I understand Peter doing this car wash, but Homer? There's no way. What were the Family Guy writers thinking?
I understand Peter doing this car wash, but Homer? There's no way. What were the Family Guy writers thinking?
They wanted to do Louis and Marge. Some guy randomly interjected
>"lol, wouldn't it be funny if it was Peter and Homer."
Guess who won
>, but Homer?
Homer has done plenty of gay shit before.
It's Lois
>Homer has done plenty of gay shit before.
This isn't gay
*In AVGN's voice*
>what were they thinking?
"haha gay ppl funni"
>Family Guy crossover was better than the Futurama one
What the fuck happened?
It really wasn't though.
The Critic crossover shits on both
Anybody that criticizes that crossover episode is a beta-male faggot. After all, /ourguy/ James woods was payed actual money to be in this crossover therefore this episode was awesome and funny. I mean if that episode still sucked massive dicks and is horribly unfunny and cringeworthy then that would mean that James woods is a worthless hack who will pay to be in anything, has no real principles and is only sustained by Trump supporting boomers on Facebook and Twitter and his role in family guy will be the only thing he will be remembered for by the rest of the normies.
I was more upset about the joke that implyed they fucked each other with gaspumps
Literally Soulless vs Soul
Oh and we got to see loli butt on the Simpsons for the first time ever.
Serious question, which is soulless and which has soul???? Because they are both in the same episode...
Because in order for this crossover to work, Simpsons had to be brought down to Family Guy level of comedy. . . not hard considering zombie Simps is about the same.
And sadly it seems to be the last since the curent Simpson's season only ever shows Bart naked..
I hope you're convinced by the retarded stuff you're posting because no one else is.
I understand Chuck doing this car wash, but Sneed? There's no way. What were the Seed and Feed writers thinking?
what retarded stuff? I can't enjoy this episode now? but james woods in family guy hits my funny bone so hard
>ooh piece of candy
XD cool and funny
Harry Shearer boycotted it. Good for him.
Family Guy writers don't think.
user made this thread on Yea Forums because on Yea Forums you know what would happen.
I always get spelling that wrong. Like Louise from Bob's burgers