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Canon nudity thread
What's the point of this. Most costumes on female characters are so skin tight that you could color them the rest of their skin color and wouldn't notice a difference.
Did they?
I bet "Naked lad" sold really well.
Sadly no.
Just go watch porn, you underaged retard.
Or I can watch superior Japanese media instead since Japan isn't afraid of nudity in manga/ anime like the west is in comics/cartoons.
Batman's dong
So basically Starfire.
BuT LoBdELl ObJeCtIFiEd hEr
She's been like that since her debut in the 80's whether you like it or not.
The backlash against Slutfire was partly because it was the early days of the SJW takeover, and partly because people didn't like that she was apathetic instead of
Is he popping pimples? Or just kneading the cottage cheese?
I don't have it, but there was the time Batgirl had to strip in order to get into a club.
On a blue board, no less.
uhm, could you, idk...fuck off and die?
Quick list, from memory/my files:
- Worlds of Aldebaran
- Sillage (English: Wake)
- Oglaf
- Bouletcorp
- Lascars, but only in the demo clip; in theatrical version only nipples visible
- Wakfu, creator drawings before adding Smugduck
- a lot of European comics, such as Pyrenee pic related
see also
They are such good couple.
>The pose
What happened to the animated foot wiki and why haven't they replaced it yet?
- David Mack - 50 comics KABUKI - mostly covered-up but a few nude scenes
- Moebius included nudity of both sexes without any of the tedious US/UK puritanism
- Le Petit Spirou - nude baby, kid with glasses, fat kid, probably lots more
- Titeuf - penis on front cover, fat kid holding playboy mag with naked woman showing
- Titeuf, the film, girl shows her "tits" to group of boys
- The Suicide Shop (Le Magasin des suicides)
- L'Ile De Black Mor - girl takes her top off
- Fritz the Cat 1964
- Anastasia graphic novel by Magdalena Lankosz and Joanna Karpowicz, page after pic related
- Asterios Polyp
- anything by Bastien Vives
- Cherry Poptart (1982-2000)
- Cold Sun by Damien and Pecau - protag in shower and later he and the girl in the dorm
>Camelot 3000
mah nigga
more adding
- Daffodil (2010) comic series
- Daytripper 002
- Dylan Dog
- Inspector Canardo - if naked ducks and chickens count
- Les Nombrils - extra pages
- Linda Aime l'art - most of it
- Belladonna (French Belladone) by Ange (Anne Guero)
- Gotlib, example Du cote de chez Betelgeuse: Attentat a la Pudeur
- Kerascoet, eg Beauty, Satania
- Octopus Pie webcomic, example chapter pic related
>So basically Starfire
Usually we'd see a bunch of Ororo in here as well by now...
Canonically she's supposed to be a nudist but Marvel never lets her get naked anymore.
I can't believe no one has posted this yet!
Time to start the “Freeballin” revolution.
Batman: Damned?
>the “Freeballin” revolution.
I'm more interested in that top panel. What the fuck.
And then his secondary mutant power kicked in.
The Five Lights, five new mutants created in the aftermath of Hope and Wanda's "destruction" of the Phoenix Force.
They were supposed to be like her body guards or something, but meat-guy - who could basically mold his body into any shape, but it looked awful - was kind of disenchanted with the whole deal, so he betrayed her.
muties are degenerates
>Wakfu, creator drawings before adding Smugduck
Speaking of that, do yo have the video file or webm of the hole bath scene?
I love that in this story, Buddy is still devoted to his wife despite the fact he's surrounded by an orange exotic sex goddess. Good man.
>I, having been raised on Feminazi drivel, fully support this emasculated cuck's bluepilled faggotry
The absolute state of zoomers!
The stringing together of buzzwords does not a sentence make.
>I don't know what any of that means
the clip as broadcast, yes, but AFAIK there's no canon uncensored footage, just the still sketches and various amateur colourings. This is a non-canon edit
this seems pretty out of character
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Naked Sandy never.
It hurts.
>Covers his eyes so he doesn't see his kids nude.
Is he afraid he'll get a boner?
>Lascars, but only in the demo clip; in theatrical version only nipples visible
clips here and
Found this one.
She's also the one who promised to go skinny-dipping with some other youngsters... and then changed into gorilla form, informing them: "I assure you I am completely nude."
great page
What comic is this?
Most normal men don't get hard seeing there child naked, you have to wash and dress them, their a mini you