What's disappointing is how she knew and remembered her history with beast boy...

What's disappointing is how she knew and remembered her history with beast boy, yet couldn't even talk to him one last time. Like a normal human being.

It was the least she could have done for him.

Attached: Terra_and_Beast_Boy.jpg (640x480, 63K)

Whats more important is how that user molested his ex hs girlfriend's dad.

He touched her dad's boner, why would she continue a conversation with him?

>Talking to the guy who molested her dad
WTH is wrong with you OP?

Like I said in that "dad's boner" copypasta, that's still a better and more valid reason to hate the finale than Mykan.

Attached: pudn.png (314x256, 129K)

OP if someone molested your father, would you want to even speak with him?

What have I missed here?

Some dumbass apparently touched his girlfriend's dad's boner and she broke up with him because of it, prompting him to tell Yea Forums about it years later.
I was in that thread and, hoo boy, was it a ride.

inb4 r/Yea Forums screencap.

What a glorious thread that was!

Attached: 1561250879625.png (1234x622, 177K)

I got the art the drawfag did in thread, too.

Why couldn't the show have ended after they beat the Brotherhood? That way people wouldn't be begging for a conclusion years later.

You gonna post it

i would have done the same if not further

Attached: 0JTg3lV.png (1021x718, 425K)

So pretty much no real discussion of this episode will ever happen again, right? Because nothing will beat that.

>I aborted the baby Gar
>It... it scared me
That was me

>he actually believes it was some kind of reasonable dialog

It was me you idiot

Normally I'd agree but this is beast boy we're talking about. He's a waste of airtime and has never been a good character, let alone a compelling one you'd give a shit about.

No I'm Radio Rebel!


it's really funny to watch the fanbase build around these types of characters.

These characters are literally designed for the absolute youngest audience members. They make fart jokes, they mess up simple tasks, and are profoundly stupid. They never develop in any meaningful way because that would age them out of the demographic they're designed to appeal to.

Their moments in the spotlight always highlight how pathetic and pitiful they are, but how their friends love them anyway, because feeling stupid and weak is something very young, young children can relate to, and all they really want is to know their safety net is still in place. They're not trying to actually do something worthwhile like Robin, Cyborg, Starfire or Raven. They're just a fucking idiot that can't be trusted with basic tasks and fuck things up when they even attempt to do so.

The older audience members who gravitate to these characters, and then defend them because they take criticism about the character personally, are doing the ultimate self-burn. It's hilarious. Lance is another big character like this. fucking hilarious.

is this pasta?
thats a big ass wall of projection buddy.

If I must.

Attached: 1561215247651.png (791x1024, 422K)

please tell me there is a version of this with beast boy and slade.

Holy shit beastcucks comprehensively btfo

How will they ever recover?

You guys are all just little Dakari King MYkan's in the making. Stop that.
Or we nuke Canada just to contain the autism.

It's the sneed posting of Teen Titans threads. I'm so sorry user.

I liked this episode. There I said it. I think it was cute and about growing up and letting things go. Something most of the people on the internet never learned to do apparently which is why they hate it so much loooooool

reddit samefagging an unfunny joke


a redditor made this thread to force his memes, its best to sage this thread