Nicki Minaj to play Catwoman

>Nicki Minaj playing as Catwoman


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Other urls found in this thread:

Is this a ploy to get all sexy female roles to be black so people can't fetishize them anymore?

But Catwoman is not a red head?

Too short
Can't act
Ass wont fit in suit

At least she can't be worse than Halle Berry?

What the fuck man, this is wild now

I'm unhappy, however, my dick is ecstatic

I mean, she CAN act but I don't know about this

DC does it again

>Dumb reason to be mad
Making Catwoman black (Eartha Kitt's the best Catwoman)
>Smart reason to be mad
Its Nicki Minaj

What the fucks wrong with DC? Honest question who comes up with these ideas and then who are the people who refuse to call them out?
I'm not even mad, because this is a gold mine of laughs but some part of me wonders how one can fuck up this bad.

>nicki wearing the black catsuit
bravo DC

I am so fucking done with DC after this

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Relax this is fake
It's also low quality/off topic

>I didnt skin the article the thread
all it says is that she would be open to the role there's no confirmation on anything, let alone whether or not catwoman's even gonna be appearing in the film

What's wrong with Nicki? She can actually act

Will they give her more to work with than they did with Halle Berry?

Hope she says yeah, love that ass.

It's just a fluff piece talking about Minaj saying on Instagram that she'd be down to portray Catwoman.

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I clicked the link after i posted.
>She wants to play Catwoman
i dont know how to respond o that
>She can actually act
name some films

>suit is assless


how many predictions that she's only Selina Kyle and never does Catwoman shit? would be hilarious to see her fat ass doing backflips and the like.

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I only care that it's Nicki Minaj. At least get someone good to be Catwoman.

If she did that there would be so many shots of where you can see how fake her ass really is.


But people fetishize nicki minaj.

Okay, but like....What does it feel like?

>fake ass
so are comic book tits

She looks EXACTLY like all the bad lewd fanart you idiots post on this board instead of /aco/. I don't want to see absolutely none of you complaining about her, ever.


>black female Bond
>black Catwoman
This is the future you chose. How niggardly of you.

Ew. Her ass to big.

>Eartha Kitt
I only now realize that this is the reason why she turned into a cat in the Emperor's New Groove.

It can look bad. Real bad.

ireland please leave

>>black female Bond
There's no "black female Bond", dumbass.

Yes there is, that's how it is now. Yes I'm mad, and no I won't listen to your excuses.

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More like a black from the past.

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>mad over clickbait
So sad. I bet you're from Yea Forums.

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Why yes, Yea Forums is my main board. How did you know?

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Sojiro got me into drinking coffee.


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maybe the cartoon fags, but that's not how I like my asses

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>>ladbible . com
l i t e r a l l y
w h o ? ? ?

>My mind says OH FOR FUCKS SAKE
>But my dick says MUH
Also no, it just says that she wants to play catwoman. op just wants (you)s


It's not that her ass is too big, it's her ass has been made artificially big in a way that wasn't done correctly. They are misplaced and so hard she can't sit down properly.

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>Yea Forums complains about fake tits
>disgusting fake ass is ok

Right, scroll down just a bit here , and you'll see countless of drawings that look like her ass and hips. It's so fucking funny to see retards here complaining about her then go fap to that questionable fanart.

Not the same.

Here is better

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>cartoons and real life have to be 1:1
No user.

I'm complaining, it's gross. She should have gone to a better doctor.

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>Ass wont fit in suit

That's a good thing

She should’ve played Plastic Man.

Like already mentioned above, Catwoman has been portrayed by black women since the fucking 60s. Your racist tirade is fifty years too late, slowpoke.

>tfwn bf to help put your ass back in place.

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>the dude pushing her fake ass cheeks back into place

>that body in black latex and cat ears

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Fake and gay

>people who don't even read the article up in here

nicki ain't eartha kitt tho.
the problem is that they could have gotten an actual good looking black actress who can act instead of a rapper known for flopping her plastic ass around

i get this reference

But the user he responded to was mad about her being black, not any of that legitimate stuff.

Why are you bothering to point out the obvious? There was a long-ass Pocahontas thread yesterday that went unnoticed for too long, about a remake that wasn't remotely happening.

What else do you expect from Reddit?

Those pretend asses would be soft and squishy to the touch. That is the difference.

I don't care bout the article tho, let her be Catwoman. better her than some bland boring white girl like Hathaway or Pfeiffer.

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But Pfeiffer gave me so many faps

And Hathaway is willing to go down on a yacht.

If you bothered to read up the article instead of being immediately butt blasted you'd know she hasn't even been cast as Catwoman, it's just her on Twitter saying she'd be up to doing it.

not even arguing about the article anymore

People are just tired of white people. Theyre a relic of the past and it's time to move on

I mean, it's pretty clear that this is just another racist blacklash over the very idea of a black woman playing Catwoman, despite there already being several decades worth of old precedent for that.

I can't tell if that's Future or Quavo.

Is this satire?

There's literally one instance where she was played by a nigger and it was in a 60s TV show where multiple people had played the character. There's 80 years worth of precedence for her being white. Funny how do you choose not to follow that.

Halle Berry played Catwoman fifteen years ago, zoomer.

So your two examples are a campy tv show and quite possible the worst movie ever made.

And how does that in any way invalidate the fact that Catwoman has a history of being played by black women? Other than you being a racist fuck who can't stand the idea?

kek does that mean they have to find a stunt double with an equally sized ass?

Killyourself nig

A 'history' of being played by black women would imply it's a common thing. It's not. And she has an even more extensive history of being white. So why do you have such a hardon for every white character in fiction history being portrayed by nonwhites? Make up your own stories you absolute failures of existence.

Everything about her is fake.
She's probably 70% plastic or silicon.

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You do know the "campy TV show" is one of the most memorable Batman series in history, right? You dissing it just screams of tryhard.

>A 'history' of being played by black women would imply it's a common thing

One out of three live action Batman movies (Batman Returns, TDKR, Catwoman), she's been black. One out of two live action Batman TV series (Batman '66, Gotham), she's been black. That's pretty common occurrence in live action format.

Catwoman isn't a Batman movie. It's hardly even a Catwoman movie.

You first sweaty

Newmar or Michelle for me. Both oozed sex appeal and I think for Catwoman that is a requirement. Not the be all but apart of the package. I just couldn't get past Kitts face.

>implying I'm black


Then why are you acting like it?

Halle Berry is at least tall enough to play Catwoman. Nicki Minaj isn't.

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You think that stopped RDJ?

RDJ is average height. Nicki Minaj is a midget in comparison.

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Yea Forums also has these retarded clickbait thread? fucking hell

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Um dude, they could easily MAKE A SUIT THAT SHE CAN FIT INSIDE OF.


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There's no explaining drawn vs. reality to you autists, is there? I guess that's why you're so triggered at Gwen and Jade threads.

>Nicky Minaj’s humongous ass in black leather
Wouldn’t this make the movie, just a big soft porn cape movie?

The mods are fucking faggot trannies. No wonder the quality of this site as dipped.

We get it just fine, you want to fap to little girls while using a legal loophole, no need to get so angry about it.

for the first time, catwoman will have an ass

You saying Newmar didn't have an ass? Because damn, son.

she is so gross looking. already looks like a comic book supervillain. fucking freak.

but Eartha Kitt played Catwoman, and she was black and sexy as fuck

If you can't tell you spend too much time on, or around people who are on, /pol/.

>just "up" to playing her
holy clickbait

i'd say that catwoman being caucasian is actually kind of important to her character, considering her italian background is usually one of her main plot threads

You're a faggot of the highest order.

We own you.

what the fuck
what the actual fuck

Thanks for saving me a click. But I still have colossal doubts for another good Batman movie after Snyder’s shitfest

capeshit is currently whorring all franchise to celebs to desperately get the attention of the public again.
But if nobody cared for halle berry I don't see why that nobody will be any different

Meh. A black girl I dated was cuter. And at least her larger rear end was natural.

Only if there is a scene, where she tries to steal something, her ass gets stuck in the window and some guards take turns fucking her.

Think I recall a Brazzers kino that went like that.

I can see it honestly

Saw a recent private screening of Birds of Prey. It is absolute garbage. Ewan McGregor plays Black Mask and is super gay in the movie. It's packed full of man-hating SJW shit, horrid dialogue and a plot even worse than Schumacher shit.

I'll cut to the chase - the plot is supposedly about Black Mask wanting to retrieve stolen information at all costs, which ends up being a ruse and in reality, I kid you not, he is wanting to steal back a diamoned with a laser etched image of him in the nude with a small dick. No, really. That's the plot.

During the entire movie Harley is written to be a Deadpool try hard; breaking the fourth wall to talk to the audience. Black Canary is in there and plays a lounge singer at Mask's bar and during a song she starts to shatter glass in the club and she learns she must have powers. Mask recruits her as his personal body guard, asks her to do questionable shit, and she leaves to join Harley and Huntress (Huntress' story is more or less the same) and has 4th wall narration that advises the audience that she has got power and knows how to use them and she's suddenly a master at it.

Because Joker's gone, all the villains that were scorned or bested by Harley at some point (for doing some stupid shit to each of them) all decide that they want to take her down now that the clown isn't around anymore. Honestly the movie is about her and the other characters are just tagging along. Apparently there was a Harley project that was merged into this one.. Eh.

Basically DC is back on track to burn its own house down. Without massive reshoots, there is absolutely no point in even bothering with the DCEU anymore. Shazam, Wonder Woman, the WW sequel, Aquaman, Gunn's SS reboot... really isn't worth shit. They haven't learned their lesson and will continue to royally fuck things up beyond.

We knew it was a DC movie going in and were reaaaally hoping it was Joker. Such a fucking headache. They deserve every bit of hate coming their way.

>It's packed full of man-hating SJW shit
It's probably good then, you're just sensitive. Funny how ironic that is.

>Because I am triggered by this movie there is absolutely no point in even bothering with the DCEU anymore

Buh-bye, snowflake.

fuck it hell yeah let's go

Mfw Black men are going to hate Robert Patterson dor stealing away a black woman

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you are getting dangerously self validating at this point.

Wait, guys. Maybe she'll pull a Stephen Universe, and just quit in the middle of filming.

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where do you think the government gets the money for your welfare check user

it makes zero difference

Why does this board fall for clickbait so easily ?

Damn, I just read a doujin with that plot but forgot the name.

Because they want to bitch and whine about everything. Outrage culture is how they feel good about themselves.

woah user check yourself he's arguing against a black person portraying a thief while you're throwing a fit defending the historically racist stereotypical casting of catwoman

Retards love looking for reasons to be angry to distract them from how boring and useless their home lives are.

>RDJ is average height

That doesn't make any sense at all

>stay silent, obey or else you are laughed at by the group. Remember the group is everything, let them decide, they know better. obey.

You're getting angry about something that literally isn't happening you moron

Well the group decides that falling for clickbait and getting angry makes you a retard.

>you are angry, this is what I want so it's true, I have an official narrative, you obey like I did all my life, now shut up, consume, obey, and die. We all love it, they told us from above.

Her ass is probably removable

They can just give her the tailor that made the Captain Marvel suit to take care of the ass problem

5'9" is average height for men in America.


If she runs her assimplants will jiggle weirdly.

That's so nasty. Wtf

Why is Yea Forums so stupid?

Lol. Not in a million years.

I'm all for making Selina a booty-poppin' hoe, but I hope the actual actress is going to be a lot sexier. Nicki Minaj is just gross.

I bet you like naked hairy men you fag.

>Pavlovian responses are good and stimulating, get angry, get sad, get happy, get mad. Don't reason, don't think, revolt against a world that tries to sway your base emotions. If the sheep tells you to think, growl at them!
Now, there's nothing wrong with that.

sounds like shit but yall go head and watch it if you want

my sides, this is all kind of pathetic. You can't really turn the sentence around, you can't complain it's "programmed" to have self awareness. Fucking leftards holy shit

What self-awareness? Nigga it's clickbait and you're mad over something that won't remotely happen, the fuck is your deal lmao

I wouldn't even care, but why do they always cast the uggliest niggers? There are hot black chicks out there.

I honest to God just thought she already was in her cat costume.

See he’s baiting you. No one being serious would instantly jump to “leftard”

cat minaj is gonna be dominatrixy as fuck and i love it

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>NPC friends he doesn't think like the hive he bad we good obey, stay silent, continue consuming blindly. obey.

Here's a (You) from me which is a big wow for you.

It tracks. I'm not happy about it, but it tracks.

I just hope she attempts some kind of Eartha impression. Dropping this shit halfway through a trailer if Catwoman sounds like Nicki Minaj.

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>Can't act
never stopped the DCCU

This kind of dumb shit is genuinely what I want to see in my superhero movies, provided it's executed well.

i don't even care at this point anymore

The big issue with DC universe movies has always been poor execution of what aren't inherently bad ideas.

As long as she gets a nude scene.

Isn't the penguin also on this movie?

Why would Black Mask's dick pic be laser etched onto a diamond?

Oh god yes

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>Why is Yea Forums so stupid?
Yea Forums crossboarders

Good, I want to see her in a skin tight latex suit

>I approve of thicc brown catwoman

Two black women have played Catwoman already. This would make it a 3rd time. Seems like someone really wants this to happen...

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>I don't mind when it's a girl I wanna jerk off to
That surprised me, but I've had Anne Hathaway play her & Audrey Hepburn is gone.

That sounds hot as hell. I’ve wanted black Catwoman to happen again since watching Eartha Kitt as a kid. Nicki also has a weird ass distinct voice.

I completely forgot the Catwoman movie existed writing this post. I even read the other replies in the thread, I just can’t think about that movie.

>Master Wayne, it seems that once again your bicycle has gone missing following your night with Ms. Kyle

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>*gets boner*

id go with Rhianna if they wanted a black musician to play catwoman. At least rhianna is more cat-like and isn't an awful actress.


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I canny fucking wait to see her in costume

I can't wait

Are we all just going to ignore how the second half of OP’s fake article is about a dude dressing up as Batman, flying around commercially and saving animals at shelters for reasons he won’t acknowledge?

They better put her in costume

Has it been proven it's fake?

Looks good to me

>RDJ is of average height

Hi Rob.

Wow I mean I knew Yea Forums was fucking retarded what with half of the posters here being from Yea Forums and the other half being DC fans but this is ridiculous

If she can't sit down properly on normal seats then she can always sit on my face

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I don't care. And she has the body of a real woman

Have you ever looked at the proportions of real women?

>real woman
A real "plastic" woman.


Not gonna lie, i REALLY want to see this... Ghetto Catwoman sounds like a great idea to me.

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>relic of the past
Bitch we owned your weak asses in the past.

She already exists.

rightists are traitors

Hell yes! Black Catwoman is kino tier

The girl has nothing natural left on her body.

>fake ass
>boob job
>nose job
>lip injections
>skin lightened
Her hips are also much bigger lately So I assume she's has had fat or silicon injections into them.

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You must spend most of your time looking at children if you think she looks fake

That's not THICC

I cherish you.

That... that's not real, right? That's some weird Aphex Twin music video effects shit, right?

I hope she gets pink

What if she was a copy cat?

yeah WTF?

Look up black models. Or even just regular women. This is a woman's body.


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>Nicki Minaj's titanic ass somehow crammed into a tight, shiny catsuit
>Nicki Minaj "acting" in any capacity

She's a great actor. She went to school for it. Her entire career is different personas she made up.

Well...thats one way to get black women to actually want to see a capeshit movie

I'm thinking waayy more white guys want this

She's been black plenty of times before, both in live action and in animation. This isn't news worthy

Halle Berry was fine as a choice. Hot and athletic-looking enough to play the part.
The issue with the movie wasn't her as Catwoman
The issue with the movie was everything else in the movie.

Nah. She's a shit actor.

Yes, and that was the lesser problem of the movie.

It was all just garbage on garbage. And she's only normie hot. Vanilla trash.

>Eartha Kitt's the best Catwoman

This nigga right here got the best taste.

yes but this time OP is the victim of racial discrimination

Now i need to know what grace thinks


Have a kyou), user

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If I get some of that ass in spandex on the big screen i’m honestly for it. I don’t care about race washing when the girl is hot.

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shitty doodle cause I'm hella bored

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This. I'll actually watch it if she gets it.

I'm okay with it
Will she have the exposed armpit costume?

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I always pictured Catwoman as black. Maybe because Eartha Kitt was my first Catwoman.

Fuckin saved. I'd love to see artists do concepts of her.

Catwoman #1

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I won't lie, my penis would be happy.

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Fine, the Lego Batman movie too,,


el oh el


Nicki Minaj is Blindian

The Lego Batman Movie and DC Superhero girls also has a Black Catwoman

This could actually be really damn good acting. I've been wanting to see her in a superhero movie for awhile now. Now all we need to do is cast Lady Gaga.

>Ass wont fit in suit
>implying that's anything even remotely resembling a flaw

She'd be a better Harley.

>Ass wont fit in suit
>implying that's anything even remotely resembling a flaw

It's not if you're aiming for a comedy.

Halle Berry was the second best actor in that movie after Lambert Wilson. Sharon fucking Stone was way worse than her.
Pic related was the biggest issue.

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>It's not if you're aiming for a comedy.
It's not if you're high-test period.

She's not playing Catwoman. She's just open to the idea of playing Catwoman and lord knows I'd beat the fuck out of my dick to her in a tight catsuit.

and she can take a punch

>Rihanna as Catwoman
God yes.

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>porn of catwoman with a niggy minaj ass coming soon


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Meh. Another normie teir black woman.

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I am down if true. I mean even she would be better then ann stick away. Catwoman should have sex appeal not be stick. I would rather she have fake tits then no tits at all.

>The thief is a black woman
How progressive of you.

Well, I missed it. What was it?

big ass Catwoman thicc porn

Same, I have no interest paying for this movie I only await the rule 34

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>Catwoman should have sex appeal not be stick.
Nicki is way too thick though. Catwoman should have sex appeal, but also believably have the body for athletics.

Catwoman should have a believable body in any film intended to be good

A trashy flick about a ghetto ass Catwoman bouncing around with a giant donk needs no believability, it only needs Nicki

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>I just couldn't get past Kitts face.
That's a fair point, user.

But she had the BEST voice ever!

>she has the body of a real woman
This is true. And somehow it's not yet collapsed under all that PVC and silicon.

Would rather Nicki play Black canary than the brownie they cast for ther

Maybe it will when they film her lowest point in the movie before the third act.

You're an idiot

If she's in it, I'd actually watch it on big screen


I don't care about that. Let her jiggle.

I hope just the idea spawns fan art

Ever even look at real women?

>that scene where Selina experimentally jiggles every part.of her body when she first slips into the spandex
>that scene where Selina is sneaking around but she's dummy thicc and the clap of her ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards
>that scene in the bonus content on the DVD release where it's just one whole unedited minute of Selina twerking

God I hope so

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Muh dick though

I'm so ready for more Yea Forums Nicki

I didn't think Bruce was like that

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Who. Looks like a ganguro weeb

>Catwoman should have sex appeal, but also believably have the body for athletics.

DC gave up, just enjoy the lewd art that going to come from this

Lol, sure
Pretend you don't know

Also, she is

Nicki trying to fit her fat butt into a costume hnnnggg

It's so trashy but that makes it even hotter
Drawfags get on this shit, I beg you

Upload it to imgur boi

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>Clickbait thread gets all these responses
Op, did you just make this thread hoping for fanart? YOU KNOW WHAT!? I salute you

God I want Nicki Minaj to bounce her fat juicy nigger ass on my cock until I cum all over that face and proceed to fuck her from behind

She should have her own cartoon

She is her own cartoon

Right? Fuck, I love her.
I just want her in all media.

You're not missing much

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t. Racist

I liked it

Rightists are fucking retards

Umm sweaty if you can’t see why having a POC as a thief in a major block buster movie in 2019 is problematic you are literally a nazi

yo, wtf? Successful bait, user, but Hathaway was a -perfect- Catwoman. In fact, she's legitimately the best part of Rises. Aesthetically, theatrically, naturally, any way you look at it.

My only 'gripe' is she's tall, but that's hardly even a gripe at all, I wholeheartedly approve of women above average in height. I'm only saying that because I'm on the manlet cusp.

drumpf and all rightists are traitors

Nolan is shit and that Cat Woman was awful.

Tired of this, race has nothing to do with a criminal's motivations unless hatecrime.

Unless you're saying that casting a POC as a criminal is a hatecrime, because that logic is retarded, get bent, art is art, artform criticisms should always be disregarded unless the criticism is coming from an artist peer.

Settle down. It's a false flagging pol cuck.

Now THIS is brave

It would be borderline pornographic.

Nice deflection racist.
POCs should NOT be portrayed in negative roles like this.

All rightists should be exiled

White people don't know what that is, just say she's half Indian.

I will fap so hard to this

I knew. I love black women.


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>niggers are actually into this

Don't call Eartha Kitt a nigger, you double white nigger.

They're going to have to pour pants on her. I'm still not going to watch, but there will be a LOT of screencaps and webms.

Especially white guys actually

>No one actually read the article
>Its literally nothing, its just some fan on twitter saying she would be a cool catwoman and she said yeah
>thats it
what is wrong with you?

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We want it to happen!

Oh, my mistake then user. Carry on with your good taste.

>Can't act
You look at any movie produced today and tell me that's a requirement for every role, ill wait.

Minaj is fucking ugly. She looks like a blow up doll.

Newmar was sexier imo

She's one of the most bangin women ever

>She looks like a blow up doll.
That's part of the appeal, she has turned herself from a real person into a living breathing bimbo fuck doll
She has degraded herself and stripped away her humanity just for the pleasure of others, if that doesn't give you a boner and make you want to pump a gallon of cum into her then you must be gay

I agree with the sentiment. I'm someone who actually looks at a lot of black girls and don't think her butt MUST be fake.

give her a nice wig and a purple dress and she's catwoman

Shit, I got lost in thought thinking about a total plastic bimbo fuckdoll like Nikki wearing a tight latex catsuit showing off her huge fake ass and big plastic tits and I think I slipped into a fap coma.

honestly she's not Catwoman material
I could see her being Bruce's GF like Silver St.Cloud

I love worshipping Nicki

I love all busty bimbo cocksleeves. Nikki, Alicia Amira, Nicolette Shea... any dumb slut with huge fake tits just makes me want to fap until I cum my brains out.

>solar sister
love how it's both an mlp and galaxy girls reference



so an ugly plastic baboon doll as catwoman?
dc never learns

Attached: batman superbat.jpg (590x984, 293K)

You couldn't handle her

God I need her bouncing on my dick in that getup.


Japan as well, you fag.

Attached: Japanese girls finally adapting.jpg (500x750, 65K)

That’s not even Nicki

Nicki is only 1/4th Indian

>being so much of a fucking ignorant normie to not realize you're promoting Tokenism
>All of these characters from comics and movies switching from white/white and redhead or ginger to black
Have fun with your hand me downs.

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>ywn be rich enough to fuck Nikki Minaj

Why live man

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Only ((liberals)) fetishise black people though

I’m down with this, she’d be the first superhero female who actually looks like a woman and not a 12 year old drag kid.

youre trading from racists for incels

Oh, this is why she looks like Alita, from that great movie here: - she is also to a huge extent artificial, and everybody hates her. When I write about her the threads are deleted. Misogynists. They hate cyberpunk girls in epic stories with romance, action, fun, and everything else.

>Black Panther

Guess I'll fap.

That looks

>Nicki Minaj also cast at Black Widow in upcoming MCU movie

Attached: nicki.jpg (574x811, 84K)

Stay butthurt, nazi

>Be black dude
>People always say Nicki has a great butt
>Say her ass is fake and terrible looking
>Other black dudes thinks I'm weird and gay for not wanting to "smash"
>Literally have a better ass than hers

I don't even get the comments on here, everything she has is fake and looks horrible, I never understood the interest with her

Attached: wha.jpg (912x636, 135K)

Lol, rightists are the biggest self shaming fetishists

>Literally have a better ass than hers

well you posting or what?


This is fuckign Lad Bible, it's fake as shit you idiots.

>Literally have a better ass than hers
Where's the proof

Attached: 1493323672887.jpg (380x380, 14K)

I love black women and [I'm so horny and lonely] but Rihanna doesn't do anything for me.

Same thing

Take my money

You're just a larp

you can't just say this and not post a pic...

The truth hurts doesn't it?

She's a normie teir black girl. Not much to her.

>Nicki Minaj also cast as Cheetah in upcoming Wonder Woman movie

All rightists are traitors

Go watch Guava Island. If that doesn't win you over then there's no help for you.

Attached: tG-0tEajMHokrp0cLN-vzw.jpg (750x424, 60K)


I just a took a pic but now I'm realizing that this is actually getting homo, so I don't know

Id actually watch this movie

She's a cartoony version of sexy.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Fucking based

She looks cute in that pic. I just don't think playing up the high-maintenance bitch works for her.

Stop it boner....

Attached: R+a+r+e+f+l+a+g+a+_84fb0f0e20058f67b658a2a899571102.jpg (200x200, 11K)

have sex

She looks like a real woman
But also, fuck yes cartoony proportions.

Honestly this. She's so exaggerated she either gets you rock hard or repulses you from uncanny valley.

At a point it was actually common black slang to call woman with extreme proportions toons. There's a lot more than people realize.

Literally most of what makes her sexy isn't real. I'm not even judging, and there are women with naturally cartoonish proportions, but Nicki Minaj isn't the real life cheesecake hill to die on.

I'm honestly not convinced she's all fake, though i wouldn't care either way. What she puts out there does it for me. She could be a literal toon. Fuck, she should have a show.


she probably struggles hard to fit her butt into jeans on a daily basis.

Everyone thinks Nikki Minaj had all sorts of surgery to look like that but the real truth is that Nikki Minaj was genetically engineered.

This is a positive

Of course she's not *all* fake but it's pretty established that her ass, titties, nose, lips, hair, skin are fake as fuck.
And that's without even talking about the cake of makeup she puts on.

And yeah as I said I'm not judging, let's just not pretend she's what a "real" woman looks like because as you say, she's basically a toon. Blurring the lines.

Theres been exactly as many black cinematic Catwomen as white. Even /pol/ tourists should know this

I'm down with this future.

Idk. I am talking about that butt. I was a fan early on, way before anyone was accusing her of it, and It was always big.


Attached: Nikki-Minaj.jpg (600x500, 63K)

How old is she even in that pic?
You seen her in the wonder woman costume?

>my biggest MOMMY!!! yet

You mean pics after surgery, where she wears a corset and with photoshop?

A ladies butt usually gets bigger as they age. I've just seen plenty of girls with her proportions.

That’s Vashtie Kola

This is young Nicki

Attached: 79A0DDDD-C58B-4B59-ACB6-E375C8FBECBC.png (620x460, 330K)

It's only a little gay, do it fag

I fucking knew those pics were never her.

I like them smaller:

same here, but they were natural.

I think her proportions just trigger white normies

I really need to get a job doing clickbait, look how fucking easy it is, everybody will just blindly believe anything you put in a headline as long as you word it correctly

>if that doesn't give you a boner and make you want to pump a gallon of cum into her then you must be gay
No, the only thing this shows is that you must be a sad man with a lizard brain

Sometimes this is how stuff starts.

Too bad, I thought Nicki was cute at some point.

No. Fat asses are a thing but hers is and looks unnaturral.

She's hotter than whatever that other pic was.

its like, sorry my butt is huge and im taking advantage of it.

who else is a singer lady with a huge butt?
no one.

everyone knows dolly parton for her country voice and her tits, no one gets mad over her and she grew up poor as hell.

>t. Miles Morales

Attached: donaldglover.jpg (1024x683, 202K)

It doesn't.

No. You are wrong.

I feel like you were trying to make a point

>who else is a singer lady with a huge butt?
>no one.
That was literally J.Lo's main selling point. Standards for "huge" have just changed.


I'm sure I didn't come into this thread for boner-related reasons, user. I'm just that invested in the comic movie making machine.

I'm sure that's why nobody accused her of having a fake ass ass. h8rs?

:,( she eventually had her butt reduced
I'm still soooo salty

Finally. The real Bimbo representation we needed.

Okay then, calm down now, nothing to be upset about because I don't like girls who look fake as shit even when they're 16.

She better go for the hammy Eartha Kitt style. That would be great.

>I'm a real artist!
>maybe if my butt is less huge people will realize that!

Attached: asdfhg.png (279x348, 67K)

I think she'd be great at that.

well she have a nice ass, plastic or not, i dont care

and only AFTER would she do that shameless booty video eventually.
While hot, just imagine what we lost.

I mean, I hope she doesn't have the ego to think she could pull off anything else.

user, what if I told you that people actually like being plastic; that people unironically go for fake and bask in the unnatural

Jesus Christ that song is Evanescence tier. How embarrassing.

That's hot, though.

Now this is a Selina I can get behind.

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>You've read Two Boys Ride a Harley
>Now get ready for Eight Boys Pet a Cat
>working title

I would act such a fool.

>No Nikki Minaj /ss/ doujin where she pops hordes of boy's cherries.

You mean like trannies?

it ain't just trannies

>When Wonder Woman is in Gotham

Attached: 1rc4kiyo1.gif (500x270, 941K)

Why not Asian catwoman?

Attached: 225fd7adeffdaafc5c2468222e3534f6.jpg (800x1066, 57K)

I'm really trying to imagine Nicki Minaj as Catwoman and I'm just not seeing it, not for lack of trying though.

>that kid trying to hide his boner

Also the one where she trains sissies.

I feel you. Celebrity drawn porn is such a bizarre part of drawn porn. It's mainly violent shit.
Such a waste.

>Catwoman vs Scarface

Attached: nicki-barbie-dreams.png (1200x630, 564K)

Leto's joker could actually make sense

This is not acceptable. Any fit black women would be miles better, but not Minaj.

Because my butt-lust was already covered by Karen Fukuhara.

Attached: Cm44VzvUEAAcwd2.jpg (958x1177, 153K)

Because it doesn't work with stereotypes.
Blacks have electricity, stealing and running fast, Asian have fire, mysticism and being maths.


Honestly speaking, what batman villain would you cast her as. I'm wondering if she could be a good poison Ivy.

Two Face

It always made "sense", they just didn't give him enough of a character to justify it.

If it was a comedy.

Ivy was always a bit more subtle than Nicki, at least Catwoman is really all about her body (language).

Lil Wayne as who? The Riddler?

>poison Ivy.

Attached: large.jpg (640x637, 68K)

Asians have stealing too. All races work as thieves honestly.

We've lived long enough to see Robert Pattinson fuck the shit out of Nicki Minaj

Click-bait or not, this thread has made my penis so on-board with this.

Yeah, I could see that coming out of giant deadly flower, tying you up and then kissing you to make her your slave (or kill you). Not perfect casting but certainly not terrible.

Love the look.

The big booty/THICC renaissance is still strong in Japan. We just need to plant this idea on some e-famous Japanese artist on twitter.

People need to rev up dem hashtags.


only if you think disliking land whales is a symtom of faggines...guess you must be a whale yourself lol or those that jack off inside a bowl of jelly

Attached: green tiddies.gif (268x268, 1.79M)

with a Taylor Swift Harley

Poison Ivy works better with little boys

Definitely someone stupider than that.

You will hopefully grow up one day

yaa bro, so hot !!

Attached: f69a011acca60ce9ee088b4407220277.jpg (634x999, 108K)

I wish she'd just do porn, christ

Attached: 1551634500878.jpg (465x523, 42K)

yeah and you still will be jacking off inside a bowl of jelly looking at fatties lmao

Huh. You know what that's pretty good, she definitely pulls the poisonous colorful attractiveness thing,
I don't know if she can pull talking in a non street-rat way though.


They have stealth, which granted works with stealing.

clay butt lmao

Attached: gtv clayface 180 lbs.jpg (329x499, 45K)

Rock Fact: Lil Wayne is actually well educated.

And? Whats the problem? Alita is now trending in iTunes: - You won't stop her by whining about good music or talking about big butts.

Attached: Alita05.jpg (2450x3510, 1.37M)

I wanted to play too, but i don't know enough of her catalog of videos. Have this instead.
those are lyrics

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Nigger do you think anyone here is worried about admitting they jack it to fatties
Get outta here, normal

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That doesn't make him not stupid.

Actually, fuck yes. Damn, sit on my face.

Christ! Was this OP's plan, all along?
I doubt it.

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Attached: Nocturna-DC-Comics-Batman.jpg (500x1174, 91K)

She's so on that edge, right?


Oh no, something I think sounds like shit that sounded like shit 15 years ago when it was popular is popular again, what shall I do?
I haven't watched the movie (despite watching the OAV 20+ years ago and loving it, and reding some later), honestly visually from what I've seen it's about as good as you could expect. but Jesus Christ that song is fucking turubl.

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>Harvey Dent

Attached: 2014-10-03-nic1.jpg (930x620, 102K)

There aren't very many women I'd pay another man to fuck but Nicki is a guilty pleasure
Are there any nudes of her out?

Attached: D-6WXsnW4AEUEal.jpg (639x638, 74K)

Thread is better than expected. Good job.

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I'm a straight white racist and I want to see your ass, you little bitch.

Now I'm wondering if I could buy a hood-rat Poison Ivy.
>Little inner-city Pamela Isley trying to break out of the bad side of Gotham with her thesis on plants. But Woodrue takes her thesis and takes full credit for it, and of course no one would believe some "hoodrat" came up with it. So she ends up using her research to get revenge on all of mankind by turning herself into a plant woman, the one things that have never let her down.
I'd watch it.

Sorry, Nomura called dibs.

Attached: nicki-minaj-b30c6c0e-3de4-43d7-8f99-48dd40ebad74.jpg (620x899, 87K)

Oh I'd pound Rebel Wilson like a jackhammer.

Nice. I bet with all her shoots, you could pick a pic for many bat villains.

Unlike my dick from watching this thread, it's not that hard, user.

That's he point though. That's how these popstars do it. That's how they make money. It clicked with me when I read someone saying Adriana Grande dressed and acted like jailbait ("and that's not okay" being implied).
As soon as they do porn they're devalued. I'm surprised it hasn't happened to more past their prime stars though.

Only like nip slips

There was that one time she had a nip slip during an outdoor concert.


There is literally nothing wrong with a race swap if the girl is hot. That's the secret. We don't care about black starfire or black ariel, just make them hot black girls.

Fuck Nicki Minaj really would work well as a villainess.

>that pic
>those lewds Necro drew of Sora fucking her
Man, I wish Necro didn't go full pedo. There's so many prompts here that are exactly his cup of tea.

Am I alone in thinking that Nicki going full pornstar would take away her edge? She would just be another good pornstar.


Not that user, or anons, but I was trying to join in on it with this but that character is pretty generic looking.

You're right. She's just too hot.

>teeny bopper Ivy caring for her potted plants right after her thesis is stolen, in a ratty ass apartment
>sirens are blaring in the distance, an eviction notice is hanging on the door, and there's a couple in an apartment upstairs beating the shit out of each other
>the lightbulb hanging above Ivy goes out, and few tears slip from her in the dark
>"Least you l'il niggas won't turn on me"

Attached: all around me are familiar faces.png (317x124, 71K)

Is there a good nickie pic for it?

Is OP still here? Are you mad, or glad, OP?

Attached: op hitting post on this thread.png (304x307, 87K)

>Little inner-city
>Pamela Isley
>trying to break out of the bad side of Gotham City
>getting her degree in plants and titties
Yeah there's definitely something there

Attached: 8-960-x-614-mc-solaar-sort-nouvel-album-geopoetique-2400x1200-c-center.jpg (2400x1200, 159K)

What? Her wearing a form-fitting long black dress? Bet there's tons. Shit, this would've worked for Nocturna

>Am I alone in thinking that Nicki going full pornstar would take away her edge?
No that was very much my point. Happened to Pam Anderson.

Post more replying to Maybe the rest of the thread can join in.

Attached: aid19742-900px-Laugh-Step-6-Version-3.jpg (900x675, 82K)

If god was real then artists like Van and Redfred would be drawing for this thread.

>Osnap Cobblepot

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You horny idiots don't get it. Selina has a firm, well toned ass. Nicki has a fat fake one. The issue? One isn't in shape, and sure as hell isn't sneaking into an exhibit stealing shit.

Attached: Catwoman frisk.jpg (800x518, 63K)

Oh she definitely has looks like that

She can definitely pull that look.

>close to 10 outfits that would work for The Trickster

Attached: Nicki-Minaj-Pink-Friday-Tour-at-The-Fox-Detroit-July-2012-Photo-Credit-Marc-Nader-1408.jpg (467x700, 579K)

Pretty low test of you

So mad. So sad.

She would just be a brat the whole time she's fighting Flash.

Attached: d13ac5462529dc31b446da37142e85c8.jpg (650x976, 133K)

I like it, I don't care about how old music sounds. Especially when I don't hear the age. Can't tell if it's from last week or from the 1999. Who cares about that? Following trends... Same argument with comics: 'This looks like the 90s.' I absolutely don't get this argument.

King Tut

Attached: iu.jpg (720x380, 35K)


>Low test
Right I'm the faggot who loves a real ass made from hard work instead of the disgusting shortstack with plastic shoved in her cheeks. Get some standards my man.


Look at women

>Batman:"Pamela...I understand what Woodroe did to you was despicable...but what you did to him..."
>Ivy: "Oh you 'understand'? What do you know!? Where were you, Batman? Where were you when that motherfucker took everything I worked so hard for? You don't understand Batman. You weren't there. The plants were."


Triplicate Gi- oh, wait. You said villains, right?

Laughing my ass ON for this one.

Unironically based.

Attached: e6e506195b1d7dbee47daac35845fcfa.jpg (2000x1340, 438K)

Unironically cute af

Selina is more about attitude than looks. That's why Pfeiffer pulled it off well.
You're right about her body type not fitting a cat burglar.

What the fuck does that even mean? Nicki's ass is confirmed plastic surgery.

You took mine.
I hesitated because it was too on the nose with Catwoman.




New Nickie for Batman thread?

Honestly I hate that the thread took this long to be about Nikki as other villains because I'm having way more fun doing this than the whole of the rest of the thread.

The point isn't that it sounds old, it's that it sounded like shit before it was old, to me, when I was young. I liked 90s cape comics art back hthen, even if I understand its "issues".
But hey, if you enjoy it, I'm happy for you.

Can Yea Forums have wholesome, friendly Nicki threads from now on? I like this thread.

Why do you always want to run something into the ground nu/co/?

Just going to answer my own and throw in Jenna Duffy Nicki for the sake of it.

Attached: latest.jpg (1560x532, 240K)

Ghetto talk is both cute and erection inducing for me


>cute, hot and personable
Yeah at this point I'm into it.

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You adding her GAWD at the end really did it for me on both accounts. I read it in her voice.

I'm disappointed my pic of her in a smoking and wondeisha "I WOKE UP LIKE THIS" that works as a penguin tail hait didn't get any love.


I hate cuz I love Ghetto talk but I can't write it. That doesn't stop me from making lots of ghetto girl characters though. Give me a ghetto girl JOI.

I like your optimism, but I doubt that a new thread, or any future Nicki-related threads, will be as fun as this one.

Attached: latest.jpg (400x345, 65K)

Thread MVP and user responsible for the post that's keeping me diamonds goes to:

Lucky user gets it. But won't stop me from riding this DC villain Nikki train until the bitter end. Might even draw a picture sometime in the future (though I dunno where I'd post it)

You're right. Let's hope it's fun when we insult each other in another thread.

Attached: we're all black friends.jpg (1000x600, 97K)

I nominate as a runner-up.

link some of your work so i can get my hopes up
also, just put it in any active drawthread that's up at the moment

I'm just so glad we could take a race baiting thread and turn it into a masturbating thread.

As Selina, or just ghetto talk in general
Either way, on it

Batman's stern demeanor juxtaposed next to her has endless potential for comedy, I'm telling you

Not my first time writing this kinda stuff, haha

Here's a peej thing I was doing for the PG thread before it died. (granted this took me a day)

Attached: Super girls1.png (1378x1026, 695K)

Seriously, though. Where you at OP? Give some final thoughts, motherfucker.

Requesting this but with Nicki dressed as Catwoman, or Ivy, and a bunch of Anons all around her, but actually all hugging her.

Yoto I swear to god, I'm expecting at least 3 images from you. You've done that amount for some throw-away furry threads, and you know this.

You know I don't want another thread. I just want Nicki to make a MJ-tier music video where she's Catwoman and her ass gets in the way.
Fuck someone call Justin Rolland, Steve Lieber and Ian Q.

Attached: sweating frenchman.jpg (1050x700, 105K)

True. But it's easy to do that. It takes me forever to draw more comic book-y stuff (especially if I'm trying to draw Nikki herself) Maybe I'll go for a Bruce Timm aesthetic to make it easier on me.

>Justin Rolland

Is that what happened? I don't recall that happening.

>comedy Batman
Best Batman.

Attached: batman's gonna get shot in the face.jpg (259x194, 9K)

You write Nicki Minaj fapfic? You're not one "those" are you? The people mentioned here

I wasn't going for competent or relevant, I was going for the only people relevant in entertainment who listen to Yea Forums sometimes.

>Bruce Timm Nicki
I'm curious.

You are DEFENDING black female 007. The absolute fucking state of you.

>page 8
Come on, why so gloom? There's still time.
Also, all you Kirby-heads. Is this New Gods-y enough?

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Attached: A92D202B-F054-478F-8A29-D163E7093D20.jpg (676x379, 326K)

I ask, because she's even got the form for it.

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Because what is beautiful must be destroyed

Hell yes

Should've kept it DC, chief.
DC Villains, really.

I meant it's not my first time writing ghetto dialect for smut reasons

Attached: 1517896090767.png (638x479, 363K)

Can you still nuke it, and start over?

Fair, I just couldn't find a Nicki relevant pic that wasn't used yet.

you do it

What's the rush? Posting's free, find a good pic. Plus people can still find it as long as you don't fuck up the Subject.

I'm mad that you made a new one. You're running this concept into the ground and you should've just let it die with this thread.
That said I'm gonna lurk in there so I'm part of the problem.

Fine, then. Give me a time deadline, chief. I mean it. Give it.
Don't be a dick and say "lol 2 minutes"

Nicki as Harley Quinn. You've got 15 minutes kid.

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