamed to have Steve stop by these days bc of stuff like this. Just be cool man.

i like metamorpho

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Didn't he score with someone during that?

>Jimmy Olsen becomes Review

ha ha five stars

Would have to reread to be sure.

What the hell happened to The Fix???

What happened to Morning Glories? What happened to Bedlam?
Spencer got bored

This is God Tier.

i am homeless, i am gay, i have aids, and i'm new in town

I miss Superior Foes threads with you Steve :') thanks for coming back

>What happened to Bedlam?

It's just on hiatus user, he'll come back soon

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Nah, son, you're just stuck in fucking Gotham

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is it really?

He's toned

forgot pic but might as well post the Jimmy pages from the Leviathan Rising issue

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My bad, he's "ripped for a little guy"

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Jimmy Olsen comics have always been good.

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I like the detail of the painting

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and that's that

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I love the cat expresions

should Jimmy Olsen be a Harem comic ?

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just noticed Jimmy has Go-Go Checks socks

lucy was a huge bitch

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who's the amusing blonde guy?


>gorilla'd version of the lautrec kiss painting

>Coast City gets blowed up a lot

This shit was great

Usually Lionel wastes the family fortune forcing the Luthors to move to Smallville. As for Origin, Superman continuity is a fucking mess ever since Reborn. It looks like it’s a mix of New 52 and Johns Secret Origin.

That’s why he’s cool. He’s a Silver Age character in the modern era, he’s perfect for a comedy series.

Kek this is great

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That would just turn him into Archie.

Fraction and Leiber specialize in off-kilter, humorous explorations of the more mundane and ignored aspects of the superhero world, which Jimmy Olsen very well might have been the first example of, ever.

Bendis is really bad about his attempts at diversity ending up so borderline racist, like Miles and his family just saying random Spanish words, Miles desperately wanting to get into a special white people school, and now a woman wearing some sort of African clothes literally named "Leone" and cartoon character hair.

He comes off to me like that guy from Get Out who's trying so hard to show how not-racist he is that he ends up being unintentionally really racist and unsettling.

Cucka writing female characters is disgusting.

Where does KSD keep Fraction's balls?

Dexter's dad

well the harem would include a sexy supervillain, sexy super hero, sexy gorilla

Thank god, all the replies are fucking cringe inducing and prove why this board is beyond saving

It's fucking great seeing a frigging comic book again. Gonna pick it up after I get paid this week.

we love you steve

It's annoying as fuck. This board has always been a little bit shit but that's just the nature of this site. It's gotten so much worse lately. What happened?


> IIII have messed up, haven't I?

It's panels like this that give me a lot of hope for the book.