How would Batman handle his Chinese electricity powered counterpart?
How would Batman handle his Chinese electricity powered counterpart?
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He'd probably get got pretty fast. I don't even think they'd become friends or something like that. I think Bats would underestimate and get zapped.
I need to rewatch this shit. It was alright. Fantastic soundtrack throughout. Soul Fusion and Deadly Work give me goosebumps.
prep time > chinese batman
I'd be shocked if Batman's suit wasn't shock resistant. Then again Hei's real power wasn't electricity anyway, and he was fighting contractors before he even had powers. I figure he could take Batman down, but it would be a very fought battle,
In some cases Batman's suit itself has electric shocks for when people try to unmask him and of course he carries a taser.
Thinking about it a lot of contractors would make pretty decent Nightwing rogues as far as like spy stuff goes.
by using non-chinese electricity to reverse the polarity
probably something like this
Hei will die.
But his soul will chose to go back in time, the the time when he was happiest, and he will be at season 1 first episode.
Suou who loves Hei want to be with him too and want to be in a time when Hei'd love her, but since he already loves Yin she'll go back in time before Hei is born, and became his mother.
If they go in blind: Hei easily.
If they go in with full knowledge of each other: Depends if Batman can make some bullshit atom-armor.
Remember Hei doesn't actually shock people, he fucks with them on an atomic level, bypassing most forms of durability.
The moment Hei touched Batman it'd be over, even if Batman was the better fighter overall and would win in the end, Hei would no doubt still be able to land blows.
What's this thing?
Chinese electric Batman.
>Molecular/Electricity Manipulation: Hei possesses the ability to generate and discharge electricity through conductive media (i.e. he cannot discharge it through air or concrete) at sufficiently high amounts to kill grown men or short out a building's electrical systems. The power is more than simple electric shocks, as he can alter matter on the quantum level. He has shown the ability to transform integral particles on the quantum level. He is capable of special particle luminance, meaning he is able to change molecules similar to how humans are changed into contractors. This ability is also one of the most, if not the most, powerful and coveted powers known as it is the only one capable of altering gate particles at will. This ability is not actually his as he is really only human, but it was granted to him when his sister fused with him. While in possession of the Meteor Fragment, Hei's powers were amplified to the extent that he was able to destroy a large portion of South America almost effortlessly.
Now this would be a nice deathbattle to have.
mfw, after years of having come in contact with this meme and even shitposting it myself, I finally realized this is the ending to Shadow Hearts 2, while playing the actual game
First season is good. Second is a bunch of garbage with a godawful faux-deep ending that shat on everything the first season did right.
I liked this take on electricity powers.
And stay there
There is no second season.