post only the best Yea Forums screencaps
Post only the best Yea Forums screencaps
Other urls found in this thread:
When a prophet visited a Steven Universe thread.
whoever played doc ock knew exactly what they wanted to do with life. that kid was full of hatred.
Do you ever think a kid got a crush on their fairy?
is it against da rules to fuck your fairy godparent(s)?
Guys... please post the Scar and Simba screencap... I beg you.
this thread was a good thread
>other Goku standing there for 10 minutes posing and screaming kamehamehaaaaaaaa
Based. What's the point of playing pretend if you're going to be ooc.
The most legendary of all time.
This. Elementary school jump ropes were no joke. Those things could fuck you up. We'd all use them as whips and really go to town on people. I can't tell you how many fucking people I've tripped with those things. I only ever went for the legs.
I don’t get how this proves anything?
It doesn't, but the poster thought that it did and outed himself as a complete retard.
He just quoted OP and...fuck, I was there for this shit and still don't get it.
Oh, I figured.
Ok, it’s funny now.
The joke is that user is a retard and though that the (OP) next to the number line meant that the poster WAS the OP, rather than the source post being the OP. The real hilarity was that he spent the rest of the thread oblivious to what the fuck was going on and that everyone was laughing at him.
That’s actually hilarious.
Damn, that thread was great.
>gets his first car AFTER he gets married and then divorced
Life is tough
What manner of eye-bleeding tomfoolery is this?
>namefag being dense
He thought the (OP) in the first reply meant it was *by* the OP instead of responding to him.
The most retarded part of all is that he thought he could only see "(OP)" because he was using Chrome.
full context
I'm fully aware of the context. The first screencap was extremely poorly made. The one you just posted is better but still ugly.
never forget
>tfw theres only one clip of someone singing this and it sucks
it's probably against the company rules, they're technically employees after all.
>It took me years to realise he was just black
Dear God my sides
>Captan america was biten by a radioactive american
sides are gone
>the black market was an actual market
glad i wasn't the only one, it didn't help my father told me of a old underground construction site used for black market deals back when i was a kid
Full Hypercrisis
>Give it a week and they won't even remember this one!
Wouldn't say It's the best, but it always cracks me up.
Anybody screencap that Aqua Teen/Kamala Khan Greentext?
Yea Forums humor is literally the most unfunny thing on the planet.
come to /vp/ and you'll see why that's wrong
Oh god, I was in that thread. My autism is in a screenshot, I don't know If I should be proud or ashamed.
>Everyone involved cept fort the two batmans and spiderman get sent to the principal´s office
Teachers were fucking batwankers
not Yea Forums but related
didn't this had a pic some drawfag made?
>I did it to buzz too
I wish somebody would make a short comic about this.
I like the simple joke ones.
Thread derailment is my favorite
Glad I was able to capture it.
Be proud, at least you made a bloke like me laugh to the point that I even made a screenshot (well, there was some editing involved).
That was my post, I copy-pasted some text from this one autist who is absolutely obsessed with the concept of a boondocks musical return, and having cornell jelly from the jellies sing on it. It's fucking bizzare stuff, she keeps talking about "TV-MA" like it was a real person that adult swim has some beef with, etc.
This was my first (poor) attempt at a Yea Forums screenshot. The upshot is that the last two posts shown are a bit of a ways downthread from the beginning.
not >LATER
I am sadly turned on by this. But my adventures through the internet has taught me that it's mostly ugly people that would do this kind of sex.
Anyone have the reed vs plastic man one? Shit is so damn funny
Gotcha covered famalam
Actually hilarious
>The two Batmans form a human lawn mower and run off
Damn, I screencapped that out of the archive all for nothing. Good job though.
OP baited with a crop from a porn comic. Yea Forums immediately descended into a STEM turf war instead.
>Doc Ock kid
He's got his life figured out.
>The two Batman form a human lawn mower and ran off
Sounds like most DC Multiverse Crisis events
Anyone got when Bosco was eaten?
don't forget the best (p)art
Where's the rest?
I would read that
Thanks for the smile
fucking keeek
Only 654MB?
What happened to the one that was like, 3 Terrabytes?
Fucking gold.
>"he does the dress trick with Sue"
>"she's into it"
>ywn be cucked by plastic man
>tfw you will never conform to Supergirls tight body
>eXtra power
My sides
This will always be my favorite in terms of seeing some actual autistic person get their hopes crushed.
Like it matters, they've already established rule free wishes through the magic muffin and you can just break the rules then wish your godparents would forget that you did like Tommy did.
>cum on your buzz lightyears face
>close his visor
>that one thread where an user had a stroke in mid-setence and then he's okay like nothing happened.
That was a fun thread
I hope he's doing well
First one in this thread to actually get a laugh out of me.
I find this gross
It's an unholy mix of Yea Forums semiedge and reddit faggot speak
I can't believe there are still anons who know what to do when some autist comes begging for help.
Does anyone have "it's a mister frinky"?
I thought that was normal
>Flash could run so fast he could literally walk on air. He also could breath in space because he was faster than the lack of oxygen getting into his lungs
>Hell's Kitchen was the literal kitchen of Hell, and Daredevil was an actual demon who wanted to help people. He was "Daredevil" because he was a devil that dared to be good.
Did anyone ever screencap the thread yesterday with the "Heavy Menstruation" and the guy hitting up that femanon?
This was fucking incredible.
Just say Bluetext user.
Anybody got a link to the thread, i wanna see the replies
Just go into one of the archive sites and search by post number, user. C'mon, this isn't rocket science.
Sorry i'm just an overweight lazy bastard
>this post garnered over 1400+ replies
>this post garnered over 1400+ replies
I love the implication that blacks based on instinct run away from their wives when the wife gets pregnant to prevent caring for his child
>t. Jotaro
Yooo I've never seen the screen cap of this. I'm in this, I'm the one who thought Kingpin was a human bowling ball.
What a great thread.
I want a Marx Brothers movie set in Gotham
what happened next?
he dieded
He stopped there, we'll never know what he brainstormed
The origin of the laughing shoes.
>it's a Mr. Frensky
How to bluetext?
Requesting the funny Avatar trollfic written by "franz kafka", it was about Sokka and Toph getting it on.
I used to have the screencap but lost it years ago...
wow what high brow humor
i still laughed
>blue green spiderman
Made me laugh.
Not Yea Forums but close enough
Fuck i made it to the screencap
Does anyone have that massive thread about how the Kaiju were all actually actors and it went into all of their scandals and personal lives? Shit warms my heart for some reason
>He was "Daredevil" because he was a devil that dared to be good.
fuck that got me
but damn if that doesn't sound like an oddly compelling concept
Isn't that basically Hellboy?
I was there for this one. Best part was that it was in a Duck comic thread
wait you mean this one?
Well, a stopped clock Is right twice a day
The paper towels got me
Best of Yea Forums is mostly cringe shit, such a pathetic and unorinical board.
>the ultimate get was on 4/20
>it was used for something wholesome
>it was posted by someone with good tastes
sometimes, this place ain't so bad.
I don't get it.
So the second one is Goofy's bastard son, right?
>Darkseid was Stonehenge, silent giant of Justice
I like this interpetation more than the actual Darkseid
An oldie but a goodie.
>Wall-e is over a decade old now
holy shit this has a lot of funny stuff
Text is inexplicably blue.
Anyone have that story about a Deadpool cosplayer nearly killing a guy at a renfair?
The fucking cup...
That's pretty specific
My sides
Aww where's the screencap with the reply? It was 10x better.
My dad also used to think Superman got his powers from his cape.
Also my mom didn’t even know he was an alien.
Oh shit, I was the one who made the Hershey's page. That thread was funny as fuck.
does anyone know what else happened? Or was this the last we ever heard of lcs user?
We can only hope he simply became too busy with his waifu to post again.
Holy Shit!
That fucker
Yoooooo this just put Darkseid into perspective for me. Maybe I'm a dumbass for never thinking of this but I'm sitting in my favorite chair right now thinking, this is what I see every day. This is where I'm most comfortable, it's on the porch so it has distinct sounds, it's a very calm comfortable place for me. For Darkseid to put himself in this position, to take all this in for a period of doing nothing else, right before potentially threatening or murdering that person-It just really shows his mental process and personality in a subtle way.
I was imagining this as the actual characters themselves doing this and it killed me
Imagine Batman suckerpunching Sailor Moon before she can finish her pre-fight speech
I made it
Looks like your average /tg/ thread.
I remember making up our own superheroes in 3rd grade.
>Not including Carlos getting fucking vaporized