Is there a more based show on television right now?

Is there a more based show on television right now?

Attached: 1563057983420.webm (1920x1080, 671K)

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I wanna watch it.

Yes, very based show. If this show failed I will be pissed because it's the only animated show that's made me laugh out loud in three years.

Yep, Anne's show is pretty based

Attached: anne sees you fap.png (792x768, 112K)

Amphibia and Mao Mao can both be based at the same time, faggot.

I only caught one episode in the middle (The one where the badger grew) immediately lost interest and turned it off.
What is there to like?

Watched the first episode when it came out
It was underwhelming
Is it worth giving another shot?

That’s OP’s question though

Attached: 62128577-3d-small-person-standing-in-sad-pose-next-to-the-word-no-3d-image-white-background-.jpg (1300x1063, 65K)

Yea first couple episodes are pretty lackluster but set up the premise of the show

No waifus, no watch

There are waifus if you're a furry

>You can only like shows that have attractive characters to remind you that you are a lonely loser IRL
Are you masochistic?

Mao Mao is attractive

Attached: 741b33a1-3c46-4e08-8920-9f01844998a4.gif (540x270, 560K)

That might have been the most autistic incel thread I've ever seen on this board

I'm not a faggot like you. Call me when his sisters show up.

>I'm not a faggot like you
There are already girls though

Please please please just kys already.

>I inhabit the same plane of existence as people who think like this

>I inhabit the same planet as these people as well

Attached: 8173bb9cf5243f3ee2e28445c781e73d.png (500x598, 179K)

that makes no sense

Have sex

>tfw Mao Mao enters in some magical realm to train,he returns 10 years later,still not old,Adorabat is now grown up and sexy
>They fall in LOVE
Would it be kino?

This show is garbage. It's a rip off of Puss N Boots. But on top of that the fanbase for this show is real bad.

The threads are literal Homosexual Furry just like all Three Caballeros threads with Donald Duck. And if it's not Gay Furry? The fanboys spam the annoying shit character Adorabat who is fucking annoying. Ugh it's true, the furry shows are the worst.


When his sisters show up that's when this show gets BANNED from Yea Forums because it's FURRY. The mods are already doing their job deleting images that are too Homosexual Furry. What do you think they'll do to this show when canon pussy shows up? It's going to be banned just like Nicole from Gumball (also a cat).

(you) goin to be the mao mao tread equivalend of the "gorilass ripof" guy in the villanous traads?

>gay Calarts cats
Literally anything is better

It would,c'mon. Mao Mao wouldn't even age in that realm,he's be the same as he left,only Adorabat would be grown up and sexy

I like this show. Because it's furry it's easy to get threads mass reported and deleted. Thank god for the Furry category of reporting to the mods.

Kaz put your trip back on and die of E.coli infection from the poor water quality in your shithole country already.


Adorabat is pure daughter material and never to be lewded.

based horny incel

user,she must

I wanna see groen up Adorabat,any draw anons ready to commit?

Here's one a fellow drawfriend made.
Apparentlg he's making more poses for her, so hopefully he sees this thread and posts his nice stuff.

Attached: 1562966050629.png (1690x1774, 220K)

Attached: 1561824945896.png (865x1002, 1.09M)

>that time mao mao threw the skin of a fox's best friend to his face just to mentally torture the poor guy even more
Mao Mao is evil

Attached: Mao_Mao_S01E09.png (1920x1080, 1.44M)

If she doesn't grow in the show and marries Mao Mao we riot. First Thundercats doesn't get to fullfill Wilykit marrying Lion O and now this.

Attached: a828ce9856e09fa9aef2c024c6735b08.png (2013x1875, 1.23M)

Mao Mao has sisters

Really low bar

Source to original?


they are the warriors in his fantasies and who his dad trains over him

>literally copy pasted Shrek's puss in boots attitude
>furfag design
befriend a noose, faggot

And I will watch the episodes that they show up in. Too bad the creator seems like a flaming faggot with the fujobait so they will probably not show up much

Dude, Mao Mao's entire motivation is to gain his family's love and respect by becoming a legendary hero. It's right there in the first episode.

Attached: Mao Mao - Heroes of Pure Heart S01E01 - I Love You Mao Mao.mp4_snapshot_01.32_[2019.07.10_23.58.49]. (1920x1080, 2.75M)

The creator tweeted it out


Attached: Brushie.webm (430x430, 67K)

Looks more like he exagerates

>and Badgerclops kept removing a guy's eyes from their sockets
They're both pretty fucked up. Mao Mao more so because he keeps a perfect costume of everyone in town.

No drowning/swimming/underwater scenes, no watch.

Attached: 5d13997363e96.png (1000x696, 1.16M)

A furry show is the best show out of the current batch of new network toons. This is the bronze era of animation.

Is this a fetish thing?

Probably not.

Is it good? Yes. I'd rather wait for more episodes before I call it great though.