Thoughts on Supergirl's new costume Yea Forums?

thoughts on Supergirl's new costume Yea Forums?

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This show is trash. In fact I'm almost certain this and the CW shows have shill threads on here

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Would prefer it if she wore nothing

I've never said this before about anything, but it looks gay


I'm not feeling those bangs.

No midriff no sell

Well she does have those sex pics...

She looks like a 40 year old woman desperately trying to look 30 because deep down she knows even she can't look 20 anymore.

looks better here than in that other pic, still needs something more to break up the blue. i like the idea of using a completely gold belt instead of red as the accent piece, since the red here is so muted anyways, but still it needs that break

i also think it would look a LOT better if it werent one piece and were pants/ a shirt instead

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I miss supergirls animated costume. This era of feminist prudefaggotry needs to get killed off already.

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Oof, I can see why women make a big deal about bangs, 'cause she certainly does not pull them off

Oh shut up. They're obviously going for the MoS costume.

Is that one fat Taylor Swift? show's dead anyway

This, I wasn't sure what I was seeing first time.

Maybe it'll look better in motion or something.

Yeah well it looks like shit, give me tummy action or give me death. Between this, batwoman, and TERFs of prey it seems DC is going full cucked mode.

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Based Johns saving us with Stargirl

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Ugly, put on the miniskirt without pantyhose.

It's.... just not good. Bland without any spark of cheekyness or fun or whatever you want to call it that Kara should have.

Bland and and not unique enough from Supes.
Somehow, this is empowering, I guess.

Looks ok for their budget.
Cool that they're taking inspiration from best Danvers

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Really bad compared to old one

>liking captain feminism

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Same problem as New-52 Superman's outfit, it needs something to break up the blue. It looks like she's wearing onesie pajamas. Also has her cape and boots always been that horrible darker colour? They look so bright in the show.

Again, why do cosplayers look so much better than the official actors/production?

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Well you know the feminists these days. Apparently for women to be empowered, they have to throw away all semblances of femininity and basically be men despite their hatred of men

mashallah finally these dirty kaffir women are dressing modestly

I guess since Jessica Jones ended, WB wants to attract the lady viewers who freak out if a woman is shown in a slightly sexy way.

Also, moms and their young daughters apparently watch Supergirl together, and the one thing that turns off female viewers is ‘role models’ that show looking sexy is bad.

D’oh, I meant ‘looking sexy is GOOD’. Viewers want their female characters to be as sexless and as unappealing to look at as possiable so they don’t think the characters exist for the ‘male gaze’.

Looks like my teacher i crushed on.

the bangs are not working. the hair is awful

the costume is ok, but cosplayers do better stuff than this

I wish Melissa Benoist was fat....

Pretty much this. Costume is fine, probably at least as good as the old one objectively. The hair is possibly due to just how used to her old look we all are, but it also might just not look great on her. Who knows, it could change over the season or something.

>Looks ok for their budget.
>Cool that they're taking inspiration from best Danvers
they should have done this costume while they had CBS money.

supergirl wore something like this on smallville comics

looks like something out of injustice

>I guess since Jessica Jones ended, WB wants to attract the lady viewers who freak out if a woman is shown in a slightly sexy way.
there is anal sex on jessica jones.

she could have had the damn skirt on that suit all i'm saying.

also we gonna see her butt in spandex

Why does she look so bad in this promo photo compared to off the cuff candid pics?

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>The hair is possibly due to just how used to her old look we all are, but it also might just not look great on her. Who knows, it could change over the season or something.
maybe, but most women can pull it off easier. I think this hair is kinda of too youthful, Melissa is over 30.

Have they done a CWverse Injustice storyline yet? Just have Supergirl take over the world.

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She looks like Allison Mack in a Superman suit. Taking inspiration from Cap Marvel is just plain wrong.

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I want to kiss her.

It looks like it was made for a man. What's with all the extra crotch room?

Looks like she's ready to call evil's manager.

She's not standing in a fucking dingy wearhouse for one. Still looks awful, though.

And supergirl is a family show. What of it?

Slater > Vandervoort > Benoist

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Popeye's Chicken>all of them

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>Fuckin' the aspect ratio
Are you retarded?

Vandervoort shouldn't even be on the list.

Same problem as new 52 Superman with the top collar. She looks like a dictator now.
>Vandervoort shouldn't even be on the list.
No, she deserves to be on the list.

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I didn't make it

Not only does she steal definitive storylines and characters from her cuz but now in universe her costume is practically a facsimiles. Fucking awful.

Why do they like that overhanging clasp shit so much. It's ugly and the shield is way too small now.

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She looks old ,like in her 40s.


She looks like Super Mom now.

>Not only does she steal definitive storylines and characters from her cuz
Who cares? Not like WB will sign off on a Superman show while they're pushing him for movies. We're lucky he was even allowed to show up, considering stupid internal WB rights shit.

Yeah, the bangs need to go. The costume is a big meh.

>Not like WB will sign off on a Superman show

And thank god for that. The last thing we need is a CW Superman show

.how long do you think we have until all super heroines are wearing Burka,s.

I Would have preferred a leotard

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>who cares
Yes, who cares they put zero care into the show and can't execute a damn thing wothout bastardizing it and can't have her stand on her own without incessantly cheating off her cousins sheet of paper almost every episode. At least before she looked hot now the show doesnt even have that going for it. Just horrible writing and nothing else.

>The last thing we need is a CW Superman show
This. After Supernatural ends I'm out. It's the only show that brings me back to the CW.

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Terrible costume, terrible hairstyle. Boo.

Grandma pants
DC is not based anymore

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Carol fags is a lost case lmao

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She really doesn't. Her character on the show was shit and she's the most basic bitch of them all in terms of looks. Never understood what so many people were lusting after her back when the show was on.

>Pretty cute face

>Nice tits

>Great hips

>Amazing legs

>Costume accurated

Yes, it's a cosplay!
they would not do something with all these requirements together


She don't look happy

>looks ok for the budget
And what's Disney excuse for rolling out that cheap dud? Had to save up for that terrible cgi cat huh.

Fuck the suit, give her a haircut
There should be some red at the crotch though

>Based Johns saving us with Stargirl

Supposed to be 14. Played by a 20 year old. Ugg.

Pic is the only good portrayal of her.

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Cosplays only look good in static shots.

To bad jla was cancelled. Such a good show.

the bangs really do not work.

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Love the show but I'm not digging the costume but whatever.