How does this work?

How does this work?

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Turkey baster, or hotdog in the hallway method

Truthfully, I'd love it if there was a running joke that worked like when Timmy's Dad tries saying his name where he's explaining how it happened, let alone worked to begin with, but a car drives by blaring its horn or a loud noise cancels it out, leaving as soon as he finishes with "And that's how we got Satina."

Determination. Maybe a bit of actual bedroom magic, too.

Confirmed by the creator a magic wand made his dick bigger

How big are we talking here?

Big enough. There's official art of the spell, someone is sure to post it shortly.

2% more

Big as an ant this big

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Shapeshifting. Her or the guy.


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whether it's a demon, dragon, or any other monster, shapeshifting is always such a shitty copout

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dickus biggus

It's inserted, crushed inside for the male juice and then revived afterwards.

Depends on one's fetish. I think Monster Girl Quest used it well.

Attached: dickus biggus.png (680x525, 77K)

Like this?

Yeah that
