I heard Magiswords was bad, but I'm watching it and it's pretty ok so far.
I like how spastic it is.
I heard Magiswords was bad, but I'm watching it and it's pretty ok so far
It reminds me of an 80s cartoon
Mighty Magiswords gets a too much of a bad wrap. It was a fun show with great side characters, pic related.
that's your problem
Grey DeLisle pretty much carries the show by having an insane amount of fun as Vambre.
I kinda feel like they could have done more to make her look *less* like Lina Inverse, but w/e. it's a parody show.
Well, ever since episode came out, I liked them personally. It's a love it or hate it thing.
BTW, is MM being released on Blu-Ray more or less likely than Gargoyles revival?
I like the thicc waifus, leotards, and the fantasy setting. The ADHD speed and accordion music is a little headache inducing but it'ยข fine in small doses.
Just let anons and youtubers form it for you, like everyone else!
>I like how spastic it is.
That seems to be the point of division with the show.
It's fun if you like spastic lolrandumbxd cartoons, but the lack of focus made its days numbered and Grey was more or less carrying the whole thing herself.
Best danger noodle.
Personally I find the spastic energy more enjoyable in short bursts.
A full 11 minutes of it can get a bit grating, but that's just me.
the characters were a lot more interesting than the stories they appeared in
>I kinda feel like they could have done more to make her look *less* like Lina Inverse,
Would she still be hella thicc?
Lina isn't thicc, she's classic slender bishoujo style. Moeblobs and titty monsters didn't start dominating anime until the mid-2000s.
Hey, I would. But she's not real, that's the problem.
Lina is fiery and short tempered and greedy. Vambre is classy for most of the time, and isn't as greedy. They are more different than what anons say.
I haven't done an edit of this show in a while.
Well lucky for you I made a bunch of screencaps for that edit thread a few days ago, if you're saying you want to do some.
OP I hate to tell you this but you have ADHD. You'll also like Ultimate Spider-Man. There's endless stuff happening and people talking nonstop and there's always a joke for you to laugh at.
I'd love to do some. Do you have Vambre, by chance?
It borderline doesn't needs it.
Oh, the characters themselves are different enough, I just don't like that her design is basically "palette swap Lina" with a bit of FFVI Celes thrown in.
She did her no justice. Kyle did nothing wrong.
A have a few of Vambre, Simone and Sparkles
But user, she travels with a titty monster in the OVAs.
Ooh, that's always appreciated. You know what, I'll try an edit for each girl.
Mostly ass shots
Actually in immediate retrospect, Vambre kinda looks like a Naga and Lina fusion.
Now Simone
>titty monsters didn't start dominating anime until mid-2000s
When Gourry meets Lina in the very first episode, he laments that she is a small breasted little girl and not a luscious babe of greater endowment.
and Sparkles, I have others but I think I'll let you work for now.
Thanks again. I appreciate the high quality shots, and I'm an ass man myself.
please do something with buff Simone.
what are the best episodes
Every one with Morbidia or with Nohyas.
Season 1: Continue?, Squideo Games, Hunting for Scavengers, Cave of Gelatinous Doom!
Season 2: The Incredible Tiny Warriors, Ain't That a Kick in the Side, The Satus of Cattus, Mall of Shame, Forever a Fishstick, Train on a Snake
I definitely missed a few though
Magiswords was Amazing, SU is Bad and Worse
Someone Upload all 92 episodes from the 2 Seasons to download.
The only thing I haven't seen links for are the AA shorts and the regular shorts
Case Clothed
Surely you Jest-O
Mushroom Menace
Flirty Phantom
The Wrath of Neddy
Felonious Prose
Working for Scales
Potion in the Ocean
Gotta get Grup to Get Down
Thick as Thieves
Biggest Fan
Dungeons and Dayjobs
Little Sword of Horrors
Gut Feelings
The Tome of Morrow
Share and Share Dislike
The Saga of Robopiggeh
Bad Man Oldman
Witchy Simone ruins everything
Action Comedy
Bad Heir Day
Random Acts of Memory
They See me Trollblin
The Cave of Gelatinous Doom
Squideo Games
Sibling Sorcery
Don't Read the Comments (my favorite)
Hoppus the Hunted
Hunting for Scavengers
Letter Wronging Campaign
Unconventional Dolphinism
Taming of the Swords
School's In
Quest for Knowledge
I think I listed 90% of season 1 but I mostly picked my favorites, it has pretty good episodes and of all things, it has continuity so previous plot points are gonna get referenced later on.
I think it's shit but mostly because the "John K/Spumco/Ren and Stimpy" wannabe art doesn't work unless you use traditional animation instead of flash.
Her being upset with her "small" chest is a running gag, despite the fact that they're C-cups any time she's in a shirt or naked.
>I still have that fucking drive link
Adventure Academy + the last 3 5-min shorts
the rest and the 3-min shorts are on youtube.
if i may make a suggestion for this one, make her nightie transparent.
Does anyone have Noville's GF in better quality?
All that's missing is Bimm
>never got Morbidia in her black floss bikini
it's not fucking fair we need season 3.
What Kyle basically told the world is keep supporting the shows as it is now, and MAYBE someday far away we will get more episodes.
It was good wholesome cartooning, but a bit annoying at times.
Thanks duder
Give me your Magiswords crossover art please.
I remember being so into SU then I realized it didn't turn into trash it was always trash. Magiswords was a great show to move into and at the time I remember the fandom being super chill.
I wished the show had more world building, that would have been so great
I have this hypothesis that he'll pitch a sequel show to Adult Swim and double down on the waifu sex appeal and Boomer references
Well, it needs to turn enough of a profit to convince any producer.
He certainly won't with Magiswords, but perhaps if he got involved in other people's projects he might be given a pitch offer. But I think it'd be a really stupid move to pitch adult Magiswords instead of a new idea.
Didn't they just steal that character from DotA?
Why NOT pitch the only original thing you ever done that got picked up?
I don't think producers like seconds but who knows it could be something like the adult swim Hanna Barbara shows.
I love Vambre in this outfit.
I feel sorry for Kyle, he gets too much shit and he had to work as fucking uber driver for a time.
So they're fucking, right?
>Dude opens himself up for commissions at the beginning of the month with the intention of having slots open each week
>Gets a cavity a few days after the first set and says he can't focus on drawing
>2 weeks later and still hasn't announced new slots open
Man I just want to get a Witchy Simone pic done by him.
her cankles bother me
Where are the Morbidia edits?
I'm not particularly fond of it but I am very fond of your improvements to it.
I was aware Luke was doing this but I didn't know Kyle had as well.
I want Vambre to do awful sexual molesty things to me.
That smile is a bit unsettling
Stop watching tumblr shows.
I like you
Were you still intending to do some for the other caps posted?
I don't care if it is bait, fuck you and fuck a little more of humanity.
I wish she was showing a little more skin but holy shit that's a fine booty.
is that you SB99 doing these edits?
This show is autistic fodder for the ADD generation.
Definitely agree with this. I would love to see a Vambre version of this edit
Sure thing, I can do that.
I wonder how much Arin was paid per episode
I would assume the same as the other VAs.
that's a keeper.
I love it.
>dude there are like 1000000 different swords
I liked it more than SU - than again, anything's better than SU... Except Victor & Valentino (seriously, you only watch that show for the girls in it.). Too bad the way it ends sucks.
>it's hard to yell at Bimm because she's so darn cute!
Kyle knew exactly what he was doing when he was making her.
>I like how spastic it is.
Well, most people didn't.
dead joke
I hate that male character's design and it's made me never want to give a shot.
Pic related is the reason why I wonโt watch this show and why I donโt care.
I have too many screenshots from this show.
That's not a bad thing
>Fourze shirt
>autistic color palette
>side burns
Never fucking mind.
Who are you trying to fool? Vambre's the type who goes commando
Take your (You) and get the fuck out of here.
Makes sense given her normal outfit.
I think Fรผd looks better in a one piece.
Can't believe it took this one for anyone to mention Danelda
Her arc was ruined do to running out of time in the series, and she's a fun bun.
I'm the Slayers autist who necrobumps Slayers threads on Yea Forums, oftentimes going without sleep to do so.
I'm upset.
I know that feel cause I do the same thing for these threads.
Have my mediocre paint edit.
More Danelda.
Sure, here you go.
They're siblings so no.
There's still few episodes of Season 2 to download.
to me the only negative thing on the show was the whole magisword gimmick, it felt so tacked on, you could remove it completely and just keep the adventuring and the show wouldn't miss anything.
Other than that the rest of the show was pretty good i think.
I really hate his drawing style with a passion. It's like Chris Chan doing Spumco style.
more 90s, because it rips off of slayers.
Was he the best talking magisword?
For a shy cat she sure liked to show some leg.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Still hoping/waiting for Simone butt edit.
nice, thanks user.
>thighs for hire
Standing, front and back.
Sitting on you, reverse and regular.
On top of you, face down and face up.
I guess that thing where she's got her legs crossed and you do it like in-between but also in the back of the knee?
Beach time
best time
You know it.
i never thought this art-style could be arousing
Glad we could change your mind on that.
Does anyone have more Vambre screencaps? And feel like talking about her?
Let's see what I got
Do you just want solo Vambre or having other characters okay too?
Solo Vambre preferred, but I don't mind either, as long as you have some good shots of her that could use more curves.
She really has nice thighs.
still coming
What do you feel like talking about?
well, this is a universe where even dragon girls have D's despite not even being mammals. so Lina is a plank, converted in our universe standards.
Mainly her curves, and I just really like her design.
Ooh, this one a perfect to edit.
I think that's about it
Thanks. A few of these are great to work with.
Maybe she's stuffing.
Yeah that was it for my Vambres. If you want any Simones or Morbidias let me know, I even have a few Tara Bytes if that interests you too.
Once again, I thank you for delivering such high quality shots.
Oh man those thighs
Is this show any good?
If you like goofy shows that don't rely that much on an overarching story you would enjoy it
i like it because it never took itself that seriously like most CN shows.
There's no shortage of buxom ladies if that means anything to you
who's that
Steel Magnolia
>Enter Spa
>See this
Wat do?
Looks good, can we expect more?
Absolutely, working on another edit right now. Normally I'm an ass man, but Vambre's putting me in a thigh mood today.
Ask the ladies if the bashful cat girl is hiding in the mud
I kinda hate the gimmick and the sword design, but it was alright otherwise.
I don't think that would be good for her fur.
>Kamen Rider Fourze
breddy gud
More Vambre.
I've only got two arms to throw over their shoulders, so they're going to have to play rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to sit in my lap.
post the nude variant
I agree we definitely need more Vambre.
i want an edit that gives Vambre a noticeable cameltoe.
It's those thighs, user.
Do you have any for Morbidia? I usually make her very busty.
sure thing
If you want to remake an old one in better quality
If you want to play with text some more
still have a few more
Thanks again. I'll use one of these tonight.
text so I can post
maybe a couple of more, maybe not
This is good, dude. Thank you.
Okay, the rest of the regular caps I already had edited versions and I wasn't sure if you wanted to do stuff with them.
Ooh, interesting. Well, I could enhance that butt a bit if you'd like.
Sure if you want to throw it in as a bonus go right ahead.
Are you more of a tits or ass kind of person?
Right now I've been focusing on the rump, if you couldn't tell from the first set of caps I posted earlier, but tits are great too.
God I love these threads and I love this stupid show.
What do you enjoy most about it?
This show still going?
I never really gave it much thought, I guess it's the shape. A nice sized butt is better than a good pair of tits, but again normally I don't sway hard one way or the other I've just been in an ass mood lately.
It ended in May.
It would've been nice if it didn't have a Harvey Birdman like release schedule for it's new episodes.
Princess Zange didn't get enough love.
I liked the art style.
It's just the pacing is so fast and the characters are so loud it gives me a headache.
She was waiting for you to give it to her
The shape of a butt matters a lot more than size for me, but yeah, I tend to go both ways as well.
She's very cute. I've always seen her with a chubby bodytype.
Thanks again for these pics.
Not a problem, it's been great getting new edits.
I'm always up for making more, I like these girls a lot.
Like I've said I still have a Simone and Tara Byte and a few of other characters *cough* Zange *cough*. Just say the word and they're yours.
Ooh, well what do you have for Zange? I could make her my last for tonight.
Sorry took me a bit to clean them up
I love that butt.
Thanks, these look really sharp. I can work with one of these pics for sure.
and last
Once again, thanks for the fun. I wanted to ask you, do you make screencaps for other series?
Nah, only Magiswords. I usually make them for nsfw purposes, you know character refs for stuff I want drawn in the /aco/ drawthread or just straight for the /aco/ edit thread.
Since I only do Magiswords caps I guess if you want more for stuff over here just tell me the character and I'll see what I can come up with.
I'll definitely love to discuss some stuff with you sometime, with Magiswords characters and more.
Yeah that sounds okay
Well no one's helped you so far so here you go.
All we need is Baryl back drawing and then this thread would be the absolute best it could be.
Kandy Carrots anyone?
Oh wow, thought she was average height.
All the rabbit people are smaller than humans
Don't ask where it came from. It's puppy. You like puppies? Here's a puppy.
Don't you dare compare Lazzo's artstyle to the trash heap that is Chris Chan again.
Is there one?
I want porn about her with her beloved partner Jack Hoppity. Some of that good money i'll pay for it.
Titty Simone
Guess we calling her squirt for a different reason now.
Man I wonder what old boy is up to now.
I can understand if he got bored of making Mighty Megasword stuff, but I've seen nothing from him in months.
Always a shame to see content creators go dark for long periods.
This was the last piece I've seen him post in a drawthread.
I just hate how it got fucked over by CN. They never even gave it a chance.
They didn't even give the final episodes any sort of promotion.
How long ago did he do that?
Early April
>Baryl's been gone since early April
>Tumblr deleted without a trace, thanks to their little purge
>Imgur wiped clean for unknown reasons
>One show that kept him tied here is over, the other is in hiatus
God, I hope we see him again soon.
If not here specifically, then out in the world doing something fun.
Wait, the girl actually does have big breast and it wasn't just edits?
Its pretty obvious that she and her brother were based off Lina and Gory though.
Not that I mind, Slayers was great.
Yes, the women in this series actually have breasts.
wtf i love magiswords now
No new edits today?
I'm honestly surprised the thread is still up desu.
Potentially getting new content made tends to help incentivize keeping them alive.
I might try this out.
Go for it
I miss slayers
Pump you up
That's a really good butt right there
Nice Simone. She's a real cutie.
You bet she is.
I'll let her crush my dick
I love her
this is the real problem, swords overpowered the lore and the thighs
Have you forgotten her?
I feel like you might as well just watch Slayers instead of this thing.
Not dead yet
Very soon though.
Everything's gone pear shaped
Bump with ghost tee-tas
>ghost tee-tas
I feel like I ended up having a thing for asses attached to wispy tails like that
I can understand that.
Adventure Academy
Live dammit
The new edits kept the thread alive but they seemed to have dried up
What the fuck does that mean?
No fucking clue
join in with someone participating in extreme sports. i.e.; skateboarding.
still waiting for cameltoe edits
This is the only one I have.
pretty good
I wish Magisword or Slayers had more porn.
Be the change you want to see, go request stuff over in the drawthreads or commission something.
I'm honest to god considering it.
I need more Vamber in my life.
I know that feel, been consistently trying to get new pieces done over in /aco/, also still waiting to capitalize on this